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Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
Amrita School Of Engineering

Date Event Venue

13/0​8​/2019 Rally pertaining to Amrita Vishwa

'Tree plantation’. Vidyapeetham and
Ettimadai village ,

"Tree plantation campaign "

This campaign is conducted every year where students actively take part in
planting trees. NSS students from all six NSS units gathered & cheerfully
participated in the campaign. NSS volunteers were taken to the fields near
Ettimadai village and Amrita University for the plantation drive . Students carried
posters those portrayed the importance of tree plantation, as a group they planted
the saplings and watered them.

Through this campaign:

1.The volunteers learnt the importance of teamwork.

2.Students realised that as individuals one should have responsibility towards
nature because they contribute a lot to our environment and play a vital role in our
This campaign was really enlightening for the volunteers.

The students enthusiastically participated and voiced their views on the importance
of plantation through slogans and jingles.

The programme began with the blessings of Swaami Tapasyamrita

Dr.S.Mahadevan(Deputy Dean,Amrita School Of Engineering) inaugurating the
plantation drive

Dr.D.Venkataraman (NSS Coordinator/Nodal officer –JAL Shakti Abhiyan)

addressing the gathering
Students planting saplings as a team and watering them.
Students with posters raising awareness

Students planting at saplings at Ettimadai, Coimbatore

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