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The following questionnaire contains 35 items that ask you how you feel about yourself
and your life situation at your organization. To complete the questionnaire, check þ the number
that best represents how closely you agree with the statement at the present time. Check only one
number for each item. To change an answer, draw an X through the incorrect response and check
the desired response. All questionnaire data will be confidential.

1=strongly agree 2=agree 3=neutral 4=disagree 5=strongly disagree

Kindly put a check þ in the box corresponding to your answer below.


5 4 3 2 1
ITEMS strongly strongly
agree neutral disagree
agree disagree

1. The organization provides appropriate

working environment conducive for work.

2. You feel comfortable with the work

environment and your personal values are a
good fit with the organizational.

3. The quality of material provided by the

organization to perform your job is good.

4. New methodologies of work have been

introduced in the organization.


1 2 3 4 5
ITEMS strongly strongly
agree neutral disagree
agree disagree

6. Your attitude towards your work and/ or

organization has become more positive. You
spend quality time more useful than before.
7. You have a cordial relationship with your
subordinate/ co-worker.

8. You receive proper appreciation for your

work. The management gives honest and
constructive feedback on your performance.

9. You have the knowledge and/ or the skills

to do your job properly.

10. Teamwork is highly valued in your


1 2 3 4 5
ITEMS strongly strongly
agree neutral disagree
agree disagree

11. Your organization culture is competitive.

The organization’s core values, goals and
strategy are clear. The management gives a
clear job objectives and instructions.

12. You feel comfortable working here and

willing to put a great effort to help the
organization be successful.

13. You are happy with your own leadership


14. The work has become more interesting.

The management encourages employee skill
flexibility to improve performance.

15. You are proud working for this



ITEMS 1 2 3 4 5
strongly strongly
agree neutral disagree
agree disagree

16. The organization provides health, accident

insurances and other fringe benefits to the

17. You have been informed about all the

management policies, rules and regulations.

18. The management solves most of your


19. Organization is concerned for social

welfare thus decisions taken by the
organization concerning employee welfare are
continuously communicated to the employees.

20. In general, you are satisfied with the

safety and security measures given by the

Adapted: M. Muzammil. (2012), A Study on Organizational Culture

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