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Andiyan by John Roa: A Reaction Paper

John Roa, a 23-year-old Filipino singer-songwriter and a former member of

Ex Battalion, released his lead single entitled Andiyan with a confined melody that
brings every audience in awe once indulged by the entire song and its music
video. The central message of the song is that even at one's darkest and lowest
moments in life, someone will always be alongside. Whenever one feels like alone
and helpless, remember that there will always be someone who will never give up
helping no matter what.

Andiyan is a promising music video, along with its heartfelt lyrics. Its video
interpretation made it more emotional because it shows how the artist expressed
gratitude to the people for sticking with him during hard times. It is also relatable
for the people who encounter the similar thing he did— being overwhelmed and
tedious, making it difficult for one to continue living. At the same time, he sings
the line “Buti na lang at andiyan ka,” as there is a rising positive climax that helps
highlight the removal of the blindfold while the lead character continues to stare
at the light part of the room, symbolizing that there will always be hope for those
who are struggling.

Everything about the song is smooth yet covers emotionally and meaningful
lyrics. It is a very powerful song to hear, especially to those who have felt all of
life's problems to be too much to bear. Finally, Andiyan is such an underrated
song. Everyone has their preferences in types of music genres they listen to.
However, this song deserves to be recognized as it uplifts one’s emotions and
boosts motivation in continuing to move forward in different journeys in their lives.

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