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Project Planning 4/40

A. Quantity take-off methods
B. Cost estimating
C. Project schedules
D. Activity identification and sequencing

A. Quantity take-off methods CERM ch 80 & CEAIO ch 510,

1. Volume of Concrete (Cubic Yard “CY”)
yard3 ∗ ∗ ∗ 1 %
" " 27 , " " 43560
145 145 150
2. Pounds of Rebar for concrete (pounds “lbs”)

490 " " 7.85

3. Pounds of Steel in beams (pounds “lbs”)

490 " " 7.85

4. Square Foot of Contact Area required for Formwork ( , , )
∑ ∑ ∗
5. Square Foot of Roofing Materials ( )
To calculate the surface area of inclined roofs
1- Find Slope of Roof = rise ft ∶ run ft “i.e 1:6”
2- Calculate
3- Total Surface Area=(projection Area in plan )×Slope Factor
6. Determine the number of sheets of Plywood (sheets)

4 ∗8 4 ∗ 10 4 ∗ 12
7. Determine the tonnage of Asphalt (ton):
∗ ∗
145 " "
8. Determine the number of Bricks (each)

Standard brick size is 8in x 2.25in x 3.75in, mortar size is 0.5in , brick Area 8 2*0.5 x 2.25 2*0.5 9in x 3.25in

Question #4: concrete formwork:
Using the below concrete dimensions what
would be the total SFCA of formwork

∑ ∗
=2*(3*12+2)in*(40*12+6)in + 2*(3*12+2)in*(
(1*12+6)in = 2*38in*486in+2*38in*18in
= 38304 in2 266

B. Cost estimating CERM ch 87 & CEAIO ch 501
1- Cost components
∗ 1 % %

+… ect.
$ unit ∗
$ ∗
$ $
$ ∗ ∗
Overtime is more than 40hrs in any given Sunday through Saturday period.
Typically any hours worked beyond 8hrs per day is paid at 50% extra, known as time and a half.
Usually workers get paid double time on Sundays and holidays.
Payroll Burden = FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) + FUI (Federal Unemployment Insurance) + SUI (State Unemployment
Insurance) + WC (Worker’s Compensation), and other payroll burdens as mandated by legislation.

2- Depreciation ‫ النقص‬CERM ch 87.35,36,37,38,39 & CEAIO ch 501,page 1005

Used for calculate the book value for assets‫( األصوال‬equipment,….) at certain time during assets lifetime.

a- Straight line method

where C initial value ”Cost”, Salvage value at n, n lifetime

b- Book Value BV CERM ch 87.39

where j the year where BV is needed to be calculate, i.e if salvage value at n=10 is $100, and initial cost is $1000,
$ $
the booking value at year j=4 is $ $
$ $
the booking value at year j=10 is $ $

3- Cash Flow Diagram CERM ch 87.6,7

Consist of:
The horizontal axis, which presents time t.
Vertical arrows at a certain time,↑ upward arrows presents Receipt cash, profits.
↓ Downward arrows presents Expenses or costs.

4- Payment Equivalence CERM ch 87.10-16, App 87.A & CEAIO ch 501,page 987
Methods used to calculate equivalent Future worth “value” F of a present worth “value” P or Annuity A after a certain
no. of years n with respect of annual interest rate i

Present value P: a one-time cash flow that occurs now (i.e., at t = 0)

Future value F: a one-time cash flow that occurs after a finite duration (at t = n)
Annuity ‫ قسط‬A: a constant value cash flow that starts at t = 1 and recurs for n time periods
Gradient series G: a uniformly increasing (arithmetic) finite cash flow series that has value zero at t = 1, value G at t = 2,
2G at t = 3, etc., ending at a value (n – 1)G at t = n.

Question #1 Crew Cost
What is the cost per hour of a crew that requires 3 Masons and 2 Carpenters? Masons cost $70/hr and carpenters
cost $30/hr.
Solution #1:
3 ea masons @$70hrand 2 ea carpenters @$30hr 3 $70/hr 2 $30/hr $ /

Question #2: Labor Overtime

 A mason works 11 hours per day from Monday to Friday.
 He works 7 hours on Saturday and 7 hours on Sunday.
 The mason gets time and a half on any hours beyond 8 hours during the week day, time and a half on
Saturdays, and double time on Sundays.

How many hours is the Mason entitled to?

Solution #2:
Step 1:Find Straight Time=Mon−Fri=40hrwk=40hrs
Step 2:Find OT during the week=11−8=3hrs×5days=15hrs @ time and a half =15hrs×1.5=22.5hrs
Step 3:Saturday=7hours ×1.5=10.5 hrs
Step 4:Sunday=7 hours ×2=14hrs
Step 5:Total Hrs=40hrs+22.5hrs+10.5hrs+14hrs=

Another Solution #2:

8 ∗5 40
3 11 8 ∗5 ∗ 1.5
7 ∗ 1.5 7 ∗2
40 22.5 10.5 14

Questions #3:
Find Hourly Cost of Carpenter (Base Pay + Payroll Burden + Fringe Benefits (40hr/WK + 8hrs on Saturday @
Carpenter’s Base Wage = $45/hr
Unemployment Insurance = 3% of actual wages employer will pay "Cost
Social Security tax = 6% of actual wages employer will pay "Cost
Workman’s Comp = 7% of base wages workman’s compensation benefits
Fringe Benefits = $5.30/hr Additional Benefits
General Liability Insurance = 4.5% of base wages employer will pay "Cost

Solution #3:
Step 1:Find Weekly Base Wage:$45hr 48hrs $2160wk
Step 2:Weekly Actual Wage:40hrs 8 1.5 52hrs $45hr $2340wk
Step 3:Add insurance and benefits:
$2340/wk .03 unemployment of actual wages $70.20/wk
$2340/wk .06 Soc.Sec. of actual wages $140.40/wk
$2160/wk .07 WorkComp of base wages $151.20/wk
$2160/wk .045 GenLiability of base wages $97.20/wk
$5.30 48hr $254.40
Fringe Benefits
hr wk wk
Step 4: Sum all costs:
Weekly cost $2340 $70.20 $140.40 $151.20 $97.20 $254.40 $3,053.40/wk
Hourly cost $3,053.40/wk/ 48hr $63.61/hr

Question #4: Labor Overtime Calculation

The total duration of a project was estimated as follows:
522 working days at 6 days per week and 10 hr a day of work
30 days (10hr per day) for contingencies such as bad weather and hours worked on weekends and holidays
Labor Agreement & Labor Premium:
50% Time and a half for work during week
80% Time and a half for work during weekend
The labor agreement defines the regular work day as an 8 hr-long week day. What is most nearly the overall
labor premium rate for the project?

Solution #4:
Step 1: Total Weeks of Job Straight Time 87 weeks or 522days×10hrs/day
=5,220 hrs total+30days ×10hrs/day=5,520 Total Hrs
Step 2:Find Total Straight Time Hours= 40hrs/week×87 weeks=3480 hrs Straight Time
Step 3:Find Total Overtime Hrs During Work Week=2hrs day×5days/week×87 weeks
=870 OT Hrs × 1.5premium=1305 Hrs Straight
Step 4:Find Total OT Hrs During Weekends=10hrs×87 weeks=870 OT Hrs × 1.8 Premium=1566 Hrs Straight
Step 5: Find Contingency Hrs=30days ×10hrsday×1.8premium=540 Hrs Straight
Step 6: Sum of Straight Hrs+Sum of OT Premium HrsTotal Hrs =3480+1305+1566+5405520
= Total Premium=1.248 or 25%

Question #5: Engineer Fill – Haul & Placement Costs

A job requires specially engineered fill to be hauled from storage to the job site, then placed and compacted.
Given the following information, what is the installed cost ($/yds) of the fill most nearly:
Compacted volume required at the job site = 15,000yds
Compacted unit weight of fill = 140lb / ft^3
Distance from storage site to job site = 32mi
Average truck speed = 32mph
Truck Capacity (Net) = 50,000lb
Truck load time = 25min
Truck un-load time = 10 min
Truck operating cost = $80/hr
Cost of fill at storage facility = $3 / TN
Cost to place and compact fill = $0.50 / yd

Solution #5:
$3 ft 140lb 1Ton
Step 1: Material Costs 15,000 yds 27 $85,050
Ton yd ft 2,000lbs
32 mi 2
Step 2: Truck Round Trip 2hr round 25min 10min 2.5833 Hrs
50,000lbs Net 357.14 ft yds
Truck Capacity 13.22
lb 27ft LD
140 yd
Trucking Hours 1,134.64 Lds 2.5833 HrsLD 2,929 Hrs
Trucking Costs 2,929 Hrs $80Hrs $234,320
Step 3: Cost to Place and Fill=15,000 yds × $0.50/yds=$7,500

Step 4: Total Cost

$85,050 $234,320 $7,500 $326,870 /15,000 yds $21.79 / YD

Note: Calculating Trucking Capacity based on Unit Weight is absolutely critical to solving this problem correctly.

Question #6: Masonry Costs

A masonry project requires 900 SF repointing, 1200 SF of demolition of old brickwork and 1200 SF construction
of new brickwork.
Repointing crew – 1ea brick mason and 1ea helper, production rate = 0.5 Crew Hour / SF
Demolition of brickwork – 1 ea brick mason and 3ea helpers, production rate = 0.2 Crew Hour / SF
Construction new brickwork – 1 ea brick mason and 3ea helpers, production rate = 0.7 Crew Hour /SF
Wages: Mason $60/hr ; Helper $45/hr
What is the total cost of labor for the project?
Solution #6:
Total Labor Cost Rejointing cost demolition cost construction new brickwork cost
Crew cost crew rate ∗ quantity ∗ cost
0.5 $60 $45
Rejointing crew cost ∗ 900 ∗ 1 ∗ 1 ∗ $47250

0.2 $60 $45

Demolition crew cost ∗ 1200 ∗ 1 ∗ 3 ∗ $46800

0.7 $60 $45

Construction crew cost ∗ 1200 ∗ 1 ∗ 3 ∗ $163800

Total Labor Cost $47250 $46800 $163800 $257850

*repointing is the process of inserting new mortar into joints between bricks.

C. Project schedules CERM ch 86 & CEAIO ch 503

1- Gantt Chart CEAIO ch 503, page 1027
is horizontal bar chart for scheduling activities or tracking
budget, resources and equipment usage.

2- PERT Chart CERM ch 86.7

PERT Program Evaluation and Review Technique
AOA Activity On Arrow “Arc” Diagram “Network” is used in PERT
Nodes are events
Arrows are activities
Activity duration D above arrows

3- CPM Critical Path Method CERM ch 86.5,6 & CEAIO ch 503, page 1027
CPM Critical Path Method
AON Activity On Node Diagram “Network” is used in CPM
Nodes are Activities
Arrows show predecessor ‫ & السابق‬successor‫ التالي‬activities
Activity duration D wrote inside the node

a- Precedence ‫األسبقية‬Relationships
FS Finish to Start
FF Finish to Finish
SS Start to Start
SF Start to Finish

b- Lead – Lag Relationships

A Lead (or negative Lag) is starting the next task before
the first task is complete.

A Lag (or negative lead) is the adding of a buffer of time

before the next task begins.

c- Forward pass
Used to determine the earliest activity time
Start at the beginning of network to calculate ES & EF
Activity Earliest Start time ES = max. EF of predecessor activities
Activity Earliest Finish time EF = ES + D “Duration of activity”
d- Backward pass
Used to determine the Latest activity time
Start at the End of network to calculate LS & LF
Activity Latest Start time LS = LF - D “Duration of activity”
Activity Latest Finish time LF = max. LS of successor activities

e- Total Float TF TF = LF – EF=LS-ES

The amount that a task can be delayed without delaying the completion of the project. If the Total Float is 0, then it is on the
critical path

f- Free Float FF –
The time span in which the completion of an activity may occur and not delay the finish of the project nor delay the start of any
following activity.

g- Interfering Float InterF InterF = TF - FF

The time span in which the completion of an activity may occur and not delay the termination of the project but within which
completion will delay the start of some other following activity.

h- Independent Float IndepF IndepF = EF – LS - D “Duration of activity”

The time spans in which the completion of an activity may occur and not delay the termination of the project, not delay the start
of any following activity, and not be delayed by any preceding activity. This shows the time available even if an activity has a Late
Start and Early Finish. This float calculation usually results in a negative number which is reported as 0 float.

i- Critical Path “which is project time”

 The longest path through the network.
 Minimum time to complete the Project.
 Activities have Total Float TF=0, are on critical path

Problem #1: What is the Free, Independent, Interfering, and Total Float of Activity E in the below CPM?

Solution #1:
Free Float of Activity E = FF(E) = ESsuccessor – EF ,where ESsuccessor = 30; This is the Early Start of Activity H.
EF = 17 , FF = 30 – 17 = 13
Total Float of Activity E = TF(E) = LF – EF , where LF = 30; EF = 17 , TF(E) = 30 – 17 = 13
Independent Float of Activity E= IndepF (E) = EF – LS – DUR
EF = 17; LS = 27; DUR = 3
IndepF (E) = 17 – 27 – 3 = -13 = 0
Interfering Float of Activity E = InerF (E) = TF – FF = 13 – 13 = 0

D. Activity identification and sequencing CERM ch 86 & CEAIO ch 503
The target from this topic is to be full aware of identifying the correct activity with construction sequence, and to be aware of
WBS work breakdown structures
1- Activity identification for construction process.
2- WBS Work breakdown structure of construction tasks.
3- Construction sequence of activities “tasks”

II. Means and Methods 3/40
A. Construction loads
B. Construction methods
C. Temporary structures and facilities

A. Construction loads CERM ch 83 & CEAIO ch 504

For calculation of concrete weight under water 150 62.4 87.6
1- ASCE 37-02, item 2.2.3 combinations for construction loads

2- ASCE 37-02, item 4.0 construction loads

CD Construction dead load: The dead load of temporary Structures that
are in place at the stage of construction being considered.

Cp personnel and equipment loads: A concentrated load of 250

lb (1.112 kN) that includes the weight of one person plus
equipment carried by the person or equipment that can be
readily picked up by a single person without assistance.

CFML fixed material load 4.2.1 Concrete Load

CVML variable material load The weight of concrete placed in a form for the permanent
CH horizontal construction load structure is a material load. When the concrete gains
L live load sufficient strength so that the formwork, shoring, and
W wind reshoring are not required for its support, the concrete
E earthquake becomes a dead load
4.2.2 Materials Contained in Equipment 4.4 HORIZONTAL CONSTRUCTION LOAD, CH
Materials being lifted by or contained in equipment is part One of the following horizontal load criteria, where
of the equipment load, not a material load. Once such appropriate, shall be applied to temporary or partially
material has been discharged from the equipment, it complete structures as a minimum horizontal loading,
becomes a material load. whichever gives the greatest structural effects in the
direction under consideration:
4.5.1 Anchorage of Steel Columns 1. For wheeled vehicles transporting materials, 20% for
The column attachment to the foundation shall be a single vehicle or 10% for two or more vehicles of
designed to resist a minimum eccentric gravity load of the fully loaded vehicle weight. Said force shall be
300 lb (1.33 kN) located 18 in. (457 mm) from the applied in any direction of possible travel, at the
extreme outer face of the column in each direction at the running surface,
top of the column shaft 2. For equipment reactions as described in Section 4.6,
the calculated or rated horizontal loads, whichever
4.5.2 Steel Column Splices are the greater,
Column splices shall be designed to resist a minimum 3. 50 lb/person (0.22 kN/person), applied at the level of
eccentric gravity load of 300 lb (1.33 kN) located 18 in. the platform in any direction, or
(457 mm) from the extreme outer face of the column in 4. 2% of the total vertical load. This load shall
each direction of the top of the column shaft. be applied in any direction and shall be spatially
distributed in proportion to the mass. This load need
4.6.4 Impact not be applied concurrently with wind or seismic
The reaction of equipment shall be increased by 30% to load.
allow for impact, unless other values (either larger or This provision shall not be considered as a substitute for
smaller) are recommended by the manufacturer, or are the analysis of environmental loads.
required by the authority having jurisdiction, or are
justified by analysis.

4.8.3 Reduction in Construction Loads Personnel and Equipment Loads
When justified by an analysis of the construction operations, members having an influence area of =400 ft2 (37.16 m2) or
more shall be permitted to be designed for a reduced uniformly distributed personnel and equipment load determined by applying
the following formula: CP = Lo (0.25 + 15/√ )
CP = reduced design uniformly distributed personnel and equipment load per ft2 (m2) of area supported by the member
Lo = unreduced uniformly distributed personnel and equipment design load per ft2 (m2) of area supported by member
AI = influence area, in ft2 (m2). The influence area AI is normally four times the tributary area for a column, two times the
tributary area for a beam, and equal to the panel area for a two-way slab

The reduced uniformly distributed personnel and equipment design load, regardless of influence area, shall not be less than
50% of the unreduced design load for members supporting one level,
or 40% of the unreduced design load for members supporting more than one level,
except that where the uniformly distributed personnel and equipment load is 25 psf (1.2 kN/m2) or less, the reduced
load shall not be less than 60% of the unreduced design load, unless justified by an analysis of the construction operations. Personnel and Equipment Loads on Sloping Roofs

A reduction in gravity construction loads for personnel and equipment on a roof is also permitted based upon the slope of the
The reduction factor, R, is: R = 1.2 – 0.05F
F = slope of the roof expressed in in./ft
R need not exceed 1.0 and R shall not be less than 0.6.
This reduction may be combined by multiplication with the reduction based upon area, but the reduced load shall not be less
than 60% of the basic unreduced load.

6.2 WIND
Except as modified herein, wind loads shall be calculated in accordance with procedures in ASCE/SEI 7-10.
Design wind pressures shall be based on design wind speeds calculated in accordance with Section 6.2.1.
The minimum wind pressure of 16 psf (0.77 kN/m2) specified by ASCE/SEI 7-10 need not be applied

6.2.1 Design Wind Speed

The design wind speed shall be taken as the following factor times the basic wind speed in ASCE/EI 7-10 except as required in
Construction Period Wind speed Multiplier Factor
Less than 6 weeks 0.75
From 6 weeks to 1 year 0.8
From 1 to 2 years 0.85
From 2 to 5 years 0.9 Construction Period

The construction period shall be taken as the time interval from first erection to structural completion of each independent
structural system, including installation of cladding.
For construction periods of less than six weeks, factors of less than 0.75 shall be permitted if justified by a statistical analysis
of local wind data for the season during which the subject construction conditions will exist.

Problem #1:
Given the below load combinations and values what load combination should you use during design during your
construction project?
D = 2400 lbs
L = 200 lbs
CD = 1000 lbs
CFML = 200 lbs
CVML = = 200 lbs
CP = 2000 lbs
CH = 50 lbs
E = 3000 lbs
a. 1.4D + 1.4CD + 1.2CFML + 1.4CVML
b. 1.2D + 1.2CD + 1.2 CFML + 1.4 CVML + 1.6CP + 1.6CH + 0.5L
c. 1.2D + 1.2CD + 1.2 CFML + 1.4 CVML + 1.0E + 0.5 CP + 0.5L
d. 0.9D + 0.9Cd + 1.3E

Solution #1:
Calculate the value for the four combinations
a. 1.4D + 1.4CD + 1.2CFML + 1.4CVML =1.4*2400+1.4*1000+1.2*200+1.4*200=5280 lbs
b. 1.2D + 1.2CD + 1.2 CFML + 1.4 CVML + 1.6CP + 1.6CH + 0.5L
=1.2*2400+1.2*1000+1.2*200+1.4*200+1.6*2000+1.6*50+0.5*200=7980 lbs
c. 1.2D + 1.2CD + 1.2 CFML + 1.4 CVML + 1.0E + 0.5 CP + 0.5L
=1.2*2400+1.2*1000+1.2*200+1.4*200+1.0*3000+0.5*2000+0.5*200=8700 lbs “govern”
d. 0.9D + 0.9Cd + 1.3E =0.9*2400+0.9*1000+1.3*3000=6960 lbs
Combination C governs

Problem #2:
Which statement is NOT correct when considering horizontal load criteria for partially complete structures?
a. The minimum horizontal loading should be whichever gives the greatest structural effects.
b. 50 lbs per person, applied at the level of the platform in any direction.
c. 1% of the total vertical load.
d. For equipment reactions as described in Section 4.6, the calculated or rated horizontal load, whichever are the
Solution #2:
When reviewing chapter 4.4 Horizontal Construction Load, CH, it is clear that c is not correct since 2% of the
total vertical load should be considered.

B. . Construction methods CERM ch 35.11 & CEAIO ch xxx

Construction equipment’s productivity and usage:
1. Dozer: used for:
 Stripping: removal of a thin layer of material.
 Side hill Cuts.
 Wide Ditching
 Backfilling
 Moving Rocks or Frozen Ground


∗ ∗
. .
" " .


2. Loader: used for:

 Handle and Transport bulk
 Loading Haul Trucks
 Excavation by moving soil & loading Haul trucks

3. Excavator: used for:

 Excavation below natural ground surface
 loading Haul trucks

∗ ∗ ∗
∗ ∗

4. Truck: used for:
 Hauling Soil & material for distance >3000ft

5. Grader: used for:

 Finishing, Shaping, Leveling, ditching.
 Cutting, moving and spreading material.

. ∗ /

6. Scraper ‫مكشطة‬: used for:

 Excavation by cutting and haul material for distance >300ft up to 3000ft using its hopper.
 Transport its load to fill area.

7. Smooth wheel Roller “Smooth Drum Roller”: used for:

 Compaction of asphalt pavements.
 Final finishing and leveling.
 Compaction of non-cohesive soil “gravel, sand,..”

. ∗

8. Rubber tired Roller “Pneumatic tired Roller”: used for:

 Compaction of asphalt pavements.
 Final finishing and leveling.
 Smoothening of bitumen layer in highways.
 Compaction of non-cohesive soil “gravel, sand,..”
9. Sheep Foot Roller: used for:
 Compaction of Cohesive Soil “Clay”.

10. Grid Roller: used for:

 Compaction of Rock Soil.

Problem #1:
Which compaction equipment is most effectively applied for clayey soils?
a. Pneumatic Rubber-Tired Roller
b. Sheep foot Roller
c. Smooth –Wheel Roller
d. Vibratory Roller

Solution #1:
B = Sheep foot rollers are most effective compaction methods for clayey soils.

Problem #2: Blade
A haul road of 1,500 ft requires leveling and reshaping. If the grader to be used has an efficiency factor of 0.60,
how much time will it take to complete the work?
2 passes in second gear (3.7mph) & 3 passes in third gear (5.9mph)

Solution #2:
2 x 1,500 ft 3 x 1,500 ft
Total Time
fpm fpm
88 x 3.7 mph x 0.60 88 x 5.9 mph x 0.60
mph mph
= 15.4 min + 14.4 min = 29.8 min (Answer)
Problem #3: Dozer
A track dozer can push an average blade load of 6.15 lcy. The material being pushed is silty sand. The average
push distance is 90ft. What production can be expected in LCY?
Manufacture Speed Recommendations: Maneuver Time = 0.05
o Clay = 3mph
o Silty Sand = 2mph
o Normal Travel Speed= 4mph

Solution #3:
Step 1: Push Time = (90ft / 5,280 ft/mi) x (1/2mph) x 60min/hr = 0.51min
Step 2: Return Time = (90ft / 5,280 ft/mi) x (1/4mph) x 60min/hr = 0.26min
Step 3: Dozer Production = (60min x Blade Load) / (push time min + return time min + maneuver time)
Production = (60min x 6.15 lcy) / (0.51min + 0.26min + 0.05min) = 424 LCY / HR (Answer)
Problem #4: Excavator
A shovel with a 5-cy heaped capacity bucket is loading poorly blasted rock. The shovel has a max. rated digging
height of 34ft. If the excavator has a 21 sec cycle time, a 0.81 fill factor, and angle of swing factor of 1.08, what
would a conservative estimate be for a LCY production?

Solution #4:
Excavator Production:
= ((3,600sec x Q x F x AS:D) / t ) x E/60min
= ((3,600 sec x 5cy x 0.81 x 1.08) / 21sec/cycle = 787 lcy/hr (Answer)

C. Temporary structures and facilities

The purpose of this item is to be apply to calculate loads for temporary structures and facilities.
Temporary structures and facilities such as:
 Formworks CEAIO ch 506
 False Works
 Scaffolding CERM ch 83.11 & CEAIO ch 505
 Shoring and re-shoring
 Bracing and anchoring
 Temporary excavation support CERM ch 39 & CEAIO ch 209, 210
 Cranes CERM ch 83.13,14

III. Soil Mechanics 6/40
A. Lateral earth pressure
B. Soil consolidation
C. Effective and total stresses
D. Bearing capacity
E. Foundation settlement
F. Slope stability
Additional Topics for depth exam
A. Lateral earth pressure CERM ch 37 & CEAIO ch 208 & NAVFAC DM 7.02 Ch03
NAVFAC DM 7.01 Soil Mechanics DESIGN MANUAL by U.S. Department of the Navy_1986
NAVFAC DM 7.02 Foundations & Earth Structures by U.S. Department of the Navy_1984

1. At rest soil pressure : is the in situ lateral pressure e.g” soil next to bridge abutments, basement walls restrained at their tops,
walls bearing on rock, and walls with soft clay backfill”

∗ ∗
2. Active soil pressure :


in acting at

in acting at in case

3. Passive soil pressure :


in acting at

in acting at in case

4. Steps for Evaluating Stability of a Retaining Wall
1) Calculate according to either the Rankine or Coulomb theory.
2) The lateral earth pressure ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ = triangular (hydrostatic) earth pressure due to overburden + the
rectangular (constant) earth pressure due to surcharge load on the backfill
3) If there is groundwater in the backfill zone, add the hydrostatic pore water pressure ∗ profile (triangular) to the effective horizontal
stress to obtain the total horizontal stress on the wall
∗ ∗
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
4) The resultant force (per unit length of the wall) on a wall of height H is then given by (these are shown in the diagram below)

5) Overturning moment @ O (about the toe)

∑ ∗
6) Stability moment @ O (about the toe)
∑ ∗

7) Factor of safety against overturning

∑ ∗
∑ ∗
=1.5 for retaining walls overturning with granular backfill
=2.0 for retaining walls overturning with cohesive backfill
8) Factor of safety against sliding
∑ ∗ ∗

=1.5 for retaining walls sliding with active earth pressures

=2.0 for retaining walls sliding with passive earth pressures
9) net moment acting on wall footing
10) distance of acting point of to O,

11) and eccentricity shall be to be in the middle third of footing width B

∑ ∑
12) the maximum soil pressure

TABLE 1 Ultimate Friction Factors and Adhesion for Dissimilar Materials, NAVFAC DM 7.02
Interface Materials °
Mass concrete on the following foundation materials
Clean sound rock 35° 0.7
Clean gravel, gravel-sand mixtures, coarse sand 29° 31° 0.55-0.60
Clean fine to medium sand, silty medium to coarse sand, silty or clayey gravel 24° 29° 0.45-0.55
Sand 19° 24° 0.35-0.45
Fine sandy silt, non-plastic silt 17° 19° 0.30-0.35
Very stiff and hard residual or pre-consolidated clay 22° 26° 0.40-0.50
Medium stiff and stiff clay and silty clay 17° 19° 0.30-0.35

5. Wall top horizontal Displacement for & :
Required horizontal displacement (strain) at wall top for soil to act in passive is nearly double required to act
in active.

Problems: CEAIO-P. Exams problem 5, 111, 304, 324, 3330, 515, 633

B. Soil consolidation CERM ch35.16, 40.6,7,8,9 & CEAIO ch202 p374, ch205 & NAVFAC DM 7.01 Ch03.4
The compression of a soil due to stress increases is caused by deformation of soil particles, expulsion of air and water from the
voids and the restructuring of the soil. See also below topic of E. Foundation settlement
1. Consolidation Test
The volume of the soil specimen consists of a volume occupied by solids and a volume occupied by void space

2. Consolidation Settlement (Primary) CEAIO ch202 p376

Where H is layer thickness

∆ Change in void ratio
Initial void ratio

∆ ,

∆ ,

. . %
% % %
Over consolidation
Normal consolidation . %
. %
Overburden pressure is vertical stress (pressure) due to weight of overlying material (Soil layers)
is vertical stress (pressure) due to weight of ground water.
3. Consolidation Rate CEAIO ch202 p378

4. Consolidation Settlement of Pile Groups CEAIO ch207 p485

1- Pile group load assumed to be transferred at depth of from bottom of pile cap.
2- Distribute the pile group load area ∗ by slop 2V:1H to middle of clay layer.
3- Loading area at at middle of clay layer is ∗
4- Use same equations for calculate Consolidation Primary Settlement above, see problem 315 below.

Problems: CEAIO-P. Exams problem 37, 307, 308, 315, 326

C. Effective and total stresses CERM ch35.7, ch40.1,2,3 & CEAIO ch204 & NAVFAC DM 7.01 Ch04
1. Effective and total stresses
The total stress at any point is produced by the overburden‫ أثقل‬pressure plus any applied loads
∗ where . .
Pore water pressure may consist of (a) hydrostatic pressure, (b) capillary pressure, (c) seepage or (d) pressure resulting
from applied loads to soils which drain slowly.

Above GWT
Pore water pressure ”neutral stress” exerts buoyant ‫ طفو‬force.
soil unit weight is above GWT
soil unit weight is below “beneath” GWT

2. Vertical stress Increase

a. Approximate Method ( 2V:1H slope method or slope of ° with horizontal method)

b. Boussinesq’s Equation
NAVFAC DM 7.01 chapter 4 distribution of stresses & CERM App40A, 40B & CEAIO ch204

Problems: CEAIO-P. Exams problem 314, 333

D. Bearing capacity CERM ch36 & CEAIO ch206 & NAVFAC DM 7.02 Ch04.2

soil pressure due to

Foundation failure by: 1) soil shear failure due to excessive soil pressure 2) soil excessive settlement due to excessive
soil pressure 3) foundation failure in shear, punching or flexure.

E. Foundation settlement CEAIO ch206 p461, ch207 p484 & CERM ch38.8 & NAVFAC DM 7.01 Ch05
See also above topic of B. Soil consolidation
1) settlement of saturated cohesive soil Consists of the sum of:
 Immediate settlement occurring as the load is applied. CEAIO p462
 Consolidation settlement occurring gradually as excess pore pressures generated by loads are dissipated.
 Secondary compression settlement essentially controlled by the composition and structure of the soil skeleton.

2) settlement of coarse-grained granular soils Consist of:

 Immediate settlement occurring as the load is applied.
Soil subjected to foundation loads occurs primarily from the compression of the soil skeleton due to rearrangement of particles.
The permeability of coarse-grained soil is large enough to justify the assumption of immediate excess pore pressure dissipation
upon application of load.
Settlement of coarse-grained soil can also be induced by
 vibratory ground motion due to earthquakes, blasting or machinery,
 or by soaking and submergence.

Problems: CEAIO-P. Exams problem 37, 307, 308, 315, 326

F. Slope stability CERM Ch40.10 & CEAIO ch210 & & NAVFAC DM 7.01 Ch07
1. Stability of Infinite Slopes (with & without Seepage) CEAIO ch210 p524, p525

2. Taylor slope stability chart for cohesive soil (clay) with ∅ and un-drained conditions
Taylor assumptions:
a) There is no open water outside of the slope.
b) There are no surcharges or tension cracks.
c) Shear strength is derived from cohesion only and is constant with depth.
d) Failure takes place as rotation on a circular arc.
The Taylor chart shows that:
a) Toe circle failures occur in slopes steeper than °.
b) For slopes of less than °, slope circle failure, toe circle failure, or base circle failure may occur.

3. Recommended factor of safety CEAIO ch210 p530
 Permanent slope FS = 1.5
 Structure foundation slope FS = 2.0
 During construction and temporary slope FS = 1.3-1.25
 Earthquake slope FS = 1.2-1.15

4. Slope Stabilization methods CEAIO ch210 p530

Addition Topics for Depth Exam.
G. Footings CEAIO ch206 p456-4561
H. Combined footings CEAIO ch206 p451

I. Slabs
J. Mats CEAIO ch206 p454
K. Piers
L. Piles CEAIO ch207 p465 & ch207 p479 & p486
M. Caissons CEAIO ch207 p478

N. Drilled shafts

V. Hydraulics and Hydrology (7/40)

A. Open-channel flow (Manning Equation)

B. Stormwater collection and drainage (e.g., culvert, stormwater inlets, gutter flow, street flow, storm
sewer pipes)
C. Storm characteristics (e.g., storm frequency, rainfall measurement and distribution)
D. Runoff analysis (e.g., Rational and SCS/NRCS methods, hydrographic application, runoff time of
E. Detention/retention ponds
F. Pressure conduit (e.g., single pipe, force mains, Hazen-Williams, Darcy-Weisbach, major and minor
G. Energy and/or continuity equation (e.g., Bernoulli)
A. Open-channel flow uniform flow (Manning Equation) CERM ch 19.5, 19.6 & CEAIO ch 303
1- Flow Quantity Q:
Acre ft , ft . galon
∗ ft3/sec
A area ft2 or m2, v velocity ft/sec
V volume ft3 or m3, t time sec
2- continuity equation
Since fluid is incompressible (density constant), the continuity
equation is , ,
3- Manning Equation:

v velocity ft/sec, A area ft2, S slope in decimal i.e 0.002
n manning roughness coefficient CERM, App.19.A
Open Channel Parameter:
T width of surface fluid ft
b Bottom width ft
P wetted Perimeter ft, A Area of flow ft2

R Hydraulic Radius

Hydraulic diameter 4 , d Hydraulic Depth

4- Friction Loss in Open Channels CERM ch 19.10 & CEAIO eq 303.18
For open channel with Length L between point 1,2 at the bottom of a channel
And by using Bernoulli equation
Total Energy at point 1 = Total Energy at point 2 + Friction loss


and in head form

and where Ep pressure energy = =d ,

at , therefore

And, since d1 = d2 (same fluid depth “pressure”) and v1 = v2 (same flow Area “A”) for uniform flow at the
bottom of a channel.
, therefore Friction loss
Channel Slope ,therefore Friction loss , and substitute from manning equation

Open channel Friction loss

B. Storm water collection and drainage (e.g., culvert, storm water inlets, gutter flow,
street flow, and storm sewer pipes)

C. Storm characteristics (e.g., storm frequency, rainfall measurement and

distribution) CERM ch20.36, CEAIO ch304

Arithmetic method for average precipitation: CEAIO ch304, p653

D. Runoff analysis (e.g., Rational and SCS/NRCS methods, hydrographic application,

runoff time of concentration)

1. Rational Method for predicting Runoff: CEAIO ch304, p674,676

The use of the rational method should be restricted to drainage areas less than 80 hectares (200 ac). The
assumptions involved in using the rational method are
1. The peak flow occurs when the entire watershed is contributing.
2. The rainfall intensity is uniform over a duration equal to the time of concentration.
3. The frequency of the computed peak flow is equal to the frequency of the rainfall intensity. In other words, the
10-year rainfall intensity is assumed to produce the 10-year flood.

2. SCS/NRCS methods CEAIO ch304, p664,667

3. Runoff time of concentration CEAIO ch304, p656

E. Detention/retention ponds

F. Pressure conduit (e.g., single pipe, force mains, Hazen-Williams, Darcy-
Weisbach, major and minor losses)
1. Darcy-Weisbach CEAIO ch 302, p571, CERM ch17.9
Applicable for all fluids and for all flow type (Laminar, transition region and Turbulent)

Head loss

where = friction factor from Moody chart after calculate & from CERM App 17.B
= Length of pipe in & = pipe diameter in
= average flow velocity in /
. /
Reynolds number , = kinematic viscosity
Specific Roughness from CERM, App. 17.A

2. Hazen-Williams CEAIO ch 302, p574, CERM ch17.9

Is empirical equation Applicable for water at 60 and for Turbulent flow only.

where = Hazen-Williams roughness coefficient

from CERM, App. 17.A

3. minor losses CEAIO ch 302, p576, CERM ch17.15
due to valves, gates and pipe elbow.
Minor loss =

Equivalent length , is loss factor CERM, Table 17.4

G. Energy and/or continuity equation(e.g., Bernoulli equation)
CEAIO ch301,p553 &CERM ch 16.2, 16.3, 16.4, 16.5
1- Bernoulli equation:

Each term unit is ft.

Ep pressure energy = = d,
p pressure at reservoir surface or at pipe outlet = Patmosphere
fluid density, for water 62.4 lbm/ft2
Ev kinetic energy, velocity v at reservoir surface =0
Ez potential energy. z at potential datum “reservoir or pipe outlet”=0
g gravitational acceleration 32.2 ft/sec2, gc gravitational constant 32.2 lbm-ft/lbf-sec2

Bernolli equation could be wrote in energy head form as following

Total head

and in case of energy head losses or energy head added “as pump” or subtracted “as turbine” the form will

Total head
= sum of frictional ( ) and minor head losses ( ).
= energy added or subtracted from the fluid (positive for a pump or negative for a turbine).

2- Head Expressed as Energy

Rate of energy (fluid power) of any term in the Bernoulli Equation:

Power, in units (SI: N.m/s or J/s or W, US: lb-ft/s , Horse Power, HP)
Fluid density, for water 62.4 lbm/ft2
Flow Quantity ft3/sec or m3/sec
= energy head , , , , , in ft
Horse Power HP = 550 lb-ft/sec = 0.7457 kW = 745.7 N.m/sec or W or J/sec

A P P E N D I C E S A-41

Specific Roughness and Hazen-Williams Constants for Various Water Pipe Materialsa

 (ft) C
type of pipe or surface range design range clean designb

welded and seamless 0.0001–0.0003 0.0002 150–80 140 100
interior riveted, no projecting rivets 139 100
projecting girth rivets 130 100
projecting girth and horizontal rivets 115 100
vitrified, spiral-riveted, flow with lap 110 100
vitrified, spiral-riveted, flow against lap 100 90
corrugated 80–40 80 60

concrete 0.001–0.01 0.004 150–60 120 100
cement-asbestos 160–140 150 140
vitrified clays 110
brick sewer 100

cast, plain 0.0004–0.002 0.0008 150–80 130 100
cast, tar (asphalt) coated 0.0002–0.0006 0.0004 145–50 130 100
cast, cement lined 0.00001 150 140
cast, bituminous lined 0.00001 160–130 148 140
cast, centrifugally spun 0.00001 0.00001
ductile iron 0.0004–0.002 0.0008 100–150 150 140
cement lined 0.00001 120–150 150 140
asphalt coated 0.0002–0.0006 0.0004 145–50 130 160
galvanized, plain 0.0002–0.0008 0.0005
wrought, plain 0.0001–0.0003 0.0002 150–80 130 100

aluminum, irrigation pipe 135–100 135 130
copper and brass 0.000005 0.000005 150–120 140 130
wood stave 0.0006–0.003 0.002 145–110 120 110
transite 0.000008 0.000008
lead, tin, glass 0.000005 150–120 140 130
plastic (PVC, ABS, and HDPE) 0.000005 150–120 155 150
fiberglass 0.000017 0.000017 160–150 155 150

(Multiply ft by 0.3048 to obtain m.)

C values for sludge pipes are 20% to 40% less than the corresponding water pipe values.
The following guidelines are provided for selecting Hazen-Williams coefficients for cast-iron pipes of different ages. Values for welded steel pipe are
similar to those of cast-iron pipe 5 years older. New pipe, all sizes: C = 130. 5 year-old pipe: C = 120 (d 5 24 in); C = 115 (d ≥ 24 in). 10 year-old pipe:
C = 105 (d = 4 in); C = 110 (d = 12 in); C = 85 (d ≥ 30 in). 40 year-old pipe: C = 65 (d = 4 in); C = 80 (d = 16 in).

P P I * w w w . p p i 2 p a s s . c o m
A-42 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L

Darcy Friction Factors (turbulent flow)

relative roughness, /D

Reynolds no. 0.00000 0.000001 0.0000015 0.00001 0.00002 0.00004 0.00005 0.00006 0.00008
2  103
0.0495 0.0495 0.0495 0.0495 0.0495 0.0495 0.0495 0.0495 0.0495
2:5  103 0.0461 0.0461 0.0461 0.0461 0.0461 0.0461 0.0461 0.0461 0.0461
3  103 0.0435 0.0435 0.0435 0.0435 0.0435 0.0436 0.0436 0.0436 0.0436
4  103 0.0399 0.0399 0.0399 0.0399 0.0399 0.0399 0.0400 0.0400 0.0400
5  103 0.0374 0.0374 0.0374 0.0374 0.0374 0.0374 0.0374 0.0375 0.0375
6  103 0.0355 0.0355 0.0355 0.0355 0.0355 0.0356 0.0356 0.0356 0.0356
7  103 0.0340 0.0340 0.0340 0.0340 0.0340 0.0341 0.0341 0.0341 0.0341
8  103 0.0328 0.0328 0.0328 0.0328 0.0328 0.0328 0.0329 0.0329 0.0329
9  103 0.0318 0.0318 0.0318 0.0318 0.0318 0.0318 0.0318 0.0319 0.0319
1  104 0.0309 0.0309 0.0309 0.0309 0.0309 0.0309 0.0310 0.0310 0.0310
1:5  104 0.0278 0.0278 0.0278 0.0278 0.0278 0.0279 0.0279 0.0279 0.0280
2  104 0.0259 0.0259 0.0259 0.0259 0.0259 0.0260 0.0260 0.0260 0.0261
2:5  104 0.0245 0.0245 0.0245 0.0245 0.0246 0.0246 0.0246 0.0247 0.0247
3  104 0.0235 0.0235 0.0235 0.0235 0.0235 0.0236 0.0236 0.0236 0.0237
4  104 0.0220 0.0220 0.0220 0.0220 0.0220 0.0221 0.0221 0.0222 0.0222
5  104 0.0209 0.0209 0.0209 0.0209 0.0210 0.0210 0.0211 0.0211 0.0212
6  104 0.0201 0.0201 0.0201 0.0201 0.0201 0.0202 0.0203 0.0203 0.0204
7  104 0.0194 0.0194 0.0194 0.0194 0.0195 0.0196 0.0196 0.0197 0.0197
8  104 0.0189 0.0189 0.0189 0.0189 0.0190 0.0190 0.0191 0.0191 0.0192
9  104 0.0184 0.0184 0.0184 0.0184 0.0185 0.0186 0.0186 0.0187 0.0188
1  105 0.0180 0.0180 0.0180 0.0180 0.0181 0.0182 0.0183 0.0183 0.0184
1:5  105 0.0166 0.0166 0.0166 0.0166 0.0167 0.0168 0.0169 0.0170 0.0171
2  105 0.0156 0.0156 0.0156 0.0157 0.0158 0.0160 0.0160 0.0161 0.0163
2:5  105 0.0150 0.0150 0.0150 0.0151 0.0152 0.0153 0.0154 0.0155 0.0157
3  105 0.0145 0.0145 0.0145 0.0146 0.0147 0.0149 0.0150 0.0151 0.0153
4  105 0.0137 0.0137 0.0137 0.0138 0.0140 0.0142 0.0143 0.0144 0.0146
5  105 0.0132 0.0132 0.0132 0.0133 0.0134 0.0137 0.0138 0.0140 0.0142
6  105 0.0127 0.0128 0.0128 0.0129 0.0131 0.0133 0.0135 0.0136 0.0139
7  105 0.0124 0.0124 0.0124 0.0126 0.0127 0.0131 0.0132 0.0134 0.0136
8  105 0.0121 0.0121 0.0121 0.0123 0.0125 0.0128 0.0130 0.0131 0.0134
9  105 0.0119 0.0119 0.0119 0.0121 0.0123 0.0126 0.0128 0.0130 0.0133
1  106 0.0116 0.0117 0.0117 0.0119 0.0121 0.0125 0.0126 0.0128 0.0131
1:5  106 0.0109 0.0109 0.0109 0.0112 0.0114 0.0119 0.0121 0.0123 0.0127
2  106 0.0104 0.0104 0.0104 0.0107 0.0110 0.0116 0.0118 0.0120 0.0124
2:5  106 0.0100 0.0100 0.0101 0.0104 0.0108 0.0113 0.0116 0.0118 0.0123
3  106 0.0097 0.0098 0.0098 0.0102 0.0105 0.0112 0.0115 0.0117 0.0122
4  106 0.0093 0.0094 0.0094 0.0098 0.0103 0.0110 0.0113 0.0115 0.0120
5  106 0.0090 0.0091 0.0091 0.0096 0.0101 0.0108 0.0111 0.0114 0.0119
6  106 0.0087 0.0088 0.0089 0.0094 0.0099 0.0107 0.0110 0.0113 0.0118
7  106 0.0085 0.0086 0.0087 0.0093 0.0098 0.0106 0.0110 0.0113 0.0118
8  106 0.0084 0.0085 0.0085 0.0092 0.0097 0.0106 0.0109 0.0112 0.0118
9  106 0.0082 0.0083 0.0084 0.0091 0.0097 0.0105 0.0109 0.0112 0.0117
1  107 0.0081 0.0082 0.0083 0.0090 0.0096 0.0105 0.0109 0.0112 0.0117
1:5  107 0.0076 0.0078 0.0079 0.0087 0.0094 0.0104 0.0108 0.0111 0.0116
2  107 0.0073 0.0075 0.0076 0.0086 0.0093 0.0103 0.0107 0.0110 0.0116
2:5  107 0.0071 0.0073 0.0074 0.0085 0.0093 0.0103 0.0107 0.0110 0.0116
3  107 0.0069 0.0072 0.0073 0.0084 0.0092 0.0103 0.0107 0.0110 0.0116
4  107 0.0067 0.0070 0.0071 0.0084 0.0092 0.0102 0.0106 0.0110 0.0115
5  107 0.0065 0.0068 0.0070 0.0083 0.0092 0.0102 0.0106 0.0110 0.0115


P P I * w w w . p p i 2 p a s s . c o m
A P P E N D I C E S A-43

APPENDIX 17.B (continued)

Darcy Friction Factors (turbulent flow)

relative roughness, /D
Reynolds no. 0.0001 0.00015 0.00020 0.00025 0.00030 0.00035 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008
2  103
0.0495 0.0496 0.0496 0.0496 0.0497 0.0497 0.0498 0.0499 0.0501
2:5  103 0.0461 0.0462 0.0462 0.0463 0.0463 0.0463 0.0464 0.0466 0.0467
3  103 0.0436 0.0437 0.0437 0.0437 0.0438 0.0438 0.0439 0.0441 0.0442
4  103 0.0400 0.0401 0.0401 0.0402 0.0402 0.0403 0.0403 0.0405 0.0407
5  103 0.0375 0.0376 0.0376 0.0377 0.0377 0.0378 0.0378 0.0381 0.0383
6  103 0.0356 0.0357 0.0357 0.0358 0.0359 0.0359 0.0360 0.0362 0.0365
7  103 0.0341 0.0342 0.0343 0.0343 0.0344 0.0345 0.0345 0.0348 0.0350
8  103 0.0329 0.0330 0.0331 0.0331 0.0332 0.0333 0.0333 0.0336 0.0339
9  103 0.0319 0.0320 0.0321 0.0321 0.0322 0.0323 0.0323 0.0326 0.0329
1  104 0.0310 0.0311 0.0312 0.0313 0.0313 0.0314 0.0315 0.0318 0.0321
1:5  104 0.0280 0.0281 0.0282 0.0283 0.0284 0.0285 0.0285 0.0289 0.0293
2  104 0.0261 0.0262 0.0263 0.0264 0.0265 0.0266 0.0267 0.0272 0.0276
2:5  104 0.0248 0.0249 0.0250 0.0251 0.0252 0.0254 0.0255 0.0259 0.0264
3  104 0.0238 0.0239 0.0240 0.0241 0.0243 0.0244 0.0245 0.0250 0.0255
4  104 0.0223 0.0224 0.0226 0.0227 0.0229 0.0230 0.0232 0.0237 0.0243
5  104 0.0212 0.0214 0.0216 0.0218 0.0219 0.0221 0.0223 0.0229 0.0235
6  104 0.0205 0.0207 0.0208 0.0210 0.0212 0.0214 0.0216 0.0222 0.0229
7  104 0.0198 0.0200 0.0202 0.0204 0.0206 0.0208 0.0210 0.0217 0.0224
8  104 0.0193 0.0195 0.0198 0.0200 0.0202 0.0204 0.0206 0.0213 0.0220
9  104 0.0189 0.0191 0.0194 0.0196 0.0198 0.0200 0.0202 0.0210 0.0217
1  105 0.0185 0.0188 0.0190 0.0192 0.0195 0.0197 0.0199 0.0207 0.0215
1:5  105 0.0172 0.0175 0.0178 0.0181 0.0184 0.0186 0.0189 0.0198 0.0207
2  105 0.0164 0.0168 0.0171 0.0174 0.0177 0.0180 0.0183 0.0193 0.0202
2:5  105 0.0158 0.0162 0.0166 0.0170 0.0173 0.0176 0.0179 0.0190 0.0199
3  105 0.0154 0.0159 0.0163 0.0166 0.0170 0.0173 0.0176 0.0188 0.0197
4  105 0.0148 0.0153 0.0158 0.0162 0.0166 0.0169 0.0172 0.0184 0.0195
5  105 0.0144 0.0150 0.0154 0.0159 0.0163 0.0167 0.0170 0.0183 0.0193
6  105 0.0141 0.0147 0.0152 0.0157 0.0161 0.0165 0.0168 0.0181 0.0192
7  105 0.0139 0.0145 0.0150 0.0155 0.0159 0.0163 0.0167 0.0180 0.0191
8  105 0.0137 0.0143 0.0149 0.0154 0.0158 0.0162 0.0166 0.0180 0.0191
9  105 0.0136 0.0142 0.0148 0.0153 0.0157 0.0162 0.0165 0.0179 0.0190
1  106 0.0134 0.0141 0.0147 0.0152 0.0157 0.0161 0.0165 0.0178 0.0190
1:5  106 0.0130 0.0138 0.0144 0.0149 0.0154 0.0159 0.0163 0.0177 0.0189
2  106 0.0128 0.0136 0.0142 0.0148 0.0153 0.0158 0.0162 0.0176 0.0188
2:5  106 0.0127 0.0135 0.0141 0.0147 0.0152 0.0157 0.0161 0.0176 0.0188
3  106 0.0126 0.0134 0.0141 0.0147 0.0152 0.0157 0.0161 0.0176 0.0187
4  106 0.0124 0.0133 0.0140 0.0146 0.0151 0.0156 0.0161 0.0175 0.0187
5  106 0.0123 0.0132 0.0139 0.0146 0.0151 0.0156 0.0160 0.0175 0.0187
6  106 0.0123 0.0132 0.0139 0.0145 0.0151 0.0156 0.0160 0.0175 0.0187
7  106 0.0122 0.0132 0.0139 0.0145 0.0151 0.0155 0.0160 0.0175 0.0187
8  106 0.0122 0.0131 0.0139 0.0145 0.0150 0.0155 0.0160 0.0175 0.0187
9  106 0.0122 0.0131 0.0139 0.0145 0.0150 0.0155 0.0160 0.0175 0.0187
1  107 0.0122 0.0131 0.0138 0.0145 0.0150 0.0155 0.0160 0.0175 0.0186
1:5  107 0.0121 0.0131 0.0138 0.0144 0.0150 0.0155 0.0159 0.0174 0.0186
2  107 0.0121 0.0130 0.0138 0.0144 0.0150 0.0155 0.0159 0.0174 0.0186
2:5  107 0.0121 0.0130 0.0138 0.0144 0.0150 0.0155 0.0159 0.0174 0.0186
3  107 0.0120 0.0130 0.0138 0.0144 0.0150 0.0155 0.0159 0.0174 0.0186
4  107 0.0120 0.0130 0.0138 0.0144 0.0150 0.0155 0.0159 0.0174 0.0186
5  107 0.0120 0.0130 0.0138 0.0144 0.0150 0.0155 0.0159 0.0174 0.0186


P P I * w w w . p p i 2 p a s s . c o m
A-44 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L

APPENDIX 17.B (continued)

Darcy Friction Factors (turbulent flow)

relative roughness, /D

Reynolds no. 0.001 0.0015 0.002 0.0025 0.003 0.0035 0.004 0.006 0.008
2  103
0.0502 0.0506 0.0510 0.0513 0.0517 0.0521 0.0525 0.0539 0.0554
2:5  103 0.0469 0.0473 0.0477 0.0481 0.0485 0.0489 0.0493 0.0509 0.0524
3  103 0.0444 0.0449 0.0453 0.0457 0.0462 0.0466 0.0470 0.0487 0.0503
4  103 0.0409 0.0414 0.0419 0.0424 0.0429 0.0433 0.0438 0.0456 0.0474
5  103 0.0385 0.0390 0.0396 0.0401 0.0406 0.0411 0.0416 0.0436 0.0455
6  103 0.0367 0.0373 0.0378 0.0384 0.0390 0.0395 0.0400 0.0421 0.0441
7  103 0.0353 0.0359 0.0365 0.0371 0.0377 0.0383 0.0388 0.0410 0.0430
8  103 0.0341 0.0348 0.0354 0.0361 0.0367 0.0373 0.0379 0.0401 0.0422
9  103 0.0332 0.0339 0.0345 0.0352 0.0358 0.0365 0.0371 0.0394 0.0416
1  104 0.0324 0.0331 0.0338 0.0345 0.0351 0.0358 0.0364 0.0388 0.0410
1:5  104 0.0296 0.0305 0.0313 0.0320 0.0328 0.0335 0.0342 0.0369 0.0393
2  104 0.0279 0.0289 0.0298 0.0306 0.0315 0.0323 0.0330 0.0358 0.0384
2:5  104 0.0268 0.0278 0.0288 0.0297 0.0306 0.0314 0.0322 0.0352 0.0378
3  104 0.0260 0.0271 0.0281 0.0291 0.0300 0.0308 0.0317 0.0347 0.0374
4  104 0.0248 0.0260 0.0271 0.0282 0.0291 0.0301 0.0309 0.0341 0.0369
5  104 0.0240 0.0253 0.0265 0.0276 0.0286 0.0296 0.0305 0.0337 0.0365
6  104 0.0235 0.0248 0.0261 0.0272 0.0283 0.0292 0.0302 0.0335 0.0363
7  104 0.0230 0.0245 0.0257 0.0269 0.0280 0.0290 0.0299 0.0333 0.0362
8  104 0.0227 0.0242 0.0255 0.0267 0.0278 0.0288 0.0298 0.0331 0.0361
9  104 0.0224 0.0239 0.0253 0.0265 0.0276 0.0286 0.0296 0.0330 0.0360
1  105 0.0222 0.0237 0.0251 0.0263 0.0275 0.0285 0.0295 0.0329 0.0359
1:5  105 0.0214 0.0231 0.0246 0.0259 0.0271 0.0281 0.0292 0.0327 0.0357
2  105 0.0210 0.0228 0.0243 0.0256 0.0268 0.0279 0.0290 0.0325 0.0355
2:5  105 0.0208 0.0226 0.0241 0.0255 0.0267 0.0278 0.0289 0.0325 0.0355
3  105 0.0206 0.0225 0.0240 0.0254 0.0266 0.0277 0.0288 0.0324 0.0354
4  105 0.0204 0.0223 0.0239 0.0253 0.0265 0.0276 0.0287 0.0323 0.0354
5  105 0.0202 0.0222 0.0238 0.0252 0.0264 0.0276 0.0286 0.0323 0.0353
6  105 0.0201 0.0221 0.0237 0.0251 0.0264 0.0275 0.0286 0.0323 0.0353
7  105 0.0201 0.0221 0.0237 0.0251 0.0264 0.0275 0.0286 0.0322 0.0353
8  105 0.0200 0.0220 0.0237 0.0251 0.0263 0.0275 0.0286 0.0322 0.0353
9  105 0.0200 0.0220 0.0236 0.0251 0.0263 0.0275 0.0285 0.0322 0.0353
1  106 0.0199 0.0220 0.0236 0.0250 0.0263 0.0275 0.0285 0.0322 0.0353
1:5  106 0.0198 0.0219 0.0235 0.0250 0.0263 0.0274 0.0285 0.0322 0.0352
2  106 0.0198 0.0218 0.0235 0.0250 0.0262 0.0274 0.0285 0.0322 0.0352
2:5  106 0.0198 0.0218 0.0235 0.0249 0.0262 0.0274 0.0285 0.0322 0.0352
3  106 0.0197 0.0218 0.0235 0.0249 0.0262 0.0274 0.0285 0.0321 0.0352
4  106 0.0197 0.0218 0.0235 0.0249 0.0262 0.0274 0.0284 0.0321 0.0352
5  106 0.0197 0.0218 0.0235 0.0249 0.0262 0.0274 0.0284 0.0321 0.0352
6  106 0.0197 0.0218 0.0235 0.0249 0.0262 0.0274 0.0284 0.0321 0.0352
7  106 0.0197 0.0218 0.0234 0.0249 0.0262 0.0274 0.0284 0.0321 0.0352
8  106 0.0197 0.0218 0.0234 0.0249 0.0262 0.0274 0.0284 0.0321 0.0352
9  106 0.0197 0.0218 0.0234 0.0249 0.0262 0.0274 0.0284 0.0321 0.0352
1  107 0.0197 0.0218 0.0234 0.0249 0.0262 0.0273 0.0284 0.0321 0.0352
1:5  107 0.0197 0.0217 0.0234 0.0249 0.0262 0.0273 0.0284 0.0321 0.0352
2  107 0.0197 0.0217 0.0234 0.0249 0.0262 0.0273 0.0284 0.0321 0.0352
2:5  107 0.0196 0.0217 0.0234 0.0249 0.0262 0.0273 0.0284 0.0321 0.0352
3  107 0.0196 0.0217 0.0234 0.0249 0.0262 0.0273 0.0284 0.0321 0.0352
4  107 0.0196 0.0217 0.0234 0.0249 0.0262 0.0273 0.0284 0.0321 0.0352
5  107 0.0196 0.0217 0.0234 0.0249 0.0262 0.0273 0.0284 0.0321 0.0352


P P I * w w w . p p i 2 p a s s . c o m
A P P E N D I C E S A-45

APPENDIX 17.B (continued)

Darcy Friction Factors (turbulent flow)

relative roughness, /D
Reynolds no. 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05
2  103
0.0568 0.0602 0.0635 0.0668 0.0699 0.0730 0.0760 0.0790 0.0819
2:5  103 0.0539 0.0576 0.0610 0.0644 0.0677 0.0709 0.0740 0.0770 0.0800
3  103 0.0519 0.0557 0.0593 0.0628 0.0661 0.0694 0.0725 0.0756 0.0787
4  103 0.0491 0.0531 0.0570 0.0606 0.0641 0.0674 0.0707 0.0739 0.0770
5  103 0.0473 0.0515 0.0555 0.0592 0.0628 0.0662 0.0696 0.0728 0.0759
6  103 0.0460 0.0504 0.0544 0.0583 0.0619 0.0654 0.0688 0.0721 0.0752
7  103 0.0450 0.0495 0.0537 0.0576 0.0613 0.0648 0.0682 0.0715 0.0747
8  103 0.0442 0.0489 0.0531 0.0571 0.0608 0.0644 0.0678 0.0711 0.0743
9  103 0.0436 0.0484 0.0526 0.0566 0.0604 0.0640 0.0675 0.0708 0.0740
1  104 0.0431 0.0479 0.0523 0.0563 0.0601 0.0637 0.0672 0.0705 0.0738
1:5  104 0.0415 0.0466 0.0511 0.0553 0.0592 0.0628 0.0664 0.0698 0.0731
2  104 0.0407 0.0459 0.0505 0.0547 0.0587 0.0624 0.0660 0.0694 0.0727
2:5  104 0.0402 0.0455 0.0502 0.0544 0.0584 0.0621 0.0657 0.0691 0.0725
3  104 0.0398 0.0452 0.0499 0.0542 0.0582 0.0619 0.0655 0.0690 0.0723
4  104 0.0394 0.0448 0.0496 0.0539 0.0579 0.0617 0.0653 0.0688 0.0721
5  104 0.0391 0.0446 0.0494 0.0538 0.0578 0.0616 0.0652 0.0687 0.0720
6  104 0.0389 0.0445 0.0493 0.0536 0.0577 0.0615 0.0651 0.0686 0.0719
7  104 0.0388 0.0443 0.0492 0.0536 0.0576 0.0614 0.0650 0.0685 0.0719
8  104 0.0387 0.0443 0.0491 0.0535 0.0576 0.0614 0.0650 0.0685 0.0718
9  104 0.0386 0.0442 0.0491 0.0535 0.0575 0.0613 0.0650 0.0684 0.0718
1  105 0.0385 0.0442 0.0490 0.0534 0.0575 0.0613 0.0649 0.0684 0.0718
1:5  105 0.0383 0.0440 0.0489 0.0533 0.0574 0.0612 0.0648 0.0683 0.0717
2  105 0.0382 0.0439 0.0488 0.0532 0.0573 0.0612 0.0648 0.0683 0.0717
2:5  105 0.0381 0.0439 0.0488 0.0532 0.0573 0.0611 0.0648 0.0683 0.0716
3  105 0.0381 0.0438 0.0488 0.0532 0.0573 0.0611 0.0648 0.0683 0.0716
4  105 0.0381 0.0438 0.0487 0.0532 0.0573 0.0611 0.0647 0.0682 0.0716
5  105 0.0380 0.0438 0.0487 0.0531 0.0572 0.0611 0.0647 0.0682 0.0716
6  105 0.0380 0.0438 0.0487 0.0531 0.0572 0.0611 0.0647 0.0682 0.0716
7  105 0.0380 0.0438 0.0487 0.0531 0.0572 0.0611 0.0647 0.0682 0.0716
8  105 0.0380 0.0437 0.0487 0.0531 0.0572 0.0611 0.0647 0.0682 0.0716
9  105 0.0380 0.0437 0.0487 0.0531 0.0572 0.0610 0.0647 0.0682 0.0716
1  106 0.0380 0.0437 0.0487 0.0531 0.0572 0.0610 0.0647 0.0682 0.0716
1:5  106 0.0379 0.0437 0.0487 0.0531 0.0572 0.0610 0.0647 0.0682 0.0716
2  106 0.0379 0.0437 0.0487 0.0531 0.0572 0.0610 0.0647 0.0682 0.0716
2:5  106 0.0379 0.0437 0.0487 0.0531 0.0572 0.0610 0.0647 0.0682 0.0716
3  106 0.0379 0.0437 0.0487 0.0531 0.0572 0.0610 0.0647 0.0682 0.0716
4  106 0.0379 0.0437 0.0486 0.0531 0.0572 0.0610 0.0647 0.0682 0.0716
5  106 0.0379 0.0437 0.0486 0.0531 0.0572 0.0610 0.0647 0.0682 0.0716
6  106 0.0379 0.0437 0.0486 0.0531 0.0572 0.0610 0.0647 0.0682 0.0716
7  106 0.0379 0.0437 0.0486 0.0531 0.0572 0.0610 0.0647 0.0682 0.0716
8  106 0.0379 0.0437 0.0486 0.0531 0.0572 0.0610 0.0647 0.0682 0.0716
9  106 0.0379 0.0437 0.0486 0.0531 0.0572 0.0610 0.0647 0.0682 0.0716
1  107 0.0379 0.0437 0.0486 0.0531 0.0572 0.0610 0.0647 0.0682 0.0716
1:5  107 0.0379 0.0437 0.0486 0.0531 0.0572 0.0610 0.0647 0.0682 0.0716
2  107 0.0379 0.0437 0.0486 0.0531 0.0572 0.0610 0.0647 0.0682 0.0716
2:5  107 0.0379 0.0437 0.0486 0.0531 0.0572 0.0610 0.0647 0.0682 0.0716
3  107 0.0379 0.0437 0.0486 0.0531 0.0572 0.0610 0.0647 0.0682 0.0716
4  107 0.0379 0.0437 0.0486 0.0531 0.0572 0.0610 0.0647 0.0682 0.0716
5  107 0.0379 0.0437 0.0486 0.0531 0.0572 0.0610 0.0647 0.0682 0.0716

P P I * w w w . p p i 2 p a s s . c o m
VI. Geometrics 3/40
A. Basic circular curve elements (e.g., middle ordinate, length, chord, radius)
B. Basic vertical curve elements
C. Traffic volume (e.g., vehicle mix, flow, and speed)

A. Basic circular curve elements (e.g., middle ordinate, length, chord, radius)
CERM ch 79.1 & CEAIO ch 404.1

PC point of curvature (the point where the back

tangent ends and the curve begins)
BC beginning of curve (same as PC, TC)
TC tangent Change to a curve (same as BC, PC)

PT point of tangency (the point where the curve ends

and the forward tangent begins)
EC end of curve (same as PT, CT)
CT change from curve to tangent (same as PT, EC)

PI point of intersection of back and forward tangents

I intersection angle of extension of back tangent and
forward tangent in degree
or central angle of curve
or deflection angle between back and forward tangents
or interior angle

O center of circle
RP radius point (center of curve) (same as O)

MPC midpoint of curve

1- D Degree of Curve (arc or chord basis)

D is the angle subtended by an arc of 100 ft

360 1 100/2
100 2 2

2- R Radius of the Curve

3- L length of the curve (the length of the curve from the PC to the PT)
2 100


4- LC long chord (chord PC to PT); same as C

5- T Tangent distance from PI to PC or from PI to PT

6- E external distance (the distance from the vertex to the midpoint of the curve)


7- M middle ordinate (the distance from the midpoint of the curve to
the long chord)

8- Bearings of lines and Azimuth of a line

The azimuth of a line is the horizontal angle measured clockwise to the line from a specific meridian
(usually north)

Bearings of lines are directional (horizontal) angles with respect to a meridian (north or south)
Measured at the originating point on the line

If two lines bearing are N50°E and S70°W

Azimuth of 1st line is 50°and for 2nd line is 180+70=250°
Angle between two lines= difference between azimuth =250-50=200

9- Stationing on a horizontal curve CERM ch 79.3

The “route” distance is measured from PI to PI In route surveying, stationing is carried
ahead continuously from a starting point or hub designated as station 0+00, and called
station zero plus zero zero. The term station is applied to each subsequent 100ft (or 100
m) length.

10- Curve layout by deflection angle CERM ch 79.4

Question #1: The PI station of a horizontal curve is 12+23.14. The length of the Tangent, T, is

457.17 feet. What is the station of the BC?

Solution #1: Use the formula Station BC = Station PI – T. The station 12+23.14 represents the
number of 100-foot segments, plus the remainder. In this case, the station 12+23.14 means 12 100-
foot segments plus 23.14 feet. Represented another way, station 12+23.14 can be written as 1,223.14
feet. Using the formula noted, the station of the BC can be calculated by 1,223.14 – 457.17 = 765.97.
Therefore, the station of the BC is 7+65.97

Question #2: A highway curve has a degree of curvature of 7°45’. The BC is at station 15+41.08
and the EC is at station 16+50.47. What is the length of the long chord, in feet?

Solution #2: From the problem statement, DA = 7°45’ * and L = 1,650.47 – 1,541.08 = 109.39 feet
Using the formula Δ = (DA · L) / 100, Δ = (7° 45’ · 109.39’) / 100 = 8°28’39.8” – or – 8.4777°*
Using the formula R = (180/π) · (L/Δ), R = (180/π) · (109.39’/8.4777°) = 739.30 feet
Using the formula C = 2 · R · sin(Δ/2), the long chord, C, = 2 · 739.30’ · sin(8.4777°/2) = 109.29’
Therefore, the length of the long chord is 109.29 feet

* There are two things to note from this problem. First, note that because this problem does not state
that the degree of curvature is arc definition or chord definition, arc definition is to be assumed.
Another indicator that D is arc definition is that a highway curve is described in the problem
statement. As previously discussed, arc definition is primarily used in highway design. Second, note
the conversion of degrees from degrees-minutes-seconds (“DMS”) format to decimal degrees format
in the solution when calculating Δ. This Review Guide will not go into all of the details concerning
the DMS format and decimal format but it is strongly suggested that each examinee understand the
concept of degrees, minutes, and seconds, and how to work with DMS on their calculator, and
particularly how to convert back and forth between DMS and decimal. The button on the calculator will
typically look like: [° ‘ “ ].

Question #3: Given the following curve design data, what is the station of the EC?
R = 1,250.00 feet
I = 24° 42’ 15”
Station PI = 14+28.24

Solution #3:
Using the formula T = R · tan (Δ/2), T = 1,250.00’ · tan (24° 42’ 15”/2) = 273.73’
Using the formula Station BC = Station PI – T, Sta BC = 1,428.24 – 273.73 = 11+54.51
Using the formula L = R · Δ · (π/180), L = 1,250.00’ · 24° 42’ 15” · (π/180) = 538.96’
Using the formula Station EC = Station BC + L, Station EC = 1,154.51 + 538.96’ = 1693.47
Therefore, the station of the EC is 16+93.47

Question #4: The distance from the MOC on a horizontal curve to the PI is 75.04 feet. The
deflection angle formed between the back and forward tangents of the curve is 31.58°. What is the
distance, in feet, from the MOC perpendicular to the chord?

Solution #4: From the definitions provided previously in this Review Guide, it can be determined
that E = 75.04’, Δ = 31.58°, and M is being sought.
Using the formula M = E · cos (Δ/2), M = 75.04’ · cos(31.58°/2) = 72.21’
Therefore, the distance from the MOC perpendicular to the chord is 72.21 feet

Question #5: What is the radius of the horizontal curve described in the previous problem?

Solution #5: Using the formula R = -M / [cos (Δ/2) – 1], R = -72.21’ / [cos (31.58°/2) – 1] =
1,913.63’. Therefore, the radius of the curve is 1,913.63 feet

Question #6: What is the Degree of Curvature, arc basis, for the previous curve, in degrees-minutes-

Solution #6: Using the formula DA = 5,729.58’/R, DA = 5,729.58’/1,913.63’ = 2.9941° = 2° 59’

Therefore, the Degree of Curvature, arc basis, is 2° 59’ 38.8”

Question #7: Given the following horizontal curve design data, what is the straight-line distance
from BC to curve Station 9+60?
C = 1,200 feet
Δ = 35° 15’ 45”
Station PI = 10+00

Solution #7: 35° 15’ 45” = 35.2625°

Using the formula T = C / [2 · cos (Δ/2)], T = 1,200’ / [2 · cos(35.2625°/2)] = 629.57’
Using the formula Station BC = Station PI – T, Sta BC = 1,000 – 629.57’ = 370.43 = 3+70.43
LBC-9+60 = Station 9+60 – Station BC = 960 – 370.43 = 589.57’
Using the formula R = T / tan (Δ/2), R = 629.57’ / tan (35.2625°/2) = 1,980.91’
ΔBC-9+60 = (LBC-9+60 / R) (180 / π) = (589.57’ / 1,980.91’) (180 / π) = 17.0527°
CBC-9+60 = 2 · R · sin(ΔBC-9+60/2) = 2 · 1,980.91’ · sin (17.0527°/2) = 587.40’
Therefore, the straight-line distance from BC to Sta 9+60 is 587.40 feet

Question #8: Given the

provided information in
the figure, solve for the
degree of curvature
(DMS), tangent, length of
curve, chord, middle
ordinate, external distance,
and the BC and EC

Solution #8: Use the bearings to solve for the intersection angle.

Δ = (90° - 40° 15’ 30”) + (90° - 42° 32’ 16”)

= 97° 12’ 14” = 97.2039° *

Using the formula DA = 5729.58’ / R, degree of curvature DA = 5,729.58’ / 1,255’ = 4.5654°

= 4° 33’ 55.4”
Using the formula T = R · tan (Δ/2), tangent T = 1,255’ · tan (97.2039°/2) = 1,423.61’
Using the formula L = R · Δ · (π/180), length of curve L = 1,255’ · 97.2039° · (π/180) = 2,129.14’
Using the formula C = 2 · R · sin (Δ/2), chord C = 2 · 1,255’ · sin (97.2039°/2) = 1,882.84’
Using the formula M = R · [1 – cos (Δ/2)], middle ordinate M = 1,255’ · [1 – cos (97.2039°/2)]
= 425.09’
Using the formula E = R · tan (Δ/2) · tan (Δ/4),
the external distance E = 1,255’ · tan (97.2039°/2) · tan (97.2039°/4) = 642.82’
Using the formula Station BC = Station PI – T, Station BC = 1,500 – 1,423.61’ = 76.39 = 0+76.39
Using the formula Station EC = Station BC + L, Station EC = 76.39 +2,129.14’ = 2,205.53 =
Therefore, DA = 4° 33’ 55.4”; T = 1,423.61’; L = 2,129.14’; C = 1,882.84’; M = 425.09’; E =
Station BC = 0+76.39; and Station EC = 22+05.53

* Note that in this problem, the intersection angle has to be calculated using the two tangent bearings.
This Review Guide will not go into all of the details concerning the addition and subtraction of
bearings and azimuths but it is strongly suggested that each examinee understand the concept of
working with bearings.

B. Basic vertical curve elements
CERM ch 79.17 & CEAIO ch 404.20

1- a vertical parabolic curve

A change in gradient, |G2-G1| [always positive]
BVC beginning of the vertical curve
= PVC Point of vertical curvature
EVC end of the vertical curve
= EVT end of vertical tangency
G1 grade from which the stationing starts, in percent
G2 grade toward which the stationing heads, in percent
L length of curve “horizontal projection of the curve”
M middle ordinate
R rate of change in grade per station
V vertex (the intersection of the two tangents)
= VPI vertical point of intersection
x horizontal distance from the BVC
Rate of Change in grade in %/ft or %/sta. according L unit
% %

Elevation on the curve for any point at x distance from PVC

Elevation on the curve for PVC, PVT

Length of the curve


Location of Turning point

% %
% %
Middle ordinate distance

| % %| | |
8 8 2
Tangent offset
2 2

2- Vertical Curves Pass Through Point CERM ch 79.18 & CEAIO ch 404.24

3- Minimum Length of Vertical Crest Curves for Stopping Sight Distance

CERM ch79.20 & CEAIO ch 403.4


L Vertical curve Length

change in gradient, |G2-G1| [always positive]

stopping sight distance

. height of the eyes of the driver

. height of the object sighted

4- Minimum Length of Vertical Sag Curves for Stopping Sight Distance

CERM ch 79.22 & CEAIO ch 403.7


L Vertical curve Length

change in gradient, |G2-G1| [always positive]

stopping sight distance

. height of the eyes of the driver

. height of the object sighted

where is vehicle speed /sec , . is perception‐reaction, Longitubdinal grade in decimal

. / acceleration due to gravity, . / is vehicle deceleration rate

and for use .

. %

2 1 3% 2.3%
1.767 %/ .

That means for each station the curve slope changes with 1.767%

@ . @ ∗ 2.3% 1.767 ∗ 14.00 12.00 1.234 % “B”

Check of the curve slope “0%” at turning point.

1.302 .
1.767 %/ .

@ @ ∗ 2.3% 1.767 ∗ 1.302 0.00 %

Question #1: The PVI station and elevation of a symmetrical vertical curve is Sta 33+50 and elev
457.62’. The EVC station and elevation is Sta 36+50 and elev 445.02’. g1 = +3.5%. What is the
elevation of the BVC?

Solution #1: If the horizontal distance from PVI to EVC is 3 stations

(Sta 36+50 – Sta 33+50 = 3 sta), then the distance from BVC to PVI must also be 3 stations (or 300
feet) and L = 6 stations (or 600 feet).
Or using 2 = 6 sta
Using the formula %
elevBVC = 457.62’ – 3.5% · (6 sta / 2) = 447.12’.
Note that g1 is in whole % and L is in stations (1 station = 100 feet).
Therefore, the elevation of the BVC is 447.12’

Question #2: The PVI station and elevation of a symmetrical vertical curve is Sta 33+50 and elev
457.62’. The EVC station and elevation is Sta 36+50 and elev 445.02’. g1 = +3.5%. What is the
grade of g2?

Solution #2: using 2 = 6 sta

The vertical distance is elevPVI – elevEVC = 457.62’ – 445.02’ = -12.60’. The slope g2 is calculated as
‘rise over run’, or vertical distance over horizontal distance.
Using the formula g2 = (elevPVI – elevEVC) / (L / 2), g2 = -12.60’ / 3 sta = -4.2%.
Or using % to find %
Therefore, the slope grade of g2 is -4.20%

Question #3: A 300 foot long vertical curve has a PVI station at 15+00, a PVI elevation of 312.4’,
an approaching grade of -2.75%, and an outgoing grade of -5.25%. What is the elevation at station

Solution #3: The first thing to note is that, even though g1 is negative, this is a crest vertical curve
because g2 is a steeper negative slope than g1. Start by calculating the station and elevation of the
BVC. L = 300’ = 3 sta, and L / 2 = 1.5 sta. Using the formula elevBVC = elevPVI - g1 · (L / 2),
elevBVC = 312.4’ – (-2.75%) · (3 sta / 2) = 316.53’. Using the formula StaBVC = StaPVI – (L / 2),
StaBVC = 15+00 – (3 sta / 2) = 13+50.
% %
Using the formula = (-5.25% – -2.75%) / 3 sta = -0.833 %/sta.
x is the distance, in stations, from the BVC to the point on the curve of interest. In this case, we are looking
for the elevation at station 14+25. Thus, x = 14+25 – 13+50 = 0.75 sta (or 75 feet).
Now, using the formula
, we get elev14+25 = (-0.833 / 2) (0.752) + -2.75 *0.75+ 316.53 = 314.233’.
Therefore, the elevation at station 14+25 is 314.233’

Question #4: A vertical curve has the following properties: g1 = -3.0%, g2 = +5.0%, and L = 7
sta. A point on the curve 2.25 stations from the BVC is at elevation 100.7’. The BVC, PVI, and
EVC stations are unknown. What is the elevation of the BVC?

% %
Solution #4: Start by solving for r, using the formula = (+5 - -3.0) / 7 sta =
1.143 %/sta.
x = 2.25 sta (given). Using the formula ,
elevBVC = - [1.143 · 2.252 + 2 · (-3 · 2.25 – 100.7)] / 2 = 104.56’
Therefore, the elevation of the BVC is 104.56’

Question #5: A sag vertical curve has the following properties: g1 = -3.3%, g2 = +2.4%, L = 6
sta, elevBVC = 243.90’, and staBVC = 11+27. At what station should drainage catch basins be

Solution #5: We know that drainage catch basin inlets should be installed at the low point on the
sag vertical curve, thus we need to solve for the station of the low point. Start by solving for r, using
% %
the formula = (+2.4 - -3.3) / 6 sta = 0.95 %/sta. Using the formula for high/low
point, , we get x = - (-3.3%) / 0.95 %/sta = 3.47 sta. The low point is 3.47 stations
from the BVC. staBVC + x = 11+27 + 3.47 = 14+74.
Therefore, the station of the low point on the curve where the catch basins should be installed is
Station 14+74.

Question #6: A vertical curve has a BVC elevation of = 924.6’, a PVI elevation of 932.4’, and an
EVC elevation of 926.7’. What is the elevation at the midpoint of the curve?

Solution #6: We know that the middle ordinate, M, is the distance from the PVI to the midpoint of
the vertical curve. Start by calculating the middle ordinate using the formula
| |
M = (1/2) · |(924.6 + 926.7) / 2 – 932.4| = |-3.4’| = 3.4’.
Given the VC elevations, we can deduce that this is a crest VC. Therefore, the curve opens concave down,
and the PVI is higher than the midpoint of the curve. Thus, elevPVI – M = elevmdpt = 932.4’ – 3.38’ = 929.0’.
Therefore, the elevation at the midpoint of the vertical curve is 929.0’

Question #7: A vertical curve has the following properties: g1 = +5.3%, g2 = +8.2%, StaBVC =
2+34. StaPVI = 4+84. What is the vertical tangent offset distance at Station 4+25?

Solution #7: If the distance L / 2 = StaPVI – StaBVC = 4+84 – 2+34 = 2.5 Sta, then we know L = 5.0
sta. x is the distance from the BVC to the point on the curve of interest. Sta 4+25 – 2+34 = 1.91 Sta.
Using the formula for tangent offset
y’ = - [(5.3 – 8.2) (1.912)] / (2·5) = 1.06’.
Note that y’ is positive because this is a sag curve and the curve is higher than the tangent.
Therefore, the vertical tangent offset distance, y’, at Station 4+25 is 1.1’

Question #8: A sag vertical curve must clear an overhead sign located at Station 15+00 with a
minimum of 20 feet clearance. The elevation of the bottom of the sign is 232.7’. The station and
elevation at the BVC is 11+00 and 221.9’, respectively. g1 = -3.7% and g2 = +2.2%. What is the
station of the EVC?

Solution #8: In order to solve this problem, we will need to solve for the appropriate VC length,
L, which allows the sag VC 20 feet of clearance under the sign at station 15+00. First, determine the
required elevation on the curve at station 15+00. elevsign – clearance = elev15+00. 232.7’ – 20’ =
212.7. x is the distance from the BVC to the point on the curve of interest, in this case Station 15+00.
x = 15+00 – 11+00 = 4 sta.
Solve for L using the formula
L = [(g1 – g2) · x2] / [2 · (g1 · x + elevBVC - elevx)].
L = [(-3.7 – 2.2) · 42] / [2 · (-3.7 · 4 + 221.9 - 212.7)] = 8.4 sta.
Finally, using the formula StaEVC = StaBVC + L, StaEVC = 11+00 + 8.4 Sta = 19+40.
Therefore, the station of the EVC is Station 19+40

12.00 10.536 1.437
470 14.5 455.5
432.65 ∗ 1.437 441.272
432.65 ∗ 1.437 426.902
. . ∗ . .
=1.418 , 16.625 1662.5
. . .

C. Traffic volume (e.g., vehicle mix, flow, and speed)
1- Stopping Sight Distance “SSD” CERM ch75.5,6 & CEAIO ch 403.1,2

SSD= perception reaction distance + braking distance =

where is vehicle speed /sec , . is perception‐reaction,

Longitubdinal grade & &

. / acceleration due to gravity, . / is vehicle deceleration rate

and for use . . %
. %

VII. Materials 6/40
A. Soil classification and boring log interpretation
B. Soil properties (e.g., strength, permeability, compressibility, phase relationships)
C. Concrete (e.g., non-reinforced, reinforced)
D. Structural steel
E. Material test methods and specification conformance
F. Compaction

A. Soil classification and boring log interpretation,

1. Soil classification CERM ch35.2,3,4 & CEAIO ch 203 & NAVFAC DM 7.01

2. boring log interpretation CEAIO ch202 p344 & NAVFAC DM 7.01 p50

B. Soil properties (e.g., strength, permeability, compressibility, phase relationships)
1. Soil strength CEAIO ch 202 p360 & NAVFAC DM 7.01
2. permeability CEAIO ch 202 p383, ch205 & NAVFAC DM 7.01
3. compressibility CEAIO ch 202 p349, p362 & NAVFAC DM 7.01
4. phase relationships CEAIO ch 201 & check VIII.A topic & NAVFAC DM 7.01

C. Concrete (e.g., non-reinforced, reinforced) ACI318-11
3.2 — Cementitious materials
Portland cement TYPES
Type I – Normal (General construction (most buildings, bridges, pavements, precast units, etc))
Type II- Moderate Sulfate Resistant (Structures exposed to soil or water containing sulfate ions as Pipe in
Type III - High Early Strength (high Heat of Hydration “more cracks” required good curing, Rapid
construction “road repair & pavment”, cold weather concreting “winter construction”)
Type IV- Low Heat of Hydration (Massive structures such as dams, if long hold time required due to traffic or
hot weather or delaying casting part of element due to any reasons in site)
Type V – High Sulfate Resistant (Structures exposed to high levels of sulfate ions or chemical attack or
exposed to water for longtime)

3.3 — Aggregates
3.3.2 — Nominal maximum size of coarse aggregate shall be not larger than:
(a) 1/5 the narrowest dimension between sides of forms, nor
(b) 1/3 the depth of slabs, nor
(c) 3/4 the minimum clear spacing between individual reinforcing bars or wires, bundles of bars, individual
tendons, bundled tendons, or ducts.
4.1.2 — The maximum w/cm limits in Chapter 4 do not apply to lightweight concrete

4.2 — Exposure categories and classes 4.2.1 — The 4.3 — Requirements for concrete mixtures
licensed design professional shall assign 4.3.1 — Based on the exposure classes assigned
exposure classes based on the severity of the from Table 4.2.1, concrete mixtures shall comply
anticipated exposure of structural concrete members for with the most restrictive requirements according to
each exposure category according to Table 4.2.1. Table 4.3.1.

4.4 — Additional requirements for
freezing-and-thawing exposure
4.4.1 — Normalweight and lightweight concrete 4.4.2 —The quantity of pozzolans, including fly ash
subject to Exposure Classes F1, F2, or F3 shall be air and silica fume, and slag in concrete subject to
entrained with air content indicated in Table 4.4.1. Exposure Class F3, shall not exceed the limits in
Tolerance on air content as delivered shall be ±1.5 Table 4.4.2.
percent. For fc′ greater than 5000 psi, reduction of air
content indicated in Table 4.4.1 by 1.0 percent shall be


5.1 — General
5.1.1 — Concrete shall be proportioned to provide an 5.2.1 — Proportions of materials for concrete shall
average compressive strength, fcr ′ , as prescribed in be established to:
5.3.2 and shall satisfy the durability criteria of Chapter 4. (a) Provide workability and consistency to permit
Concrete shall be produced to minimize the frequency concrete to be worked readily into forms and
of strength tests below fc′ , as prescribed in around reinforcement under conditions of
For concrete designed and constructed in accordance placement to be employed, without segregation or
with the Code, fc′shall not be less than 2500 psi. excessive bleeding;
(b) Meet requirements for applicable exposure
categories of Chapter 4;
(c) Conform to strength test requirements of 5.6
5.3 — Proportioning on the basis of field experience
or trial mixtures, or both — Where a concrete production facility
5.3.1 — Sample standard deviation ࡿࡿ does not have strength test records meeting — Where a concrete production facility has requirements of, but does have test
strength test records not more than 24 months old, a records not more than 24 months old based on 15
sample standard deviation, ss, shall be established. to 29 consecutive tests, ࡿࡿ multiplied with
Test records from which ss is calculated: modification factor of Table
a- Shall represent materials
b- compressive strength within 1000 psi of fc′
c- consist of at least 30 consecutive tests or two
groups of consecutive tests totaling at least 30 tests

5.3.2 — Required average strength — Required average compressive strength — When a concrete production facility does
fcr ′used as the basis for selection of concrete not have field strength test records for calculation
proportions shall be determined from Table of ss meeting requirements of,fcr′
using the sample standard deviation, ss, calculated in shall be determined from Table and
accordance with or documentation of average strength shall be in
accordance with requirements of 5.3.3.

5.4 — Proportioning without field 5.5 — Average compressive strength

experience or trial mixtures reduction
5.4.1 — If data required by 5.3 are not available, As data become available during construction, it
concrete proportions shall be based upon other shall be permitted to reduce the amount by which
experience or information, if approved by the licensed the required average concrete strength, fcr ′must
design professional. exceed fc′ , provided:
The required average compressive strength fcr ′of (a) Thirty or more test results are available and
concrete produced with materials similar to those average of test results exceeds that required by
proposed for use shall be at least 1200 psi greater, using a sample standard deviation
than fc′. This alternative shall not be used if fc′ calculated in accordance with; or
is greater than 5000 psi. (b) Fifteen to 29 test results are available and
average of test results exceeds that required by using a sample standard deviation
calculated in accordance with; and
(c) Requirements for exposure categories of
Chapter 4 are met.
5.6 — Evaluation and acceptance of concrete
5.6.2 — Frequency of testing — Samples for strength tests of each class — On a given project, if total volume of
of concrete placed each day shall be taken not less than concrete is such that frequency of testing required
 once a day, by would provide less than 5 strength
 nor less than once for each 150 yd3 of concrete, tests for a given class of concrete, tests shall be
 nor less than once for each 5000 ft2 of surface made from at least 5 randomly selected batches
area for slabs or walls. or from each batch if fewer than 5 batches are

10 — When total quantity of a given class of — A strength test shall be the
concrete is less than 50 yd3, strength tests are not  average of the strengths of at least two 6 by
required when evidence of satisfactory strength is 12 in cylinders or
submitted to and approved by the building official  at least three 4 by 8 in cylinders made from
the same sample of concrete and tested at 28
days or at test age designated for — Strength level of an individual class of determination of fc′
concrete shall be considered satisfactory if both of the
following requirements are met: — If either of the requirements of is
(a) Every arithmetic average of any 3 consecutive not met, steps shall be taken to increase the
strength tests (see equals or exceeds fc′ average of subsequent strength test results.
(b) No strength test (see falls below fc′ by Requirements of 5.6.5 shall be observed if
more than 500 psi when fc′ is 5000 psi or less; requirement of is not met.
or by more than 0.10fc′ when fc′ is more than
5000 psi.
5.6.5 — Investigation of low-strength test results — If any strength test (see of — If the likelihood of low-strength concrete
laboratory-cured cylinders falls below fc′ by more than is confirmed and calculations indicate that load-
the values given in or if tests of field-cured carrying capacity is significantly reduced, tests of
cylinders indicate deficiencies in protection and curing cores drilled from the area in question in
(see, steps shall be taken to ensure that load accordance with ASTM C42 shall be permitted. In
carrying capacity of the structure is not jeopardized. such cases, 3 cores shall be taken for each
strength test that falls below the values given in — Cores shall be obtained, moisture conditioned
by storage in watertight bags or containers,
transported to the laboratory, and tested in accordance — Concrete in an area represented by
with ASTM C42. Cores shall be tested no earlier than core tests shall be considered structurally
48 hours and not later than 7 days after coring adequate if
 the average of 3 cores is equal to at least
85%of fc′and
 if no single core is less than 75%of fc′ .
Additional testing of cores extracted from locations
represented by erratic core strength results shall be
6.4 — Construction joints
6.4.4 — Construction joints in floors shall be located 6.4.5 — Construction joints in girders shall be
within the middle third of spans of slabs, beams, and offset a minimum distance of two times the width of
girders. intersecting beams.

8.3 — Methods of analysis
Following approximate moments and shears shall be
permitted for design of continuous beams and one-
way slabs provided (a) through (e) are satisfied:
(a) There are two or more spans;
(b) Spans are approximately equal, with the
larger of two adjacent spans not greater than
the shorter by more than 20%;
(c) Loads are uniformly distributed;
(d) Unfactored live load, L, does not exceed three
times unfactored dead load, D; and
(e) Members are prismatic.

For calculating negative moments, र࢔ is taken as the

average of the adjacent clear span lengths.

7.1 — Standard hooks 7.2 — Minimum bend diameters
7.6 — Spacing limits for reinforcement

7.7 — Concrete protection for reinforcement

7.7.1 — Cast-in-place concrete (non-pre-stressed) (c) Concrete not exposed to weather or in contact
Concrete cover, in. with ground:
(a) Concrete cast against and permanently Slabs, walls, joists:
exposed to earth .................................3 No. 14 and No. 18 bars ............................... 1-1/2
(b) Concrete exposed to earth or weather: No. 11 bar and smaller................................... ¾
No. 6 through No. 18 bars.....................................2 Beams, columns:
No. 5 bar, W31 or D31 wire, and smaller ....... 1-1/2 Primary reinforcement, ties, stirrups,
Shells, folded plate members:
No. 6 bar and larger ....................................... 3/4
No. 5 bar, W31 or D31 wire, and smaller ....... 1/2

D. Structural steel AISC SCM

E. Material test methods and specification conformance ACI318-11

F. Compaction CEAIO ch202 p362

VIII. Site Development 5/40
A. Excavation and embankment (e.g., cut and fill)
B. Construction site layout and control
C. Temporary and permanent soil erosion and sediment control (e.g., construction erosion control and
permits, sediment transport, channel/outlet protection)
D. Impact of construction on adjacent facilities
E. Safety (e.g., construction, roadside, work zone)

A. Excavation and embankment (e.g., cut and fill) CERM ch 80 & CEAIO ch 212, 510
1- Average end area method CERM ch 80.15
1 2
2- Prismoidal formula method CERM ch 80.16
1 4 2
3- Borrow Pit Geometry CERM ch 80.17
∑ ∗ ∙∙∙ ∙∙∙
4 3 4
1 2 1 2 4 3 1 ∙∙

1 2 1 2 4 3 1 ∙∙ ∗4 3
∗ , .
4- Mass Diagram CERM ch 80.18
is a record of the cumulative earthwork volume moved along an alignment, usually plotted below profile
sections of the original ground and finished grade.
The mass diagram can be used to establish a finished grade that balances cut-and-fill volumes and minimizes
long hauls.
rising line on the mass diagram represents areas of excavation.
falling line represents areas of embankment (fill)
minimum and maximum on the mass diagram identify the grade points.
Vertical distances on a mass diagram represent volumes of material (areas on the profile diagram)
5- Swell & Shrinkage of soil CERM ch 80.3, T80.1 & CEAIO ch 201,p340
1 1 27 &1 7.4805
BCY “Bank (borrow) Cubic Yards” is natural soil state “in situ soil”.
LCY “Loose Cubic Yards” is excavated soil state.
CCY “Compacted Cubic Yards” is compacted soil state.

∗ ∗ ∗
% 1 ∗ 100% 1 ∗ 100% 1 ∗ 100%

/ %
/ %

% 1 ∗ 100%% 1 ∗ 100%

/ %

6- Mass-Volume Relationships CERM ch 35.5, T35.7 & CEAIO ch 201

Alternative Solution
26000 , % 12%

124 , % 15%, % 16%

% 12 %
1 1 0.88
100 100 26000
0.88 ∗ 26000 22880
38000 22880 15120

% 15 % 15120
1 1 0.85
100 100
∗ 17788 ∗ ∗ 124 ∗
% 16 %
1 1 1.16
100 100 17788

1.16 ∗ 17788


B. Construction site layout and control CERM ch 78.19,20 & CEAIO ch 507,page1085

1. Construction Stakes
Construction stakes are used for centerline, slope, offset, shoulder, grade, reference, ditch, culvert,
and temporary bench marks.
a. Sample of Ditch Stake

1 Offset distance to intercept point of back slope with

natural ground
2 Cut to bottom of ditch from stake
3 Back slope of ditch
4 Base width
5 Ditch typical from plans

6 Vertical distance (±) between intercept point and

offset ditch stake point + offset ditch stake point
higher than intercept point – offset ditch stake point
lower than intercept point
7 Station
b. Sample of Slope Stake

1 Offset distance (horizontal distance between catch

point and slope stake)
2 Total fill or cut from base point to intercept point
with natural ground
3 Total horizontal distance of slope
4 Rate of slope
5 Total distance from centerline to intercept point

6 Vertical distance (±) between intercept point and

offset stake point + offset stake point higher than
intercept point – offset stake point lower than
intercept point
7 Station
8 Super elevation

2. Elevation Measurements:
a. Differential Leveling CERM ch 78.20
BM benchmark or monument
TP turning point
FS foresight (also known as a minus sight)
BS backsight (also known as a plus sight)
HI height of the instrument
Rod reading at point A
Ground elevation at point A

b. Trigonometric Levelling

C. Temporary and permanent soil erosion and sediment control (e.g., construction erosion
control and permits, sediment transport, channel/outlet protection)
CERM ch 80.21,22 & CEAIO ch 508
Erosion ‫ التعرية‬and sediment ‫رواسب‬Control:

Types of Water Erosion

There are two principal types of water erosion: overland ‫ البر‬erosion and sheet channel ‫ قناة رقيقة‬erosion.
Overland erosion occurs on denuded ‫ مُعراة‬slopes when raindrops ‫ قطرات المطر‬splash ‫ تتساقط علي شكل قطرات‬and run off.

The largest source of sediment during construction activities, it includes the following:
a. Raindrop erosion or splash erosion:
results when raindrops dislodge ‫ يزيح‬soil particles and splash them into the air. These dislodged particles are then vulnerable ‫عُرضة‬
to sheet erosion.
b. Sheet ‫ رقيق وسطحي‬erosion:
is caused by shallow sheets of water flowing off the land. These broad ‫ واسع‬, moving sheets of water are seldom ً‫ نادرا‬the detaching
agent, but the flow transports soil particles detached ‫ فُصلت‬by raindrops. The shallow surface flow rarely moves as a uniform sheet
for more than a few feet before concentrating in low spots on the land surface.
c. Rill ‫ جدول ماء‬erosion:
develops as the shallow surface flow begins to concentrate in low spots. The concentrated flow increases in velocity and
turbulence, which in turn causes the detachment and transport of more soil particles. This action cuts tiny‫بالغ الصغر‬, well-defined
channels called rills, which are usually only a few inches deep.
d. Gully ‫ وادي‬erosion:
occurs as the flow in rills comes together in larger and larger channels. The major difference between this and rill erosion is size.

The Deign objectives is most suitable to control erosion and sediment:

 Keep the soil in its original location
 Keep the soil close to its original location
 Keep the soil in site.
Temporary soil stabilization ‫ استقرار‬methods:
 Preservation of existing vegetation
 Hydraulic Mulch‫نشارة‬
 Hydro seeding: method of planting grass for erosion control
 Soil binders ‫تجليد‬
 Straw ‫ قش‬mulch‫نشارة‬
 Geotextiles ‫تكسية‬, plastic covers, erosion control blankets or mats.
Purpose of sediment control:
 Slow water velocity
 Allow soil particles to settle out‫يترسب‬
 Slow flood speed by collecting the flow then releasing in slower rate to control erosion

 Silt fence  Gravel bag berm‫ساتر‬

 Sand barrier‫حاجز‬  Sediment trap ‫فخ‬
 Straw bale barrier  Fiber roll
 Check dam  Sediment basin

Sediment trap, Sediment basin, Fiber roll

Linear Sediment Barrier‫( حاجز‬silt fences, sandbag ‫ اكياس رمل‬barriers, or straw ‫ قش‬bale ‫ كومة‬barriers)
Cross barriers function as check dams, slowing the flow of storm water behind the linear sediment barrier to
reduce erosion and remove sediment from storm water.

Temporary Berm ‫ & ساتر‬slope drain:

Check Dam:
Function as small barrier, slowing the flow of storm water to reduce erosion and remove sediment from storm
water.Constructed of rock, gravel bags, sand bags, fiber rolls or any natural material.

D. Impact of construction on adjacent facilities CERM ch 39, 83.2 & CEAIO ch 209,210,507,509
Due to one of the following:
1- Excavation (slope stability, supporting excavation) OSHA part 1926 Subpart P—Excavations, p376
2- dewatering
3- Vibration (driven piles, heavy construction equipment’s)
4- Noise (construction equipment’s)
5- Dust (Construction demolition)

Excavation (slope stability, supporting excavation) CERM ch 83.2 & OSHA part 1926 Subpart P—Excavations, p376

E. Safety (e.g., construction, roadside, work zone)
1. construction safety:
OSHA PART 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards

Subpart A—General
§1910.1 Purpose and scope.
§1910.2 Definitions.
§1910.3 Petitions for the issuance, amendment, or repeal of a standard.
§1910.4 Amendments to this part.
§1910.5 Applicability of standards.
§1910.6 Incorporation by reference.
§1910.7 Definition and requirements for a nationally recognized testing laboratory.
§1910.8 OMB control numbers under the Paperwork Reduction Act.
§1910.9 Compliance duties owed to each employee.

Subpart D—Walking-Working Surfaces

§1910.21 Definitions.
§1910.22 General requirements.
§1910.23 Guarding floor and wall openings and holes.
§1910.24 Fixed industrial stairs.
§1910.25 Portable wood ladders.
§1910.26 Portable metal ladders.
§1910.27 Fixed ladders.
§1910.28 Safety requirements for scaffolding.
§1910.29 Manually propelled mobile ladder stands and scaffolds (towers).
§1910.30 Other working surfaces.

Subpart F—Powered Platforms, Manlifts, and Vehicle-Mounted Work Platforms

§1910.66 Powered platforms for building maintenance.
§1910.67 Vehicle-mounted elevating and rotating work platforms.
§1910.68 Manlifts.

OSHA PART 1926 Safety and Health Regulations for Construction

Subpart E—Personal Protective and Life Saving Equipment

§1926.95 Criteria for personal protective equipment.
§1926.96 Occupational foot protection.
§1926.97 Electrical protective equipment.
§1926.98 [Reserved]
§1926.100 Head protection.
§1926.101 Hearing protection.
§1926.102 Eye and face protection.
§1926.103 Respiratory protection.
§1926.104 Safety belts, lifelines, and lanyards.
§1926.105 Safety nets.
§1926.106 Working over or near water.
§1926.107 Definitions applicable to this subpart.

Subpart M—Fall Protection

§1926.500 Scope, application, and definitions applicable to this subpart.
§1926.501 Duty to have fall protection.
§1926.502 Fall protection systems criteria and practices.
§1926.503 Training requirements.
Appendix A to Subpart M of Part 1926—Determining Roof Widths
Appendix B to Subpart M of Part 1926—Guardrail Systems
Appendix C to Subpart M of Part 1926—Personal Fall Arrest Systems
Appendix D to Subpart M of Part 1926—Positioning Device Systems
Appendix E to Subpart M of Part 1926—Sample Fall Protection Plan

Subpart P—Excavations
§1926.650 Scope, application, and definitions applicable to this subpart.
§1926.651 Specific excavation requirements.
§1926.652 Requirements for protective systems.
Appendix A to Subpart P of Part 1926—Soil Classification
Appendix B to Subpart P of Part 1926—Sloping and Benching
Appendix C to Subpart P of Part 1926—Timber Shoring for Trenches
Appendix D to Subpart P of Part 1926—Aluminum Hydraulic Shoring for Trenches
Appendix E to Subpart P of Part 1926—Alternatives to Timber Shoring
Appendix F to Subpart P of Part 1926—Selection of Protective Systems

Subpart Q—Concrete and Masonry Construction

§1926.700 Scope, application, and definitions applicable to this subpart.
§1926.701 General requirements.
§1926.702 Requirements for equipment and tools.
§1926.703 Requirements for cast-in-place concrete.
§1926.704 Requirements for precast concrete.
§1926.705 Requirements for lift-slab construction operations.
§1926.706 Requirements for masonry construction.
Appendix A to Subpart Q of Part 1926—References to subpart Q of Part 1926

Subpart R—Steel Erection

§1926.750 Scope.
§1926.751 Definitions.
§1926.752 Site layout, site-specific erection plan and construction sequence.
§1926.753 Hoisting and rigging.
§1926.754 Structural steel assembly.
§1926.755 Column anchorage.
§1926.756 Beams and columns.
§1926.757 Open web steel joists.
§1926.758 Systems-engineered metal buildings.
§1926.759 Falling object protection.
§1926.760 Fall protection.
§1926.761 Training.
Appendix A to Subpart R of Part 1926—Guidelines for Establishing the Components of a Site-specific Erection Plan: Non-mandatory
Guidelines for Complying With §1926.752(e)
Appendix B to Subpart R of Part 1926 [Reserved]
Appendix C to Subpart R of Part 1926—Illustrations of Bridging Terminus Points: Non-mandatory Guidelines for Complying With
§§1926.757(a)(10) and §1926.757(c)(5)
Appendix D to Subpart R of Part 1926—Illustration of the Use of Control Lines To Demarcate Controlled Decking Zones (CDZs): Non-
mandatory Guidelines for Complying With §1926.760(c)(3)
Appendix E to Subpart R of Part 1926—Training: Non-mandatory Guidelines for Complying With §1926.761
Appendix F to Subpart R of Part 1926—Perimeter Columns: Non-Mandatory Guidelines for Complying With §1926.756(e) To Protect
the Unprotected Side or Edge of a Walking/Working Surface
Appendix G to Subpart R of Part 1926—§1926.502 (b)-(e) Fall Protection Systems Criteria and Practices
Appendix H to Subpart R of Part 1926—Double Connections: Illustration of a Clipped End Connection and a Staggered Connection:
Non-Mandatory Guidelines for Complying With §1926.756(c)(1)

2. roadside safety: CEAIO ch 402, p809

AASHTO Roadside Design Guide, 4th Ed-2011
Chapter 3, Roadside Topography and Drainage Features
Clear-Zone Distance Lc (ft) from Edge of Through Traveled Way

3. work zone safety:
MUTCD Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices_2nd Ed-2009
Temporary Traffic Control Zone CERM ch 73.37, MUTCD Chapter 6C
Temporary Traffic Control Zone = Advance Warning Area + Transition Area + Activity Area+ Termination Area

I. Analysis of Structures 14/40
A. Loads and load applications 4/40 ASCE 7-10
1. Dead loads ASCE ch3 & Check AM review IV
2. Live loads ASCE ch4 & Check AM review IV & CEAIO Ch116 p309
3. Construction loads ASCE 37-02 & Check AM review II.A
4. Wind loads ASCE ch26 to 31 & CEAIO Ch315 p315
5. Seismic loads ASCE ch11 to 23 & CEAIO Ch315 p320
6. Moving loads (e.g., vehicular, cranes) ASCE ch4.9 & CEAIO Ch102 p82 & CERM ch46.10,11
7. Snow, rain, ice ASCE ch7, 8 & CEAIO Ch116 p312
8. Impact loads ASCE ch4.6 & check I.A.2 live load
9. Earth pressure and surcharge loads ASCE ch2.3.2 “Earth Pressure H” check 11. Load combination
10. Load paths (e.g., lateral and vertical) ASCE ch1.4 (load path) & ch12.3 (diaphragm)
11. Load combinations ASCE ch2 & Check related code
12. Tributary areas ASCE figure C4-1
B. Forces and load effects 10/4
1. Diagrams (e.g., shear and moment) Check AM review IV
2. Axial (e.g., tension and compression) Check AM review IV
3. Shear Check AM review IV
4. Flexure Check AM review IV
5. Deflection
6. Special topics (e.g., torsion, buckling, fatigue, progressive collapse, thermal deformation,

A. Loads and load applications ASCE 7-10

1. Dead loads ASCE ch3 & Check AM review IV
Table C3-1 Minimum Design Dead Loads
Table C3-2 Minimum Densities for Design Loads from Materials
2. Live loads ASCE ch4 & Check AM review IV & CEAIO Ch116 p309
Table 4-1 Minimum Uniformly Distributed Live Loads, Lo, and Minimum Concentrated Live Loads
Table C4-1 Minimum Uniformly Distributed Live Loads
4.5.1 Loads on Handrail and Guardrail Systems
200 lb (0.89 kN) concentrated or 50 lb/ft (pound-force per linear foot) (0.73 kN/m) load applied in any
direction at any point on the handrail or top rail to produce the maximum load effect.
4.5.2 Loads on Grab Bar Systems
250 lb (1.11 kN) concentrated load applied in any direction at any point on the grab bar to produce the
maximum load effect
4.5.3 Loads on Vehicle Barrier Systems
6,000 lb (26.70 kN) concentrated load assumed to act at heights between 1 ft 6 in. (460 mm) and 2 ft 3 in.
(686 mm) above the floor or ramp surface, selected to produce the maximum load effect.
The load shall be applied on an area not to exceed 12 in. by 12 in. (305 mm by 305 mm) and located so as to
produce the maximum load effects.
4.5.4 Loads on Fixed Ladders with rungs (for stairs with treads shall be according Table 4-1)
300 lb (1.33 kN) concentrated load @ 10 ft (3.05 m) of ladder height, and shall be applied at any point to produce
the maximum load effect.
4.6.3 Machinery
The live load shall by increased for impact by
 20% for light machinery, shaft- or motor-driven.
 50% for reciprocating machinery or power-driven units.


Permitted for all Live Loads Lo in Table 4-1 & Influence area =KLLAT 400 ft2(37.16 m2) except:
 Roof live load.
 Heavy live loads exceed 100 lb/ft2 (4.79 kN/m2) except members supporting two or more floors “columns,
RC walls, foundation” shall be permitted to be reduced by 20%.
 Passenger Vehicle garage live loads except members supporting two or more floors “columns, RC walls,
foundation” shall be permitted to be reduced by 20%
 Assembly uses live load “Fixed & movable seats Auditorium, Lobbies, Platforms, stage floors and other
assembly areas”
4.7.2 Reduction in Uniform Live Loads


Permitted for all roof types except special purpose roofs “roof gardens, assembly roof…” shall be
Calculated according item 4.7

3. Construction loads ASCE 37-02 & Check AM review II.A

4. Wind loads ASCE ch26 to 31 & CEAIO Ch315 p315

 ASCE7-10 based on ultimate stress of wind speed & ASCE7-05 on allowable stress of wind speed.
 Table 1.5-1 Risk Category of Buildings and Other Structures for Flood, Wind, Snow,
Earthquake, and Ice Loads
 Table 1.5-2 Importance Factors by Risk Category of Buildings and Other Structures for Snow,
Ice, and Earthquake Loads

5. Seismic loads ASCE ch11 to 23 & CEAIO Ch315 p320
Calculate base shear:
1) Find , according building location from ch22 or from
Where mapped spectral response acceleration parameter at short periods of 0.2sec
mapped Spectral response acceleration parameter at periods of 1.0 sec
2) Calculate , eq. 11.4-1 & 11.4-2
Where spectral response acceleration parameter at short periods of 0.2sec adjusted for site class.
spectral response acceleration parameter at periods of 1.0 sec adjusted for site class.
Short-period 0.2 sec site coefficient from Table 11.4-1
Long-period 1.0 sec site coefficient from Table 11.4-2

3) Calculate , eq. 11.4-3 & 11.4-4

Where Design spectral response acceleration parameter at short periods of 0.2sec.
Design spectral response acceleration parameter at periods of 1.0 sec.
4) Calculate importance factor from Table 1.5-1 & Table 1.5-2
5) Calculate SDC Seismic Design Category from Table 11.6-1 & Table 11.6-2 the worst from both tables

For SDC A, Story Seismic Force .

6) Calculate , , values according seismic force resisting system from T12.2-1

Where response modification coefficient
Deflection amplification factor
over strength factor
7) Calculate seismic base shear using equivalent method according section 12.8

Where the seismic response coefficient

the effective seismic weight per Section 12.7.2
12.7.2 Effective Seismic Weight is include the following:
 Dead Load above base
 25% of live load for storage area except:
 Live load for storage area add % , need not be included
 Floor live load in public garage and open parking need not be included
 Partition weight of minimum of 10pdf need to be included.
 Total operating weight of permanent equipment.
 20% of design snow load if exceeds 30psf.
 Weight of landscaping & materials at roof gardens and similar areas.

. .

Where fundamental period & approximate fundamental period
vertical distance from the base to the highest level of the seismic force-resisting system of the
structure. For pitched or sloped roofs, the structural height is from the base to the average height of
the roof.
, Coefficient from Table 12.8-2

8) Calculate Story Seismic Force (vertical distribution) according section 12.8.3


. .
12.3 Diaphragm Flexibility
Flexible Diaphragm force distribute to walls/columns based on tributary area.
 Un-topped steel decking or wood structural panels is flexible diaphragm if:
a) Vertical elements are steel braced frames, steel and concrete composite braced frames or concrete, masonry,
steel, or steel and concrete composite shear walls.
b) Or In one- and two-family dwellings.
c) Or In structures of light-frame construction where all of the following conditions are met:
 Topping of concrete or similar materials is not placed over wood structural panel diaphragms except for
nonstructural topping no greater than1 1/2 in. (38 mm) thick.
 Each line of vertical elements of the seismic force-resisting system complies with the allowable story drift
of Table 12.12-1.
 diaphragm is flexible if
Where Maximum Diaphragm deflection.
Average Drift of Vertical Element.
Rigid Diaphragm
Diaphragms of concrete slabs or concrete filled metal deck with span-to-depth ratios of 3 or less in structures that have no
horizontal irregularities are permitted to be idealized as rigid.

6. Moving loads (e.g., vehicular, cranes) ASCE ch4.9 & CEAIO Ch102 p82 & CERM ch46.10,11
4.9.3 Vertical Impact Force max. Wheel load shall increase by:
 25% for Monorail cranes (powered) & Cab-operated or remotely operated bridge cranes (powered)
 10% for Pendant-operated bridge cranes (powered)
 0% for Bridge cranes or monorail cranes with hand-geared bridge, trolley, and hoist
4.9.4 Lateral Force = 20% of max. Wheel load
4.9.5 Longitudinal Force (Braking Force) = 10% of max. Wheel load except for hand-geared bridges.
b) Moving Loads & influence line method CEAIO Ch102 p82 & CERM ch46.10,11
Influence line for single concentrated load
 Maximum reaction occur when wheel load at support, steps:
 Remove the support of A
 apply a unit upward displacement @A
 RA=0 when load located at other support.
 connect the known value for RA at difference location
with straight line to get the influence diagram
 RA for load P @x distance from A is RA=P*influence line
vertical distance @x
 Maximum shear occur when wheel load near support.
 Maximum shear occur when wheel load at mid-span for simple beam.
 Influence line for Multi-concentrated loads
 Maximum reaction occur when wheel group loads at support
 Maximum shear occur when wheel group loads near support
 Maximum moment occur at one of the wheels load “P2 or P3” near the concentrated load “P=P1+P2+P3” of the group
when the effect of P & P2 or P3 equidistant from beam mid-span.

7. Snow, rain, ice ASCE ch7, 8 & CEAIO Ch116 p312
a. Calculate Flat roof snow loads according section 7.3

Where Ground snow loads in psf from fig. 7-1

Exposure Factor Table 7-2
Thermal Factor Table 7-3
Importance factor from Table 1.5-1 & Table 1.5-2

b. Calculate Sloped roof snow loads according section 7.4

Where roof slope factor fig 7-3

c. Calculate Balanced and unbalanced loads according section 7.6 & fig 7-3 & 7-4 &7-5
 For hip and gable roofs with a slope exceeding 7 on 12 (30.2°) or with a slope less than 2.38°(½ on 12) unbalanced
snow loads are not required.
 Roofs with an eave to ridge distance, W, of 20 ft (6.1 m) or less, having simply supported prismatic members spanning
from ridge to eave shall be designed to resist an unbalanced uniform snow load on the leeward side equal to
Table 7-2 Exposure Factor, Ce
Terrain Category Exposure of Roofa
Fully Partially Sheltered
Exposed Exposed
Exposure B: Urban and suburban areas, wooded areas, or other terrain with 0.90 1.0 1.20
numerous closely spaced obstructions having the size of single-family dwellings
or larger.
Exposure C: Open terrain with scattered obstructions having heights generally 0.9 1.0 1.1
less than 30 ft (9.1 m). This category includes flat open country and grasslands
Exposure D: Flat, unobstructed areas and water surfaces. This category 0.8 0.9 1.0
includes smooth mud flats, salt flats, and unbroken ice.
Above the tree line in windswept mountainous areas. 0.7 0.8 N/A
In Alaska, in areas where trees do not exist within a 2-mile (3-km) radius of the site. 0.7 0.8 N/A

8. Impact loads ASCE ch4.6 & check I.A.2 live load above
9. Earth pressure and surcharge loads ASCE ch2.3.2 “Earth Pressure H” check 11. Load combination
10. Load paths (e.g., lateral and vertical) ASCE ch1.4 (load path) & ch12.3 (diaphragm)

11. Load combinations ASCE ch2 & Check related code

12. Tributary areas ASCE figure C4-1

I. Analysis of Structures 14/40
B. Forces and load effects 10/4 CEAIO ch 101, 102, 103 & CERM ch 44, 45, 46, 47
1. Diagrams (e.g., shear and moment) Check AM review IV
2. Axial (e.g., tension and compression) Check AM review IV
3. Shear Check AM review IV
4. Flexure Check AM review IV
5. Deflection CEAIO ch 102 p43, 63-74 & CERM ch47.8
6. Special topics (e.g., torsion, buckling, fatigue, progressive collapse, thermal deformation, bearing)

B. Forces and load effects CEAIO ch 101, 102, 103 & CERM ch 44, 45, 46, 47, App 42.A to 47.B
1. Diagrams (e.g., shear and moment) Check AM review IV
Moment Distribution CEAIO ch 103 p103 & CERM ch47.15 , App47.A
1- Calculate the flexural stiffness K for each member

2- Calculate the Distribution Factor DF at each member joint
, ,
3- Calculate fixed end moment FEM for each beam span from App.47.A
4- Calculate the unbalance portion of fixed-end moment i.e at joint B is @
at each joint and distribute for each member joint at B by DF, i.e
@ ∗
And @ ∗
5- Carry over the i.e to the far end A by carry over factor of 0.5 if far end is fixed and 0
if far joint is pin support or cantilever.


2. Axial (e.g., tension and compression) Check AM review IV
Cable analysis CEAIO ch 102 p45 & CERM ch41.39-72

3. Shear Check AM review IV

4. Flexure Check AM review IV

5. Deflection CEAIO ch 102 p43, 63-74 & CERM ch47.8

6. Special topics (e.g., torsion, buckling, fatigue, progressive collapse, thermal deformation, bearing)

Buckling (Euer buckling) SCM Table C-A-7.1 page 16.1-511 & CERM & CEAIO Ch110 p191

Euler critical Load in lbs , where the column will buckle after exceeding it.
Effective length factor from Table C-A-7.1, AISC360-10

Radius of gyration

II. Design and Details of Structures 20/40
A. Materials and material properties 5/40 check AM_VII. Materials
1. Concrete (e.g., plain, reinforced, cast-in-place, precast, pre-tensioned, post-tensioned)
2. Steel (e.g., structural, reinforcing, cold-formed)
3. Timber
4. Masonry (e.g., brick veneer, CMU)
B. Component design and detailing 15/40
1. Horizontal members (e.g., beams, slabs, diaphragms)
2. Vertical members (e.g., columns, bearing walls, shear walls)
3. Systems (e.g., trusses, braces, frames, composite construction)
4. Connections (e.g., bearing, bolted, welded, embedded, anchored)
5. Foundations (e.g., retaining walls, footings, combined footings, slabs, mats, piers, piles, caissons,
drilled shafts) check AM_III. Soil Mechanics

a) Reinforced Concrete Design (ACI318-11)

Punching shear in slabs & footing without punching reinforcement ACI318-11, sec 11.11

. 40
2 20

b) Precast, pre-tensioned, post-tensioned (ACI318-11 ch 18& PCI 7th ed)
Specified compressive strength of concrete at time of initial pre-stress, psi
Compressive stress in concrete (after allowance for all pre-stress losses), psi
Compressive stress in concrete due to effective pre-stress forces only (after allowance for all pre-stress
Losses), psi
Stress in pre-stressing steel at nominal flexural strength, psi
Specified tensile strength of pre-stressing steel, psi
Effective stress in pre-stressing steel (after allowance for all pre-stress losses), psi


18.4 — Serviceability requirements —Flexural 18.4.2 — For Class U and Class T prestressed
members flexural members, stresses in concrete at service
18.4.1 — Stresses in concrete immediately after loads (based on uncracked section properties, and
prestress transfer (before time-dependent prestress after allowance for all prestress losses) shall not
losses): exceed the following:
(a) Extreme fiber stress in compression except as (a) Extreme fiber stress in compression due to
permitted in (b) shall not exceed ................ prestress plus sustained load ....... 0.45fc′
0.60fci ′ (b) Extreme fiber stress in compression due to
(b) Extreme fiber stress in compression at ends of prestress plus total load............... 0.60fc′
simply supported members shall not exceed..
0.70fci ′
(c) Where computed concrete tensile strength, ft ,

exceeds at ends of simply supported

members, or at other locations,
additional bonded reinforcement shall be
provided in the tensile zone to resist the total
tensile force in concrete computed with the
assumption of an uncracked section.
18.5 — Permissible stresses in prestressing
18.5.1 — Tensile stress in prestressing steel shall not
exceed the following:
(a) Due to prestressing steel jacking force ......
0.94fpy but not greater than 0.80fpu
(b) Post-tensioning tendons, at anchorage devices
and couplers, immediately after force
transfer........ 0.70fpu

18.6 — Loss of prestress Check CEAIO Ch108, p179
18.6.1 — To determine effective stress in the For calculation of Loss of prestress
prestressing steel, fse , allowance for the following
sources of loss of prestress shall be considered:
(a) Prestressing steel seating at transfer;
(b) Elastic shortening of concrete;
(c) Creep of concrete;
(d) Shrinkage of concrete;
(e) Relaxation of prestressing steel stress;
(f) Friction loss due to intended or unintended
curvature in post-tensioning tendons.

Design using Standard Tables from PCI Design Handbook, Chapter 3 or design example in ch4, 5

5 ∗ 50
1562.5 .
8 8
1562.5 . .
∗ 20 ∗ 36
20 ∗ 36
777 60
12 12
20 ∗ 36
/2 6 6
∗ 1200 1200 ∗ 8 18750
@ 1.67 2.22 4.34
720 4320 4320

@ 1.67 2.22 4.34 3.79

@ 1.67 2.22 4.34 0.45

c) Steel (AISC 360-10 & SCM 14th ed)
d) Timber Design (NDS 2012 ed)
e) Masonry Design ( ACI 530-11)

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Steel (AISC 360-10 & SCM 14th ed)
SCM, Part 1 Dimensions and Properties of steel sections
SCM, Part 2 General Design Considerations

SCM, Part 3 & AISC 360, Chapter F & G : Design of Flexural Members (moment & shear)

SCM, Part 4 & AISC 360, Chapter E : Design of Compression Members

SCM, Part 5 & AISC 360, Chapter D : Design of Tension Members

SCM, Part 6 & AISC 360, Chapter H : Design of Members subject to combined forces

SCM, Part 7 & AISC 360, Chapter J.3 : Design considerations for Bolts
J3.1 High-Strength Bolts
Group A—ASTM A325, A325M, F1852, A354 Grade BC, and A449
Group B—ASTM A490, A490M, F2280, and A354 Grade BD

SCM, Part 8 & AISC 360, Chapter J.2 : Design considerations for Welds

Chapter 2 Design Algorithms

tween forces is lost, the program automatically produces sub-combinations

using the maxima/minima values of the interacting forces. Separate combina-
tions with negative factors for response spectrum load cases are not required
because the program automatically takes the minima to be the negative of the
maxima response when preparing the sub-combinations described previously.

The program allows live load reduction factors to be applied to the member
forces of the reducible live load case on a member-by-member basis to reduce
the contribution of the live load to the factored responses.

2.3 Supported Connection Types

The program currently handles steel base plates, as well as the following con-
nection types.

Shear Connections
Beam to Column Flange (major axis)

Beam to Column Web (minor axis)

Beam to Beam (beam coped top)

Beam to Beam (beam coped top and bottom)

Moment Connections
Beam to Column Flange (major axis)

Beam to Column Web (minor axis)

2.4 Design Checks

The design checks performed for each of the connection types are listed below
and described in detail in the next chapter.

Beam to Column Flange Moment (Major Axis)

Beam design flexural strength

Strength of bolt group

Supported Connection Types 2-3

Steel Connection Design AISC 360-10

Beam to Column Flange Moment (Major Axis)

Shear yielding of web plate

Shear rupture of web plate

Block shear rupture strength of web plate

Design strength of weld

Web plate rupture strength at weld

Shear yielding of beam web

Shear rupture strength of beam web

Panel zone shear strength

Local flange bending

Local web yielding

Web crippling

Beam to Column Web Moment (Minor Axis)

Beam design flexural strength

Strength of bolt group

Shear yielding of web plate

Shear rupture of web plate

Block shear rupture strength of web plate

Design strength of weld

Weld strength at tension flange

Shear yielding of beam web

Beam to Column Flange Shear (Major Axis)

Bolt strength in single shear

Bolt bearing on web plate

Shear yielding of web plate

Shear rupture of web plate

2-4 Design Checks

Chapter 2 Design Algorithms

Beam to Column Flange Shear (Major Axis)

Block shear rupture strength of web plate

Design strength of weld

Bold bearing on beam web

Beam to Column Web Shear (Minor Axis)

Strength of bolt group
Maximum plate thickness for plate yielding before bolt

Shear yielding of web plate

Critical flexural stress

Shear rupture of web plate

Block shear rupture strength of web plate

Flexure rupture of plate

Local buckling of plate

Strength of column web at weld

Beam to Beam Coped at Top

Bolt strength in single shear

Bolt bearing on web plate

Shear yielding of web plate

Shear rupture of web plate

Block shear rupture of strength of web plate

Design strength of weld

Bolt bearing on beam web

Block shear rupture strength of beam web

Flexural yielding of coped section

Local web buckling on coped section

Design Checks 2-5

Steel Connection Design AISC 360-10

Beam to Beam Coped at Top

Shear rupture of girder web

Beam to Beam Coped Top and Bottom

Bolt strength in single shear

Bolt bearing on web plate

Shear yielding of web plate

Shear rupture of web plate

Block shear rupture of strength of web plate

Design strength of weld

Bolt bearing on beam web

Shear yielding of beam web

Shear rupture of beam web

Block shear rupture strength of beam web

Flexural yielding of coped section

Local web buckling on coped section

Shear rupture of girder web

2.5 Choice of Units

English as well as SI and MKS metric units can be used for input. The codes
are based on a specific system of units. All equations and descriptions present-
ed in the subsequent chapters correspond to that specific system of units unless
otherwise noted. However, any system of units can be used to define and de-
sign a structure in the program.

The Display Unit preferences allow the user to specify the units.

2-6 Choice of Units

Chapter 3
Design Using ANSI/AISC 360-10

This chapter provides a detailed description of the algorithms used by the pro-
gram in the design/check of steel connections in accordance with “ANSI/AISC
360-10 — Specifications for Structural Steel Building” (AISC 2010a, b). The
implementation covers load combinations from “ASCE/SEI 7-10,” which is
described in the section “Design Loading Combinations” in this chapter. The
loading based on “ASCE/SEI 7-10” has been described in a separate document
entitled “CSI Lateral Load Manual” (CSI 2013). References also are made to
IBC 2012 in this document.

For referring to pertinent sections of the corresponding code, a unique prefix is

assigned for each code.

• Reference to the ANSI/AISC 360-10 code is identified with the prefix

• Reference to the ASCE/SEI 7-10 code is identified with the prefix
• Reference to the IBC 2012 code is identified with the prefix “IBC.”

3.1 Notations
The various notations used in this chapter are described herein.

Steel Connection Design AISC 360-10

A Cross-sectional area, in2

Ab Nominal bolt area, in2

Ag Gross area, in2

Agv Gross area subject to shear, in2

Ant Net area subject to tension, in2

Anv Net area subject to shear, in2

Ap Plate cross-sectional area, in2

D Number of sixteenths-of-an-inch for a weld size, in

FEXX Classification strength of weld metal, ksi

Fcr Critical stress, ksi

Ft Nominal tensile strength of a bolt, ksi

Fu Specified minimum tensile strength of steel, ksi

Fv Nominal shear strength of a bolt, ksi

Ixx Moment of inertia of a section about the x-axis, in4

L Height of a plate, in

Leh Horizontal edge distance, in

Lev Vertical edge distance, in

Mn Nominal flexural strength, kip-in

Q Full reduction factor for slender compression elements

Rn Nominal resistance or strength, kips

Snet Net elastic section modulus, in3

Sx Elastic section modulus about the x-axis, in3

3-2 Notations
Chapter 3 - Design using ANSI/AISC 360-10

Z Plastic section modulus, in3

a Distance from a bolt centerline to edge of the fitting, in

c Cope length, in

d Nominal fastener diameter, in

d Overall member depth, in

dc Cope depth, in

dct Top flange cope depth, in

dcb Bottom flange cope depth, in

db Hole diameter, in

fd Adjustment factor for beams coped at both flanges

ho Remaining web depth of coped beam, in

k Plate buckling coefficient for beams coped at top only

n Number of bolts in a vertical row

s Bolt spacing, in

t Thickness, in

tw Web thickness, in

λ Slenderness parameter

φ Resistance factor

φFbc Design buckling stress for coped beams, ksi

φRn Design strength, kips

Notations 3-3
Steel Connection Design AISC 360-10

3.2 Design Loading Combinations

The structure is to be designed so that its design strength equals or exceeds the
effects of factored loads stipulated by the applicable design code. The default
design combinations are the various combinations of the already defined load
cases, such as dead load (DL), live load (LL), roof live load (RL), snow load
(SL), wind load (WL), and horizontal earthquake load (EL).

AISC 360-10 refers to the applicable building code for the loads and load com-
binations to be considered in the design, and to ASCE 7-10 in the absence of
such a building code. Hence, the default design combinations used in the cur-
rent version are the ones stipulated in ASCE 7-10:

For design in accordance with LRFD provisions:

1.4 DL (ASCE 2.3.2-1)

1.2 DL + 1.6 LL + 0.5RL (ASCE 2.3.2-2)
1.2 DL + 1.0 LL + 1.6RL (ASCE 2.3.2-3)

1.2 DL + 1.6 LL + 0.5 SL (ASCE 2.3.2-2)

1.2 DL + 1.0 LL + 1.6 SL (ASCE 2.3.2-3)

0.9 DL ± 1.0WL (ASCE 2.3.2-6)

1.2 DL + 1.6 RL± 0.5WL (ASCE 2.3.2-3)
1.2 DL + 1.0LL+ 0.5RL± 1.0WL (ASCE 2.3.2-4)

1.2 DL + 1.6 SL± 0.5 WL (ASCE 2.3.2-3)

1.2 DL + 1.0LL+ 0.5SL± 1.0 WL (ASCE 2.3.2-4)

0.9 DL ± 1.0 EL (ASCE 2.3.2-7)

1.2 DL + 1.0 LL+ 0.2SL± 1.0EL (ASCE 2.3.2-5)

The combinations described herein are the default loading combinations only.
They can be deleted or edited as required by the design code or engineer-of-

The program allows live load reduction factors to be applied to the member
forces of the reducible live load case on a member-by-member basis to reduce
the contribution of the live load to the factored responses.

3-4 Design Loading Combinations

Chapter 3 - Design using ANSI/AISC 360-10

3.3 Design Check Calculations

The following sections provide details of the calculations performed for each
of the design checks performed for the various connection types.

3.3.1 Strength of Bolt Group

The strength of the bolt group is determined as the minimum of the bolt
strength in single shear and bolt bearing strength. Bolt Strength in Single Shear

ϕ𝑅𝑛 = ϕ𝑛𝐹𝑛𝑣 𝐴𝑏 (AISC J3-1)

ϕ = 0.75

The nominal shear strength of the bolt, Fnv, is taken from Table J3.2. Ab is the
bolt area and n is the total number of bolts. Bolt Bearing Strength

The bolt bearing on the web plate is calculated as follows.

ϕ𝑅𝑛 = ϕ[min�𝑟𝑛1 , 𝑟𝑛(max) � + (𝑛 − 1)min (𝑟𝑛2 , 𝑟𝑛(max) )


ϕ = 0.75

𝑟𝑛1 = 1.2𝑙𝑐1 𝑡𝐹𝑢

𝑟𝑛2 = 1.2𝑙𝑐 𝑡𝐹𝑢

𝑟𝑛(𝑚𝑎𝑥) = 2.4𝑑𝑡𝐹𝑢
𝑙𝑐1 = 𝐿𝑒𝑣 −

𝑙𝑐 = 𝑠 − 𝑑ℎ

3.3.2 Shear Yield Strength

The shear yielding of the material is calculated as follows.

Design Check Calculations 3-5

Steel Connection Design AISC 360-10

ϕ𝑅𝑛 = ϕ0.6𝐹𝑦 𝐴𝑔𝑣 (AISC J4-3)


𝐴𝑔𝑣 = 𝐿𝑡

3.3.3 Shear Rupture Strength

The shear rupture strength is calculated as follows.

ϕ𝑅𝑛 = ϕ0.6𝐹𝑦 𝐴𝑛𝑣 (AISC J4-4)

ϕ = 0.75
𝐴𝑛𝑣 = �𝐿 − 𝑛 �𝑑ℎ + �� 𝑡

3.3.4 Block Shear Rupture Strength

The block shear rupture strength is calculated as follows.

ϕ𝑅𝑛 = ϕ[𝐹𝑢 𝐴𝑛𝑡 + min�0.6𝐹𝑦 𝐴𝑔𝑣 , 0.6𝐹𝑢 𝐴𝑛𝑣 � (AISC J4-5)

ϕ = 0.75
1 1
𝐴𝑛𝑡 = �𝐿𝑒ℎ − �𝑑ℎ + �� 𝑡
2 16

2𝑛−1 1
𝐴𝑛𝑣 = �{(𝑛 − 1)𝑠 + 𝐿𝑒𝑣 } − � �𝑑ℎ + ��� 𝑡
2 16

𝐴𝑔𝑣 = {(𝑛 − 1)𝑠 + 𝐿𝑒𝑣 }𝑡

3.3.5 Design Weld Strength

The design strength of a double-sided fillet weld on a shear plate is calculated
as follows.
φ0.6𝐹𝐸𝑋𝑋 𝐷2𝐿
ϕ𝑅𝑛 = (AISC Manual pg. 8-8)

ϕ = 0.75

3-6 Design Check Calculations

Chapter 3 - Design using ANSI/AISC 360-10

3.3.6 Web Plate Rupture Strength

The web plate rupture strength is calculated by determining the minimum base
metal thickness that will match the available shear rupture strength of the base
metal, to the available shear rupture strength of the weld(s). The minimum base
metal thickness is calculated as follows.
𝑡𝑚𝑖𝑛 = (AISC Manual pg. 9-5)

3.3.7 Critical Flexural Stress

The critical flexural stress is calculated as:

ϕ𝑀𝑛 = ϕ𝐹𝑐𝑟 𝑍𝑥


ϕ𝐹𝑐𝑟 = �(ϕ𝐹𝑦 )2 − 3𝑓𝑣 2

ϕ = 0.9
𝑓𝑣 =

𝐴𝑝 = 𝑡𝐿

𝑍𝑥 =

3.3.8 Flexural Rupture Strength

The flexural rupture strength of a section is calculated as follows.

ϕ𝑀𝑛 = ϕ𝐹𝑢 𝑍𝑛𝑒𝑡 (AISC Manual pg. 9-6)

ϕ = 0.75
𝑡𝐿2 𝑑ℎ +
𝑍𝑛𝑒𝑡 = �1 − 16

4 3

Design Check Calculations 3-7

Steel Connection Design AISC 360-10

3.3.9 Local Buckling of Plate

The local buckling of a plate is checked by calculating the capacity of the sec-
tion as follows.

ϕ𝑀𝑛 = ϕ𝐹𝑐𝑟 𝑆𝑛𝑒𝑡 (AISC Manual pg. 9-7)


ϕ = 0.9
𝑆𝑛𝑒𝑡 =

𝐹𝑐𝑟 = 𝐹𝑦 𝑄

The value of Q depends on the value of λ, where

𝑄 = 1 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝜆 ≤ 0.7

𝑄 = 1.34 − 0.486𝜆
�𝐿�𝐹𝑦 �
𝐿 2
10𝑡�475+280� �

3.3.10 Flexural Yielding of Coped Section

Flexure of the coped section is checked by calculating the flexural capacity as

ϕ𝑀𝑛 = ϕ𝐹𝑦 𝑆𝑛𝑒𝑡 (AISC Manual Part 9)

ϕ = 0.9

where, Snet is the net elastic section modulus of the section. For beams coped at
the top and bottom,
𝑡 𝑤 ℎ𝑜 2
𝑆𝑛𝑒𝑡 =

For beams coped at the top only,

𝑆𝑛𝑒𝑡 =

3-8 Design Check Calculations

Chapter 3 - Design using ANSI/AISC 360-10

ℎ𝑜 2 𝑡𝑤 +𝑡𝑓 2 �𝑏𝑓 −𝑡𝑤 �
𝑦𝑥 = ℎ𝑜 − ( )

1 3
𝐼𝑥𝑥 = � � �𝑡𝑤 𝑦𝑥 3 + 𝑏𝑓 (ℎ𝑜 − 𝑦𝑥 )3 − �𝑏𝑓 − 𝑡𝑤 ��ℎ𝑜 − 𝑦𝑥 − 𝑡𝑓 � �

3.3.11 Local Web Buckling of Coped Section

The local web buckling strength of coped sections is calculated as follows.
𝜙𝐹𝑏𝑐 𝑆𝑛𝑒𝑡
ϕ𝑅𝑛 = (AISC Manual Part 9)

where Snet is calculated as in 3.3.10 and φFbc is calculated as follows. For a

beam section coped top and bottom:

50840𝑡𝑤 2 𝑓𝑑
ϕ𝐹𝑏𝑐 =
𝑓𝑑 = 3.5 −
For a beam section coped at the top only:

𝑡𝑤 2
ϕ𝐹𝑏𝑐 = φ26,210 � � 𝑓𝑘

ϕ = 0.9

where f and k are determined as follows.

𝑐 𝑐
𝑓 = 2 � � 𝑓𝑜𝑟 ≤ 1.0
𝑑 𝑑
𝑐 𝑐
𝑓 = 1 + � � 𝑓𝑜𝑟 > 1.0
𝑑 𝑑
ℎ𝑜 𝑐
𝑘 = 2.2 � � 𝑓𝑜𝑟 ≤ 1.0
𝑐 ℎ𝑜
ℎ𝑜 𝑐
𝑘 = 2.2 � � 𝑓𝑜𝑟 > 1.0
𝑐 ℎ𝑜

Design Check Calculations 3-9

Steel Connection Design AISC 360-10

3.3.12 Beam Design Flexural Strength

The beam design flexural capacity is calculated as follows.

ϕ𝑀𝑛 = ϕ𝐹𝑢 𝑆𝑥 (AISC F13-1)

3.3.13 Slip Resistance

The serviceability limit state of slip is checked using the slip resistance calcu-
lated as follows.

ϕ𝑅𝑛 = ϕ𝜇𝐷𝑢 ℎ𝑓 𝑇𝑏 𝑛𝑠 (AISC J3-8b)


ϕ = 1 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑒

0.85 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑂𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑒

𝐷𝑢 = 1.13

ℎ𝑓 = 1

The value of µ is taken from Appendix A, Table 1 and the value of Tb is taken
from Appendix A, Table 2.

3 - 10 Design Check Calculations


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