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Karnataka State Commission foi Backward Classes

Annual Report-2023-24

l. Functions of the Commission:

As per Se.uon 9(1) of ihe Karnaiaka Si:te Commission for Ba.kward Ca$es

L To examlne requests lor inclusion ofanyclas of citizens as a Backward cla$

n the lists and hear complalnts of over nclusion or under incllsion ofany
Backward cas ir such lists and tender such advice to the state covernmert
as it d€ems appropriatel
L To make the suryey ofthe soclaland educatioralcondltions and problems of
the people belonging to the Backward C asserl
ll. To sope&ise the impemeniation of variole weltare schemes meant for the
Backward CIa$e'

2. Powers of the commission:

As per section l0 of the Act 1995, the Commiss on have all the powers of a civil
court trying a suit and in particular in respect olthe following matteB namely:

a) Summoning and enlorcing the attendance ofany pe6on from any part ofthe
State and examlning him on oath:
b) Req! ring ihe discoveryand production olany doc!ment:
c) Receiving evidence on aiiidavts:
d) Requ stion n9 anypublk record orcopy there oftromany court oroffice:
e) lssu ng commissions lor the er:mlnation olwitr€ses and documents:and
t Any other mattef which may be pre<ibed.

3. constitution of Karnataka state commission {or Backward

As per Sedlon 3(2) ofthe Karnataka State Commisslon for Backward Classes Act-
1995, a Chalrman and nve Membe6were nominated bythe Govehment.

The following chaiman and membecwere fundioning from the daie mentioned

Sr 2611.2424
Sr 27.11.2424
Sr 27.11.2424
Sr 01.12.2020
5r 01.12.2020

4, Officers/Staff of the Commissioni

The Commissioner, BackMrd Clases We fare Department, is the Member
Secretary of the Commssion. Number of Posts sardioned, f ed and vacant are as

03 0l 02
B 02 0 02
c 23 19
D 04 01 03

5. Allotment ot Grants to the Commissior,.

Dur ng the Financia Year 2023 24 anamolnt of Rs. rs5.6s akhs was released :s
on December -2023, onder ihe head of a.count 2225 03 102 3 09 aid an
expendtureoIRs,s3565 akhswasincuned.ThGamountwasspenttowards payment
of salaries of Chalrman, Membe6, ofikeB / stafi, Ortorrcing setuices and Vehicles
expend tures of the Commiss on and maintenance ofthe offce.
6. Functions of the Commiesionl

Karnataka State Backward Classes Comhisslon is cutrently functioning from New

Dale: 26.11.2020. Under Se.tioi 9(1) of the Government of Karnataka Act, '1995, ihe
Commission receives complaints liled by various organizatlons and conducts Public
Fearings.In ths regard, Commksion has pfepared First Report 2022, second Report
2023 and sLbmitted to the Gow On 0803.2023:nd 20.03.2023 respectively. The
Commisslon has prepared a Speci.l Report-2023 in .espect of providing reseruation
to ihe Orphan Children and submltted to the Gov€rnmenton 08.03.2021.

As per Gove.nment Order :bodd 286 alAci 202i b.Jood:17.07.2023,

Kafnataka State for Commission for Eackward classes is pefmitted 10 ut lze So.ial
and Education suruey 2015 daia for stody purposes, to prepate Backward classe3
Report. Accodingltthe process is !nder progres.

In addiuon, no schemes have been lmplemented by the commlssion. Hence,


be? Secrelary
larnatala Stat mmission for Backward Classes,

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