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agony Iegony n 極度痛苦 煩惱 掙扎 A

同 pain suffering torment anguish distress

The young boy cried out in agony when he fell from the tree and broke
his leg
那位⼩男⽣從樹上掉下來跌斷了腿 因此痛苦地⼤叫

agrarian o greran a ⼟地的 農業的 agricultural farming

Agrarian activity is often as damaging to the environment as industry


ajar Ibdsarl a 半開的 不梳調地

间 slightly open sealed dlosed fighily
The door to the other room was ajar so he could see most of what was
going on

通往另⼀房間的⾨是半開的 所以他能⼤略看到裡⾯發⽣的事

align blan n 排成直線 使⼀致

同 adiust for position line up back side with support
We used a laser to carefully align the lens and the mirrors of the

He refused to align himself with any of the political parties


allegiance Iblidsons n 忠誠 忠順
同 dedication commitment loyalty fideliy faihfuIness
When he became a soldier he swore to maintain allegiance to his country
當他成為⼀位軍⼈時 他發誓要對國家忠誠

afiliate allegiance
allergic Iblsdsk a 惠過敏症的
同 hypersensitive of immune response
Julie is so allergic to shellfish that eating even one bite is dangerous for

Julia 對甲殼類嚴重過敏 對她⽽⾔ 即使只吃⼀⼝都非常危險

alleviate bliv et y 安慰 使緩和

间 assuage ease relieve moderate mitigate exacerbate worsen intensily
The medicine is not a cure but at least it can alleviate the pain
這種藥不能令⼈痊癒 但它⾄少能減輕痛苦
His timely joke alleviated some of the tension in the room

allocate Tel ket y 分配 配置

同 allot apportion assign distribute ration 及 hold back retain
My job is to see that the money allocated to help the poor is used

amenable b minbll a 願服從的 可以講道理的

间 wiling responsive receptive unreceptive

Both groups are amenable to the compromise arrangement


amenity o menatl n 康樂設施 遊憩設施

同 comfort courtesy pleasantness
The hotel's amenities include spa facilities a gym and a swimming pool
這旅館提供的休閒設施包括了溫泉浴場 健⾝房和游泳池

TOEFL iBT ⾼分托福 120 ⾼階字彙

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