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Name: Simonne Jay B.

Ong___________________ Group #: ___1______ Score: _______/15

Grade/Strand/Section: ____12-ABM 11_________________ Date: _______________________________


Instructions: Analyze the picture and answer the given questions. (3 pts. each question)
Note: Use our module for your reference, and make sure to work on your own and avoid copying answers from your
classmates. Cheating, plagiarism, and any academic dishonesty in this work will result in having a ZERO score.

Name of the Game: ________Tumbang Preso_______________

1. What is the type of activity and category of recreation used in this game? Explain each answer briefly.
It’s a Outdoor activity and Active Recreation, in this game theres a person guarding the tin can not to fall off while the
other players will try to throw their slippers on the tin can to fall. For the guarding person to win is to kick the tin can
while stepped on the slipper on the ground. For the Players is to fall the tin can and while the Guard is trying to
retrieve the can the players must retrieve their slippers on the grounds. Once the guard caught them while the tin can
is already standing the next person who got caught will be the new guard.
*Provide information on the Components of Philippine Games and explain briefly why you said so.

2. Players: (Based on the picture, who are the players in this game?)
The players are mostly Kids since this is involves running a lot in barefoot.

3. Setting: (Where and when do you think this game was played?)
This is played mostly in a calm weather outside and in a wide space in the street.
4. Props: (What are the materials used in this game?)
You’ll need A tin can and slippers.
5. Movement: (What are the possible movements used in this activity?)
Running, Flexibility and Shooting Skills for the throwing of the slippers.

Name: Simonne Jay B. Ong___________________ Group #: ___1______ Score: _______/15
Grade/Strand/Section: ____12-ABM 11_________________ Date: _______________________________


Answer the following questions in an essay or sentence format.

1. What are the different laro ng lahi that you have already played? If none, what are the different laro ng lahi you
wanted to play? (3 pts.)
I miss the time I played with my elementary classmates called, Touching ball

2. Which of the laro ng lahi that you have played is your favourite? Why?
*If you haven’t tried playing these games, which of the laro ng lahi you have mentioned in Number 1 do you think you
will enjoy most? Why? (3 pts.)
Touching Ball, This game really been fun and always been played in my very previous schools. Kids will buy something
a small ball just for everyone to play.
3. What do you think is the primary reason why children stop playing Pinoy games? Why did you say so? (4 pts.)
Due, to changes like gadgets exist now, Games there are more advanced and it’s sad but this games are addicting
that kids of the next generation will experience games in gadgets but not what is used to be fun is now just a living
memory for us
4. Give five (5) importance of studying Traditional Games or Laro ng Lahi. (5 pts.)
• Preservation of Cultural Heritage: Learning and playing traditional games like "Laro ng Lahi" helps
preserve cultural heritage by passing down important aspects of a community's history and traditions to
future generations.
• Promotion of Physical Activity: These games encourage physical activity and combat sedentary
lifestyles, contributing to a healthier lifestyle for participants, especially among younger generations.
• Development of Social Skills: Engaging in traditional games fosters social interaction, teamwork,
communication, and sportsmanship, nurturing important social skills essential for personal growth and
• Cognitive Development: Traditional games require strategy, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills,
contributing to cognitive development by enhancing decision-making abilities, spatial awareness, and
pattern recognition.
• Cultural Appreciation and Respect: Studying traditional games promotes an appreciation for diverse
cultures, encouraging individuals to learn about and respect different customs and practices, fostering
inclusivity and a sense of interconnectedness in society.


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