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Today is just another Monday to me, nothing big or interesting happen, at least

in the view of other. I actually really like day like this, go to class,eating,
sleeping in total minimum of 7 hours, and of course I can read one hundred
pages of books, today is damn calming. Iam not really craving for live that can
give me thrill or excitement because thing that happen during the day,
experiencing other people lives in a book or a video is already enough to keep
bored out of me, but still who would not want to have thrilling live, as fan of
fiction iam always have dream to experiencing lives like that, ok now i want to
imagine that iam such a genius that have the highest IQ score that humanity
ever recorded, I wan to win nobels in any category, if it possible i imagine that
all of the nobel categories such as literature, science, and peace ( I forget what
this category is called but I remember Barack Obama one of the person who win
it). Even in my wildest imagination I can’t think it is possible, it is sound
hilarious, is my imagination still have boundary that did not let it stray away
further from reality? Yeah maybe, it kinda of suck, if want to think why maybe
the cause of is because age (maybe), I just thought that achieve something like
that require more than one lifetime.

Imagining something is good, however ridiculous it is, the problem if we do it

in a long time without doing something to achieve even the first ladder to
achieve that imagination, it can be a burden. It makes you feel delusional, and
not realistic, it is not a good emotion to feel. I will do everything I could to
avoid it.

Having one boring and redundant live does not seem like a bad idea though,
wherever, or whenever it is. There is so many thing to do to avoid it and I all
about it.

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