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WRITTEN OUTPUT 1: Light as an Electromagnetic

WRITTEN OUTPUT 1. Electromagnetic Waves and
Guide Questions
1. Characterize the vibrating string on the simulation and compare it with an
electromagnetic wave.

2. How would you describe the string when the frequency of the wave is low? What
happened as you slowly increased its frequency?

answer: When the wave's frequency is low, the string travels slowly with long wavelengths
and low energy, producing soft vibrations. As the frequency rises steadily, the string's
motions accelerate, shortening the wavelength, and increasing the amplitude of the
movements, resulting in increased energy and more intense string movements.
3. What can you infer about the frequency and wavelength of a wave?
Answer: The frequency of a wave refers to how many complete cycles it goes through in a
given amount of time, which is often measured in hertz (Hz). In contrast, the wavelength is
the space between two consecutive wave crests or troughs. Simply put, as a wave's
frequency increases, its wavelength decreases, and vice versa. This demonstrates that the
frequency and wavelength of a wave are inversely proportional.

Knowledge Check Questions

1. How do varying frequencies and wavelengths produce different types of
electromagnetic waves?

2. How do permittivity and permeability affect the propagation of eclectic and magnetic

3. What is the refractive index?

WRITTEN OUTPUT 1: Light as an Electromagnetic
is also called refractive index or index of refraction, such that .

Check Your Understanding

A. Identify what is being referred to in each of the following


1. Owing to its regular, harmonic oscillations, an

electromagnetic wave is considered as a Transverse Wave.

2. A complete Wavelenght refers to the distance

between the two crests or two troughs of a wave.

3. A wave’s wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional.

4. An Spectrum shows the range of frequencies and


5. Electric and magnetic fields are always at Right angles with

each other.

6. The maximal possible value that the speed of light can

achieve is the speed of light in vacuum (c).

7. The speed of light relative to the wavelength and frequency is

given by the relation electromagnetic waves.
WRITTEN OUTPUT 1: Light as an Electromagnetic
8. Frequency refers to the number of a wave’s
vibrations or oscillations per unit time.

9. The Visible light spectrum refers to the EM waves that we can

see with our eyes.

10. The Amplitude is the vertical distance between the central

axis of a wave and the tip of a crest.

11. permittivity refers to a material’s resistance against the

formation of an electric field.

12. The ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to its speed in a

given medium is also called refractive index .

13. The process where an electromagnetic wave

generates a new wave with the same frequency as the
previous one is called .reflection

14. permeability refers to a material’s ability to

permit a magnetic field to pass through it.

15. Light travels slower when it passes through a given

WRITTEN OUTPUT 1: Light as an Electromagnetic
B. Identify at least two applications of each of the electromagnetic radiations

radio wave 1.Communication

2. Cellphone/smartphones

infrared 1. Remote controls

2. Night Visions

ultraviolet 3. fluorescent lamps

X-ray 4.computed tomography (CT scans) and


gamma ray 5. cancer therapy

Challenge Yourself

Answer the questions below in two or three sentences.

1. Explain the relationship between the frequency, wavelength, and speed of

an electromagnetic wave.
Answer: The relationship between frequency, wavelength, and speed is, as the frequency
increases, the wavelength decreases, and vice versa, while the speed of light remains
constant in a given medium
WRITTEN OUTPUT 1: Light as an Electromagnetic
2. Why can we not see other types of EM waves other than visible light with our unaided
Answer: because their wavelengths are either too long or too short for our eyes.
3. Differentiate permittivity and permeability of free space.
Answer: Permittivity refers to the permits of formation of an electric field, while ang
permeability refers to the ability of a material to go through the passage of a magnetic field.
4. Why does an electromagnetic wave travel slower through a medium?
Answer:Because atoms and molecule interact with the waves.

5. Why are some electromagnetic waves harmful to humans and some are not?
Answer: because ang uban na electromagnetic waves can cause damage to our biological
tissue while ang uban have lower energy levels that cannot hurt as unlike the other ones.
WRITTEN OUTPUT 1: Light as an Electromagnetic
Additional Resource Links

● Around us is a universe that we cannot see. The discussion that we had proves that
many forms of electromagnetic waves that are beyond our abilities to perceive exist “out
there.” Explore the world beyond your eyeshot through this fascinating read:

● Seeing is not always believing. For humans, at least. We are considered trichromats, or
those organisms who have three types of cone cells in the eyes responsible for color
recognition. Did you know though that some animals are equipped with the ability to
perceive more EM waves than we do? Pigeons, for instance, can identify five spectral
bands. Discover more about this interesting information by visiting the page below:

● We will never run out of interesting trivias about light. It is one of the most fascinating
and mysterious phenomena in science. In this amusing video, for instance, it is
explained how a typical mirror reflects green light more than any other color in the
visible spectrum. Find out why through the link below:
WRITTEN OUTPUT 1: Light as an Electromagnetic

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