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2nd grades - Women in the movies

Temático: a mulher na indústria cinematográfica.

Ler e analisar textos biográficos.

1. What were the last movies you watched starring women?

2. Which ones were directed or produced by women?

Vocabulary - palavras relacionadas a textos biográficos (copie em seu caderno)

Name (Nome) Personal (Pessoal)

Stage name (Nome artístico) Life (Vida)
Profession (Profissão) Family (Família)
Birth (Nascimento) Marriage (Casamento)
Death (Morte/Falecimento) Divorce (Divórcio)
Place (Local) Career (Carreira)
Date (Data) Achievement (Conquista)
Year (Ano) Success (Sucesso)
Decade (Década) Award (Prêmio)

Activity 1
1-Read the short biography below and take notes on five pieces of information you consider the
most important.

Name: Gladys Louise Smith (1892–1979)

Her stage name was Mary Pickford.
She was an actress, producer, and screenwriter.
She was born in Toronto, Canada.
Gladys Louise Smith was one of the most popular and influential actresses of the silent era. She
began acting very young. In 1909, she performs in her first film. In 1930, she received an Oscar
for Best Actress. She was one of the first actresses to have creative control over her films and
was also a vocal advocate for women's rights and social justice.
Now, answer the questions in your notebooks: pay attention to put the verbs in the past in your
1. What was Gladys Louise Smith’s stage name?
2. What was her place and year of birth?
3. What was her profession?
4. When did she perform in a movie for the first time?
5. Has she won any award?
Activity 2
2- Choose an actress you like or know and search for the information to answer the questions
below. Answer in your notebook.
1. What is her birth name?
2. What is her stage name?
3. What is her place and date of birth?
4. Besides being an actress, does she have any other profession?
5. When did she start her career as an actress?
6. What were some of the successful films she made?
7. Has she won any award?

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