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Code No:A3CIT202

B.Tech |iT Semester Regular Examinations. Fehruarv March. 2022

MVGRCollege of Engineering (Autonnmnus)
Design 1hinking and Prodnct Innovatinn
(ommon to (SF &D
lime:3 Wours Max. Mark: 79
Answer any ONE of the I WO Ouestions from the first 4nits.
Each Question carries 12 marks
Ouestion No. 9from |NIT 5is(ompukory and carries 22 marks.
la) Whatis Design Ihinking? \What are the various criteria for Design Thinkng and where 8M
can it be applied?
)Give two example problems where Design Thinking can be applied and two exanple
poblems where Desgn Thinking cannot be applied
a)How Design Thnk1ng approach can be used in New ProduCt Devclopment? Explain
IWih aneat diagram. explain the Luch's framework for Design Thinking.
1a)Highlight the nced tor Decsign phase and how it can be carried out.
b) State difierent inputsto the Experience Map taking case study of your own choice as
after seeing an Ad on 8M
4a) Drawthe Customer Experience Map to shop for a new car online
content in a 4M
b) What the suggested distribution of the DÌC (Design Quality Criteria)
Design Brief. Write three pitfalls toavoid while writing a DesignBrie!.
Design Heristics with illustrations where 8M
5.a) What are Design heuristics? Explain any four
final one that can be produced and marketed? 4M
b) Is the Prototype designed after ldeation the
setting up a launchpad for Brainstorming 8M
6.a) Explain the role of JHow Might We questions in
in Ideation with a suitable case study.
of Navigating the deep seas with an 4M
b) Suppose you are given the design challenge ideas related to steering and three
autonomous underwater vehicle.Generated three
related to safety.
need to followto develop an idea into a SM
I.a) Discuss the various phases that EntreprenuersS
real product. by combining 4M
relevant application
b) Give an example of how you can build a socially
atleast three technologies. Whom willit benefit?
selecting a product. Explain with an 8M
8.a) List out various uncertainties consumers face when

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Code No:A3CIT202

Cxample, how one of the

b) Willthere always
be asmall unccrtainties was resolved.
with an Cxample. single prototype for a
product for different options? cxplain 4M
context of UNIT-V
9) In a
re-aflirm our purpose to our
of our
industry, it is more mportant than cver to
clients. Online banking
more and more adopted by people has been created 25 ycars ago and is
thanks to the atiractive prices. Lots of costumers are
always retractory 1o this new way of banking.
vears and we have t0 accompany our
Bank branches arc closing years atter
customers to this change. Customers have
inhibitions using online banking services. Lot of this
exDOsure to the new leatures and services to users. frustration is due to lack of
)State the Design challenge, identify different user
the user.
categories, develop the Persona tor 4M

i) Develop the Journcy Map, identify at least three pain 4M

ii)) ldentify three insights, writethe Design challenge rearticulation and generate atleast 6M
three ideas.
iv) Which concept did you select and why, towards solving the problem? List any two SM

critical assumptionsfor the selected concept. Storyboard the concept.

v) What Prototypewould you develop to implement your concept? Discuss. 3M

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