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What do you think "iris recognition'' is and where might it be used?

the identification of individuals based on the unique patterns in their irises, the
colored part of the eye
1. **Access Control:
2. **Biometric Authentication
3. **Airport Security:
4. **Time and Attendance Systems
Are you embarrassed by the photo on your id card or passport?
I feel embarrassed due to perceived imperfections or dissatisfaction with my
appearance in the photo. It looks so ugly.
What do you think is the most effective way to keep customs, traditions,
and language alive?
Through a combination of intergenerational transmission and adaptation to
contemporary contexts. This involves active engagement and participation
within communities, education systems that emphasize cultural values, and
fostering a sense of pride and relevance in younger generations.
Why are some people more willing to try something new than others ?
They can be influenced by various factors, including personality traits, openness
to experience, curiosity, levels of risk aversion, cultural background, and
individual life experiences. Individuals with a growth mindset, who see
challenges as opportunities for learning.
Which qualities and skills do people have that they could adapt to study in
higher education?
1. **Critical Thinking
2. **Effective Communication
3. **Time Management
4. **Adaptability
5. **Problem-Solving
What types of id do you regularly use? what kind of information is on id
I regularly use a National Identification Card (ID card). The information
typically found on a ID card includes the individual's full name, date of birth,
gender, address, and a photo. Additionally, the card may include other details
like the cardholder's ID number, issue date, and expiration date.
In addition to crime scenes, what are other places and situations in which
the reliability of biometric identification might be useful?
1. Border Control:
2. Airports:
3. Access Control in Buildings
4. Healthcare:
5. Mobile Devices
6. E-Government Services
Why it is important to recognize contradiction in society as a whole?
Because it allows for a more accurate understanding of complex social
dynamics. Without recognizing and addressing contradictions, there is a risk of
perpetuating inequality, fostering social unrest, and hindering positive societal
What type of personality is needed to attain goals?
Determination, resilience, discipline, focus, adaptability, and a positive mindset
are often considered essential. A goal-oriented individual is typically driven,
committed, and willing to overcome challenges while maintaining a proactive
and optimistic approach toward achieving their objectives.
What are the advantages of studying in a group of students with diverse
1. Enhanced Learning
2. Cultural Awareness
3. Critical Thinking
4. Preparation for the Globalized World
5. Improved Communication Skills
How important is it to protect your identity in this digital age?
Protecting your identity in the digital age is crucial. Failing to protect your
identity can lead to serious consequences, affecting your financial well-being,
reputation, and overall security in both the online and offline realms.
What factors do you think might influence your self-identity in the future?
1. Technology and Social Media
2. Globalization
3. Biotechnological Advances
4. Economic Changes
5. Education and Learning Models
6. Medical and Health Advances
How would you design a door that does not require written instructions?
1. Intuitive Handles and Push/Pull Indicators
2. Transparent Material
3. Color Contrasts
4. Universal Symbols
How do products in the classroom signal to the user how they should be
held, pressed, turned, or moved?
Through design features and affordances, designers often incorporate visual and
tactile cues to guide users in the interaction with educational tools. For example:
1. Ergonomic Design
2. Buttons and Controls
3. Instructions and Symbols
4. Modularity
5. Responsive Screens
How you think AR and VR technology could be used to improved
have the potential to significantly enhance education in various ways:
1. Immersive Learning Environments
2. Interactive Simulations
3. Virtual Field Trips
4. Language Learning
5. Medical Training
Similarities and differences of VR and AR
- Similarities
1. Immersive Experiences
2. Technological Integration
3. Applications in Various Industries
- Differences:
1. **Environment Interaction:**
- **VR:** often limited to virtual environments.
- **AR:** allowing users to interact with both digital and physical elements.
2. **Device and Hardware Use:**
- **VR:** TVR headsets, motion controllers, and sometimes external sensors
for tracking.
- **AR:** smartphones, tablets, smart glasses, or dedicated AR headsets.
3. **Use Cases:**
- **VR:** Commonly used for gaming, simulations, virtual tourism
- **AR:** Applied in areas such as navigation, education, retail (e.g., AR
shopping experiences), and industrial maintenance
How does a well-designed product make our lives easier?
1. **Efficiency:** A well-designed product streamlines tasks, saving time and
effort. For example, a user-friendly smartphone with an intuitive interface
makes communication and information retrieval easy.
2. **User-Friendly:** Intuitive interfaces and ergonomic designs cater to user
preferences, ensuring that individuals can operate the product without extensive
learning. Smart thermostats with simple controls are an example.
3. **Solves Problems:** The product addresses specific needs effectively,
offering practical solutions. For instance, noise-canceling headphones
effectively address the problem of unwanted ambient noise.
Would I enjoy having a career as a designer? Why/ why not?
Design is often subjective, and feedback can vary. I find it challenging to handle
subjective critiques. Design projects often come with deadlines. I am
uncomfortable with time pressure or tight schedules. The design field can be
fast-paced and dynamic, requiring adaptability to new tools, software, and
design trends
Do you believe claims that exercise can improve our memory? why/why not
Physical activity has been associated with improved blood flow to the brain, the
release of neurotransmitters, and the promotion of neuroplasticity, all of which
contribute to enhanced cognitive performance, including memory.
What kind of things can have a negative effect on brain function?
1. Poor Nutrition
2. Lack of Sleep
3. Substance Abuse
4. Genetic Factors
5. Aging
What activities can make our brains work faster or more efficiently?
1. **Regular Exercise: Physical activity promotes blood flow to the brain,
encouraging the growth of new neurons and supporting overall cognitive
2. **A Balanced Diet Nutrient-rich foods, especially those containing omega-3
fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins, contribute to optimal brain health.
3. **Adequate Sleep: Quality sleep is crucial for memory consolidation and
cognitive performance. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night.
Do you think brain training apps and games can make people more
intelligent? Why?
While engaging in cognitive activities can enhance specific skills and improve
performance on the tasks practiced, the generalization of these gains to overall
intelligence is less clear.
What is the best way to remember new vocabulary?
Flashcards Create flashcards with the word on one side and the definition or a
related image on the other. Regularly review the flashcards to reinforce your
Practice regularly Consistent exposure is key. Regularly engage with the new
vocabulary through reading, writing, speaking, or listening activities.
Use technology Explore language learning apps, online resources, or
vocabulary-building tools that provide interactive and engaging exercises.
compare the experience of reading online with reading printed text. How
does the presence of hyperlinks change the way we read?
**Online Reading:**
1. **Interactivity:** Online reading often involves interactive elements such as
hyperlinks, multimedia, and embedded content
2. **Accessibility:** Online content is easily accessible from various devices,
3. **Searchability:**quick searches and easy navigation, enabling readers to
find specific information rapidly.
**Printed Text:**
1. **Tangibility:** allowing readers to physically interact with the text.
3. **Portability:** making them accessible in various settings, even without an
internet connection.
4. **Visual Design:** contributing to a visually curated reading experience.
**Hyperlinks' Impact:**
Distraction: While hyperlinks offer additional information, they can also be
distracting, potentially diverting readers' attention from the main text.
Depth of Understanding Hyperlinks provide the opportunity for in-depth
exploration, contributing to a richer understanding of a subject by connecting to
supplementary resources.
How do you predict people's ability to memorize information will change in
the future?
1. **Technology Integration:** People might prioritize remembering how to
access information rather than storing large amounts of data in their memory.
2. **Educational Methods:** personalized learning, adaptive learning
platforms, and neuroscientific insights, may lead to more effective memory-
enhancing strategies tailored to individual needs.
3. **Information Overload:** The constant exposure to a vast amount of
information might challenge individuals in determining what to prioritize for
Which foods do you think can improve people's short-term memory?
1. **Fatty Fish Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fatty fish like salmon, trout, and
sardines are believed to support brain health and enhance cognitive function
2. **Broccoli High in antioxidants and vitamin K, broccoli is thought to support
brain health and may contribute to better cognitive function, including memory.
3. **Nuts Nuts, such as walnuts, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants,
and vitamin E, all of which are believed to support brain health.
Does technology have a positive or negative effect on studies?
The impact of technology on studies can be both positive and negative,
depending on how it is utilized. Positively, technology can enhance learning
experiences, provide access to vast resources, facilitate collaboration, and offer
innovative educational tools. However, excessive screen time, distractions, and
reliance on technology for instant information can negatively affect focus and
deep understanding.
How will people try to change our "technology habits" in the future?
1. **Digital Literacy Education:** Implementing programs to enhance digital
literacy discern credible information, and manage their online presence.
2. **Balancing Screen Time:** Encouraging mindful and limited use of
technology, can help strike a balance between harnessing its benefits and
preventing potential negative impacts on attention and well-being.
3. **Technological Innovations:** Future technologies may include features
designed to promote healthy technology habits, such as built-in tools for
monitoring screen time, setting usage limits
How do you think people accidentally cause forest fires?
1. **Discarded Cigarettes:** Carelessly discarded cigarette butts, especially in
dry and windy conditions
2. **Unattended Campfires:** Leaving campfires unattended or not fully
extinguishing them can
3. **Power Lines:** Overhead power lines can cause fires if they come into
contact with dry vegetation during periods of high winds or electrical issues.
What can you do to help prevent forest fires?
1. **Practice Fire Safety:** Be cautious with fire, whether it's a campfire,
outdoor equipment, or discarded cigarettes. Follow guidelines and
regulations for fire safety in the area.
2. **Respect Burn Bans:** Obey burn bans and restrictions imposed by
authorities during periods of high fire risk.
3. **Raise Awareness:** Educate others about the importance of fire
prevention and safety measures to create a collective effort in
safeguarding against forest fires.
There was a time in the past when people didn’t use fire. What do you
think life was like then?
The absence of fire meant no means of cooking food, which likely limited the
variety and nutritional value of diets. It also meant a lack of warmth in cold
climates, making survival during harsh weather conditions more difficult.
People said that using fire was a “turning point” in history. What are some
other turning points in human history?
1. **The Invention of Writing (circa 3000 BCE):** The development of
written language facilitated record-keeping, communication, and the
preservation of knowledge, contributing to the advancement of cultures
and societies.
2. **World Wars I and II (20th century):** These conflicts reshaped global
geopolitics, led to significant technological advancements, and spurred
social and cultural changes.
3. **The Digital Revolution (late 20th century):** The advent of computers,
the internet, and digital technology has transformed communication,
information access, and various aspects of daily life.
Fire is sometimes called a foe. A foe is an enemy. How would you define an
is someone or something that opposes, harms, or threatens another. It signifies
a negative or adversarial relationship.
Fire is also sometimes called a friend. What are the characteristics of a
include trust, support, companionship, and positive influence.
Why might fire be considered both a foe and a friend?
As a foe, fire poses a threat, causing destruction, harm, and danger. Conversely,
as a friend, fire has beneficial aspects. It provides warmth, enables cooking, and
has been a tool for human progress and survival throughout history.
Should forest fires be put out quickily or allowed to burn? Discuss the pros
and cons.
Quick Suppression Allowing Fires to Burn

Pros: 1.Protects Lives and Property 1. Natural Ecosystem Processes

2.Preserves Ecosystems 2. Reduces Future Fire Risk
3.Reduces Air Pollution 3. Habitat Improvement
Cons: 1. Interrupts Natural Processes 1. Risk to Lives and Property
2. Fuel Accumulation 2. Air Quality Concerns
3. Costs 3. Political and Public Pressure

What are possible long-term benefits of other natural disasters?

can contribute to ecological renewal by clearing out old vegetation,
replenishing soil nutrients, and supporting new growth.
often fosters community solidarity and resilience,with affected communities
coming together to rebuild and support one another.
can drive innovation in disaster preparedness, early warning systems, and
infrastructure resilience
Do you think it is important to restore historic buildings?
preserving cultural heritage and maintaining a connection to the past.
often contribute to tourism, attracting visitors and boosting local economies.
hold architectural and historical significance, representing unique styles and
periods that contribute to the character of a place.
Do you think the controlled use of fire is the biggest turning point in human
is considered one of the significant turning points in human history, as it
enabled crucial advancements such as cooking, providing warmth, and altering
landscapes. While it's a pivotal development, labeling it as the "biggest" turning
point is subjective, as various milestones, such as agriculture and the Industrial
Revolution, also played critical roles.
Do you think there will ever be a time where fire isn’t used in society?
It's unlikely that fire will be entirely eliminated, as it serves various essential
functions and has cultural and symbolic significance. Advances in technology
might change how we harness and control fire, but its fundamental role may
persist in human societies.
What can people do to reduce the negative health effects of commuting?
use public transportation to reduce stress associated with driving and decrease
exposure to traffic-related pollution.
Share rides with others to reduce the environmental impact and foster a sense of
What are some ways that people can make their commuting time more
Create playlists of favorite music to enhance mood and make the commute more
enjoyable. Connect with friends or family virtually during the commute through
phone calls, allowing for social interaction.
When you socialize, do you prefer meeting a small group of friend or being
in a large crowd? Why?
gatherings for more intimate and meaningful interactions
How long and how far would you be willing to commute to a job one-way?
a common threshold is around 30-60 minutes one-way
“Mega” means “huge”. How would you define a “mega-commute”?
an exceptionally long commute, often exceeding 90 minutes or involving
extensive distances.
Why do you think people choose to commute such long distances instead of
finding work nearer where they live?
find better job opportunities or higher-paying positions in locations that require
longer commutes. prefer living in quieter or rural areas while working in
bustling urban environments, contributing to longer commutes.
What are some examples of casual and conventional crowds?
people waiting for public transportation, window shopping, or strolling in a
attendees at a concert, sports event, or religious gathering.
What can cause a crowd to become dangerously emotional?
The sheer size of a crowd can create a sense of anonymity and amplify
emotions. Incidents, controversial decisions, or provocative actions can trigger
strong emotional responses within a crowd.
What actions can you take to be safe at an outdoor venue such as a sports
Familiarize yourself with the venue's layout and the locations of exits for quick
evacuation if needed.Avoid overcrowded areas, and be mindful of personal
space to reduce the risk of conflicts.
What kind of changes would people like to implement at their college or
flexible learning options, updated facilities, more inclusive and diverse campus
environments, enhanced mental health support
Do you think more people will become super-commuters in the future, or
will technology make it easier for people to stay and work in one place?
While some may choose super-commuting for specific opportunities or
preferences, increasing technology and remote work capabilities could make it
easier for more people to stay and work in one place.
Why do you think people enjoy attending events like sporting events or
concerts in large stadiums?
These include the sense of community and shared experience with a large
crowd, the excitement of being part of a live audience, the energy generated by
the collective enthusiasm, and the opportunity to witness performances or
competitions on a grand scale.
How long do young people spend looking at their cell phone everyday? Are
they worried this will affect your health?
over 5 hours. eye strain, disrupted sleep patterns, and mental health effects
What other kind of health problems are increasing as a result of modern
including sedentary behavior leading to issues like obesity and musculoskeletal
What do people do to stay healthy?
Managing and limiting the time spent on screens.Engaging in regular exercise to
counteract sedentary behavior. Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet to
support overall well-being.
Do you think it is important to study medicines made from plants and
Many traditional medicines and modern pharmaceuticals have their roots in
natural sources. Understanding the properties of these substances not only
contributes to medical knowledge but can also lead to the development of new
drugs and treatments.
Why is the discovery of using honey important for medicine?
Honey possesses natural antibacterial properties, aids in wound healing, and has
anti-inflammatory effects.
How would you alter our behavior on a flight?
being mindful of noise levels, respecting personal space, following cabin crew
instructions, and practicing good hygiene.
What qualities are important in a group leader?
communication skills, the ability to inspire and motivate team members,
adaptability, a strong sense of responsibility, empathy, good decision-making
abilities, and the capacity to foster a collaborative and inclusive team
What are the long-term environmental advantages of a solution like Project
reduced pressure on wild shrimp populations, minimized environmental impact
associated with traditional shrimp farming practices, and promotion of eco-
friendly aquaculture methods, contributing to long-term ecological balance.
What are the various factors that should be considered in order to
understand the outbreak of a disease?
The nature of the infectious agent. Factors affecting susceptibility and immunity
in the population. Effectiveness of measures like vaccination and quarantine.
What do you think is a valid excuse for staying home?
ontagious illnesses like the flu or COVID-19, ensuring the well-being of oneself
and others.
Are there any diseases you think we will never fully eliminate?
such as the common cold or highly adaptable pathogens like the influenza virus,
may be challenging to eliminate entirely due to factors like mutation,
variability, and global transmission.
How can we stop people believing medical myths such as Vitamin C
prevents colds?
Providing accurate information through reputable sources, emphasizing
scientific evidence, and promoting critical thinking skills can help dispel myths.
What can you do to help stop the spread of the disease?
Individuals can contribute to stopping the spread of diseases by following
public health guidelines, practicing good hygiene (such as frequent
handwashing), getting vaccinated, staying informed through credible sources,
and staying home when sick.

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