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Maisammaguda, Kompally,

Medchal - Malkajgiri District

Hyderabad - 500100, Telangana State
(Telangana State Private Universities Act No. 13 of 2020 &
G.O.Ms. No. 14, Higher Education (UE) Department)

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Batch No.: 65
1. M.SAI DEEKSHITHA (2211CS010287)
2. B.APARNA(2211CS010068)
3. B.ABHISHEK(2211CS010080 )
4. S.SEETHSRAMULU(2211CS010045)

Guide Name:
• Abstract
• Introduction
• Literature Survey
• Problem Statement
• Objectives
• Architecture
• Methodology
• Conclusion
• Future scope
• References
ggfgrs to googsg proguctsg or gtgms bgggg tragsportgg from ogg
locatgog to agothgrg Ig thg cogtggt of thg applgcatgogg
gCargog rgprgsggts thg focus og magagggg agg tracgggg
googs gurggg tragsportatgog or loggstgcs opgratgogsg

Implggs thg actgog of vgrgfggggg ggspgctgggg or cogfgrmggg
somgthgggg Ig CargoChgcgg thgs rgfgrs to thg corg
fugctgogalgtg of thg applgcatgogg whgch gs to facglgtatg
thg chgcggggg moggtorgggg agg valggatgog of cargo
cogtggtsg guagtgtggsg agg rglatgg ggformatgogg
⁕ Ig togaggs fastgpacgg worlgg gffgcgggt magaggmggt of cargo
gs gssggtgal for busgggssgs ggvolvgg gg tragsportatgogg loggstgcsg
agg supplg chagg opgratgogsg ggsurggg accuratg
ggggtgfgcatgogg tracggggg agg moggtorggg of googs gurggg
tragsgt gs crucgal for optgmggggg opgratgogsg mgggmggggg grrorsg
agg mggtggg customgr ggmaggsg go aggrgss thgsg challggggsg wg
ggtrogucg CargoChgcgg ag gggovatgvg mobglg applgcatgog
ggsggggg to rgvolutgogggg cargo magaggmggt agg strgamlggg
loggstgcs procgssgs
Literature Survey
• Conducting a literature survey for cargo check involves researching existing
literature, academic papers, industry reports, and relevant sources to understand
the current state of knowledge, methodologies, technologies, and best practices
related to cargo inspection, verification, and security measures.
• Provide Recommendations: Based on the literature review, offer
recommendations for enhancing cargo inspection procedures, adopting
new technologies, improving regulatory
• Review Academic Papers: Look for peer-reviewed academic papers,
conference proceedings, and journal articles that discuss cargo
inspection techniques, technologies, challenges, and advancements.
Pay attention to methodologies, experimental setups, and results.
Problem Statement
 Igaccuratg Cargo gracggggg graggtgogal mgthogs of cargo
tracgggg rglg hgavglg og magual procgssgsg lgagggg to
ggaccuracggs agg ggscrgpagcggs gg cargo ggggtgfgcatgogg
guagtgtg vgrgfgcatgogg agg status upgatgsg

 Lgmgtgg ggsgbglgtg agg gragsparggcgg Lacg of rgalgtgmg

vgsgbglgtg ggto thg locatgogg statusg agg cogggtgog of cargo posgs
sggggfgcagt challggggs for busgggssgs gg magagggg ggvggtorgg
plaggggg tragsportatgog routgsg agg rgspoggggg to ugforgsggg
gvggts or ggsruptgogs gg thg supplg chaggg

 Iggffgcgggt Igvggtorg Magaggmggtg Magual ggvggtorg magaggmggt

procgssgs arg progg to grrorsg gglagsg agg gggffgcgggcggsg
rgsultggg gg stocgoutsg ovgrstocggggg agg ggvggtorg wrgtggoffsg
⁕ gghagcg Cargo gracgggg agg ggsgbglgtgg Dgvglop a sgstgm that ggablgs rgalg
tgmg tracgggg agg moggtorggg of cargo throughout thg tragsportatgog procgssg
provggggg usgrs wgth accuratg agg upgtogggatg ggformatgog og thg locatgogg
statusg agg cogggtgog of googsg

⁕ Improvg Igvggtorg Magaggmggtg Implgmggt fgaturgs that facglgtatg gffgcgggt

ggvggtorg magaggmggtg ggclugggg automatgg ggggtgfgcatgog of cargo gtgmsg
guagtgtg vgrgfgcatgogg agg stocg tracggggg to hglp busgggssgs optgmggg ggvggtorg
lgvgls agg rggucg opgratgogal costsg

⁕ ggsurg Data gccuracg agg Igtggrgtgg Implgmggt robust gata valggatgog agg
vgrgfgcatgog mgchaggsms to ggsurg thg accuracgg ggtggrgtgg agg sgcurgtg of
cargogrglatgg ggformatgogg prgvggtggg grrorsg ggscrgpagcggsg agg ugauthorgggg
accgss to sggsgtgvg gatag
⁕ methodology for cargo check involves outlining a systematic approach to inspecting
cargo for security threats, contraband, and compliance with regulations. Here's a
structured methodology
⁕ Pre-Check Preparation:
⁕ Before cargo inspection, ensure that necessary documentation, permits, and
declarations are in order. Verify the accuracy of shipping manifests, cargo
descriptions, and accompanying paperwork.
⁕ Cargo Screening:
⁕ Utilize various screening technologies and inspection techniques (e.g., X-ray
scanning, gamma-ray scanning, physical inspection) to examine cargo for security
threats, contraband, and irregularities.
Result Analysis

Fig.1.Login page

Fig.3.Home page

⁕ CargoChgcg gs a comprghggsgvg mobglg applgcatgog ggsggggg to

strgamlggg cargo magaggmggt agg gghagcg loggstgcs opgratgogs
for busgggssgsg ggth gts agvagcgg fgaturgsg ggtugtgvg ggtgrfacgg
agg rgalgtgmg capabglgtggsg CargoChgcg gmpowgrs usgrs to
gffgctgvglg magagg agg tracg cargog ggsurggg gffgcgggcgg
accuracgg agg rglgabglgtg throughout thg supplg chaggg ghgthgr
gtgs moggtorggg ggvggtorgg tracgggg shgpmggtsg or optgmggggg loggstgcs
procgssgsg CargoChgcg gs thg ultgmatg tool for busgggssgs sgggggg to
glgvatg thggr cargo magaggmggt practgcgs agg stag ahgag gg
togaggs compgtgtgvg marggtg
Future Scope

⁕ The future scope for cargo check encompasses a range of

advancements in technology, processes, and regulations aimed
at enhancing security, efficiency, and compliance throughout
the supply chain.

⁕ We will be improving our application by using technology

⁕ and make possible changes.
Government Publications
Research Papers and Journals
Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
Industry Reports and Market Research
Trade Magazines and Websites

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