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Evidence 1
Standard 1.1: Standard 1.2: Standard 2.1: Standard 3.3: Use
Physical, social and Understand how Content and teaching strategies
intellectual students learn teaching strategies
development and of the teaching
characteristics of area
I planned activities that develop children’s physical, social and intellectual development
and characteristics to improve child learning based on children’s interests, knowledge and
potential (ADGE, 2022) (AITSL, n.d., Standard 1.1). Based on children’s interests,
observations and discussing with other educators, I choose the topic “Transportation” and
planned activities (ACECQA, 2019) in all developmental areas (AITSL, n.d., Standard 2.1).
My planned activities fostered children’s understanding of the learning concepts and meaning
(ACECQA, 2013). Through play-based approach and using teaching strategies to support
children’s developmental skills (AITSL, n.d., Standard 1.2). Using all sort of learning
materials and implementing different activities extend children’s interests. Through my
intentional teaching and engagement as well as teaching strategies such as role modelling,
demonstrating, scaffolding, challenging, encouraging, storytelling, interacting, supporting,
facilitating, noticing, questioning and reflecting support children’s learning (AITSL, n.d.,
Standard 3.3).
Impact of my practice in children’s learning:
- It is evident that my planned activities were based on children’s interests as I can see
children fully engaged and developing their skills through the activities and I can see
children develop their cognitive, physical, language, social and emotional skills (ADGE,
- Play learning environment helped children to share their play space with other peers,
work cooperatively, being independent, turn taking skills and being persistence (ADGE,

Ariunzaya Enkhbat IKO000047X PLAC910 Portfolio – Part B

During the activities children learn from each-others specially younger children mirroring older
peers and learn from interacting directly with the environment around them which links to the
theory Lev Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory (Raban & Nolan, 2015).

Ariunzaya Enkhbat IKO000047X PLAC910 Portfolio – Part B

Evidence 2
Standard 3.7: Standard 1.3: Standard 3.4: Select Standard 4.1:
Engage Students with diverse and use resources Support student
parents/carers in the linguistic, cultural, participation
educative process religious and
Before Harmony Day, centre director sent a post in the Story Park to invite parents to involve
and dress their children in their traditional clothing. I also reminded parents to dress their
children with their traditional clothing during drop off and pick up time verbally (AITSL, n.d.,
Standard 3.7).
As I am Mongolian background, I represented myself to dress my traditional dress and put my
participation in cultural display for children and families by bringing some of the Mongolian
cultural items. During the group time, I shared my cultural aspects, traditional clothing,
traditional home and introduced Mongolian books and sang a song to the children (AITSL,
n.d., Standard 3.4). We have several children from Mongolia and some of them doesn’t speak
or understand English however they understand Mongolian language so it was very effective
activity to read a book and sang a song in Mongolian language (AITSL, n.d., Standard 1.3).
During the activity, children sang with me and, responded while I was reading a book in their
home language (AITSL, n.d., Standard 4.1). Throughout the day, I set up painting activity to
give children an opportunity to participate in this special day. I made their hand print on the
paper and displayed on the wall for families. I received many positive feedback and comments
from families at the end of the day about Harmony Day by verbally and through Story Park
(AITSL, n.d., Standard 3.7).
Impact of my practice in children’s learning:
- It was evident that children feel supported and belonging during the activity as they
engaged and interacted (ADGE, 2022) (AITSL, n.d., Standard 4.1)
- I shared the photos of children were engaging in the activities (AITSL, n.d., Standard 4.1)
to the parents through Story Park and parents commented on them (AITSL, n.d., Standard
- I have chosen Mongolian famous children book that has songs and photos that can attract
children’s attention and interests (AITSL, n.d., Standard 3.4)

Ariunzaya Enkhbat IKO000047X PLAC910 Portfolio – Part B

Ariunzaya Enkhbat IKO000047X PLAC910 Portfolio – Part B
Evidence 3
Standard 2.2: Standard 3.2: Plan, Standard 3.5: Use Standard 4. 2: Manage
Content selection structure and effective classroom classroom activities
and organisation sequence learning communication
Based on children’s interests, interactions, play during the day and observation, I discussed
with other educators and choose the topic of learning curriculum programming plan which was
“Transportation” (ADGE, 2022) (AITSL, n.d., Standard 2.2). Afterwards, I noted down my brain
storm ideas on “Intentional teaching” plan. To putting the ideas and extending the brain storm
notes, I created the “Curriculum weekly plan” during two weeks with my co-workers. “Curriculum
weekly plan” demonstrated children’s engagement and learning and planned activities were
flexible and required variety of learning natural and open-ended materials that enhance
children’s creativity, problem-solving and imagination skills (ADGE, 2022) (AITSL, n.d.,
Standard 3.2).
Children achieve their developmental stages by engaging and participating planned activities
with educator’s effective verbal and non-verbal communication strategies (AITSL, n.d.,
Standard 3.5).
I created and designed the learning environment supportive, safe and flexible that allowed
children to spend time to learn, engage and investigate while playing and interacting with
planned activities (AITSL, n.d., Standard 4. 2).
Impact of my practice in children’s learning:
- When I discussed and ask my co-worker’s opinion about choosing the topic for “Curriculum
weekly plan”, they also mentioned that children interested in the transportation (AITSL,
n.d., Standard 2.2)
- I designed and set up the indoor and outdoor environment related to the topic which is
“Transportation” considering the children’s age, abilities, easy to access and aiming to
draw their attention and interests (AITSL, n.d., Standard 3.2). Children were able to
access the resources, display images and toys during the day (ADGE, 2022).
- It is evident that children developed their developmental stages through my planned
activities and my planned activities were effective as children fully engaged (AITSL, n.d.,
Standard 3.5)

Ariunzaya Enkhbat IKO000047X PLAC910 Portfolio – Part B

- I can see that my learning spaces and environment were accessible for every child as they
interacted with all the learning resources and activities (AITSL, n.d., Standard 4. 2)

Ariunzaya Enkhbat IKO000047X PLAC910 Portfolio – Part B

Ariunzaya Enkhbat IKO000047X PLAC910 Portfolio – Part B
Evidence 4
Standard 4.4: Standard 6.3: Standard 7.1: Meet Standard 7.2: Comply
Maintain student Engage with professional ethics with legislative,
safety colleagues and and responsibilities administrative and
improve practice organisational
Implementing the centre policy, children safety legislation, it is mandatory to maintain children’s
safety and well-being (ADGE, 2022). As a room leader, it is my responsibility to maintain
children’s health and safety (ACECQA, 2019). Main actions to maintain children’s safety is to
being active supervisor, witnessing any accidents and incidents, making sure to change
children’s nappies and assisting them during toileting, administrating the medication and giving
first aid support to children (AITSL, n.d., Standard 4.4). It is essential to demonstrate how to
fill out the accident and incidents forms and informing the responsible person and families to
know (ADGE, 2022). As part of my role and room leader expectations, I run new staff
orientation, train them and demonstrating centre policies (ACECQA, 2019). Moreover, I run
room meeting with my colleagues to discuss about any issues in the room, children’s learning,
improvements and reflecting on our week. It is very important for me to take notes of each
educator’s feedback and concerns to solve the problems, create strategies and seek help with
any issue that I needed to support to solve (AITSL, n.d., Standard 6.3).
Following the “Code of ethics”, I always ensure to remain calm, active listener, critically reflect
on the concerns and being professional in every situation (AITSL, n.d., Standard 7.1). I always
aim to implement centre policies during my duty. For example: demonstrating and following the
nappy change/ toilet training policies and procedure, I role modelled for new educators that
ensure they understand and follow the centre policies and legislatives (AITSL, n.d., Standard
Impact of my practice in children’s learning:
- Demonstrating the nappy change/toilet training policies and procedures to training new
educators and ensuring all the educators follow same procedure and do the same thing. I
asked educators to reads and fully understand the policy and procedure to fill out the form.
It helps to maintain children’s health and safety throughout the day (ADGE, 2022)
- I showed how to fill out the incidents reports and informing the responsible person and
families to know by making call to families while new educators are next to me.

Ariunzaya Enkhbat IKO000047X PLAC910 Portfolio – Part B

- I made the nappy allocations for new educators to help choosing correct nappy for every
child to maintain their health and safety.

Ariunzaya Enkhbat IKO000047X PLAC910 Portfolio – Part B

Evidence 5
Standard 4.3: Standard 4.4: Standard 6.2: Standard 7.3: Engage
Manage challenging Maintain student Engage in with the
behaviour safety professional parents/carers
learning and
improve practice
Lately, some of our educators raised the concern about some children’s behaviour such as
pushing, hitting, snatching things from their peers and biting others. While closely observing
children during their interactions, I informed my nominated supervisors about the concerns and
incidents. After having some incidents between children, we increased our active supervision
to prevent incidents (AITSL, n.d., Standard 4.4). However, in my opinion, it is very important
to teach children what’s wrong and what’s right, how to control themselves and manage
children’s behaviour. As working with very young children, I felt that I needed to develop my
professional skills about how to communicate with young children during their challenging time.
Our centre organised the professional session about dealing with young children who has
challenging behaviour. I participated and developed my professional knowledge related to
manage children’s challenging behaviour (AITSL, n.d., Standard 4.3). It was very useful and
effective session for me to gain principal knowledge about understanding young children why
they have challenging behaviour and how we can help them to manage this behaviour (AITSL,
n.d., Standard 6.2). Based on my professional training and knowledge, I decided to approach
and discuss with parents to work cooperatively to help their child during their difficult moments
(AITSL, n.d., Standard 7.3).
Impact of my practice in children’s learning:
In my room, one child (1,8 years old) repeatedly showing aggressive behaviour towards his
peers and his peers bite him back. His mother was concerned and worried why he had several
bites from other children and questioned me. Based on my experience and knowledge that I
gained from the training session, I communicated with child’s parents and discussed about what
was the reason and how we can help him to manage. So, I asked about parent’s strategies and
ideas first and suggested my point of view. As the child can understand English very well and
he expressed himself verbally, I suggested to talk with their child in soft voice tone, coming in
his level to explain softly about the situation. It can help effectively as he can understand very
well and when I talk with him and explained him about the situation, he was listening and

Ariunzaya Enkhbat IKO000047X PLAC910 Portfolio – Part B

acknowledging my conversation with him to show me reactions such as nodding his head and
smiling at me or saying gentle.

Ariunzaya Enkhbat IKO000047X PLAC910 Portfolio – Part B

ACECQA (2013). The indoor & outdoor environment. Community childcare co-operative.
Australian Government Department of Education [AGDE] (2022). Belonging, Being and Becoming: The
Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (V2.0). Australian Government Department of
Education for the Ministerial Council.
Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership. (n.d.). Australian professional standards
for teachers.
Raban, B., & Nolan, A. (2015). Theories into Practice: Understanding and Rethinking Our Work with
Young Children. Teaching Solutions.

Ariunzaya Enkhbat IKO000047X PLAC910 Portfolio – Part B

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