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1. In my humble opinion, it would be “Product Strategy.

” This is purely because of the fact that this Strategy

focuses on the product’s quality. Having read the statement from a certain source, it specifically said that
it focuses on its “innovation, quality, safety, and speed to market.” This, by itself, is already a good
advantage, compared to the others. I say so rather confidently because if they maintain their focus on
this, they will draw in more and more customers or consumers of the product. Think about it. It is a win
for both the consumers and the produces/sellers. No one would choose to buy something if it would only
put them and/or the people around them in trouble, right? Yet, if they bear witness that the products
being promoted are trustworthy and enjoyable, it won’t take long for it (The product/s) to gain
recognition. More and more people will gain interest, more and more people will recommend it among

2. For me, it’d be “Manufacturing Strategy.” The average production would be increased by 15-20%. Being
able to make more products means that you’ll be able to sell more and profit more. This is an advantage
that is worth noticing. It utilizes overtime hours and part-time workers in order to make this possible.
However, this seems to come carrying with itself an inseparable disadvantage. You see, it makes use of
overtime hours and people who work part-time. It could be possible that this is rather detrimental for
both the workers and the machines. If many of your assets begin to fail, it would cause great devastation
with just one little mistake, ruining what could’ve possibly been a great profit. Overall, I am a little
skeptical on this one.

3. Manufacturing Strategy. Don’t misunderstand, I won’t deny that I have felt a bit unsure about utilizing
such strategy. However, it does not mean that I had already failed to see through and spot its potential. It
would be an advantage for the producers, but perhaps not so much so for those working under them. The
reason why I didn’t feel fully confident in using this strategy is because I am concerned with both the
manpower and equipment/machines. Still, having a good profit will surely aid you and provide the upper
hand. Therefore, if I were to adjust this, I’d rather have a small or medium increase in production. Not
demanding too much work so that everyone does not get affected in a bad way. If given a choice, I would
always choose that one right decision that would make it a win for everyone on both sides. Nonetheless,
this would be what I aim to improve upon when given the chance.

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