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Perform Multiple

Pass Fillet Weld in

Vertical (3F) Position
Using Carbon Steel
Prepared by: Mr. Eugenio B. Domantay Jr.
The welding position refers to the position of
the welding operator towards the workpiece to be
welded. Because of gravity, the welding position
affects the flow of molten filler metal. It’s
important to understand the types of welding
positions as different welding processes require to
be performed at a certain position of the welder.
Flat Position (1G and 1F)
The easiest type to perform is the flat position,
which is also sometimes called the downhand position.
It involves welding on the top side of the joint. In this
position, the molten metal is drawn downward into the
joint. The result is a faster and easier weld. In 1G and 1F,
the number 1 refers to the flat position, while the letter
G stands for a groove weld and letter F stands for a
fillet weld.
Horizontal Position (2G and 2F)
This is an out of position welding position. It’s a more difficult position
compared to the flat position and it requires more skill from the welding
operator to do them well.

2F is a fillet weld position, in which the welding is done on the upper

side of the surfaces that is approximately horizontal that lies against a
surface that is approximately vertical. In this position, the torch is usually
held at a 45-degree angle.

2G is a groove weld position that involves placing the weld axis in a

horizontal plane or approximately horizontal. As for the face of the weld,
it should lie in an approximately vertical plane.
Vertical Position (3F and 3G)
In this position, both the plate and the weld lie vertically or almost
vertically. The 3F and 3G refer to vertical fillet and vertical groove
positions. When welding vertically, the force of gravity pushes the molten
metal downward and so it has the tendency to pile up. To counteract this,
you can use either an upward or downhill vertical position.

To control this in the upward vertical position, point the flame upward,
holding it at a 45-degree angle to the plate. This way, the welder will use
the metal from the lower parts of the workpiece to weld against the
force of gravity. In the downhill position, the metal from the upper parts
and the electric arc’s kinetic force are used.
Overhead Position (4F and 4G)
In this position, welding is carried from the underside
of the joint. It’s the most complicated and difficult
position to work in. The 4G and 4F positions stand for
groove and fillet welds respectively. In the overhead
position, the metal deposited to the joint tends to sag
on the plate, resulting in a bead with a higher crown. To
prevent this, keep the molten puddle small.
Overhead Position (4F and 4G)
If the weld puddle becomes too large, remove the
flame for a moment in order to allow the molten metal
to cool. The positions flat, horizontal, vertical and
overhead are the basic types of welding positions.
However, they do not adequately describe pipe
welding positions. Pipe welding can be done under
many different requirements.
The illustration image on the left (above) is a vertical position fillet weld,
and the image on the right is a vertical position groove weld example.
This actual weld bead picture is a vertical weld bead using a 7018
welding rod.
When welding pipe in the vertical position
the pipes axis is vertical and you will be
welding in a horizontal position. The pipe
might rotate, or not. It just depends of what is
the position to be performed in the welding

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