Sociology Timetable

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### Week 1: March 27 - April 2

**Chapter 1: Sociological Perspectives**

- **Day 1: Introduction to Sociology**

- What is sociology?

- Importance of sociology.

- Key sociological thinkers.

- **Day 2: Functionalist Perspective**

- Core principles of functionalism.

- Functionalist views on institutions.

- Examples of functionalist perspectives in society.

- **Day 3: Conflict Perspective**

- Understanding conflict theory.

- Criticisms of functionalism.

- Applications of conflict theory.

- **Day 4: Application of Perspectives**

- Comparing functionalism and conflict theory.

- Real-life examples applying sociological perspectives.

- **Day 5: Past Paper Questions on Sociological Perspectives**

- Answer past paper questions on sociological perspectives.

- Reflect on strengths and weaknesses.

- **Day 6: Review and Recap**

- Summarize key concepts from Chapter 1.

- Clarify any doubts or questions.

- **Day 7: Practice Test**

- Attempt a mini-test with past paper questions on Chapter 1.

- Review answers and identify areas for improvement.

### Week 2: April 3 - April 9

**Chapter 2: Research Methods and Design**

- **Day 8: Introduction to Research Methods**

- Different research methods in sociology.

- Importance of research design.

- **Day 9: Quantitative Research Methods**

- Surveys: Design and application.

- Experiments: Principles and ethics.

- **Day 10: Qualitative Research Methods**

- Interviews: Types and techniques.

- Observations: Participant and non-participant.

- **Day 11: Mixed Methods and Triangulation**

- Integration of qualitative and quantitative methods.

- Advantages and challenges of mixed methods.

- **Day 12: Past Paper Questions on Research Methods**

- Answer past paper questions on research methods.

- Analyze different research scenarios.

- **Day 13: Review and Recap**

- Review types of research methods.

- Clarify doubts and revise key terminology.

- **Day 14: Practice Test**

- Attempt a mini-test focusing on research methods.

- Evaluate understanding and application of concepts.

### Week 3: April 10 - April 16

**Chapter 3: Socialization, Culture, and Identity**

- **Day 15: Socialization Process**

- Agents of socialization.

- Theories of socialization.

- **Day 16: Cultural Elements**

- Cultural norms and values.

- Cultural diversity and globalization.

- **Day 17: Identity Formation**

- Individual and group identities.

- Role of socialization in identity.

- **Day 20: Review and Recap**

- **Day 18: Socialization Across Lifespan**

- Childhood socialization.

- Adult socialization and resocialization.

- **Day 19: Past Paper Questions on Socialization and Culture**

- Answer past paper questions on socialization and culture.

- Apply sociological concepts to real-world examples.

- Summarize key points from Chapter 3.

- Address any remaining doubts or questions.

- **Day 21: Practice Test**

- Attempt a mini-test covering topics from Chapter 3.

- Reflect on progress and areas needing improvement.

### Week 4: April 17 - April 23

**Revision and Practice**

- **Day 22-26: Revision of Chapters 1-3**

- Review all topics covered in Chapters 1-3.

- Practice past paper questions for each chapter.

- **Day 27-28: Full-Length Practice Test**

- Simulate exam conditions with a full-length past paper test.

- Analyze performance and identify areas for final review.

### Week 5: April 24 - May 17

**Final Review and Exam Preparation**

- **Day 29-32: Topic-based Review**

- Focus on weaker areas identified during practice tests.

- Review specific topics and concepts thoroughly.

- **Day 33-34: Exam Strategy and Time Management**

- Develop exam strategy, including time allocation for each question.

- Practice time management techniques.

- **Day 35: Relax and Rest**

- Take a day off to relax and recharge before the exam.

This schedule ensures a slow and steady pace, allowing ample time for understanding
each topic thoroughly and practicing past paper questions for reinforcement. Adjust the
pace according to your needs and dedicate extra time to challenging topics. Good luck
with your studies!

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