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Teaching and Coaching Careers

School and non-school settings

 Have high expectations for all students.

 Keep students involved in relevant activities.
 Create an atmosphere that promotes earning.

Pros and cons of Physical Education


1. Makes students healthy: Physical Education involves a lot of exercises that play an
important role in keeping students healthy during their time in school. It helps in burning
down calories that may, later on, result in lifestyle diseases.
2. Builds students’ character: Physical Education always has the potential of building the
character of the child because it creates a certain level of responsibility in the child and
ensures the child remains disciplined.
3. It is a pleasure to do physical activities: It is always a rewarding experience to do Physical
Education because of the physical activities associated with it.
4. It takes place outside of the classroom which makes it refreshing : The fact that Physical
Education takes place outside of the classroom confines gives it a refreshing feature that
breaks the classroom monotony.
5. It helps break the monotony of school routine: Physical Education plays an important role
in breaking the monotony of the routine that is classwork. Students are accorded the
opportunity to do classes outside of the class.
6. It may nurture talent which turns out to be a career : The best thing about Physical
Education is that it is an opportunity for the student to nurture an inborn talent that may
turn out to be a career for the student.
7. Reduces chances of illness: Physical Education being a physical exercises kind of
arrangement creates an environment where it is difficult for a child to develop lifestyle
8. It’s a motivator for children to attend school: In many instances, Physical Education plays a
role as a primary motivator for the students to attend school.


1. Eats into the study time: There is always the risk of Physical Education taking too much of
the student’s time and therefore affecting the grades in cases where the student cannot
balance the two.
2. Requires extra effort: Physical Education requires the student to invest extra effort in their
school work because they have to find a balance between academic work and the physical
education demands.
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3. Is not meant for everyone: Like everything else, not everyone was cut out for Physical
Education. Some people are naturals about it while others will struggle to create a balance.
4. There is potential for bullying: There is always the risk of students being bullied in the fields
during physical education classes. Although the incidences are few, they are usually very
unfortunate if they occur.
5. Interferes with academic course load: Physical Education will always come between the
student’s academic work and the expectations of the sport. It requires the student to be
disciplined enough to balance the two effectively.
6. Some teachers are forced to work extra hours: It is always a sacrifice for both students and
teachers in any instance where Physical Education is a factor.
7. Some talents may not be fully nurtured: In some instances, the student’s talent may not be
in sports and yet Physical Education is meant for sporting activities. This will ultimately
disadvantage the student.
8. Students are prone to injuries: Physical Education is just that; physical. If a student gets
injured in the course of doing physical activities it is always an unfortunate occurrence.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Teaching – School Setting

 Salary
 Teach diverse activities
 Offers job tenure
 Intrinsic rewards
 Opportunity to coach

 Lack of financial support
 Inadequate facilities
 Discipline problems
 Overpopulated classes

Benefits and Drawbacks of Teaching – Non-school Setting

 Clients are voluntary
 Opportunity to specialize in an area
 Variety of settings

 Lack job security
 Various work hours
 Salary could be dependent on number of clients

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Reason for Coaching

 Molding a group of individuals into a team

 Be a part of the game – love of the sport
 Pass on knowledge
 Enjoyment of teaching players to play better and help them develop
 The thrill and excitement of sport
 Help young players have fun
 Want to share the experience with your kids
 Leadership is inspiring people to do their best

Great Coach Are Teachers

 Teaching them the skills

 Teaching them how to play within the team concept
 Teaching them how to make good decisions
 Teaching them not to be afraid to fail
 Teaching them character values
 Teaching them to be successful as players and people

Motivation for Successful Coaches

 Love of coaching
 Love of the game
 Fear of failure
 Need to prove to people they are good at coaching
 Love of competition
 The challenge itself
 Highs of winning knowing there will be lows of defeat


 if you are interested in handling a team of your own, being a coach offers an exciting path for
 concerned with strategies and motivating and training the team

Sports Administrator
 works full time in sports field
 responsible for carrying out administrative tasks across a wide range of functions within sports
clubs and organizations.

Personal Trainer
 manages his/her own time or schedule
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 can offer one on one training, group exercise and sports or exercises that you have studied
Sports Researcher
 take part in research projects
 offer advice on the design and manufacture of sports equipment

Physical Educator
 engaged in activities and games rather than classroom lectures
 Instruct students in a variety of physical activities relevant to curriculum requirements.
 one will never get bored
 a lot room for personal development
 stay healthy and fit at the same time
 more knowledgeable of health and fitness

 What are the professional opportunities for those in sport management?
 Why management is important?

Sport management
- is the field of business dealing with sports and recreation. Sports management
involves any combination of skills that correspond with planning, organizing,
directing, controlling, budgeting, leading or evaluating of any organization or
business within the sports field.
To achieve the objectives of the sport program, the functions of management are as follows:
 It PLANS – what are the objectives and means
 It ORGANIZES – what are the activities
 It STAFFS – what are the human resources needed
 It DIRECTS – how to influence subordinates
 It COORDINATES – how to gather and put all the resources
 It CONTROLS – how to monitor and execute

Top 4 Sports Management Career

An Athletic Director manages sports programs and departments at a university, college, high
school, or middle school. Although duties can vary depending on the size of the institution, its
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division, and the types of sports programs, athletic directors are typically responsible for hiring
and managing staff, creating budgets, promoting the athletics program, speaking to the media,
ensuring compliance with athletic regulations, and most importantly, ensuring student-athlete
health and wellbeing.

As a sports marketing professional, your goal is to increase ticket sales and corporate
sponsorships. To ensure an appealing and competitive brand, sports marketers are responsible
for market research, advertising, promotions, digital/social media, community events, and
other activities that engage fans and show potential sponsors their dollars will have a great
return on investment.

A professional sports agent handles the business and legal deals for professional athletes,
facilitates meetings with prospective teams, negotiates contracts, secures endorsement deals,
and helps athletes manage their money. You will also procure additional sources of income for
the athlete, such as endorsements. Most agents work for international agencies with offices in
major cities. Without significant sports connections, it’s difficult to work independently.


Statistics are integral to the sports experience. Commentators fight over the latest figures with
their listeners, recruiters evaluate the potential of upcoming athletes, fans obsess over their
fantasy team, and coaches make game-time decisions. As a sports data analyst, you can serve
up the latest and greatest numbers. You’ll collect, analyze, and share athlete and team data for
both internal and media use.

As a sports data analyst, your job is to collect and monitor the statistics for an athlete, game,
or team. As part of this analysis, you may use an algorithm to help predict future performance,
help apply the information to business decisions, or provide stats and feedback for announcers
to mention during a game.


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March 15, 2019
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