G11 - English General - Al - Adwaa - Final Model Exams

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‫الصف ‪ 2‬الثانوى‬
‫نماذج اختبارات الفصل الدراسى الثانى‬
‫العام الدراسى‬

‫‪2023 - 2024‬‬
Final Tests Test (1) 40
Remembering Understanding Applying Analysing Evaluating Creating

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1 Nada wrote her thoughts and feelings in her journal .................. .
a) entries b) exits c) articles d) texts
2 The teacher has the .................. to give grades and assignments to students.
a) ministry b) section c) authority d) college
3 The dress she wore to the party was .................. and colourful. Everyone liked her.
a) common b) unique c) ugly d) ordinary
4 There should be a hospital in every neighbourhood for people to go in case of .................. .
a) emergency b) evaluation c) accuracy d) presentation
5 The police are trying to investigate the mystery and find clues. The noun of the verb
“investigate” is “..................”.
a) investigates b) investigated c) investigation d) investigative
6 Imagine a world without any problems, where everyone is happy. The synonym of the verb
“imagine” is “..................”.
a) fancy b) explain c) apply d) accept
7 A: Why ..................? B: Because he has got a bad grade on his exam.
a) is he crying b) does he cry c) will he cry d) had he cried
8 By the end of the year, we .................. enough money to fund the project.
a) will be raised b) would raise c) will be raising d) will have raised
9 I want my coffee to be.................. the same every time I order it.
a) slightly b) exactly c) almost d) much
10 By 10 yesterday, I .................. a film that I really enjoyed.
a) watch b) was watching c) have watched d) had watched
11 The doctor asked the patient .................. was wrong and listened carefully.
a) that b) which c) what d) when
12 She .................. a bad day, so she decided to take a long walk.
a) have had b) will have c) was having d) is having
13 No one attended the party,..................?
a) did they b) didn’t they c) were they d) was it
14 My brother used to read much at night, but now he .................. .
a) isn’t b) wasn’t c) doesn’t d) didn’t
15 I can’t decide .................. restaurant to go to for dinner tonight.
a) where b) when c) that d) which

2 Final Tests
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

Eating a healthy diet is crucial for maintaining good health. It isn’t a temporary activity, it
should be maintained forever. A healthy diet includes a variety of foods from different food
groups such as fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy. It is essential to consume the right
amount of nutrients to keep your body healthy and strong.
A balanced diet can help prevent chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and certain
cancers because it gives you important nutrients. It is crucial to limit the consumption of
unhealthy foods, such as those high in saturated fats, sugars and salt.
When you eat a healthy diet, you will feel more energetic, and your body will function better.
You will also be less likely to gain excess weight and develop chronic diseases. Eating healthy
doesn’t mean you have to give up your favourite foods, but it is important to consume them
in moderation.
To incorporate a variety of foods into your diet, try adding new fruits and vegetables to your
meals, experimenting with different recipes, and trying foods from different cultures.
Maintaining a healthy diet should be a lifelong habit, not just a short-term goal. It is essential
to make healthy eating a part of your daily routine to ensure that you are providing your body
with the necessary nutrients to stay healthy.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

16 I t is important to have a healthy diet .................. .
a) to look good b) to feel good c) to save money d) to be popular
17 A healthy diet helps prevent .................. .
a) broken bones and cuts b) allergies and asthma
c) heart disease and diabetes d) the flu and colds
18 What does “them” refer to?
a) Favourite foods. b) Good foods. c) Unhealthy foods. d) Fast foods.
19 What is another word for “essential”?
a) Optional. b) Extra. c) Important. d) Boring.
20 A healthy diet helps prevent chronic diseases by .................. .
a) making you stronger b) providing essential nutrients
c) making you taller d) giving you more energy
21 If you want to incorporate a variety of foods into your diet, you can eat .................. .
a) fruits only b) vegetables only
c) new foods from different cultures d) all of the previous
22 People should maintain a healthy diet .................. .
a) only for a week b) only for a month
c) for a few months d) for a lifetime
23 You should limit .................. in your diet to maintain good health.
a) fruits and vegetables b) sugary and salty foods
c) protein and dairy d) grains and breads
‫الصف الثانى الثانوى‬ 3
24 C
 hoose the correct Arabic translation:
Every year, exhibitions of cars and modern means of transport are held in the most famous
cities of the world. These exhibitions often witness great development every time.
.‫كبيرا فى كل مرة‬
ً ‫تطورا‬
ً ‫ غالبـًا ما تشهد هذه المعارض‬.‫تقام كل عام معارض للسيارات ووسائل النقل الشهيرة فى أشهر مدن العالم‬ )a
.‫كبيرا فى كل مرة‬
ً ‫تطورا‬ً ‫ غالبـًا ما تشهد هذه المعارض‬.‫) تقام كل عام معارض للسيارات ووسائل النقل الحديثة فى أشهر مدن العالم‬b
.‫صغيرا فى كل مرة‬
ً ‫تطورا‬
ً ‫ غالبـًا ما تشهد هذه المعارض‬.‫) تقام كل عام معارض للسيارات ووسائل النقل الحديثة فى أشهر مدن العالم‬c
.‫كبيرا فى كل مرة‬
ً ‫تطورا‬
ً ‫ غالبـًا ما تشاهد هذه المعارض‬.‫) تقام كل عام معارض للسيارات ووسائل النقل الحديثة فى أشهر مدن العالم‬d

25 Choose the correct English translation:

‫ باإلضافة إلى أنها جعلت حياتنا‬،‫ وزادت من كفاءة اإلنتاج فى كل المجــاالت‬،‫قللــت التكنولوجيــا الحديثــة من الجهد والوقت المبذول فى العمــل‬
.‫سهلة ومريحة وصحية وممتعة‬
a) Modern technology has reduced the effort and time spent on work and decreased
production efficiency in all fields, in addition to making our lives easy, uncomfortable,
healthy and enjoyable.
b) Modern technology had reduced the effort and time spent on work and increased
production efficiency in all fields, in addition to making our lives easy, comfortable,
healthy and enjoyable.
c) Modern technology has reduced the effort and time spent on work and increased
production efficiency in no fields, in addition to making our lives difficult, comfortable,
healthy and enjoyable.
d) Modern technology has reduced the effort and time spent on work and increased
production efficiency in all fields, in addition to making our lives easy, comfortable,
healthy and enjoyable.
26 A
 nswer the following:
1. If you were Edgar, would you feel sad for seeing Gloucester blind?
2. How do you feel about the death of Oswald? Why do you feel like this?
3. Why do you think Albany asked Edmund to bring the prisoners?

27 Write an essay of about ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) words:

"The benefits of learning a second language”
4 Final Tests
Final Tests Test (2) 40
Remembering Understanding Applying Analysing Evaluating Creating

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1 The .................. of the car accident was chaotic and full of people.
a) vision b) sight c) scene d) view
2 The company’s .................. plans include opening new branches across the country.
a) intention b) expansion c) suggestion d) destruction
3 The ..................’s actions caused damage to the country’s security.
a) reliable b) loyal c) traitor d) believer
4 His .................. for power led him to make unethical decisions that affected others.
a) anger b) thirst c) hunger d) laziness
5 Due to the temporary closure of the bridge, we had to find an alternative route. The antonym
of the adjective “temporary” is “..................”.
a) spacious b) permanent c) relevant d) strange
6 Before you leave, .................. sure you turn off all the lights and lock the door.
a) make b) do c) take d) follow
7 I .................. to like spicy food, but I’ve grown to enjoy it over time.
a) didn’t use b) used c) isn’t used d) uses
8 By the time we arrive, they .................. the source of the problem.
a) will have discovered b) might have discovered
c) will discover d) might discover
9 I .................. to visit my grandparents next weekend. It’s planned.
a) am going b) go c) went d) have been
10 There’s only a small difference. This car is .................. smaller than that one.
a) slightly b) far c) as d) more
11 This compound .................. to the wealthy businessman who made his fortune in real estate.
a) belongs b) is belonging c) is belonged d) have belonged
12 A mechanic .................. the car before we used it for that long trip.
a) has checked b) will have checked
c) had checked d) was checking
13 Before I leave school, I .................. my assignment.
a) am finishing b) finished c) have finished d) will have finished
14 Omar can hardly drive cars, ..................?
a) can’t he b) doesn’t he c) can he d) does he
15 By this time tomorrow, she .................. for her trip abroad.
a) will be leaving b) will have been leaving
c) will have left d) will leave
‫الصف الثانى الثانوى‬ 5
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

Ecotourism is a type of tourism that focuses on nature and the environment. It is a responsible
and sustainable way of travelling, which aims to conserve the natural environment, protect
wildlife, and support local communities.
Ecotourism offers travellers an opportunity to experience the beauty of nature while learning
about the environment and conservation efforts. This type of tourism also supports the local
economy by providing jobs and income for local people.
Ecotourism is different from traditional tourism because it promotes responsible travel
practices. It encourages travelers to minimise their impact on the environment and to support
sustainable tourism practices. This includes using eco-friendly products, reducing waste, and
respecting local cultures and traditions.
Ecotourism also supports conservation efforts by providing funding for environmental
initiatives and wildlife protection. This helps to preserve natural habitats and protect endangered
In conclusion, ecotourism is a sustainable and responsible way of travelling that aims to
conserve the natural environment, protect wildlife, and support local communities. It offers
travellers a unique and educational experience while promoting responsible travel practices and
conservation efforts.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

16 Ecotourism is defined as .................. .
a) tourism that focuses on the environment
b) tourism that focuses on historical sites
c) tourism that focuses on shopping
d) tourism that focuses on luxury accommodations
17 Among the purposes of ecotourism is to .................. .
a) support international travel b) promote responsible travel practices
c) maximise profits for tourism companies d) promote luxury travel experiences
18 Ecotourism supports the local economy by .................. .
a) reducing the number of tourists visiting the area
b) providing jobs and income for local people
c) promoting international trade
d) building luxury resorts and hotels
19 In ecotourism, travellers .................. .
a) minimise their impact on the environment
b) maximise their impact on the environment
c) ignore local cultures and traditions
d) buy expensive souvenirs
20 What does ecotourism support in terms of conservation efforts?
a) Industrialisation and urbanisation.
b) Overconsumption of natural resources.
c) Waste production.
d) Environmental initiatives and wildlife protection.
21 Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of ecotourism?
a) Responsible travel practices. b) Luxury accommodations.
c) Support for local communities. d) Conservation efforts.
6 Final Tests
22  hat is the opposite of “sustainable"?
a) Irresponsible. b) Efficient. c) Effective. d) Productive.
23 What does the underlined pronoun “It” refer to?
a) Ecotourism. b) The local economy.
c) The environment. d) Traditional tourism.
24 C
 hoose the correct Arabic translation:
There are many advantages to living abroad, as one can gain a lot of experiences and
learn about other cultures. In addition to developing his abilities in self-reliance to
achieve his dreams.
‫ باإلضافة إلى تنمية‬.‫يوجد الكثير من المزايا للمعيشــة بالداخل؛ حيث يســتطيع المرء اكتســاب الخبرات الكثيرة واإللمام بالثقافات األخرى‬ )a
.‫قدراته فى االعتماد على النفس لتحقيق أحالمه‬
‫ باإلضافة إلى تنمية‬.‫ حيث يســتطيع المرء اكتســاب الخبرات الطفيفة واإللمام بالثقافات األخرى‬،‫يوجد الكثير من المزايا للمعيشــة بالخارج‬ )b
.‫قدراته فى االعتماد على النفس لتحقيق أحالمه‬
‫ باإلضافة إلى تنمية‬.‫ حيث يســتطيع المرء اكتســاب الخبرات الكثيرة واإللمام بالثقافات األخرى‬،‫يوجد الكثير من المزايا للمعيشــة بالخارج‬ )c
.‫قدراته فى االعتماد على النفس لتحقيق أحالمه‬
‫ باإلضافة إلى تنمية‬.‫ حيث يســتطيع المرء اكتســاب الخبرات الكثيرة واإللمام بالثقافات األخرى‬،‫يوجد الكثير من المزايا للمعيشــة بالخارج‬ )d
.‫قدراته فى االعتماد على اآلخرين لتحقيق أحالمه‬

25 Choose the correct English translation:

‫ يؤدى تدمير الغابات‬.‫كثيرا بســبب األنشــطة غير المســئولة لإلنســان مثل تجريف األراضى الزراعية للبناء عليها‬
ً ‫تعانى الحيوانات حول العالم‬
.‫الكبيرة إلى موت العديد من أنواع الحيوانات والنباتات‬
a) Animals around the world suffer a lot due to the irresponsible activities of humans like
bulldozing farmland to build on. The destruction of large forests leads to the death of many
species of animals and plants.
b) Animals around the world suffer a lot due to the irresponsible activities of humans like
bulldozing farmland to build on. The destruction of small forests leads to the death of many
species of animals and plants.
c) Animals around the world suffer a lot due to the irresponsible activities of humans like
bulldozing farmland to build on. The destruction of large forests had led to the death of
many species of animals and plants.
d) Animals around the world suffer a lot due to the responsible activities of humans like
bulldozing farmland to build on. The destruction of large forests leads to the death of many
species of animals and plants.
26 A
 nswer the following:
1. If you were Cordelia, would you forgive your father so easily? why?
2. Do you think that Regan deserved to meet her end? Why?
3. Edgar’s bravery saved his father and his country as well. Do you agree? Why?
27 Write an essay of about ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) words:
“The impact of technology on daily life”

‫الصف الثانى الثانوى‬ 7

Final Tests Test (3) 40
Remembering Understanding Applying Analysing Evaluating Creating

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1 In his speech, the minister .................. the importance of teacher’s role in reforming education.
a) emphasises b) improvises c) ejects d) disrupts
2 The team came up with a .................. to the problem and finished the project on time.
a) tube b) syrup c) solution d) research
3 .................. is important to protect the environment and preserve natural resources.
a) Imagination b) Convention c) Condensation d) Conservation
4 She’s always .................. to everyone she meets, and that’s why people like her.
a) hostile b) fragile c) wealthy d) friendly
5 It’s important to .................. clean by washing your hands and keeping your environment tidy.
a) keep b) do c) erect d) give
6 It’s important to identify the source of the problem before trying to fix it. The synonym of
the verb “identify” is “..................”.
a) damage b) determine c) remove d) achieve
7 Can you speak louder? .................. to me?
a) Were you talking b) Do you talk c) Are you talking d) Will you talk
8 By the end of the year, they .................. to a new city for work.
a) will have moved b) will be moving
c) will have been moving d) will be moved
9 Before the manager arrived, she .................. her colleague complete the project.
a) has helped b) helps c) had helped d) was helping
10 The players of this team are talented, ..................?
a) wasn’t it b) aren’t they c) isn’t it d) aren’t them
11 The woman .................. we met at the conference was a renowned scientist in her field.
a) who b) whom c) that d) all are possible
12 The new store in the mall .................. by the governor in a grand ceremony last week.
a) has been opened b) is opened c) was opened d) can be opened
13 I .................. appreciate your hard work and dedication to this project.
a) fully b) full c) fuller d) fulfill
14 The airplane .................. off in an hour, so we need to finish packing and head to the airport soon.
a) takes b) will take c) took d) had taken
15 My brother and my cousin are of the same .................. .
a) tall b) height c) high d) heavy
8 Final Tests
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Sleep is an essential part of human life. It is a time when our body and brain rest and recover
from the day’s activities. Adequate sleep helps to keep us healthy and functioning optimally.
Here are some reasons why getting enough sleep is important:
Firstly, sleep is important for the brain to function properly. During sleep, the brain consolidates
memories and processes information from the day before, which helps us to learn and retain
information better. Lack of sleep can lead to forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating.
Secondly, sleep is important for physical health. It helps to repair and rejuvenate the body’s
cells, tissues and organs, and supports the immune system to fight off infections and diseases.
Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to a higher risk of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease
and other health problems.
Thirdly, sleep is important for emotional well-being. Lack of sleep can contribute to mood
swings, irritability and depression. Getting enough sleep helps to improve emotional stability
and promotes better relationships with others.
In conclusion, getting enough sleep is vital for our physical, mental and emotional health. It is
important to prioritise and make time for sleep in our daily routine to maintain overall wellness.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

16 What is the main idea of the passage?
a) Sleep is unimportant for human health. b) Sleep is an essential part of human life.
c) Sleep for longer time is better for human life. d) Importance of leading a happy life.
17 Lack of sleep can lead to .................. .
a) better memory retention
b) forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating
c) increased productivity
d) improved creativity
18 Sleeping is important for physical health because .................. .
a) it helps to repair and rejuvenate the body’s cells and tissues
b) it helps to reduce emotional stability
c) it helps to promote obesity
d) it helps to promote cardiovascular disease
19 What is the effect of chronic sleep deprivation?
a) Improved immune system.
b) Higher risk of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
c) Increased emotional stability.
d) Better concentration.
20 Why is sleep important for emotional well-being?
a) It helps to promote mood swings and irritability.
b) It helps to promote depression.
c) It helps to improve emotional stability.
d) It helps to promote better relationships with others.
21 What does the brain do during sleep?
a) It forgets memories.
b) It consolidates memories and processes information from the day before.
c) It promotes forgetfulness.
d) It contributes to difficulty concentrating.
‫الصف الثانى الثانوى‬ 9
22 W hich of the following is a consequence of not getting enough sleep?
a) Improved physical health. b) Improved emotional stability.
c) Improved productivity. d) Difficulty concentrating and irritability.
23 How can one maintain overall wellness according to the passage?
a) By prioritising and making time for sleep in our daily routine.
b) By reducing the amount of sleep one gets.
c) By neglecting the importance of sleep.
d) By prioritising work over sleep.
24 C
 hoose the correct Arabic translation:
Charitable organisations help the poor and needy, especially those who live in slums.
So it’s good that we all donate to contribute to this noble mission.
‫ وخاصة أولئك الذين يعيشون فى العشوائيات؛ لذلك من الجيد أن نتبرع جميعـًا للمساهمة‬،‫تساعد المنظمات الخيرية الفقراء والمحتاجين‬ )a
.‫فى هذه الوظيفة النبيلة‬
‫ وخاصة أولئك الذين يعيشون فى العشوائيات؛ لذلك من السيئ أن نتبرع جميعـًا للمساهمة‬،‫تساعد المنظمات الخيرية الفقراء والمحتاجين‬ )b
.‫فى هذه المهمة النبيلة‬
‫ وخاصة أولئك الذين يعيشون فى العشوائيات؛ لذلك من الجيد أن نشارك جميعـًا للمساهمة‬،‫تساعد المنظمات الخيرية الفقراء والمحتاجين‬ )c
.‫فى هذه المهمة النبيلة‬
‫ وخاصة أولئك الذين يعيشون فى العشوائيات؛ لذلك من الجيد أن نتبرع جميعـًا للمساهمة‬،‫تساعد المنظمات الخيرية األغنياء والمحتاجين‬ )d
.‫فى هذه المهمة النبيلة‬

25 Choose the correct English translation:

.‫ كما أنه أيضـًا مهمة هامة لألفراد‬.‫تحصين الناس ضد األوهام التى يسببها نشر أخبار كاذبة يعد واحدة من أهم مهام وسائل اإلعالم‬
a) Immunising people against the illusions caused by spreading false news is one of the
most important tasks of the media. It is also an important task for communities.
b) Immunising people against the illusions caused by spreading false news is one of the
most important tasks of the media. It is also an important task for individuals.
c) Immunising people against the illusions caused by writing false news is one of the most
important tasks of the media. It is also an important task for individuals.
d) Immunising people against the illusions caused by spreading false news is one of the least
important tasks of the media. It is also an important task for individuals.
26 A
 nswer the following:
1. If you were Edmund, who would you support to rule over the country, Regan or Goneril? Why?
2. Why, do you think, both Regan and Goneril asked for Edmund’s support?
3. Do you think that Kent should care for the King despite the bad treatment he received from
27 Write an essay of about ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) words:
“The value of volunteer work and its importance for society”

10 Final Tests
Final Tests Test (4) 40
Remembering Understanding Applying Analysing Evaluating Creating

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1 The .................. of pollution requires careful consideration and a thorough understanding of its
a) device b) crime c) trace d) issue
2 Her performance was .................., leaving the audience happy.
a) terrible b) reasonable c) brilliant d) sensitive
3 The .................. impact of trauma can be devastating and long-lasting.
a) heart b) psychological c) medicine d) biological
4 The .................. of people in the room were in agreement with the proposed solution.
a) majority b) seniority c) acceptance d) qualification
5 Before being hired, all candidates must .................. a test to demonstrate their skills.
a) involve b) take c) make d) give
6 They spoke in hushed .................., as if sharing a secret they didn’t want anyone else to hear.
a) noises b) tones c) sounds d) notes
7 He .................. spending his weekends hiking in the mountains and exploring nature.
a) was liking b) liked c) is liking d) likes
8 I .................. the match so I can’t come tonight.
a) will be watching b) will have watched c) are watched d) will be watched
9 By the time we arrived at the party, most of the guests .................. .
a) have left b) leave c) had left d) would leave
10 Having spent several years in Paris, Nadeen speaks French .................. .
a) fluently b) fluent c) fluency d) affluence
11 Most of .................. attended the conference were experts in their fields.
a) where b) whom c) that d) whose
12 .................. has passed, much has changed in the world around us.
a) In a year b) Since a year c) For a year d) A year before
13 The lecture on the history of mathematics was so .................. that I fell asleep.
a) bore b) boredom c) boring d) bored
14 Luckily, he found .................. of the puzzle that had been missing for weeks.
a) many b) a few c) one d) a piece
15 A: Do you want to come with us to the concert?
B: .................. think I can make it.
a) Yes, I can b) No, I can’t c) No, I don’t d) Yes, I do
‫الصف الثانى الثانوى‬ 11
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

Teenagers are individuals who are between the ages of 13 and 19. This period of life is often
marked by significant physical, emotional, and social changes. During this time, teenagers may
experience mood swings, increased risk-taking behaviour, and a desire for independence.
It is important for teenagers to have supportive relationships with their families, friends
and peers. These relationships can help them to navigate the challenges they face during this
period of life. It is also important for teenagers to develop good communication skills and to
be able to express their thoughts and feelings effectively.
Education is an essential part of teenage life, as it can provide teenagers with the skills
and knowledge they need to succeed in their future careers. Extracurricular activities, such as
sports, music, or art, can also help teenagers to develop their interests and talents.
Teenagers should also be aware of their physical health and take steps to maintain a healthy
lifestyle. This includes eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly.
It is also important for teenagers to avoid risky behaviours such as smoking, drug use, and
making friends with bad people.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

16  ccording to the passage, teenagers are often in .................. .
a) primary schools b) preparatory schools
c) secondary schools d) preschools
17 Teenagers may experience changes such as .................. .
a) physical, emotional and social changes
b) mental and spiritual changes
c) financial and economic changes
d) environmental changes
18 It is important for teenagers to have supportive relationships to .................. .
a) make them dependent on others b) limit their independence
c) make them feel alone d) help them navigate the challenges they face
19 Among the skills which teenagers should develop are .................. .
a) good cooking skills b) good driving skills
c) good communication skills d) good gaming skills
20 Education is important for teenagers because .................. .
a) it can limit their career opportunities
b) it can provide them with the skills and knowledge they need for their future careers
c) it can make them bored
d) it can cause stress and anxiety
21 What does the underlined pronoun “it” refer to?
a) Interest. b) Talent. c) Education. d) Teenager.
22 What are some steps teenagers can take to maintain a healthy lifestyle?
a) Eating junk food, not sleeping enough and avoiding exercise.
b) Eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep and exercising regularly.
c) Smoking, using drugs and making friends with bad people.
d) None of the above.
23 One of the synonyms of the word “significant” is “..................”.
a) minor b) important c) unimportant d) lazy

12 Final Tests
24 C
 hoose the correct Arabic translation:
Young people used to travel abroad to acquire new experiences, but they now look forward
to migrating because of the problems they meet.
.‫ لكنهم اآلن يتطلعون للهجرة بسبب المشاكل التى يواجهونها‬،‫اعتاد الشباب السفر إلى الداخل الكتساب خبرات جديدة‬ )a
.‫ لكنهم اآلن يتطلعون للهجرة بسبب المشاكل التى يواجهونها‬،‫) اعتاد الشباب السفر إلى الخارج الكتساب خبرات قديمة‬b
.‫ لكنهم اآلن يتطلعون للهجرة بسبب المشاكل التى يواجهونها‬،‫) اعتاد الشباب السفر إلى الخارج الكتساب خبرات جديدة‬c
.‫ لكنهم اآلن يتطلعون للعودة بسبب المشاكل التى يواجهونها‬،‫) اعتاد الشباب السفر إلى الخارج الكتساب خبرات جديدة‬d

25 Choose the correct English translation:

.‫ فهى نعمة إذا استعملت للخير ونفع الناس ولعنة إذا استعملت للشر والدمار‬،‫أثبتت التجربة العملية أن المعرفة سيف ذو حدين‬
a) Practical experience has proven that knowledge is a double-edged sword, as it is
a blessing if it is used for good and benefiting people, and a curse if it is used for evil and
b) Practical experience has proven that knowledge is a third-edged sword, as it is a blessing
if it is used for good and benefiting people, and a curse if it is used for evil and destruction.
c) Practical experiment has proven that knowledge is a double-edged sword, as it is
a blessing if it is used for good and benefiting people, and a curse if it is used for evil and
d) Practical experience has proven that knowledge is a double-edged sword, as it is
a blessing if it is used for good and benefiting people, and a curse if it is used for evil and
26 A
 nswer the following:
1. Edmund is a greedy person who would do anything to reach his ambitions. Do you agree?
2. Why do you think Albany began to feel frightened of his wife, Goneril?
3. Why, do you think, Edgar didn’t reveal his real identity to his father?

27 Write an essay of about ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) words:

“The importance of environmental conservation”

‫الصف الثانى الثانوى‬ 13

Final Tests Test (5) 40
Remembering Understanding Applying Analysing Evaluating Creating

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1 .................. is key to achieving your goals, even in the face of adversity.
a) Respiration b) Determination c) Accommodation d) Habitation
2 Our company’s .................. plans include opening new offices in several countries.
a) reduction b) exploration c) expansion d) condensation
3 .................. the event live on television will allow a wider audience to participate.
a) Rehearsing b) Planning c) Producing d) Broadcasting
4 The nonprofit organisation’s .................. focus on providing aid to disadvantaged communities.
a) missiles b) missions c) businesses d) firms
5 The fashion displays the latest trends from top designers. The verb “display” is the synonym
of “..................”.
a) show b) cover c) reply d) prove
6 As the project manager, it’s your responsibility to manage the team’s workflow effectively.
The noun of the verb “manage” is “..................”.
a) managed b) management c) managerial d) managerially
7 Despite his young age, his worn-out clothes and wrinkled face made him .................. old.
a) look b) has looked c) looked d) has been looking
8 The old car was .................. as big as the new one.
a) far b) slightly c) almost d) more
9 She .................. enough of the toxic work environment and decided to quit her job.
a) were having b) had had c) have d) have had
10 The book was an .................. one, filled with suspense and unexpected twists.
a) interest b) interested c) interesting d) interestingly
11 The man .................. car was damaged was really sad.
a) whom b) who c) whose d) what
12 The award-winning author .................. a prestigious literary award for his latest novel.
a) is giving b) was given c) was giving d) gave
13 Science fiction novels are .................. most children enjoy reading.
a) where b) who c) which d) what
14 A scholarship .................. to the top performing student in each academic department.
a) will be given b) are given c) will have been given d) may give
15 By the end of the year, I .................. everything in my power to achieve my goals.
a) will do b) will have done
c) will be doing d) will have been doing
14 Final Tests
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

Submarines are vehicles that can travel underwater. They are typically used for military
purposes, such as spying, patrolling or attacking enemy ships. However, submarines can also
be used for scientific research or exploration of the deep ocean.
Submarines have a unique design that allows them to remain underwater for long periods of
time. They are usually powered by nuclear reactors or diesel engines, which provide electricity
for the onboard systems. They are equipped with air conditioning systems that help regulate
the temperature inside the vessel, as well as sophisticated sonar and radar systems that allow
them to detect other vessels or objects in the water.
The inside of a submarine is divided into different compartments, each serving a specific
purpose. The control room is where the captain and crew operate the submarine and monitor
its systems. The living quarters are where the crew sleeps and eats. The torpedo room is where
the weapons are stored.
Submarines are able to submerge by filling ballast tanks with water, which causes the vessel
to become heavier and sink. To resurface, the submarine releases the water from the tanks and
pumps air back into the vessel, causing it to become lighter and rise to the surface.
Submarines play an important role in military operations, as they are able to operate silently
and remain undetected by enemy vessels. They can also launch torpedoes or missiles from
underwater, making them formidable weapons.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

16  t first, submarines were used for.................. .
a) commercial shipping b) scientific research
c) military purposes d) fishing
17 The engine submarines is operated by .................. .
a) gasoline b) diesel c) electric d) solar
18 A ballast tank in a submarine is used to .................. .
a) be stored with food
b) regulate the temperature
c) be filled with water and submerge the vessel
d) be stored by weapons
19 The underlined word “formidable” is a synonym of “..................”.
a) small b) massive c) tiny d) tidy
20 The control room on a submarine is used “..................”.
a) to store food
b) to operate the submarine and monitor its systems
c) to regulate the temperature
d) to launch torpedoes
21 The unique design of submarines .................. .
a) allows them to remain underwater for long periods of time
b) allows them to remain underwater for short periods of time
c) allows them to store water easily
d) allows them to float on water

‫الصف الثانى الثانوى‬ 15

22 W
 hat does the pronoun “They” refer to in the text?
a) Ballast tanks. b) Submarines. c) Crew members. d) Torpedoes.
23 W
 hat is the advantage of submarines in military operations?
a) They are loud and easy to detect.
b) They cannot operate underwater.
c) They can launch torpedoes or missiles from underwater.
d) They are slow and easy to outrun.

24 C
 hoose the correct Arabic translation:
Preserving the environment requires big international efforts, so advanced countries
must cooperate to reduce carbon emissions.
.‫ لذلك يجب على الدول المتقدمة التعاون للحد من انبعاثات الكربون‬،‫جهودا دولية كبيرة‬
ً ‫يتطلب الحفاظ على البيئة‬ )a
.‫ لذلك يجب على الدول المتقدمة التعاون للحد من انبعاثات الكربون‬،‫جهودا دولية صغيرة‬
ً ‫) يتطلب الحفاظ على البيئة‬b
.‫ لذلك يجب على الدول المتقدمة التعاون للحد من انبعاثات الكربون‬،‫جهودا محلية كبيرة‬
ً ‫) يتطلب الحفاظ على البيئة‬c
.‫ لذلك ال يجب على الدول المتقدمة التعاون للحد من انبعاثات الكربون‬،‫جهودا دولية كبيرة‬
ً ‫) يتطلب الحفاظ على البيئة‬d

25 Choose the correct English translation:

.‫ هذا ألن كل األنواع فى النظام البيئى له دور محدد يلعبه‬.‫التنوع البيولوجى هو المؤشر الرئيسى لصحة النظام البيئى‬
a) Biodiversity was the key indicator of the health of an ecosystem. That’s because each
species in an ecosystem has a specific role to play.
b) Biodiversity is the key detector of the health of an ecosystem. That’s because each species
in an ecosystem has a specific role to play.
c) Biodiversity is the key indicator of the health of an ecosystem. That’s because each species
in an ecosystem has a specific role to play.
d) Biodiversity is the key indicator of the health of an ecotourism. That’s because each
species in an ecosystem has a specific role to play.
26 A
 nswer the following:
1. When he heard the news about Cornwall and Gloucester, Albany only cared about
Gloucester. Why do you think he did so?
2. Why do you think Edgar says that King Lear is talking both ‘sense and nonsense’?
3. Gloucester seemed to love the King very much. Do you agree? Why?

27 Write an essay of about ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) words:

“The advantages and disadvantages of social media"

16 Final Tests
Final Tests Test (6) 40
Remembering Understanding Applying Analysing Evaluating Creating

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1 The recipe was .................. from an old family cookery book passed down through generations.
a) attributed b) adapted c) applied d) inhibited
2 The company’s .................. increased after they introduced their new line of products.
a) modules b) losses c) profits d) branches
3 The startup’s success was fueled by their innovative .................. solutions.
a) high-tech b) outdated c) recent d) old-fashioned
4 She was determined to be .................., so she started her own business.
a) dependent b) intended c) independent d) prohibited
5 In contrast to his sister, he was introverted and preferred solitude. The noun “contrast” is the
opposite of “..................”.
a) agreement b) contradiction c) disagreement d) necessity
6 Imagine a world where everyone was kind. The adjective of the verb “imagine” is “..................”.
a) imagines b) imaginative c) imagination d) imaginatively
7 By the end of the semester, the students .................. these two grammar lessons.
a) will have learned b) will be learning c) will be learned d) are learning
8 The fabric of the shirt felt .................. softer after it was washed.
a) slight b) more c) farther d) slightly
9 Omar .................. this car before he sold it.
a) had been owning b) had owned c) was owning d) owns
10 She was always punctual and reliable, .................. she?
a) weren’t b) won’t c) didn’t d) wasn’t
11 The artist .................. paintings were on display at the gallery was a rising star.
a) who b) that c) whose d) whom
12 They were able to decorate their apartment .................. by shopping at this store.
a) cheapest b) cheaply c) cheap d) more cheap
13 You can’t call him now as he .................. a shower.
a) is having b) was having c) had had d) will have had
14 The company .................. exports are successful will be rewarded.
a) who b) what c) which d) whose
15 He was .................. injured in the car accident and had to be rushed to the hospital.
a) serious b) seriously c) seriousness d) series

‫الصف الثانى الثانوى‬ 17

Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

Studying well is a skill that can be developed over time with consistent practice and
discipline. The key to studying well is to find effective study techniques that work for you and
to create a conducive environment for learning.
One effective study technique is to break down your study sessions into smaller, manageable
chunks of time. This can help you to focus better and avoid burnout. Another technique is to
actively engage with the material by taking notes, asking questions, and seeking out additional
resources, such as textbooks or online tutorials.
Creating a conducive study environment is also important. This can include finding a quiet
and comfortable place to study, eliminating distractions such as social media or television, and
having all the necessary materials on hand before beginning your study session.
In addition to these techniques, it is also important to take care of your physical and mental
health. This includes getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly.
Taking breaks and practising relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation can
also help you to stay focused and alert while studying.
Overall, developing good study habits is a lifelong process that requires commitment and
dedication. By finding effective study techniques, creating a conducive study environment,
and taking care of your physical and mental health, you can improve your ability to learn and
retain information.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

16  hat is the main idea of the text?
a) Tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. b) Techniques for effective studying.
c) Strategies for time management. d) Guidelines for organising study materials.
17 Which word is a synonym for “conducive”?
a) Adverse. b) Beneficial. c) Detrimental. d) Harmful.
18 What does the underlined word “This” refer to?
a) Taking notes. b) Breaking down study sessions.
c) Seeking out additional resources. d) Actively engaging with material.
19 Among the effective study techniques is .................. .
a) sleeping for long periods of time
b) studying for extended periods without breaks
c) breaking down study sessions into manageable chunks of time
d) taking notes only at the end of a study session
20 To create a conducive study environment, you should .................. .
a) have the TV on in the background
b) have all necessary materials scattered around the room
c) study in a noisy and busy location
d) eliminate distractions such as social media
21 It is important to take care of your physical and mental health while studying because .................. .
a) it helps you to stay focused and alert while studying
b) it allows you to multitask more effectively
c) it improves your short-term memory retention
d) it helps you to procrastinate less
18 Final Tests
22 W
 hat is a relaxation technique mentioned in the text?
a) Binge-watching TV shows. b) Taking a nap.
c) Deep breathing. d) Checking social media.
23 According to the text, some ways to actively engage with the material while studying
are .................. .
a) taking notes, asking questions and seeking out additional resources
b) listening to music and watching TV shows
c) working on multiple assignments simultaneously
d) eating snacks while studying
24 C
 hoose the correct Arabic translation:
Controversy and disagreement among members of society lead to the deterioration of all
aspects of life, but understanding and cooperation lead to harmony, which inevitably leads
to development and progress.
‫ لكن التفاهم والتعاون يؤديان إلى االنسجام الذى يؤدى حتمـًــا إلى‬،‫) يؤدى الجدل والخالف بين أفراد المجتمع إلى تدهور كل جوانب الحياة‬a
.‫التطور والتقدم‬
‫ لكن التفاهم والتعاون يؤديان إلى االنســجام الذى يؤدى حتمـًــا إلى‬،‫أدى الجدل والخالف بين أفراد المجتمع إلى تدهور كل جوانب الحياة‬ )b
.‫التطور والتقدم‬
‫ لكن التفاهم والتعاون يؤديان إلى االنســجام الذى يؤدى حتمـًــا إلى‬،‫أدى الجدل والخالف بين أفراد األســرة إلى تدهور كل جوانب الحياة‬ )c
.‫التطور والتقدم‬
‫ لكن التفاهم والتعاون ال يؤديان إلى االنســجام الذى يؤدى حتمـًــا‬،‫يؤدى الجدل والخالف بين أفراد المجتمع إلى تدهور كل جوانب الحياة‬ )d
.‫إلى التطور والتقدم‬
25 Choose the correct English translation:
‫تعد اســتضافة المســابقات والمؤتمرات الرياضية الدولية طريقة جيدة لتشجيع الســياح لزيارة مصر وجلب العملة الصعبة التى تحتاجها إلقامة‬
.‫المشروعات القومية‬
a) Hosting international sports competitions and conferences is a good way to discourage
tourists to visit Egypt and bring in the hard currency needed to establish national projects.
b) Hosting international sports competitions and conferences is a good way to encourage tourists
to visit Egypt and bring in the hard currency needed to establish international projects.
c) Hosting international sports competitions and conferences is a good way to encourage
tourists to visit Egypt and bring in the hard currency needs to establish national projects.
d) Hosting international sports competitions and conferences is a good way to encourage
tourists to visit Egypt and bring in the hard currency needed to establish national projects.
26 A
 nswer the following:
1. Why do you think Gloucester asked Edgar to let him die where he was?
2. “Your sisters have been cruel to me. You have a good reason to be cruel to me, but they do
not. Why does Lear say this to Cordelia?
3. How do you think Albany and Regan reacted to what Regan said about making Edmund ruler?
27 Write an essay of about ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) words:
“The pros and cons of online learning”

‫الصف الثانى الثانوى‬ 19

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