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Cerdeña, Rio Karl I.

BPeA 1-1 Activity 15

Activity 15: Mandated Global Topics: Technology and the Environment (Lesson 1)

1. Cite an example of alternative energy that is not sustainable? Why do you think so?
 One example of an alternative energy source that is not sustainable is nuclear
energy. Nuclear energy is a non-renewable resource because the uranium used to
fuel nuclear power plants is a finite resource. In addition, nuclear energy can
produce radioactive waste, which is a major environmental hazard.

 Here are some of the reasons why nuclear energy is not sustainable:
- Uranium is a finite resource. The world's known uranium reserves
are estimated to last for about 80 years at current consumption rates.
Once these reserves are depleted, it will be difficult or impossible to
obtain more uranium.
- Nuclear energy produces radioactive waste. Nuclear power plants
produce radioactive waste, which is a major environmental hazard.
Radioactive waste can remain dangerous for thousands of years, and it
must be carefully disposed of.
- Nuclear energy is a major risk to human health. Nuclear accidents,
such as the Chernobyl disaster and the Fukushima Daiichi disaster,
have caused widespread environmental damage and human health

For these reasons, nuclear energy is not a sustainable source of energy. We need to
find alternative energy sources that are renewable and do not produce harmful

 Here are some examples of sustainable alternative energy sources:

- Solar energy is a renewable resource that can be used to generate
electricity or heat water.
- Wind energy is another renewable resource that can be used to
generate electricity.
- Hydropower is a renewable resource that can be used to generate
electricity by harnessing the power of running water.
- Geothermal energy is a renewable resource that can be used to
generate electricity or heat buildings by tapping into the heat of the
Earth's interior.
These are just a few examples of sustainable alternative energy sources. There
are many other renewable energy sources that we can use to meet our energy
needs without harming the environment.

Perch Energy. (2022, October 28). Is Nuclear Energy Renewable Or Sustainable? Pros &
Cons. Retrieved June 13, 2023, from
U.S. Energy Information Administration. (2022, June 28). What is energy? Sources of
energy. Retrieved June 13, 2023, from

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