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What happened to the students?

Without good manners, human society becomes intolerable and impossible George Bernard Shaw. How things were different not too many years ago 1. Students rarely came late to class. When they did they asked for permission to come in; if the teacher said no, they just closed the door politely and walked away. Now, they just walk into the classroom. In case they remember to ask for permission to come in and the teacher says no they insist and insist and insist to come in taking time off the class and showing NO respect for classmates and teacher who arrived early. 2. Students didnt get up, walk across the classroom, throw something in the wastebasket, then walk back across the room while the teacher was talking. Today, students dont care about the teacher and the other students and they do everything they please. If the teacher says something they just dont listen at all. They say teachers are crazy. 3. Students used to listen respectfully when the teacher was talking. Now many students feel they have the right to ignore the teacher and have a private conversation with their friends, showing NO respect for the classmates who want to listen and the person who is talking. 4. Students didnt swear or use bad words in classrooms or in hallways. Today students cant have a normal conversation without swearing or using bad words. 5. Students never answered their mobile phones (cell phones) in the middle of the class or exam. They used to turn them off when they came into a classroom. Now, the students just feel that they need to have their phones on all the time and they do not care about the teacher and students in their classroom. If it rings, they just answer without showing respect to the others. 6. Students used to say Please and Thank you. Today only a few students use those words. They think the other people are there to do what they want, when they want it. On a sheet of paper answer these questions with your team of four. Do not write names: 1. Why is this happening? 2. Is society better when people treat each other with respect? Why? 3. Is the classroom better when both students and teacher show mutual respect? 4. Why does Henry Rogers say: Good manners is one of the most important keys to success in life? 5. Do students practice in the classroom the manners they were taught by their parents? Why? 6. Which gives a better impression on other people: being cool or being courteous?

7. What can you do to improve your manners in the classroom and make sure your classmates also improve theirs? 8. What is RESPECT for you and how do you show others that you respect them?

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