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Iau2990 7 yam! AZIKIWE UNIVERSITY AWKA DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022/2023 SESSION WORKING DRAWING (ARC347) 2 UNITS TIME: thr 301 INSTRUCTION: Attempt question 1 and any other 3 questions 1. Reproduce the building plan as shown, dimension and label properly 45 working drawing. All wall thickness is 225mm. FT nl 7 oN Kitchen ~ Dining |/4.2m i eau UG Paaat 2. Awotkplan of not more than 4 months duration for the construction of the building shown in question one above 3, Generate @ window schedule from the floor plan in question one. All window height equals 1.2m, Bt 4, With the aid of ske i F : sketch, draw a typical building cross section and give detail foundation members give details of roofaid 5, Itemize all relevant de. Fi F ssign details and information for site o architectural workiNe grawing plan production of an saree 7 umd 4 eo : QUESTION 3. (@) List three properties and three uses of cast iron, (b) Define vamish and list two basic functions. °F QUESTION 4. BS (a) Define, list two properties and two uses of the following: %E ~ () Coal tar. (i) Tar macedam, (b) List the four allotropic structures of iron. QUESTION 5. @) Discuss the following: @ Base. Gil) Binder. (ii) Pigments (iv) Solvents (v) Adultrants. (b) Define glass and list three basic constituents., NNAMDI AZIKIWE UNIVERSITY AWKA FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS 2018/2019 SESSION COURSE CODE: ARC. 343 COURSE TITLE: BUILDING MATERIALS MI DATE: 31% MAY 2019 TIME ALLOWED: 2 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER ANY FOUR QUESTION, ALL QUESTIONS CARRY EQUAL MARKS. 1. Critically narrate the comparative use of steel and aluminum in building construction 2. Explain glass in terms of the following; a. Acoustic control b. Solar control c. Fire resistant d. Chemical resistant 3. Write short notes on the following; a. Epoxy b. Polypropylene c. Polyvinyl chloride d, polyethene 4. Describe the different characteristic properties of four metals and their uses in modern buildings. 5, a, Explain the paint systems in building construction process b, narrate the use of three special paints in buildings 6. a. Explain degradation of plastics b. outline properties of plastic and its corresponding uses in building construction c. what is Portland cement d. explain corrosion in metals C [eA 20 21 2740 9, NNAMDI AZIKIWE UNIVERSITY AWKA FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE 2022/2023 ACADEMIC SESSION Course Title: Building Materials Course Code: Arc. 343 Semester: First Semester Examination Date: 21/08/2023 Instruction: Answer Question Land 2 and any of 3 or 4 Time: 2hrs ae In your understanding, give a brief overview of the Course Building Materials, and outline the importance of its study to Bi 20marks construction in the tropics, Anambra as a case study. b) Write about the merits and demerits of their usage in the construction process. 30marks - a) Discuss “GLASS” as a building material and outline with brief explanations the raw materials for the making of Glass. b.) Write short notes about: i.) Tempered glass (ii.) Plate glass 20marks 4. a) Discuss “PLASTICS” as a building material and outline with brief explanations the raw materials for the making Plastics. b) Write about: (i) Thermoplastics (ji) Thermosetting Plastics. Le C- A NNAMDI AZIKIWE UNIVERSITY, AWKA Nae eat FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES / DEPARTMANT OF ARCHITECTURE ) , FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022/2023 SESSION ‘ BUILDING COMPONENTS # METHODS III ARC 34] xe 1 ANSWER QUESTION | ANY OTHER 2 QUESTIONS 1.5 HOURS ———————————_ me f t ij 1. Write comprehensively on Load-bearing elements, highlighting their importance and types. e 2. What are Fartitions, and discuss the several types of partitions used in building construction 3. With the aid of only plan view, illustrate at least five (5) different types of stairs 4. Write on the importance of ceilings and the design considerations for ceilings. 5. With the aid of appropriate sketches, discuss at least five (5) different types of roofs, NNAMDI AZIKIWE UNIVERSITY, AWKA FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022/2023 ACADEMIC SESSION Course Code: ARC 441 Date: 16/08/2023 Course Title: Building Components and Method IV Time: Ihr 30 mins Instruction: Answer question number one, and any other three (3) questions. Use sketch where necessary. Question One is 25 marks while the Other Questions are 15 marks each. 1 (a) With the aid of a well-labeled diagram, vividly explain the justification for using steel frame trusses in the Geogold Event Hall we visited. (15mrks). (b) Identify four (5) rationales for the use of red-oxide primer on steel. (1@mrks) © 2 (a) Elucidate clear detailed information on the Pile foundation (10 mark) (b) (b) What are the five (5) aims of the foundation. (Smrks) & 3. (a) What are the basic functions of a foundation in construction. (Smrks) () Elucidate on Skeletal Structural Framing (10 mark) x4. (a) With the aid of a diagram, describe the strip/wall footing. (10 mark) (b) Enumerate five (5) Advantages of Steel Structural Framing (Smrks) 5. (a) Mention the primary necessities that a foundation is expected to exhibit (Smrks) (b) Briefly explain the wall bearing frame in steel frame construction. (10 mark) NNAMDI AZIKIWE UNIVERSITY, AWKA (DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE) FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2022/2023 ACADEMIC SESSION COURSE CODE/TITLE: ARC 361/ BUILDING SERVICES | CREDIT UNIT: 2 TIME: 90 minutes Answer question one (1) and any other three (3) questions pe Using a SKETCH diagram, describe how COLD water flows from the mains into the overhead tank of a typical bungalow and from the tank to the different outlets in the building b. give five (6) Design Principles or factors to be considered in a Water Distribution System (25 marks) eae on any five (5) conventional treatment process of municipal water (15 Marks) 3. a. What is water distribution system? E ive 3 factors to be considered when determining The size of a water storage tank in a b ing (15 marks) a. What is a sewage? b. Give five (6) guidelines for the construction and maintenance of drainage and sewage system. (15 marks) 7 a, List and explain the three (3) Types of Water Distribution Systems b. Give any two (2) advantage of each of the systems mentioned above (15 marks) 6. Give Three (3) ways by which effective water distribution system and Three (3) ways by which effective waste management system can make a building comfortable, functional, efficient and safe. (15 marks) a NNAMDI AZIKIWE eas. FACULTY OF ENVIRONME! VC , OEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE 29 re 246 MG 2022/2023 ACADEMIC SESSION Course Title: Natural and Artificial Lighting Course Code: Arc. 363 Semester: First Semester Examination Date: 14/08/2023 Instruction: Answer Question 1 and 2 and any of 3and 4 Time: 1hr 30 Mins a Gee ) Define Natural and Artificial Lighting. F .) Give a detailed illustration of the origin and evolution of Natural lighting. 30 marks 2 St and Explain in detail, the different factors that affect/influences Daylighting in a Space. 20 marks 4) Using a detailed graphical illustration, describe the SUN PATH. _b.) Show using graphical illustrations show Daylight is allowed into a space. 20 marks 4 State the Day lighting components and approach used to allow and control daylight in and around a building. Illustrate with graphical representations where necessary. 20 marks Good Luck! ory e i NNAMDI AZIKIWE UNIVERSITY, AWKA 924240 Jo qi Code: ARC.345 course title: Building Structures III tA ) Date: 17/08/2023 tis allowed: 2hr ANSWER QUESTION1 AND ANY OTHER TWO QUESTIONS ONLY, USING DIAGRAMS WHERE NECESSARY ATTRACTS FULL MARK Chura / 3, Determine the axial forces in each member of the truss shown below \) 10M <3) tom L tom <& Pax Oa MR m be A. What is a structural system | PFJ aa ey : ” L B. Discuss any four (4) categories of structural system prevalently adopted in Nigeria's construction industry, outlining then mS cons an Jost taew cy 3. Differentiate between the following terms. framed A.A statically determinate structure and a redundant structure my 2s, 1 Bon B. The method of joint ansis and the ee eraeren ost a Aceh fhe ae ae C. A structural system and a structural element Shall ~ ae D. A rocket and a roller support Uw A2-Discuss the underlying principle guiding the use of trusses B. Discuss in detail any three (3) classifications of trusses known to you A. Determine the degree of determinacy of the structures above B.Explain any three (3) types of support reaction x Bates p= Ko NNAMDI AZIKIWE UNIVERSITY, AWKA DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE Course Code: ARC 313 Course Title: Landscape Architecture Time Allowed: 2hrs Session: 2022/2023 Date: 25/08/2023 Instructions: Answer 4 questions. Question 5 is compulsory. QUESTIONS. Natural elements of landscape Architecture are majorly 4, discuss these four elements and state their relationship to each other in the built environment. 2/ There are 6 major important ways Landscape Architecture shapes the built environment. Discuss any 4 of them. 3. List the 7 future trends and challenges in Landscape Architecture and discuss any three. 4f Design process in Landscape Architecture are divided into 5 Stages. List and discuss these 5 stages. 5. There are 6 major Principles of Landscape Architecture. List and discuss them.

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