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Republic of the Philippines


Department of Architecture
Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

GE 3


Submitted by:

Submitted to:

A.Y. 2023-2024

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1. Describe the artwork?

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My masterpiece is related to the nature. As depicted in the artwork, as the sun begins its
descent, casting a warm, golden glow across the landscape, a breathtaking scene unfolds
before your eyes. The air is filled with the soothing sound of rushing water, and as you
approach, the source of this melodic symphony becomes apparent—a magnificent waterfall
nestled within a pristine natural setting.

Towering trees with lush green foliage surround the waterfall, their branches reaching
towards the heavens, creating a vibrant frame for the cascading waters. The leaves rustle
gently in the breeze, adding a soft, whispering accompaniment to the constant murmur of the

The waterfall itself is a masterpiece of nature's design, a vertical dance of liquid crystal that
tumbles down a series of moss-covered rocks. The water glistens in the sunlight, catching the
reflections of the surrounding flora and the clear blue sky overhead. The rocks, adorned with
emerald-green moss and delicate ferns, provide a natural amphitheater for the spectacle,
inviting observers to sit and marvel at the beauty before them.

As the water descends, it creates a delicate mist that rises and shrouds the area in a fine veil,
giving the scene an ethereal quality. Sunbeams penetrate this mist, forming radiant rainbows
that arch across the landscape, adding a touch of magic to the already enchanting setting.

The landscape is alive with the symphony of nature—birds chirping in the trees, the
occasional rustle of small animals in the underbrush, and the constant, rhythmic rush of
water. It's a place where time seems to slow down, allowing one to fully immerse themselves
in the tranquil beauty of this natural masterpiece—a landscape painted with the soothing hues
of waterfalls and the vibrant palette of the earth.

2. What is/are do you think the basic philosophy/ies of art that was/were used as
basis for creating such an artwork?

The creation of my landscape artwork featuring waterfalls is influenced by various art

philosophies. Some fundamental art philosophies were used in this artwork. First is
Romanticism; the artwork gives emphasis on emotion and imagination. It also shows
celebration of nature's sublime and awe-inspiring qualities and Interest in the power and
beauty of natural landscapes. The waterfalls, as dynamic and powerful natural elements, can
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evoke a sense of the sublime and align with the romantic idealization of nature. Second,
Impressionism; the artwork focuses on capturing the fleeting effects of light and atmosphere.
It uses of loose brushstrokes and an emphasis on color. The waterfalls offer an opportunity to
play with the interplay of light and water, creating dynamic and ever-changing visual effects
that align with impressionist principles. Third, Realism; a commitment to depict the natural
world as it is. It gives attention to detail and accurate representation of landscapes and
realistically capture the intricate details of water, rocks, and vegetation around the waterfall,
providing a true-to-life representation. Fourth, Symbolism; the waterfalls can be symbolic of
transformation, power, or the passage of time, allowing the artist to imbue the artwork with
layers of meaning beyond the visual representation. Lastly, Environmental Art; the artwork
gives emphasis on the relationship between art and the environment.

3. What kind of function/s is/are presented in the artwork?

Art serves various functions, and a landscape artwork featuring waterfalls fulfill multiple
functions. Such as aesthetic enjoyment because it provides visual pleasure and aesthetic
enjoyment through the depiction of a beautiful and harmonious natural landscape. Further,
the dynamic flow of water, vibrant colors, and the interplay of light and shadow contribute to
the overall visual appeal. Another function presented in the artwork is its emotional impact.
Eliciting emotions such as awe, wonder, tranquility, or excitement through the portrayal of a
powerful and mesmerizing natural phenomenon like a waterfall. The landscape creates a
mood or atmosphere that resonates emotionally with the viewer. Narrative and Symbolism
are also presented in the artwork because it conveys a narrative or symbolic meaning through
the choice of elements within the landscape. The waterfalls can symbolize various themes
such as change, transformation, or the relentless passage of time, adding layers of meaning to
the artwork. Environmental Awareness is another function of this artwork. It serves as a
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reflection on environmental issues, the artwork portrays an untouched or pristine natural
The landscape may touched the heart of the viewers to consider the importance of preserving
and appreciating the beauty of nature. Lastly, the artwork has educational purpose. It educates
viewers about the geological or ecological aspects of waterfalls and their significance in the
natural world. The artwork may inspire curiosity and interest in the natural sciences.

4. What is/are the subject/s of the artwork? Explain

The subject of landscape artwork featuring a waterfall is, at its core, the natural environment
itself, specifically focusing on the depiction of a landscape with a prominent waterfall. The
primary subject is the natural setting, which includes elements such as trees, rocks, and a
body of water. The landscape serves as the backdrop for the central feature—the waterfall.
The waterfall is a key focal point and often the highlight of masterpieces. The artwork
captures the dynamic and cascading nature of the falling water, portraying its movement,
energy, and the resulting patterns and textures.

The surrounding elements such as rocks, vegetation, and other elements surrounding the
waterfall contribute to the overall composition. These include moss-covered rocks, vibrant
foliage, and other details that enhance the realism and aesthetic appeal of the scene.
The interplay of light and atmosphere is also a crucial aspect of the subject. It depicts the
changing qualities of light, such as the play of sunlight on the water's surface, the mist
created by the waterfall, and the overall atmospheric conditions.

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The subject of a landscape with a waterfall is a celebration and exploration of the beauty,
power, and serenity found in natural landscapes. The interpretation and approach to these
elements contribute to the uniqueness and individuality of the artwork. The subject serves as
a visual invitation for viewers to immerse themselves in the wonders of nature and engage
with the artwork on both aesthetic and emotional levels.

5. How is/are the subject/s represented? Explain.

In a landscape painting featuring a waterfall, the subject is not only the physical
representation of the waterfall itself but also the broader context of the natural
environment. The subject encompasses several elements that contribute to the overall
meaning and impact of the artwork.

The primary subject is often the majestic and awe-inspiring beauty of nature.
Waterfalls, with their powerful flow and scenic surroundings, symbolize the grandeur
and magnificence of the natural world. Waterfalls are dynamic and powerful,
symbolizing the unstoppable force of nature. The cascading water, crashing against
rocks, conveys energy and vitality. The subject may highlight the raw and untamed
power of the natural elements. The waterfall serves as a visual representation of the
continuous cycle of life. The flowing water, from its source high in the mountains to
the river or pool below, represents renewal, transformation, and the
interconnectedness of all living things. The landscape surrounding the waterfall
contributes to the subject by emphasizing harmony and balance. The composition may
include elements such as rocks, trees, and vegetation, showcasing the symbiotic
relationship between different components of the ecosystem. The subject of the
landscape painting with a waterfall may emphasize the ephemeral nature of beauty.
Waterfalls are transient and ever-changing, highlighting the fleeting moments of
perfection that can be found in the natural world.

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In essence, the subject of a landscape painting featuring a waterfall encompasses not
only the visual representation of the waterfall itself but also the broader themes of
nature's power, beauty, and the intricate balance within the environment.

6. What does the artwork mean? Explain using the levels of meaning.

Waterfall often celebrates the sheer beauty and awe-inspiring nature of natural
landscapes. The cascading water, surrounded by rocks, vegetation, and possibly wildlife,
serves as a testament to the splendor of the natural world. The meaning of a waterfall
painting can be analyzed on various levels, taking into consideration both formal
elements and symbolic or conceptual aspects.

On the Aesthetic Level, at the most basic level, the painting can be appreciated for its
visual appeal and artistic qualities. Representational Level, The painting represents a
specific scene featuring a waterfall within a landscape. Emotional Level, The artwork
evokes emotions or moods in the viewer. Symbolic Level, The waterfall may hold
symbolic meanings beyond its physical representation. Cultural Level, Cultural influences
and symbols within the painting are considered. Environmental Level, The painting may
convey messages related to environmental awareness. Personal Level (Artist's Intent),
The artist's personal experiences, emotions, or intentions are considered. Narrative Level,
The painting may tell a story or depict a specific moment in time.

A waterfall painting across these levels of meaning, viewers can gain a more
comprehensive understanding of the artwork, appreciating both its formal qualities and
the deeper layers of symbolism, emotion, and cultural context that contribute to its overall

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