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Managing POWER & POLITICS -How to Survive in office--- Using Power, Managing Politics, Displaying


POWER-The exercise of a faculty; the employment of strength; the exercise of any kind of control;
influence; dominion; sway; command; or government.

Power is the ability to …1. Get someone to do something you want done.2.Make things happen in
the way you want.

Influence is 1. What you have when you exercise power.2. Expressed by others’ behavioral response
to your exercise of power.

French and Raven: 5 Bases of Power

Reward Power- Promising or granting rewards.- slightly +ve effect

Legitimate Power- Based on position or formal authority

Coercive Power- Threats or actual punishment.—slightly negative effect

Expert Power- Sharing of knowledge or information. +ve effect

Referent Power- Power of one’s personality (charisma).

How do Managers Acquire the Power Needed for Leadership? A. Obedience and the
acceptance of authority- consent of the governed. Subordinates accept or follow a
directive only under special circumstances. B. Zone of Indifference- Can and must
understand it. Must feel mentally and physically capable of carrying it out. Must believe
that it is consistent with the organization’s purpose. Must believe that it is consistent with
her or his interests. C. The zone is Not Fixed over time.
9 Generic Influence Tactics--- 1. Rational Persuasion- Trying to convince someone with reason,
logic, or facts 2. Consultation- Getting others to participate in planning, making decisions, and
changes 3. Inspirational Appeals-- Trying to build enthusiasm by appealing to others’ emotions,
ideals, or values. 4. Exchange- Making express or implied promises and trading favors. 5. Personal
Appeals- Referring to friendship and loyalty when making a request, 6.Ingratiation- Getting
someone in a good mood before making a request; being friendly, helpful, and using praise or
flattery. 7. Coalition Tactics- Getting others to support your effort to persuade someone. 8.
Pressure- Demanding compliance or using intimidation or threats. 9. Legitimating Tactics- Basing a
request on one’s authority or right, organizational rules or polices, or express or implied support
from superiors.

3Influence Outcomes--- Commitment-- Will gladly do it

Compliance-- Will grudgingly do it

Resistance-- Will refuse in one way or another to do it

How to Turn Your Coworkers into Strategic Allies---- Mutual respect, Openness, Trust, Mutual

What is Organizational Politics? Organizational politics is defined as the management of influence

to obtain ends not sanctioned by the organization or to obtain sanctioned ends through -influence
Emphasizes self-interest and the use of non-sanctioned means.
Involves intentional acts of influence to enhance or protect the self-interest of individuals or
Why do People Politic? Positive aspects of organizational politics.

Overcoming personnel inadequacies, Coping with change, Substituting for formal authority

What Triggers Political Behavior? Unclear objectives, Vague performance measures, Ill-defined
decision processes, Strong individual or group competition, Change, Personalities involved

Practical Tips for Managing Organizational Politics--Reduce System Uncertainty, Establish formal
conflict resolution and grievance processes, Break Existing Political Fiefdoms -deal with overly
political individuals, Prevent Future Fiefdoms -Screen out overly political individuals.

PERSONALITY--- Characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling and acting.

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