Laplace Transform

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Gireuit Analysis by Classical Method INITIAL CONDITIONS IN CIRCUITS We need initial (or boundary) conditions to evaluate the arbitrary constants in the general solution of differential equations. The number of initial conditions required is equal to the order of the differential equation for a unique solution, Procedure to Evaluate the Initial Conditions ‘There is no set procedure to follow in determining the initial conditions. First step is to draw the equivalent circuit at t = 0* based on the element given in Table 3.2. The next step is to evaluate the initial values of voltages and currents of all the branches. After this, the derivatives at ¢ = 0 evaluated. Initial values of current and voltage may be found directly from a study of the network schematic. For each element in the network, we must determine just what will happen when the switching action takes place. From this analysis, a new schematic of an equivalent network for ¢ = 0* may be ‘constructed according to these rules: (@ Replace all inductors with open circuits or with current generators having the value of current flowing at t = 0*. G Replace all capacitors with short circuits or with voltage sources having the value V, = 22 if there is an initial charge, qo, (iit) Resistors are left in the network without change. ‘The equivalent circuit for the three parameters (R, L and C) at ¢ = 0* and t = = are shown in Table 3.2. Table 3.2: The Equivalent circuit of the parameter Element with Equivalent Equivalent initial conditions circuit at t= 0* circuit at R R | R o_o oc. | sc sc = a eee eS it s To =f o——||-# —> eal Pve peo —=|-—- I Ny | OC - Open circuit SC - Short circuit —__ Circuits and Systeme 32 now discussed ristics of the inductor/eapacitor a Some of the important characteristics of the induct r ities isc Itage/current across/through the inductor/capacitor if the current/volta, Pomorie Therefore, the inductor/capacitor is the shor through/across it is not changing with time open circuit to dc. ris al ‘ 0 inductor/eapacitor even if the voltage/curren, 2. A finite amount of energy can be stored in the i eels across/through the inductor/eapacitor is zero, such as when the current/voltage throughy across it is constant. 8. The inductor/capacitor never dissipates energy, but only stores it. Although this is true tgp the mathematical model, it is not true for a physical induc ipacitor 3.4. VARIOUS RESPONSES —_ 3.4.1. Transient Response (Transient means short lived) The values of voltage and current during responses. It is also defined as the large. It dey the transient period are known as the transient Part of the total time response that goes to zero as time becomes. ends upon the network elements alone and independent of the forcing function (source), The complementary function is the solution of the differential equation with forcing function set to zero and hence, the complementary function represents the source-free response or simply free Tesporse or natural response or transient response. | The complete or total res; State response or the sponse of a network is the sum of the transient response sum of the natural and for: ‘ced responses, and the steady Laplace Transform Inside This Chapter @ Introduction 4.1, INTRODUCTION @ Definition of the Laplace ay aaa ener is one of the mathematical tools used Transform lution of linear ordinary integro-di ap am {integro-differential equations). In comparison (as shown in ae figure 4.1.) with the classicial method of solving linear integro- Properties of Laplace Trans- differential equations, the Laplace transform method has the form following two attractive features : @ The homogeneous equation and the particular integral of the solution are obtained in one operation. (i) The Laplace transform converts the integro- differential equation into an algebraic equation in s (Laplace operator). It is then possible to manipulate the algebraic equation by simple algebraic rules to obtain the expression in suitable forms. The final solution is obtained by taking the inverse Laplace —— | ' ret Laplace ‘Algebraic Initial een equation ins || Conditions equation | Tansiormaton “| a 1 Manipulate the transformed algebraic i ' ; ' Classical 1 ‘equation to make the Method 1 expression in suitable forms i y_ ' 1 Suitable forms Solution J lnverse Laplac®_| inverse Laplace Transformation transformation i 1 Time Domain ——s—— Frequency domain Fig, 4.1. Comparison of Classical method and Laplace : transform method S 73 — We define g The ode 143. INVERSE LAPLACE TRANSFORMATION P05 ae | =F #1809 270 — -gration by “t” (Time-Integration) S1f0) = FO) place transform ofthe first integral off) is given by | =f [froafena Let w= f float 5 then du= fl at ¢ approaches 0, The On integrating dh =0-0+2 £i(0)= In general, 1 Value Theorem 7 If the function fl) and its first derivative aft Hive SG 8° both Laplace transformable, then AO) = Hin = Line Fe Proof : Using time-differentiation property 5F) — £09 = [> LO ca oF) = 0+ fo 4, imi) 2m oro =f0y+ jin f= lim e* Be orn p09« [5 (te lan 9, Final Value Theorem ‘The final value of a function (0 is given as Lim{(t) = Lin{s-F() a Proof : Using time-differentiation property, and we let » + 0, im (s.F06) - for] = im (~My Hole = 2. Re) - pon Th (ince 0") = (0) funeti A Time (Timeshiftng): The Laplace transform of a shifted or delayed. 10. Theorem for Periodic Functions ‘The Laplace transform ofa periodie function (wave) with period Tis equal to £ift—0) Uta) = Fs) 5 inem times the period is. Then 10 =fO+K0+H0*- = Ad +hlt-D Ut D+ f(t-20 Ul-20 + ansform of € times a func Su er ith s is replaced by (s + a), . ‘theorem (property 7{a] of L.T.), w« (since Uo) = Shing in eseny requnc hi the Laplace at fan Ales fo) = Ley 4 -[foetodaneso Se RO) = Ro~0) ven in chapter 2, we have de = a aa © fo) = KUG— a) - Fo = [xUG-oena By the definition of Ua) given in chapter 2, we have = [[Kewa= oo xe ly we ean find directly using property 7al) re ) = Kr(t) = Kt Uo) ro = Lavoe d= Pena ce ror U0, K ‘ cmv-nsEferaabe 5 : ke) AO =rlt=a)= (0) Uta) tet Fo = [e-aue-gen at = [e-metatat-o Sl fa eta Let cw ie rea lsat Be rectly using property la) cont | sinh at ae (Gince 8(f)= 1 only at ¢= 0) (0) Mes arpa (© The cane fn eee ay ‘tandard signals (functi @) sink at te delayed step function e ie Pe Te dlaed ont amy esp ee The unit doublet uncon Suh Using property a Using property sing proper) Using Drona [aplace Transform ‘Alternatively oye : (Using theorem for periods fnetions *piefo- ae eu) Kose leas eee), temo, a mote a seat o(Ue—2) U9) = 2 U()— 2010 — 21-2 + 21-6) Ut -2)+ (21-6) = 2tU() - 201) ~ A 2) U2) + 20-4) U4) + 200-4) Beg Kis) RS Sa-ete) Be a) 325(-F] seme = tea +) PEM cay e-tu_ ones) eS. rae | (1+ ema) rors "Alternative ways: s Bi) = Ue) BU 1)2 82) pte: Laplace Transform ‘Using theorem for periodic functions, Then Ve) =atu(o}=( 1, iw ee) aol. Co), EXAMPLE4.10 Determine the Lay ‘wave shown in figure 4.4, place transform of the period, rectified fullwave sine wt) a Te T to Fig. 44, lution : From example 4.9, the Laplace transform of the first cycle ofthe wave is given by Vm (, ee) r jown in figure 2 a form of the waveform shown in fig __ Therefore, the Laplace transform of the periodie wave form v() of period — is given by 2 Ja* | 2+? | IPLE 4.11 Determine the Laplace transform of the waveform as shown in figure 45. ‘sing the gate function, we can write the first cycle of the function as, 10 ={ Eon} G10 L wy+ue-D) 2 Final value, And, ‘Therefore, Alternative ways PLE 4.16 Without finding the inv. for each of the following functions tPic® transform of Fs), determine f(0*) and (UPL, 2001) 4e-®(6-+50) AEE tim $e (0450) =0 fe) = Hin te*(o+50) = 1060)-200 LE 4,17° Find the Laplace transform of the time function shown in figure 4 4 ee oe (UPL, 200 ‘0, viel J ction Gray {Aiternatively we can find creel using property 7c] and pfoporty 710) Fe = fe ero ete (Alternatively we can find directly using property Tlal) = etfeorong 2 : ante Deal fears =a IPLE 4.21 Find the Laplace transform of the waveform shown in figure 4.8(a) (UPL, 2003 2.0.) wave shown in fi 499 Determine Lap! Pm T) 2 at tine > Fig. 48(a). be the first cycle of the waveform ofthe figure 4.8(a) Mo = Brae 7 is Yo Yerve-n) Fig. 48(0). the following functions : = uw -Be-nue-n-wue-n Yo = BL > rms vo srefore, the Laplace transform of the st waveform U() of period Tis given by Yer me s(l- Ve) = ae HO) = ot othe waveform shown in igure P.2.26) ts Laplace transform X(e). Also show ular waveform y(0) as shown in figure Fig. P48(a). Fig. P.4.a(b). \9, Determine the signal x(), 4 te , : etetig ae A ramp function which has been shifted upward is deseribed by the equation. AO = ket) UG) :t,>0 (a) Sketch f(, (6) Determine Fs). . Determine the Laplace transform for the stairease waveform as shown in figure P. 4.11 3 45 6 Fig. Patt. we te (s+0) o 2 (vi) a Gare © Gar w grat @ on Fy 6e418 Oy eters jin) 12 -1-5e so ae papier ct 4 Circuit Analysis by Laplace Transfor Sopa Inside This Chapter ¢ Introduction Solution of Linear Differential Equations now be exposed to the remarkable power of the Transformed Cireuit “Taplace transform as a mathematical tool to find the circuit Components Representation sponses in terms of voltages and eurrents, subject to any ary input functions 2, SOLUTION OF LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL * BE Diawzans EQUATIONS s x wnsfer Functions omes, as a result of the Laplace transformation, an faic equation which may be solved for the unknown as D owhere Ils) = £(40) Tg) isa ratio of two polynomials ins, Let the numerator nd denominator polynomials be designated P(s) and Q(),| ken ntsimpler terms before ay rst ae ; x Conjugate Pair EXAMPLE 5.2 Solution or (0 =ette Find i 95 Gao Avayis by Laplace Trantor 5.3.2. Resistance Parameter Sieg t Resletenen Eaeeaees “By Ohm's law, the 0-1 relationship for a resistor in domain is v pl) = Rift) __ From above two equations, we observe that the representation of a resistor in “domain are one and the same as shown in figure 5.2 5.3.3. Inductance Parameter in tdomain and s- ro 14) —___.. i aren re i ‘The v-i relationship for an inductor is ; eft) a velo) R oy = =P 1,0 =4 fort ay +5,0°) Fig. 52 Representation ofa resistor * ‘The corresponding Laplace transforms are V,(s) = aL 1y(3) = Lio") 140) = ve) oD From above equations, we get the transformed circuit representation forthe inductor as shown, Ae) ca * a! Fy Sw Ae? a Fig. 5.3. Representation ofan inductor 4. Ca For a capacitor, the oi relationship is {49 = CHD or vfy= G finder") z e ° | __ The corresponding Laplace Transform are i 1,9) = 8 CV,@)- C0,0") or veo = Zep > 2 , rom shove equations; we gt the transformed ret representation fr theepacitor sx shown in Ggure 5.4. Reena) ge source) cure source snalysis by Laplace Transform Applying KVE, where Ky ond Ky Fig. 5.5(0). ra series R-L-C circuit with the capaci ially charged to voltage sated in figure 5.6(a). Find the expression for i and ¢l coceeepeiig eanarsea erent OH] +RIG + E19) +4) <0 i Fig. 5.6(a)- ‘have been specified as C= FF, R=20, L “1V(with the given polarity). The initial current i(0*)=0, because initially inductor circuit. The transform equation I(e) then becomes ‘The s-domain representation is shown in figure 5.6(0). it Analysis by Laplace Transform 404 By Cramer's rule, A and 14) }% -10 Where _|s+20 10 ‘Therefore, 4,= Merz oe and 20)2— 100° +2 + 406 + 300 F 100(+4+20) eo +408 +300) 1000 and s(8? +408 +300) ‘The partial fraction expansion of above expressions 1) and J) are 6 jo =e eee MO r30* 5400 Fg = 208, 8, 88 eon Oy ee10 "5400 |The inverse Laplace transformation give i(0) and i) as Bentot _5 g-sor 4 In the series R-L-C circuit shown in figure 5.9, There is no initial charge on the 1e awitch S is closed at t= 0, determine the resulting current. 0 so 10) = Figsea = GEDA Therefore, i) = £7 170) =50etsint A PLE 5.10 Repeat Example 3.8 as shown in figure 3.11 using Laplace transform. Solution : Before the siwitching action takes i V =H (+ B)+L ‘Grout Anaiyas by Laplace Transform —— 403 ‘Taking Laplace transform and putting R = 4, ¢= Taking Lapl id putting R= 4, C= and v(0% = 9V, we have pe ee ie acts or v(t) = 14864 EXAMPLE 5.12 Repeat Example 3.13 as shown in figure 3.16 using Laplace transform. Solutions : With the switch on 1, 50 = 40 ‘Taking Laplace transform, 50 i 1 92 = 40 146)+ 2018 @) - 110%) Since 40%) =0, therefore, 50 to) 540+208) ~ =(8+2) ‘Using partial fraction expansion, =(25)2,(25) 1 = pogft ts ro =(G)a+(a}aaat Si-aaal Therefore, i = £1L16)]=1.250-<%) ast >= (eek) 10 22+ To) = (©) =125A 10 = 40i(t) +20: | With the switch dt ‘Taking Laplace transform, 72 = 40 16) + 20,616) - 10) As i(0*) = i" (=) = 1.25 Therefore, 2 = (40 +205) Ie) -20* 1.25 10 (B25) _ do+253 16) = (apa06) = 40-205) 405 Inthe cireuit of figure anh figure 5.128, i closed at t= 0, and S, is opened at = 4 msec. 051 4 msec: (S, is closed and also “Loop equation becomes: 100 = 50i(9 +018. ‘Taking Laplace transform, 100 2M =501G)+0.1[s1(6)-109}, i(Q*) =0 (Given). 1000. 100 TS) = 5(60+0. = 20-84 A Fig. 5.10(b). = S ee 2 io) = 1.729 A = 1=4% 105 then 0 G+DG+10) ~ GD * 40 p=- 2 7 40 3 70-2) Bee ord] yy 7 EXAMPLE 5.70 Find the v,(t) and i,(¢) in the circuit of figure 5.97, assuming zero initial Se WO= AO +i,0 +0 fama — 08-0 14,0 _1 fiyarzo a Ue figure 5.96, determine the total current delivered by =0. Assume no initial charge on the capacitor. Laplace Transform R= 60,b=26 mit andi 72A-1fa source of 50V is applied at =0. Find uit, the capacitor has in i cavacitor bas iil Charge 2 mA ¢= 0, he sour of 00 Vin in Bgure P53 the switch ein {= Oit switched to psig 2 Sea eng NIUE o eta sendy. position 2. Find the resulting current 5.) eek Yeo 108 Gen v= 5 Fig. P54 Fig. P57. moved form 1 to 2att=0, Determine the voltage across and current qure P58, th ewitch is closed at (=and there is intial charge on either of che the resulting current. the voltage across the capacitance C as a function of time in the ple of unit height and width T's shown in figure P.5. for the pulse input vol ae emcee Be sare a a yaa pi jt shown in previously

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