Essay 1 Final Revision

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Gamez 1

Ashley Gamez
Julie Baker
ENGL 1301 280
Career Services
The Career Services office at Texas A&M International University offer students and

alumni’s a range of services to help them explore and gain information of various career options

through programs to prepare them better to make well-informed decisions in respect of their

major, job awareness, and job opportunities. They are able to assist them with the help of their

staff members who try to work with the students and alumni to build their career plans and be

successful at finding job related openings, their offices can be located on the first floor of the

Student Center building (STC). To get more information about what they provide, students can

check their brochure available in their offices as well as on their website where they break down

the different ways of assistance on career exploration and planning and job search services,

students will be able to inform themselves better with the amount of information provided in

their brochure such as to what they can expect from them if they ever decide to visit their offices

for guidance on their career path and be on the lookout for employment opportunities.

Looking through the brochure available to the public it can be noticeable that the way the

names of the different apartments available are displayed in sections in bold text and bullet

points making it easier to show important information of each department. In the brochure

people can find many student career services and programs such as career counseling where

students who feel like they have difficulties choosing a career or major path can assist to, staff

usually make use of assessments or a type of online questionnaire for students to identify their

interests, abilities, and values in order for the student to be able to gain knowledge about
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themselves to make a decision on a major or career. For example, several students who had the

chance to experience guidance left some feedback for others to see on the organizations website

where they mentioned how throughout the different assessments provided by the staff, they were

able to analyze what career or major fitted them the best that led them to choose the best option

for their future. The information provided in the brochure in general is helpful for students to

learn more about the different services provided in the career services center as well as learn the

goal of the organization to assist students to the point where they feel sure of their decisions.

Furthermore, aside from the fact that the organization provided information for students

to gain the courage to access the services and programs that are offered, they also state that they

care for the students continuing education. Students can inform themselves about what each

department provides reading the small text under the name of the department in the brochure, but

looking at the layout of the brochure the organization displayed their goal to inform students of

the resources available to them to try out doing workshops, short courses, and conferences to

gain professional development. They specifically made the header ‘’continuing education’’ in the

first page of the brochure to point out that there are different ways to enhance the students’

knowledge by them checking out the methods and resources provided to build up a successful

plan that could impact their future goals. To conclude what is stated above the brochure displays

an amount of great information for students to acknowledge that they are given the opportunity

to try out the educational resources so that they can be exposed to practical scenarios regarding

the industry they choose to be in.

In conclusion, the career service center at Texas A&M International University provided

a well-informed brochure that consisted of the different services and programs that students can

go to for them to find out more about themselves and see how that could match with a certain
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career or major plan for the future. The layout, display, and wording of the brochure was easy to

follow through as the organization tried to break down the information of the departments by

giving a description of their values to later add bullet points to state how they can assist students

if they ever need help to construct their future plan regarding their career or major path. Overall,

the main goal of the organization is to inform students of the different ways they can help with

any struggles about their path by creating the brochure that consisted of the right amount of

information for students to gain the confidence to try out different thins to develop better in their

career or major.
Gamez 4

“Academic Catalog 2021-2022.” Student Services < Texas A&M International

University, Accessed 26 Apr.

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