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FEM LAB Open Ended Lab

Open Ended Lab

Design and Simulation of
Archimedes Screw

Group Member

Haid Ishfaq (Meen 211101022)

Aitisam Anwar (Meen211101026)

Shaman Dass (Meen 211101090)

Muneeb Zahid (Meen 211101094)


FEM LAB Open Ended Lab

Open Ended Lab Project

Ansys simulation of Archimedes screw Turbine.

Theory part Ⅰ
Archimedes Screw:
The Archimedes screw is a simple machine traditionally attributed to the ancient Greek
mathematician, physicist, engineer, and inventor Archimedes. It's a device used for raising
water or other fluids. The screw consists of a helical surface surrounding a central cylindrical
shaft. When the screw is rotated, it scoops up water at the bottom and carries it to the top, where
it flows out through a spout. This principle is used in various modern applications, such as
irrigation systems, drainage systems, wastewater treatment plants, and even in some
hydroelectric power plants

Figure 1: Archimedes screw

Archimedes Screw Generator

Archimedes Screw Generator (ASG), also known as Archimedes/Archimedean Screw Turbine
(AST), Archimedean turbine or screw turbine is a hydraulic machine that convert the potential
energy of water on an upstream level into work. This hydropower converter is driven by the
weight of water, similar to water wheels, and can be considered as a quasi-static pressure
machine. Archimedes screw generators operate in a wide range of flows and heads (0.1 m to
10 m), including low heads and moderate flow rates that is not ideal for traditional turbines and
not occupied by high performance technologies. The length of the smallest and longest
Archimedes screw generators is 1 m a 30 m respectively.
An Archimedes screw generator is a type of hydroelectric generator that harnesses the power
of flowing water to produce electricity. It utilizes the principle of the Archimedes screw, which
is rotated by the force of the flowing water. As the screw turns, it drives a generator that
converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

The setup typically involves placing the Archimedes screw in a river or a stream, where the


FEM LAB Open Ended Lab

natural flow of water causes the screw to rotate. The rotation of the screw is then transmitted
to a generator, usually located at the top of the screw, which converts the rotational energy into
electrical power. This electricity can be used to power nearby facilities or can be fed into the
grid for broader distribution.

Archimedes screw generators are often used in small-scale hydroelectric projects, especially in
locations where traditional dam-based hydroelectric plants are not feasible due to cost or
environmental considerations. They are relatively simple to install and maintain and can
provide a renewable source of electricity with minimal impact on the surrounding ecosystem.
Background History:
The history of the Archimedes screw generator is rooted in the ancient invention of the
Archimedes screw itself, which dates back over two millennia. The screw was originally
conceived by the ancient Greek mathematician and inventor Archimedes, who lived in the 3rd
century BC.
Archimedes designed the screw primarily as a means of lifting water for irrigation purposes in
ancient Egypt, where it was used to transfer water from lower-lying areas to higher ground for
agricultural needs. The screw's simple yet effective design, consisting of a helical surface
wrapped around a central shaft, allowed it to efficiently lift water with minimal effort.
Over the centuries, the concept of the Archimedes screw continued to be utilized and adapted
for various applications, including drainage systems, wastewater treatment, and eventually,
power generation.
The development of the Archimedes screw generator as a hydroelectric technology is a more
recent advancement, emerging in the modern era as a way to harness the renewable energy
potential of flowing water. By incorporating a generator mechanism into the design of the
screw, engineers found a way to convert the rotational motion generated by the flowing water
into electricity.

Working Principle:
The working principle of an Archimedes screw generator involves harnessing the rotational
energy generated by flowing water to drive a generator, which then converts this mechanical
energy into electrical energy. Here's a breakdown of the key steps in its operation:
Water Intake: The Archimedes screw is positioned within a water source, such as a river,
stream, or canal. As water flows into the lower end of the screw, gravity causes it to move
downwards along the helical surface of the screw.
Rotation: The flowing water interacts with the helical blades of the screw, causing it to push
against them as it moves upwards. This action imparts a rotational force on the screw, causing
it to turn
Mechanical Transmission: The rotational motion of the Archimedes screw is transmitted to a
shaft connected to a generator located at the top of the screw. This transmission can be achieved
using gears, belts, or direct coupling mechanisms.


FEM LAB Open Ended Lab

Electricity Generation: As the generator shaft rotates, it spins the rotor within the generator.
This motion induces an electromagnetic field, according to Faraday's law of electromagnetic
induction, which generates an electric current in the coils of wire within the generator stator.
Output: The electrical energy produced by the generator is then transferred to an electrical grid,
stored in batteries, or used to power local electrical loads, depending on the specific application.
Overall, the Archimedes screw generator operates on the principle of converting the kinetic
energy of flowing water into mechanical energy through the rotation of the screw, and then
further converting this mechanical energy into electrical energy through the operation of the
generator. This process provides a renewable and environmentally friendly source of
electricity, particularly suitable for small-scale hydroelectric projects.

Figure 2: Working Principle of ASG

Application and uses Of ASG:

The Archimedes screw generator has several applications and uses, primarily in the field of
renewable energy generation and water management. Here are some of the key applications:
Hydroelectric Power Generation:
The primary application of the Archimedes screw generator is in generating electricity from
flowing water. It is particularly suitable for small-scale hydroelectric projects in rivers, streams,
canals, or irrigation channels where the flow of water is relatively consistent but the head
(vertical drop) is low. These generators can provide renewable energy for off-grid or remote
locations, as well as supplement the grid power in areas with suitable water resources.
Water Pumping:
In addition to generating electricity, Archimedes screw systems can also be used as water
pumps for irrigation, drainage, flood control, or water transfer purposes. By reversing the
direction of rotation, the screw can lift water from lower levels to higher levels, helping to
manage water levels in agricultural fields, drainage systems, or water treatment facilities.
Wastewater Treatment:


FEM LAB Open Ended Lab

Archimedes screw systems are employed in wastewater treatment plants to lift sewage or
sludge from lower tanks to higher treatment stages. The screw helps to transport the waste
material efficiently while also aerating the wastewater, promoting biological treatment
Fish Passage:
In some waterways, Archimedes screw fish passes are installed to assist fish in moving past
barriers such as dams or weirs. The gentle slope and slow rotation of the screw allow fish to
swim upstream, aiding in migration and preserving aquatic habitats.
Hybrid Systems:
Archimedes screw generators can be integrated into hybrid renewable energy systems
alongside other technologies such as solar panels, wind turbines, or battery storage. This
integration helps to provide a more reliable and continuous power supply by leveraging
multiple renewable energy sources.
Education and Demonstration:
Archimedes screw generators are often used in educational settings to demonstrate principles
of renewable energy, water management, and mechanical engineering. They provide hands-on
learning opportunities for students and visitors to understand the practical applications of
science and technology.
Overall, the versatility and simplicity of Archimedes screw generators make them valuable
tools for sustainable energy production, water management, and environmental
conservation efforts


FEM LAB Open Ended Lab

Design of Archimedes Screw Turbine

An Archimedes Screw Turbine (AST) hydroelectricity power plant can be considered as a
systemwith three major components: a reservoir, a weir, and the AST (which is connected to
the system by a control gate and trash rack). At most real AST locations, the incoming flow
must be dividedbetween the AST and a parallel weir. Typically, a minimum flow over the weir
is mandated for the protection of the local environment. Other outlets as well as a fish ladder
could be consideredas the other components of this system. A comprehensive guide about the
principles of designingArchimedes screw turbines and screw hydropower plants is available in
"Archimedes Screw Turbines: A Sustainable Development Solution for Green and Renewable
Energy Generation—AReview of Potential and Design Procedures".

Problem statement:
➢ Welfare of the developing countries and regions with limited access to the power grid
orother infrastructures is a big challenge.
➢ Electricity generation through fossil fuel, biomass, and waste burning power plants
is ahazardous to environment.
➢ Many of hydro-renewable energy sources are hazardous to aquatic life and pose
criticalproblem to aquatic ecosystem.
Design part Ⅱ


1. First open Ansys and drag Fluid flow (fluent) in Project Schematic. After opening
below window will open


FEM LAB Open Ended Lab

Figure 3 (Selecting fluid Fluent)

2. Double click on Geometry and Design Modular will open

Figure 4: Starting with Geometry


FEM LAB Open Ended Lab

3. In Design Modular click on XY plane and draw a circle of 37.5mm.

Figure 5 (Drawing the Circle)

4. Use Extrude command to make it a shaft to about 700mm

Figure 6 (Extruding the Circle)


FEM LAB Open Ended Lab

5. Select YZ plane and draw two rectangles of (75×1)mm at a distance of 75mm from

Figure 7 (Drawing Rectangle on YZ Plane)

6. Now select ZX plane and draw a line of 550mm leaving 75mm distance from both
end of shaft.

Figure 8 (Drawing line on ZX Plane)

7. Now use Sweep command to make blades of turbine


FEM LAB Open Ended Lab

Figure 9 (Using Sweep Command)

8. In Design modular draw enclosure by selecting enclosure in Tools bar. It will generate
an enclosure of cylinder. After enclosure formation use Boolean Subtract on body

Figure 10: (Using Enclosure command to make Cylinder)

9. Geometry has been completed exit the design modular and update it.
10. Open mesh following window will open


FEM LAB Open Ended Lab

Figure 11: (Opening the Design Modeler)

11. Create mesh on turbine body and element size is important.

Figure 12: (Creating Mesh on cylinder)


FEM LAB Open Ended Lab

12. Mesh is generated on entire body.

Figure 13: (Mesh on all body after named section)

13. After meshing create name selection. Such as inlet, outlet, wall, blade1, blade2 etc

Figure 14: (Giving the name of selection of cyclinder)


FEM LAB Open Ended Lab

14. After name selection close mesh and open setup. Click on double precision and ok.
15. Setup will open and click on models. Change laminar to viscous k-epsilon.

Figure 15: (Changing Laminar viscous to K Eplsion)


FEM LAB Open Ended Lab

Figure 16: (Fluid Condition)

16. Change boundary conditions from air to water by editing it.

Figure 17: (Apply Condition on Inlet)


FEM LAB Open Ended Lab

Figure 18 (Putting Value on Inlet)

Figure 19: (Selecting the pressure Velocity)


FEM LAB Open Ended Lab

Figure 20: (Giving values to pressure Velocity)

Figure 21(initialization)
17. Compute from Inlet and hybrid Initialize it.


FEM LAB Open Ended Lab

Figure 22: (Calculating the result)

18. Now open Run Calculation and feed number of iterations in it. We used 50 iterations and
click on calculate

Figure 23 (Graph starting Plotting)

19. Calculations started and graph is plotted


FEM LAB Open Ended Lab

Figure 24 : (After Contour Pressure result)

20. As solution is calculated close Setup.
21. Open Results and following window will open.
22. Select Contour and it will open details for Contour. Select domain, location and variable.
Click on Apply then following results will show. Here pressure contour is used.


FEM LAB Open Ended Lab

Figure 25:(Results of Velocity Stream line)


FEM LAB Open Ended Lab

Figure 26 (Animation of velocity streamline)

20 . This animation runs on very high computers or laptop

We can see that the pressure distribution over 2-bladed screw turbine and single bladed screw
turbine. 2-bladed is having more balanced pressure distribution over the blades. That’s why if
stability is concerned then 2-bladed turbine is the best option that a single bladed screw turbine.
The conclusion drawn from the Ansys simulation of the Archimedes screw turbine provides
insights into the pressure distribution over the blades of both the two-bladed and single-bladed
configurations. Here's an accurate conclusion based on the provided simulation results:
"The simulation results demonstrate that the two-bladed screw turbine exhibits a more balanced
pressure distribution over its blades compared to the single-bladed counterpart. This balanced
pressure distribution suggests improved stability and efficiency in power generation for the
two-bladed configuration. Therefore, for applications where stability is a key consideration,
such as in regions with variable flow conditions or where maintaining consistent power output
is essential, the two-bladed screw turbine emerges as the superior option. This conclusion
underscores the importance of optimizing turbine design for enhanced performance and
reliability, particularly in small-scale hydroelectric projects aimed at providing sustainable
energy solutions for regions with limited access to the power grid or other infrastructures."


FEM LAB Open Ended Lab


Ansys Fluent Simulation Report

Analyst HP

Date 4/25/2024 09:55 PM

Table of Contents
1 System Information
2 Geometry and Mesh
2.1 Mesh Size
2.2 Mesh Quality
2.3 Orthogonal Quality
3 Simulation Setup
3.1 Physics
3.1.1 Models
3.1.2 Material Properties
3.1.3 Cell Zone Conditions
3.1.4 Boundary Conditions
3.1.5 Reference Values
3.2 Solver Settings
4 Run Information

System Information

Application Fluent

Settings 3d, double precision, pressure-based, standard k-epsilon

Version 21.2.0-10201

Source Revision fcb749f05e

Build Time May 28 2021 13:54:12 EDT

CPU Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4570

OS Windows

Geometry and Mesh

Mesh Size

Cells Faces Nodes

Cells Faces Nodes

140059 344915 34194

Mesh Quality

Name Type Min Orthogonal Quality Max Aspect Ratio

fluid-solid Tet Cell 0 4705789.6

solid Hex Cell 0.95932461 2.2791704

Orthogonal Quality

Simulation Setup



Model Settings

Space 3D

Time Steady

Viscous Standard k-epsilon turbulence model

Wall Treatment Non-Equilibrium Wall Functions

Material Properties
 Fluid

 water-liquid

Density 998.2 kg/m^3

Cp (Specific Heat) 4182 J/(kg K)

Thermal Conductivity 0.6 W/(m K)

Viscosity 0.001003 kg/(m s)

Molecular Weight 18.0152 kg/kmol

Thermal Expansion Coefficient 0

Speed of Sound none

 air

Density 1.225 kg/m^3

Cp (Specific Heat) 1006.43 J/(kg K)

Thermal Conductivity 0.0242 W/(m K)

Viscosity 1.7894e-05 kg/(m s)

Molecular Weight 28.966 kg/kmol

Thermal Expansion Coefficient 0

Speed of Sound none

 Solid

 steel

Density 8030 kg/m^3

Cp (Specific Heat) 502.48 J/(kg K)

Thermal Conductivity 16.27 W/(m K)

 aluminum

Density 2719 kg/m^3

Cp (Specific Heat) 871 J/(kg K)

Thermal Conductivity 202.4 W/(m K)

Cell Zone Conditions

 Fluid

 fluid-solid

Material Name water liquid

Specify source terms? no

Specify fixed values? no

Frame Motion? no

Laminar zone? no

Porous zone? no

3D Fan Zone? no

 Solid

 solid

Material Name aluminum

Frame Motion? no

Solid Motion? no

Boundary Conditions
 Inlet

 inlet

Velocity Specification Method Magnitude, Normal to Boundary

Reference Frame Absolute

Velocity Magnitude [m/s] 2

Supersonic/Initial Gauge Pressure [Pa] 9810

Turbulent Specification Method K and Epsilon

Turbulent Kinetic Energy [m^2/s^2] 3

Turbulent Dissipation Rate [m^2/s^3] 1

 Outlet

 outlet

Backflow Reference Frame Absolute

Gauge Pressure [Pa] 9810

Pressure Profile Multiplier 1

Backflow Direction Specification Method Normal to Boundary

Turbulent Specification Method K and Epsilon

Backflow Turbulent Kinetic Energy [m^2/s^2] 3

Backflow Turbulent Dissipation Rate [m^2/s^3] 1

Backflow Pressure Specification Total Pressure

Build artificial walls to prevent reverse flow? no

Radial Equilibrium Pressure Distribution no

Average Pressure Specification? no

Specify targeted mass flow rate no

 Wall

 wall-7-shadow

Wall Motion Stationary Wall

Shear Boundary Condition No Slip

Wall Roughness Height [m] 0

Wall Roughness Constant 0.5

wall-7 wall

 wall-15-shadow

Wall Motion Stationary Wall

Shear Boundary Condition No Slip

Wall Roughness Height [m] 0

Wall Roughness Constant 0.5

wall-15 wall

 wall-18

Wall Motion Stationary Wall

Shear Boundary Condition No Slip

Wall Roughness Height [m] 0

Wall Roughness Constant 0.5

wall-17 wall

wall-16 wall

 wall-solid

Wall Motion Stationary Wall

Shear Boundary Condition No Slip

Wall Roughness Height [m] 0

Wall Roughness Constant 0.5

 blade_1

Wall Motion Stationary Wall

Shear Boundary Condition No Slip

Wall Roughness Height [m] 0

Wall Roughness Constant 0.5

 blade_2

Wall Motion Stationary Wall

Shear Boundary Condition No Slip

Wall Roughness Height [m] 0

Wall Roughness Constant 0.5

Reference Values

Area 1 m^2

Density 998.2 kg/m^3

Enthalpy 0 J/kg

Length 1m

Pressure 9810 Pa

Temperature 288.16 K

Velocity 2 m/s

Viscosity 0.001003 kg/(m s)

Ratio of Specific Heats 1.4

Yplus for Heat Tran. Coef. 300

Solver Settings
 Equations

Flow True

Turbulence True

 Numerics

Absolute Velocity Formulation True

 Pseudo Transient Explicit Relaxation Factors

Density 1

Body Forces 1

Turbulent Kinetic Energy 0.8

Turbulent Dissipation Rate 0.8

Turbulent Viscosity 1

Explicit Momentum 0.75

Explicit Pressure 0.75

 Pressure-Velocity Coupling

Type Coupled

Pseudo Transient True

 Discretization Scheme

Pressure PRESTO!

Momentum Second Order Upwind

Turbulent Kinetic Energy First Order Upwind

Turbulent Dissipation Rate First Order Upwind

 Solution Limits

Minimum Absolute Pressure [Pa] 1

Maximum Absolute Pressure [Pa] 5e+10

Minimum Temperature [K] 1

Maximum Temperature [K] 5000

Minimum Turb. Kinetic Energy [m^2/s^2] 1e-14

Minimum Turb. Dissipation Rate [m^2/s^3] 1e-20

Maximum Turb. Viscosity Ratio 100000

Run Information

Number of Machines 1

Number of Cores 1

Case Read 11.366 seconds

Virtual Current Memory 0.318447 GB

Virtual Peak Memory 0.345367 GB

Memory Per M Cell 1.21343

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