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1. Which of the following controls and regulates the life process?

a) Reproductive and endocrine systems

b) Respiratory and nervous systems
c) Endocrine and digestive systems
d) Nervous and endocrine systems
2. Electrical impulse travels in a neuron from:
a) Dendrite → axon → axon end → cell body
b) Cell body → dendrite → axon → axon end
c) Dendrite → cell body → axon → axon end
d) Axon end →axon → cell body → dendrite
3. Cerebellum, medulla oblongata and pons are the parts of-
a) midbrain b) hind-brain c) fore-brain d) spinal cord
4. Movement of pollen tube towards ovule is an example of-
a) Geotropism b) Hydrotropism c) Chemotropism d) Phototropic
5. Roots grow downward as a response.
a) Positive phototropic b) Negative phototropic
c) Negative geotropism d) All of these
6. The bending of the shoot tip towards light is known as-
a) Geotropism b) Phototropism c) Chemotropism d) Hydrotropism
7. Drooping of leaf in Mimosa plant is due to dependence on
a) growth movement b) independent of growth
c) due to loss of turgidity d) Both (b) & (c)
Short Answer Type Questions
8. What happens at the synapse between two neurons?
9. What is the role of the-
a) Brain during a reflex action b) Cerebellum
10.what is the direction of a nerve impulse across a neuron?
11.Explain how -
a) muscles respond to electrical impulse
b) Human brain is protected
12.What terms can be used for each of the following events:
a) The movement of a plant or its parts towards a source of light.
b) Movement of plant roots in response to gravitational force.
c) Movement of plant parts towards or away from a chemical substance.
d) Plant movements that are neither towards or away from the stimulus but are reversible.
e) An endocrine gland associated with the brain
13.Name the plant hormones responsible for each of the following:
a) Elongation of stem
b) Growth of root in embryo
c) Promotion of cell division
14.What are plant hormones? State any two examples.
Long Answer Type Questions
15.Draw a labeled sketch to show the working of a reflex arc.
16.Draw a labeled sketch of a neuromuscular junction.
17.Draw a labeled sketch of a neuron and explain how messages are sent across the neuron.
18.Draw a sketch of the human brain and label on it each of the following:
Cerebrum, Cerebellum and Medulla.
19.a) Mention the three components of the hindbrain.
b) Which part of the brain is responsible for each of the following?
i. Precision of voluntary actions
ii. Salivation
iii. Movement of leg muscles.

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