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5-3 Project One Submission: Privacy Perspective

Sumer Piggush

Southern New Hampshire University

CYB-260: Legal and Human Factors of Cybersecurity

Professor Christopher Sadoski

April 4, 2024
5-3 Project One Submission: Privacy Perspective

To: Internal Stakeholder Board

From: Sumer Piggush, Executive Cybersecurity Consultant

Subject: Defense of Proposed Partnership with Helios Health Insurance Inc

Dear Members of the Internal Stakeholder Board,

As we analyze the potential partnership between Fit-Vantage Technologies and Helios

Health Insurance Inc, I bring to light critical considerations regarding user privacy, aligning with

our corporate mission, and upholding fair information practice principles. In this memo, I aim to

address the essential questions raised and provide a comprehensive defense of our position on the

proposed partnership.

Privacy Laws:

1. Are the privacy laws sufficient to ensure that the sharing and use of data will meet the

fair information practice principles of the organization?

Our current privacy laws provide a foundational framework for protecting user data, yet

relying solely on these laws is insufficient to guarantee adherence to our fair information practice

principles. While regulations such as CCPA, COPPA, FCRA, and HIPAA outline important

guidelines, it is essential for us to go beyond mere compliance and proactively implement

measures to safeguard user privacy. By ensuring that data sharing and usage align with our

organizational principles, we can uphold fair information practices regardless of legal

Minimum Privacy Safeguards:

2. What are the minimum privacy safeguards you would recommend be in place for the

individuals’ control over their data?

To empower individuals with control over their data, rich privacy safeguards must be

implemented. Users must have easy access to modify, delete, and selectively share their data

through a user-friendly interface. Strict authentication protocols should be in place to prevent

unauthorized access, alongside anonymization of user data and mechanisms for permanent

deletion. These safeguards are crucial in ensuring that users retain ownership and control over

their personal data.

Decision for the Organization:

3. In your opinion, is the proposal a good decision for the organization? Weigh the

privacy considerations from a security practitioner’s perspective as well as the corporate mission

2and business goals in justifying your position.

Assessing the proposal's acceptability necessitates a comprehensive evaluation of

financial gains, customer expectations, and alignment with our corporate mission. While the

partnership with Helios presents opportunities for increased revenue and market differentiation,

these benefits must not come at the expense of compromising our core values or breaching

customer trust. By prioritizing user privacy and implementing rigid safeguards, we can mitigate

potential risks and uphold our commitment to ethical data practices. Furthermore, the partnership

aligns with our mission of providing innovative solutions while maintaining integrity and

transparency. It allows us to meet customer expectations by offering personalized services while

ensuring their privacy rights are respected. Therefore, with careful consideration of these factors,
I believe the proposed partnership with Helios Health Insurance Inc is acceptable, provided we

uphold inflexible privacy standards and align with our organizational values.

In conclusion, by prioritizing user privacy, implementing rigorous safeguards, and

aligning with our corporate mission, the proposed partnership with Helios Health Insurance Inc

holds promise for our organization. Thank you for considering these essential considerations.

Should you need more clarification or information, please reach out.


Sumer Piggush

Executive Cybersecurity Consultant

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