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Life where nothing can go wrong, where there's no trouble, where you don't have to worry
about anything. My life isn't perfe Lct as others. As a child growing in a religious family I always
wanted to be a perfect in their sights but their something different in me. I know to my self that
I'm different but I am afraid to tell them. I try my best and act like they want. Way back in
elementary I try to attract to women and it works then I feel I'm in jail because I know to my
self that I am a woman trap in a man's body. When I am grade 6 I finally made my decision and
I have the courage to tell to my family and that year I begin attract to boys I know it's funny but
that is life don't force yourself to things that you're not happy, since then I finally found my
happiness and freedom. When I graduate in elementary school a new chapter of my journey
begins a new environment to adjust you know the feeling that you're not forbidden. I see the
beauty of my self with in me, freedom that I always wanted to. My family fully accepted who I
am and I always made them proud. And I always them realize that they are not unlucky to have
a child like me. I always to thank God for all the challenges that he give in my life because those
circumstances that I face made me strong and brave and beauty exist not the beauty of physical
appearance but the beauty of heart because I always believe that beauty is not seen on your
physical appearance but the true beauty is with in. The beauty of freedom and happiness I
always wanted now I am enjoying it.

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