Adverbadjectiveclauses - Docx Sheena

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Adverb & Adjective Clauses

There are three types of dependent clauses: adverb clauses, adjective clauses, and noun clauses.
We will only be looking at adverb and adjective clauses.

Name:Sheena Mae Sanpedro Date: 04-25-24_______________

Adverb Clauses
An adverb clause is used like an adverb to modify a verb, an adjective, or an adverb. Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives,
and other adverbs. They tell why, when, where, how, how much, and how often an action occurs. They give more

All adverb clauses begin with a subordinating conjunction. Here are some examples of subordinating conjunctions and
their functions:
● Time: after, when, until, soon, before, once, while, as soon as, whenever, by the time
● Condition: if, whether or not, provided, in case, unless, even if, in the event
● Cause and effect: because, as, since, so, in order that, now that, inasmuch as
● Contrast: though, although, while, whereas, even though
● After Although Which When Until Unless Before Because If Since

Here are some examples of adverb clauses:

● Place
0 Wherever there is music, people will often dance.
○ If you know where they live, you can drop in for a visit.
● Time
0 After the chores are done, we will eat ice cream.
○ When the clock strikes midnight, she has to leave.
● Cause
0 She passed the course because she worked hard.
○ Since he has long hair, he wears a ponytail.
● Purpose
0 Because he did not want to ruin the carpet, he took off his shoes. ○ He ate vegetables in order to
stay healthy.
● Concession
0 Even though you are 13 , you can’t go to that movie
○ Although you gave it your best, you did not win the match.
● Condition:
0 If you save some money, you can buy a new game.
Adverb & Adjective Clauses
○ Unless you hurry, you will be late for school.

Analyze the following sentences then complete the needed information in the box below.

Identify the adverb clause and the subordinating conjunction in each sentence.

1. Since I was five years old, I have read in bed before falling asleep every night.

2. If you read every day, your vocabulary will increase dramatically.

3. I could not stop laughing after I watched my cousin trip down the stairs.

4. Wherever she noticed the error, the teacher marked the homework.

5. If you pay your bills, you will have a good credit score.

6. Unless you run fast, you will miss the bus.

Number Adverb Clause Subordinating


# 1 is an example Since I was five years old since

2. If you read everyday,your If you read every if

vocabulary will increase day

3.I could not stop laughing After I watched my after

after I watched my cousin cousin trip down
trip down the stairs. the stairs

4.Wherever she noticed the Wherever she wherever

error, the teacher marked the noticed the error

5.if you pay your bills, you If you pay your bills if
will have a good credit

6.Unless you run fast, you will Unless you run fast unless
miss the bus.
Adverb & Adjective Clauses

Adjective Clauses
An adjective clause is used like an adjective to modify a noun or a pronoun. Remember, the goal of an
adjective clause is to add more information to a noun or a pronoun. You can add the information by including a
few more words or by changing the adjective clause to a phrase. Adjective clauses begin with relative pronouns
(who, whom, which, whoever, whomever, whichever, that).

● Tomorrow’s test, which covers the entire book, is half essay and half short answers. (The adjective
clauses modifies the noun test. This is also known as an appositive)
● Fruit that is grown organically is expensive. (the adjective clause modifies fruit)
● Students who are intelligent get good grades. (the adjective clause modifies students)
Analyze the following sentences then complete the needed information in the box below.

Identify the adjective clause and the relative pronoun in each sentence.

1. Ecofriendly cars that run on electricity save gas.

2. I know someone whose father served in World War II.

3. Making noise when he eats is the main reason why Sue does not like to eat with her brother.

4. The kids who were called first will have the best chance of getting a seat.

5. I enjoy telling people about Janet Evanovich whose latest book was fantastic.

Number Adverb Clause Subordinating


Students who are intelligent get Who are intelligent. who

good grades.

ecofriendly cars that run on That run on that

electricity save gas. electricity


2. I know someone whose father Whose father served in world whose

served in World War II. war ll

3.Making noise when he eats When he eats when

is the main reason why Sue
does not like to eat with her
Adverb & Adjective Clauses

4.The kids who were called first Who were called who
will have the best chance of first
getting a seat.

5.I enjoy telling people about Whose latest book whose

Janet Evanovich whose latest was fantastic
book was fantastic



Identify if the sentence contains an adverb or adjective clause. Write your answer in the table below.

1. Before we go on vacation, we must make reservations.

2. The plot which was exhilarating captured my interest from the first moment.

3. Mel Gibson was playing the part of Mad Max who was an outlaw hero.

4. I think I would want to keep a weapon under my pillow while I was sleeping.

5. I won’t allow you to see that movie, even though you are old enough.

Sentence Type of clause Clause

#1 is an example: Adverb clause when you get back from your trip.
Give us a call when
you get back from
your trip.

The plot which Adjective clause Which was exhilarating

was exhilarating
captured my
interest from
the first
Adverb & Adjective Clauses
Mel Gibson was Adjective clause Who was an outlaw hero
playing the part
of Mad Max
who was an
outlaw hero.

I think I would Adverb clause While I was sleeping

want to keep a
weapon under
my pillow while
I was sleeping.

I won’t allow Adverb clause Even though you are old

you to see that enough
movie, even
though you are
old enough.

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