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Optimization Of Energy Balance Ad Comfort for a Gym



Institutional Affiliation



1. Introduction

The context of the underlying study is to optimize energy balance and comfort in a

women’s gym located in Doha, Qatar. It is crucial to establish a comprehensive understanding of

the research background, develop a clear research question and outline specific objectives for the


Research background

The choice of Doha, Qatar as the site for the underlying investigation is informed by its

classification under the Köppen-Geiger climate system as having a hot desert climate (BWh).

These climatic conditions present unique challenges and opportunities for building design and

energy management, particularly in a non-domestic setting like a fitness facility. With the

prevalence of extreme high temperatures, low humidity and sporadic rainfall, maintaining

thermal comfort and energy efficiency within indoor spaces is paramount and informs our

background of research. Moreover, the increasing awareness of environmental sustainability and

the growing demand for energy-efficient building practices underscores the need to investigate

strategies to optimize energy balance while maintaining occupant comfort in such climates.

Research question

Given the research background, the central research question in this study will be:

 How can energy balance and thermal comfort of a women’s gym in Doha, Qatar be

optimized through strategic design interventions and operational considerations.

Research objectives

The following research objectives will address the research question comprehensively

 To conduct a comprehensive heat balance of the women’s gym space, considering factors

like building orientation, materials, glazing rations, insulation and HVAC system


 To assess the specific indoor comfort requirements for fitness in the hot climate of Doha,

taking into account the psychological effect of physical activity on building occupants.

 To explore best practices and innovative design concepts in building envelope design, and

ventilation techniques.

 To propose specific recommendations and design interventions aimed at optimizing

energy performance and occupant comfort in the gym

1.1. Climate and Weather of the chosen location

Doha, Qatar, is characterized by a hot desert climate (BWh) according to the Köppen-

Geiger classification system. The city features extremely high temperatures, sparse rainfall, low

humidity levels, and predominantly clear skies throughout the year. Winters tend to be mild and

more temperate compared to scorching summers. Climatic data from the

website is used to summarize crucial climate data for Doha. Accordingly, the weather data

summary is as follows

Latitude/Longitude: 25.261 North, 51.565° East, Time Zone from Greenwich 3

Monthly Means (Average Daily Total)-Global Horizontal Radiation ranges from 4255 Wh/sq.m

in January to 4125 Wh/sq.m in December. Direct Normal Radiation varies from 5800 Wh/sq.m

in January to 5850 Wh/sq.m in December. Diffuse Radiation fluctuates from 1092 Wh/sq.m in

January to 1008 Wh/sq.m in December.


Temperature and Humidity- Dry Bulb Temperature (°C): Average monthly temperatures range

from 18°C in January to 36°C in June and July. Dew Point Temperature (°C): Varies from 10°C

in January to 25°C in July and August. Relative Humidity (%): Ranges from 34% in November

to 60% in January.

Wind- Wind Direction (Monthly Mode): Predominant wind directions vary throughout the year,

with modes ranging from 0 to 350 degrees. Wind Speed (m/s): Average monthly wind speeds

range from 2 m/s to 4 m/s.

The critical considerations made in evaluating the climatic data of the city include robust

cooling strategies as a result of extreme temperatures, exceeding 36°C in summer. Low humidity

levels make evaporative cooling methods effective for enhancing thermal comfort without

excessive energy consumption. Moreover, high solar radiation throughout the year highlights the

need for shading alternatives and glazing solutions. Understanding wind patterns and prevailing

directions is crucial for optimizing natural ventilation strategies and reducing reliance on

mechanical cooling systems. Lastly, monthly variations in temperature and humidity highlight

the need for flexible HVAC systems capable of adapting to changing environmental conditions

while ensuring consistent comfort levels for occupants. Accordingly, Figure 1 below indicates

weather data summary for Doha


Figure: Weather Data Summary for Doha.

1.1. The Building and The Occupants

Site Layout and Floor Plan- The gym has a total floor of 60 square meters. Its roof features a

70mm thick screed designed to slope in 3mx3m bays, with joints carefully using mastic. A 1000-

gauge polyethylene layer serves as a separation barrier, followed by a 100mm thick extruded

polyethylene with a density ranging between 32-35Kg/m. The roof is then topped with a 5mm

thick polyester waterproofing membrane. As for the walls, their cumulative area amounts to 112

square meters.

Thermal Envelope Details- The construction details suggest insulation layers are incorporated to

meet thermal performance standards in Qatar's climate. The roof’s U-value must not exceed 0.44

W/m²K. External Wall U-value must not exceed 0.57 W/m²K according to Qatar Construction

Specifications (QCS). Floor U-value must not exceed 0.57 W/m²K according to QCS, provided

one side of the floor is exposed to ambient conditions.

Glazing Details- Glazed Area is given as 112 square meters, which is the total area of the gym


Glazing Ratio:

 Glazing Ratio = (Total Glazed Area / Total Floor Area) × 100

 Glazing Ratio = (112 sqm / 60 sqm) × 100

 Glazing Ratio = 186.67%

 U-value for Double Glazed Windows: Must be less than 2.8 W/m²K according to QCS.

Occupants and Activities- The gym is designed to accommodate various fitness activities,

including the use of treadmills, stationary bikes, and elliptical machines.

The following equipment are present in the gym, with their associated area on the floor:

 Treadmills: 24 m²

 Stationary bikes: 6 m²

 Elliptical machines: 7.5 m²

 Remaining space for free weights area and aisle space: 22.5 m²

Other Details Related to Heating and Energy Load- Electrical Appliances: The gym equipment,

including treadmills, stationary bikes, and elliptical machines, consumes electrical power during

operation, contributing to the heat load in the space.

 Energy Consumption: Treadmills can consume between 600 to 700 watts, stationary

bikes consume around 400 to 600 watts, and elliptical machines use about 500 to 700


 Heat Output: A significant portion of the energy consumed by electrical appliances is

converted into heat, contributing to the overall heat load within the gym space.

2. Literature Review

2.1 Energy Efficiency Strategies in Gym Facilities

Energy efficiency has emerged as a critical focal point across various sectors, driven by

mounting concerns over energy consumption and environmental impact. Scholars have

underscored its significance, advocating for improved energy management practices and

exploring its broader implications, including energy conservation and market dynamics.

Moreover, concerns over sustainability evoke the need for a multifaceted approach to energy

management, emphasizing communication, leadership, and occupant education. However,

barriers to energy-efficient practices persist within organizations, ranging from facilities

managers' education and budget constraints to end-user requirements. Adewunmi et al. (2019)

emphasize the pivotal role of committed facilities managers in driving energy efficiency

initiatives as well as stricter policies to overcome these barriers. Accordingly, research has

consistently demonstrated the effectiveness of passive strategies such as building orientation,

insulation, natural ventilation, daylighting, and thermal mass in reducing energy consumption

and improving occupant comfort. Insulation materials and techniques are crucial in minimizing

heat transfer through building envelopes, maintaining stable indoor temperatures, and reducing

heating and cooling loads. Moreover, natural ventilation strategies facilitate airflow and heat

dissipation, further contributing to energy savings and occupant well-being. These passive design

strategies hold particular relevance in hot desert climates like Doha, Qatar, where cooling loads

are typically high, and leveraging natural resources such as sunlight and wind can significantly

enhance building performance.

2.2 Occupant Behavior and Energy Consumption

The global building sector stands as a significant contributor to energy consumption and

carbon emissions, responsible for 40% of delivered energy consumption and one-third of total

CO2 emissions. However, achieving energy efficiency in buildings is a complex endeavor, as

buildings serve as primary environments for human activities, necessitating energy for heating,

cooling, and lighting to maintain comfort and productivity (Amasyali and El-Gohary 2021).

Understanding the intricate factors impacting energy consumption and assessing various

alternatives for their energy-saving potential are paramount. Among these factors, occupant

behavior emerges as a critical determinant influencing building energy consumption. Studies

have revealed the significant impact of occupant behavior on energy usage, demonstrating

variations of up to three-fold in energy consumption among identical buildings due to differences

in occupant behaviors. Strategies such as austerity workstyles have shown potential in reducing

energy consumption by up to 50%, while wasteful behaviors could inflate energy usage by as

much as 90%. However, implementing energy-saving behavioral changes requires a nuanced

approach based on real-life data to ensure occupant comfort is not compromised.


3. Methodology

3.1 Literature Review

The literature review has been conducted systematically to gather insights on energy

efficiency practices and how they impact building management. A comprehensive search was

done to obtain online sources related to factors affecting energy management in buildings,

particularly fitness centers like gyms. The major source of information was peer reviewed

articles from reputable journals published online. The articles were screened based on their

relevance to the topic of study and significance to the understanding of energy efficiency in

building management.

3.2 Selection of Weather Data

Selection of weather data involved careful consideration of the climatic conditions

specific to the research location, Doha, Qatar. The ( website was used to

provide crucial information through the Energy Plus Weather file, which is integral to detailed

energy modelling and simulation. The data collected focused on conditions such as humidity,

temperature, solar radiation and wind speed. This approach ensured that the selected weather

data captured the typical environmental conditions experienced by buildings in the region,

facilitating accurate analysis and interpretation of energy performance and comfort


3.3 Selection of the Building and The Spaces

The selection of the building and spaces was guided by the research objective to investigate

energy efficiency in a real-world setting. The women’s gym located in Qatar was chosen as the

research site due to its strategic relevance to the study context and its suitability to the

implementation of energy-efficient measures. The decision to focus on a gym facility stemmed

from its significant energy consumption attributed to lighting, equipment operation, and HVAC

systems, making it a suitable case study for examining energy efficiency interventions.

Furthermore, the gym's floor plan and spatial layout provided opportunities to assess various

building elements, including thermal envelope details, glazing configurations, and occupancy


3.4. Calculation of the Heat Gain/Loss of The Base Case

To determine the heat balance calculations for the non-domestic building in Doha, Qatar, the

following methodology will be used.

Energy consumption of the equipment in the gym:

Treadmills: Considering the moderate to high usage of treadmills, we assume an average power

consumption of 700 watts per treadmill and the gyn has 4 of them

Stationary Bikes: stationary bikes are typically used for moderate to intense workouts. The average

power consumption is 500 watts per bike and the gym has 3 of them

Elliptical Machines: Taking an average consumption, the average power consumption is 700 watts

and there are 3 machines in the gym.

Total power= ( 4 x 700 )+ ( 500 x 3 ) +(3 x 700)= 6400 watts

This represents the heat flowing into the building into the building through occupancy and

equipment usage (Qi).

The other components of the energy balance can be calculated as follows

internal volume=lenghthx widthx height =10.8 x 6 x 3.5=226.8 cubic meters


Heat flowing into the building through the fabric (Qf)

For the roof:

 U-value (URoof) = 0.44 W/m²K

 Area ( Aroof )=6 m x 10 m=60 square meters

 Temperature difference ( ¿−Tei )=30.1° C−22.9 ° C=7.2 ° C

 Qf roof =URoof xAroof x ( ¿−Tei )=0.44 x 60 x 7.2=190.08W

For the external walls:

 U-value (UFloor) = 0.57 W/m²K

 Area ( Awall )=2 x ( 3.5 x 6 ) +2 x ( 10.8 x 3.5 ) −( 5 x 0.4 x 2.8 )=112 square meters

 Qf walls =UWall x Awall x(¿−Tei)

W 2
 ¿ 0.57 2
x 112 m x 7.2° C=459.648 W
m K

For the floor:

 U-value (UFloor) = 0.57 W/m²K

 Area ( Floor )=6 x 10=60 square meters

 Qf floor =UFloor x Afloor x (¿−Tei)

 0.57 W /m² K x 60 m ² x 7.2 ° C=246.24 w

Heat flowing into the building through infiltration (Qv) and ventilation (QV):

 We will use the provided average infiltration rate (ni) and ventilation rate (nv):

 ni = 3 air changes per hour

 nv = 3 air changes per hour


 V = 226.8 m³ (internal volume of the gym)

V 226.8
 Qv=¿ x x ( ¿−Tei )=3 x x 7.2=1632.96 wx 2=3265.92W
3 3

Heat flowing into the building through solar gains (Qs):

We will use the estimated solar irradiance on the glazing elements and their respective areas

 Iφi = 800 W/m² (assumed value)

 Area (Ai) = 5 x 1.12 m² =5.6 m² (total area of five windows)

 Qs = Σ(Iφi * Ai) = 800 W/m² * 5.6 m²= 4480w

Summing up all the components

Total heat flowing into the building = Qf_roof + Qf_walls + Qf_floor + Qv + QV + Qs + Qi

= 190.08+459.648+246.24+3265.92+4480+6400 = 15041.89W

Now, rearranging the heat balance equation to solve for the average heating power required (Qh):

Qh = - (Qf_roof + Qf_walls + Qf_floor + Qv + QV + Qs + Qi)= -15041.89 W which is the

amount of heat the needs to be removed from the building.

Based on the above calculations, the component contributing most to heat gain is the solar gains,

accounting for 4480Watts. Optimizing solar control measures, particularly for the glazing

elements, can lead to significant reductions in energy load. The proposed change is to implement

high-performance glazing with external shading devices.

Current Condition: Assumed solar irradiance on glazing elements (Iφi) = 800 W/m²

Area of glazing (Ai) = 5.6 m² (total area of five windows)


Current solar heat gain: Qs = Iφi * Ai = 800 W/m² * 5.6 m² = 4480 W

Accordingly, installing external shading devices such as awnings, louvers, or solar shades can

reduce solar radiation penetration, thereby decreasing solar heat gain through windows.

Assuming that implementing these changes brings down the irradiance on glazing elements to

500w/ m², the new solar heat gain can be calculated as follows.

New Qs = Iφi xAi = 500 W/m² x 5.6 m² = 2800 W,

Hence, the new solar heat gain becomes

Difference in Solar Heat Gain:

Reduction in Qs = Initial Qs - New Qs = 4480 W - 2800 W = 1680 W

Implementing high-performance glazing with external shading devices, the solar heat gain can be

reduced by 1680 watts, leading to a significant decrease in energy load attributed to solar gains in

the gym.

4. Discussion

4.1 Current Practice and Implications

The base case heat loss/ gain analysis revealed that solar gains revealed that solar gains

contribute significantly to the energy load in the women’s gym, with a total of 4480 Watts. By

implementing high-performance glazing with external shading devices, we can potentially

reduce solar heat gain to 1680 Watts. This improvement contributes to a substantial decrease in

energy consumption attributed to solar gains, leading to enhanced thermal comfort and lower

operational costs for the gym.


4.2 Best practice

The best practice in improving thermal efficiency at the gym involves integrating both

passive and active measures. The high-performance glazing installed is a passive approach to

reduce solar heat gain while reducing investment costs in heat regulation for the gym. Moreover,

active measures such as installing energy efficient HVAC systems and utilizing innovative

technologies like photovoltaic (PV) panels can further enhance energy efficiency and reduce

environmental impact.

5. Conclusions and Recommendations

5.1. Conclusions

The analysis highlights the need to implement strategies that will help minimize solar heat gain

in non-domestic buildings like gyms. Significant improvements in thermal efficiency and energy

savings can be done by adopting a combination if passive measures like installation of better and

high-performance glazing. These efforts will contribute to sustainability goals while enhancing

occupants’ comfort.

5.2. Recommendations

While the proposed solution addresses the solar heat gain issue effectively, the study is limited in

several ways, including assumptions made during calculations and the specificity of proposed

changes to made within the gym environment. Hence, further research could explore additional

energy saving measures by conducting performance evaluations to optimize building energy


Reference list

Adewunmi, Y.A., Alister, A., Phooko, B. and Nokukhanya, T. 2019. Energy efficiency practices

in facilities management in Johannesburg. Journal of Facilities Management 17(4), pp. 331–343.


Amasyali, K. and El-Gohary, N.M. 2021. Real data-driven occupant-behavior optimization for

reduced energy consumption and improved comfort. Applied Energy 302, p. 117276. doi:

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