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Person conducting induction: Name of inductee:

Site name: Date of induction:
Inductions Provided
1. Safety Policy & procedures (covid-19 Induction, PPE & Work Certificates). 2.
House Keeping. 3. Site Hazards Recognition.
4. Near Miss Reporting. 5. First Aid Facilities. 6. Emergency evacuation
Procedure. 7. Manual Handling.
8. Risk Assessment.9. Chemical Safety. 10. Use of PPE. 11. Accident Reporting.
12. Right to Stop Work. 13. Driving Policy. 14. Use of Drug (Substance abuse)
policy. 15. Disciplinary Action – HSE Violation, 16. Waste collection & disposal,
17. Accident investigation

Note: Induction will be continuous and after every three months.

I……………………………………hereby declare that I have been taken through the site
safety rules & policies and I have agreed that while working I will adhere to the
site safety policies (rules) that have been given to me through this inductor
training and I will be held liable in case of any injury resulting from intended
violation or misconduct also. I know that such may result in to be subjected to
the disciplinary action suspension or termination.

Worker’s signature: ………….....................................Date:…………………………….

Issue date: 20/4/2017 Revision date: 28/2/2020 Rev no: 1

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