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Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the
1. A. chauffeur B. chic C. chore D. Michigan
chauffeur /ˈʃəʊfə(r)/ /ʃəʊˈfɜːr/ (n): a person whose job is to drive a car,
especially for somebody rich or important
chic /ʃiːk/ (uncountable N): the quality of being fashionable and attractive =
chore /tʃɔː(r)/ (n): a task that you do regularly
Eg. doing the household/domestic chores
Michigan /ˈmɪʃɪɡən/
2. A. hypocrite B. expertise C. trichologist D. click
hypocrite /ˈhɪpəkrɪt/ (n): a person whose behaviour does not meet the moral
standards or match the opinions that they claim to have
expertise /ˌekspɜːrˈtiːz/ (uncountable N): expert knowledge or skill in a
particular subject, activity or job
Eg. professional/scientific/technical, etc. expertise
Eg. expertise in something/in doing something
trichologist /trɪˈkɒlədʒɪst/ /trɪˈkɑːlədʒɪst/ (n): a person who studies or is an
expert in hair and the scalp
click /klɪk/ (v)
3. A. umpire B. ultramarine C. trumpet D. fumigate
umpire /ˈʌmpaɪə(r)/ (n) : (in sports such as tennis and baseball ) a person whose
job is to watch a game and make sure that rules are not broken
ultramarine /ˌʌltrəməˈriːn/ (uncountable N): a bright blue color
trumpet /ˈtrʌmpɪt/
fumigate /ˈfjuːmɪɡeɪt/ (v): to use special chemicals, smoke or gas to destroy the
harmful insects or bacteria in a place
4. A. pizza B. buzzard C. muzzle D. fuzzy
pizza /ˈpiːtsə/ (n)
buzzard /ˈbʌzərd/ (n): a large European bird of prey (= a bird that kills other
creatures for food) of the hawk family
muzzle /ˈmʌzl/ (n): the nose and mouth of an animal, especially a dog or a
fuzzy /ˈfʌzi/ (a): covered with short soft fine hair or fur = downy
5. A. lounge B. mound C. foul D. gourd
lounge /laʊndʒ/ (n): a room for waiting in at an airport, etc.
Eg: the departure lounge
Eg: the VIP/business lounge
mound /maʊnd/ (n): a large pile of earth or stones; a small hill
foul /faʊl/ (a): dirty and smelling bad
Eg: foul air/breath
gourd /ɡʊəd/ /ɡɔːd/ /ɡʊrd/ /ɡɔːrd/ (n): a type of large fruit with hard skin and a
soft inner part. Gourds are often dried and used as containers.
Choose the word which is stressed differently from the other three.
6. A. ridicule B. politics C. dogwhistle D. cheerio
ridicule /ˈrɪdɪkjuːl/ (uncount N): unkind comments that make fun of
somebody/something or make them look silly = mockery
Eg: hold somebody up to ridicule (= make fun of somebody publicly)
politics /ˈpɒlətɪks/ /ˈpɑːlətɪks/ (n): the activities involved in getting and using
power in public life, and being able to influence decisions that affect a country
or a society
Eg:world/international/domestic/national/local/progressive/radical politics
dogwhistle /ˈdɒɡ wɪsl//ˈdɔːɡ wɪsl/ (n) : a whistle used to train dogs that makes a
sound that is too high for humans to hear
cheerio /ˌtʃɪəriˈəʊ/ /ˌtʃɪriˈəʊ/: goodbye
7. A. legitimate B. comparison C. arithmetic D. engineering
legitimate /lɪˈdʒɪtɪmət/ (a) : for which there is a fair and acceptable reason =
valid, justifiable
comparison /kəmˈpærɪsn/ (n)
arithmetic /əˈrɪθmətɪk/ (uncount N): the type of mathematics that deals with the
adding, multiplying, etc. of numbers
engineering /ˌendʒɪˈnɪərɪŋ/ (uncount N)
8. A. hotel B. caffeine C. wholesale D. bereaved
hotel /həʊˈtel/ (n)
caffeine /ˈkæfiːn/ /kæˈfiːn/ (uncount N)
wholesale /ˈhəʊlseɪl/ (adv): in large quantities, especially so they can be sold
again to make a profit
bereaved /bɪˈriːvd/ (a):having lost a relative or close friend who has recently
9. A. aborigine B. enthusiasm C. simultaneous D. paracetamol
aborigine /ˌæbəˈrɪdʒəni/ (n): a member of the group of people who were the
original people living in a country
enthusiasm /ɪnˈθjuːziæzəm (n)
simultaneous /ˌsɪmlˈteɪniəs/ /ˌsaɪmlˈteɪniəs/ (a): happening or done at the same
time as something else
10. A. vigilance B. manifest C. magenta D. interview
vigilance /ˈvɪdʒɪləns/ (uncount N): great care that is taken to notice any signs of
danger or trouble = watchfulness
manifest /ˈmænɪfest/ sth (in sth) (v) : to show something clearly, especially a
feeling, an attitude or a quality = demonstrate
magenta /məˈdʒentə/ (a): between red and purple in colour
interview /ˈɪntərvjuː/ (n)


Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.
11. I could hear__________ of the conversation from across the room.
A. shreds B. pieces c. patches D. snatches
shred (n): a small thin piece that is torn or cut roughly from something
piece (n): an amount of something that has been separated from the main part
patch (n): a small area of something that is different from the area around it
a snatch of conversation/music/song etc
a short part of a conversation, song etc that you hear
12. They took cash__________ the car previously offered as a prize.
A. in place of B. on account of c. with regard to D. in lieu of
in place of sb/sth: instead of someone or something
on account of sb/sth: because of sb/sth
in/with regard to: in connection with
in lieu of: instead of
13. After the concert, everyone had to_________ home through the thick snow.
A. trudge B. tread c. trace D. trickle
trudge (v):to walk slowly with a lot of effort, especially over a difficult surface
or while carrying something heavy
tread (v): to walk in a specified way
trickle in, out, back, etc. :to arrive or move somewhere slowly and gradually,
in small numbers:
E.g. Gradually people trickled back into the theatre for the second half.
14.I wish he wouldn't make such unkind an __________ remarks.
A. lapse B. disparaging c. inconsolable D. rough
disparaging (a): criticizing someone, in a way that shows you do not respect or
value them = derogatory => a disparaging remark
inconsolable (a): so sad or disappointed that it is impossible for anyone to make
you feel better
15. The little girls were______ . brightly colored hoops around their waists.
A. twirling B. curling c. Swirling D. hurling
twirl (v): to give a sudden quick turn or set of turns in a circle:
She danced and twirled across the room.
curl (v): to make something into the shape of a curl, or to grow or change into
this shape
hurl (v): to throw something forcefully

16. As the President was absent, I was asked to __________ the meeting.
A. officiate B. govern c. Chair D. regulate
officiate (v): to be in charge of or to lead a ceremony or other public event
govern (v): to control and direct the public business of a country, city, group of
people, etc.
chair (v): to be the person in charge of a meeting, etc.
regulate (v): to control something, especially by making it work in a particular
You can regulate the temperature in the house by adjusting the thermostat.
17. In the__________ of security, personnel must wear their identity badges
atall times.
A. requirement B. interests c. demands D. assistance
In the interest of sth: in order to achieve (a particular goal or result)
with the assistance of sb/sth
18. Meg had a __________ escape when she was hang-gliding yesterday.
A. narrow B. close c. near D. slender
a narrow escape: a situation in which you avoid danger although you very
nearly do not
19. The doctor thought he had got over the worst, but his condition suddenly
A. deteriorated B. dismantled c. dissolved D. disintegrated
deteriorate (v): to become worse
dismantle (v): to take a machine or something complicated apart, usually to
make it unable to work
dissolve (v): (with reference to a solid) become or cause to become incorporated
into a liquid so as to form a solution.
disintegrate (v): to become weaker or be destroyed by breaking into small
20. He had a momentary __________ of concentration and before he knew it
thecar had spun out of control.
A. lapse B. mistake c. slip D. error
lapse (n): a temporary failure


Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.
21. The Second World War was so terrible, _ ________ time a large number of
families were separated.
A. during the B. during which C. at the D. on which
22. They turned down the proposal ____________ that it didn't fulfill their
A. by reason B. on the grounds C. as a cause D. allowing
on the grounds: for the reason that, because
Eg. Many critics have objected to the proposal on the grounds that it would be
too costly.
23. We are prepared to overlook the error on this occasion__________ your
previous good work.
A. in the light of B. thanks to C. with a view to D. with regard to
in the light of sth: because of
Eg. In the light of recent incidents, we are asking our customers to take
particular care of their personal belongings.
thanks to sb/sth: because of sb/sth
with a view to doing sth: with the aim of doing sth
Eg. These measures have been taken with a view to increasing the company's
with/in regard to: in connection with
Eg. I’m writing to you with regard to your letter of 15 March.
24. We should leave__________ 8.30.
A. any later than B. much later than C. no later than D. not later than
25. There was the most fantastic__________ during the opening ceremony.
A. display of fireworks B. firework display C. firework’s display D.
displayed firework
26. “I bought you some flowers.” -“They're beautiful, but you __________
A. needn't B. shouldn't have C. mustn't have D. didn't have
27. __________ a small creature that defends itself with lobster-like claws and a
poisonous sting.
A. Scorpions are B. Many a scorpion is C. A scorpion, which is D. The
scorpion is
28. She insisted that the reporter__________ her as his source of information.
A. not to mention B. not mention C. don't mention D. not mentioning
29. The accountant broke the law, so it would be irresponsible of the firm
A. if they won't fire him B. not to fire him C. that they not fire him D. for
not firing him
30.__________ that took American art out of the romanticism of the mid-
1800’s and carried it to the most powerful heights of realism.
A. Winslow Homers' paintings B. It was Winslow Homers’ paintings C.
When Winslow Homers' paintings D. Paintings of Winslow Homers'
31. When he's depressed, he needs someone like a good friend to__________ .
A. hammer on B. pour out c. dump on D. drum out
pour out: express one's feelings in an unrestrained way.
dump on: criticize or abuse someone; treat someone badly.
drum out : expel or dismiss someone from a place or institution.
32. Her success can be__________ a combination of luck, intelligence and
sheerhard work.
A. ranked among B. put together c. put down on D. lived up to
rank among: To be considered a part of some particular group of people or
things, especially the best, worst, or some other superlative
put together: make something by assembling different parts or people.
put sth down to sth = ascribe sth to sth: to believe or say that something is
caused by something else
live up to sth: to be as good as something
33. When the Chairman ran off with his secretary, the Board tried to
_________the matter.
A. switch off B. hush up c. calm down D. tuck away
run off with sb: to leave a place or person suddenly after having stolen
switch off: to stop giving your attention to someone or something
hush sth up: to try to prevent people from discovering particular facts
tuck sth away: to put something in a private, safe place
34. The library is __________ people who lose their books.
A. cracking down on B. stepping up
c. going down with D. coming up against
crack down on: to start dealing with bad or illegal behaviour in a more severe
step up: to take action when there is a need or opportunity for it:
E.g. Investors have to step up and assume more responsibility for their assets.
go/come down with sth: to start to suffer from an infectious disease
come up against sth: to have to deal with a problem

35. The word “chaos” has__________ a special scientific meaning.

A. included in B. taken on c. held of D. gasped up
take on: acquire a particular meaning or quality
36. When the funds finally _ _________they had to abandon the scheme.
A. faded away B. clamped down
c. petered out D. fobbed off
peter out: to gradually stop or disappear
fade away: gradually grow faint and disappear.
clamp down on sth: to take strong action to stop or limit a harmful or unwanted
e.g. The government is clamping down on teenage drinking.
fob sb off: to persuade someone to accept something that is of a low quality or
different from what they really wanted
37. The Press thought the football manager would be depressed by his dismissal
but he just__________ .
A. ran it down B. called it off c. turned it down D. laughed it off
run sth down: to criticize someone or something, often unfairly
call sb/sth off: to order a dog, or sometimes a person, to stop attacking someone
or something
turn sth down: to refuse an offer or request
laugh sth off: to make yourself laugh about something unpleasant in order to
make it seem less important or serious
38. She accidentally dropped her ring__________ a drain in the road.
A. into B. in c. down D. on
39. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Just__________ it up to experience and
don’tdo it again.
A. talk B. chalk c. stalk D. set
chalk something up to experience: to accept failure and learn from a particular
talk sth up: to speak with enthusiasm about something:
e.g. If we talk up the event, people will come.
set sth up : to formally establish a new company, organization, system, way of
working, etc
40. The murderer did_______ all of his victims by poisoning them with
A. away with B. with c. for D. without
do away with sb: to murder sb


Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each space.
Police are hunting for a hit-and-run driver who knocked a teenage cyclist off her
bike in East Street. Sarah Tucker, 17, had a lucky escape on Friday, 13th May,
when she was sent reeling by a black Volvo on her way home from work.
She bruised her thigh and shoulder and her bicycle was (41)__________ The
driver stopped for a moment but then drove off without (42 )__________ a
name or address and before Sarah could get his number. “ I tried to get out of
his way, but I couldn't,” she said.” Everyone at work kept going on about it
being Friday 13th. I’m not a bit (43)_____________ and wouldn’t change any
of my plans just because Friday 13th is supposed to be unlucky, I don’t usually
take, any (44)_________ of that sort of thing but I will now. I think I’ll stay in
The accident (45)__________ at the junction with Westwood Road at about
6.30pm as Sarah was making her (46)__________ home to the Harley Estate.
The Volvo pulled out of Westwood onto Henley Road in front of the teenager's
bicycle. “He could at (47)__________ have helped her up. I don't see why he
should get away with it,” said her father, Derek, “Sarah was lucky. I don’t know
why the driver didn’t see her. He can’t have been (48)__________ attention. It
is unfortunate that nobody took down the number.” Though still too
(49)__________ to ride a bike, Sarah was able to go back to (50)___________
in Marlow on Monday.
41. A. damaged B. harmed C. devastated D. crashed
devastate /ˈdev.ə.steɪt/ (v): to destroy a place or thing completely or cause great
➔ devastation (n)
42. A. noting B. presenting C. leaving D. suggesting
43. A. irrational B. superstitious C. unreasonable D. prejudices
irrational /ɪˈræʃ.ən.əl/ (a): not using reason or clear thinking
Eg. His parents were worried by his increasingly irrational behaviour.
➔ irrationally (adv)
➔ irrationality (n)
prejudice /ˈpredʒ.ə.dɪs/ (n): an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling,
especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge
Eg. racial/ religious prejudice
Eg. prejudice against sb/sth (The prejudice against hiring someone 50 or older
is unsound, because of the value, wisdom, and experience older people bring to
the workforce.)
➔ (v): sb/sth that prejudices you influences you unfairly so that you form an
unreasonable opinion about something
➔ prejudicial /ˌpredʒ·əˈdɪʃ·əl/
44. A. notice B. consideration C. note D. care
45. A. came about B.turned up C. finished up D. took place
come about (phrasal verb): happen, start to happen
Eg. How did the problem come about in the first place?
46. A. route B. way C. course D. path
47. A. once B. most C. least D. best
48. A. giving B. paying C. attracting D. providing
pay attention (to sb/sth): to watch, listen to, or think about something or
someone carefully or with interest:
Eg. If you don't pay attention now, you'll get it all wrong later.
49. A. discouraged B. confused C. overcome D.shaken
50. A. work B.job C. post D. employment
hit-and-run (a): A hit-and-run road accident is one in which the driver who
caused the accident drives away without helping the other people involved and
without telling the police
Eg. A traffic policeman was killed by a hit-and-run driver.
knock sb off (phrasal verb): murder sb
bruise (v) /bruːz/: develop a bruise or cause sb/sth to have a bruise
Eg. He crashed into a table and bruised his shin.
thigh /θaɪ/ (n): the part of a person’s leg above the knee
drive off (phrasal verb): leave in a car
Eg. I got in the car and drove off.
get sth out of the way: finish sth
Eg. I like to get my homework out of the way on a Friday night so that I can
enjoy the weekend.
pull out (phrasal verb): If a vehicle pulls out, it starts moving onto a road or
onto a different part of the road:
Eg. A car pulled right out in front of me.
take down sth: write sth that you are looking at or listening to:
Eg. I can take down the messages that come in.
Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each space.
People smile a great deal, and we seem to know instinctively that some smiles
are more genuine than others. But is there any scientific (51)________ for this?
Recent research suggests that a mechanism in the brain can help us (52)_______
whether a smile is really heartfelt - or whether it is just being (53)_________ _
on for show. (54) __________ to various long-held traditions, a genuine smile
involves the eyes as well as the mouth. In the nineteenth century, a French
anatomist (55)_ _______ to prove this. He used electrodes to stimulate the facial
muscles of volunteers, (56)__________ creating false smiles. He found that real
smiles were always (57)__________ with the contraction of muscle around the
eye, but that his artificially induced ones were not.
During more recent research, volunteers were shown a variety of human facial
expressions and the reactions to these were monitored. When they were
shown a happy face, 35% of the volunteers immediately started looking at the
eye area, checking for tell-tale crinkles that would (58)__________ that the
smile was genuine, but when shown a sad or neutral face, they did not. So why
did the human brain evolve to (59)__________between real and false smiles? It
could be that this ability to (60)__________ a quick assessment of a smile has
an important role to play in successful communication. A genuine smile serves
as a gesture of conciliation in conflict, and it’s important to know whether we
are really being offered a truce or not.
51. A. sign B. basis C. root D. fact
basis (n): the most important facts, ideas, etc. from which something is
-> basis for something
E.g. This article will form the basis for our discussion.
sign (n): a notice giving information, directions, a warning, etc.
root (n): the cause or origin of something bad
fact (n): something that is known to have happened or to exist, especially
something for which proof exists, or about which there is information
52. A. recollect B. accept C. admit D. recognise
recollect (v): to remember sth
accept (v): to agree to take something
admit (v): to agree that something is true, especially unwillingly
recognise (v): to admit or to be aware that something exists or is true
53. A. put B. brought C. created D. stuck
put on: to pretend to have a particular feeling or way of behaving that is not real
or natural to you
bring on: to make something happen, usually something bad
54. A. Providing B. Considering C. Relating D. According
considering: used to mention a particular condition or fact about something,
usually a disadvantage:
e.g. Considering the weather, we got here pretty quickly.
relating to: connected with something:
E.g. Anything relating to maths is a complete mystery to me.
according to: as stated by
55. A. got down B. set out C. went off D. carried out
set out: to start an activity with a particular aim
get down: depress or demoralize someone.
e.g. "rainy days always get me down"
write something down.
e.g. "it's so obvious, but I wanted to get it down on paper"
go off: If a light or a machine goes off, it stops working
If food or drink goes off, it is not good to eat or drink any more because
it is too old
If a bomb goes off, it explodes
carry sth out: to do or complete something, especially that you have said you
would do or that you have been told to do
56. A. despite B. thereby c. however D. nonetheless
despite = nonetheless = however: tuy nhiên
thereby: as a result of this action
57. A. associated B. mixed c. joined D. accompanied
be associated with sth: If problems or dangers are associated with a particular
thing or action, they are caused by it
join with sb/sth: to get together with another company, person, or group in
order to do something together
accompany (v): to go with someone or to be provided or exist at the same time
as something:
The course books are accompanied by four CDs.
58. A. assure B. confirm c. justify D. approve
assure (v): to tell someone confidently that something is true, especially so that
they do not worry
confirm (v): to state or show that something is definitely true or correct,
especially by providing evidence
justify (v): to state or show that something is definitely true or correct,
especially by providing evidence
approve (v) = agree
59. A. decide B. tell c. distinguish D. reckon
tell the difference between A and B
= distinguish between A and B / distinguish A from B / distinguish A and B
60. A. make B. earn c. do D. hold
conduct/give/make an assessment
vocab note
heartfelt (a): strongly felt and sincere = earnest = sincere
e.g.Please accept my heartfelt apologies/thanks.
conciliation (n): the action or process of ending a disagreement, often by
discussion between the groups or people involved
truce (n): a temporary agreement to stop fighting or arguing, or a brief
interruption in a disagreement
Excerpted from What Video Games Have to Teach US about Learning and
Literacy by James Paul Gee
When people learn to play video games, they are learning a new literacy. Of
course, this is not the way the word "literacy" is normally used. Traditionally,
people think of literacy as the ability to read and write (61). Why, then, should
we think of literacy more broadly, in regard to video games or anything else, for
that matter? There are two reasons.

First, in the modern world, language is not the only important communicational
system. Today images, symbols, graphs, diagrams (62), artifacts, and many
other visual symbols are particularly significant. Thus, the idea of different
types of "visual literacy" would seem to be an important one. For example,
being able to "read" the images in advertising is one type of visual literacy.
And, of course, there are different ways to read such images, ways that are more
or less aligned with the intentions and interests of the advertisers. Knowing how
to read interior designs (62) in homes, modernist art (62) in museums, and
videos on MTV are other forms of visual literacy.

Furthermore, very often today words and images of various sorts are juxtaposed
and integrated in a variety of ways. In newspapers and magazines as well as in
textbooks, images take up more and more of the space alongside words. In fact,
in many modern high school and college textbooks in the sciences images not
only take up more space, they now carry meanings that are independent of the
words in the text. If you can't read these images, you will not be able to recover
their meanings from the words in the text as was more usual in the past. In such
multimodal texts (texts that mix words and images), the images often
communicate different things from the words. And the combination of the two
modes communicates things that neither of the modes does separately. Thus, the
idea of different sorts of multimodal literacy seems an important one. Both
modes and multimodality go far beyond images and words to include sounds,
music, movement, bodily sensations, and smells.

None of this news today, of course. We very obviously live in a world awash
with images. It is our first answer to the question why we should think of
literacy more broadly. The second answer is this: Even though reading and
writing seem so central to what literacy means traditionally, reading and writing
are not such general and obvious matters as they might at first seem. After all,
we never just read or write; rather, we always read or write something in some

So there are different ways to read different types of texts. Literacy is multiple,
then, in the sense that the legal literacy needed for reading law books is not the
same as the literacy needed for reading physics texts or superhero comic books.
And we should not be too quick to dismiss the latter form of literacy. Many a
superhero comic is replete with post-Freudian irony of a soil that would make a
modern literary critic's heart beat fast and confuse any otherwise normal adult.
Literacy, then, even as traditionally conceived to involve only print, is not a
unitary thing but a multiple matter. There are, even in regard to printed texts and
even leaving aside images and multimodal texts, different "literacies."

Once we see this multiplicity of literacy (literacies), we realize that when we

think about reading and writing, we have to think beyond print. Reading and
writing in any domain, whether it is law, rap songs, academic essays, superhero
comics, (68) or whatever, are not just ways of decoding print, they are also
caught up with and in social practices... Video games are a new form of art.
They will not replace books; they will sit beside them, interact with them, and
change them and their role in society in various ways, as, indeed, they are
already doing strongly with movies. (Today many movies are based on video
games and many more are influenced by them.) (69) We have no idea yet how
people "read" video games, what meanings they make from them. Still less do
we know how they will "read" them in the future.
61. According to the first paragraph, the broadest definition of “literacy” is
A. The ability to analyze literature
B. The ability to comprehend basic cultural cues
C. The ability to read and write
D. The ability to compose poetry
62. All are mentioned as being types of “ literacy” EXCEPT
A. Musical tones
B. Interior Design
C. Diagrams
D. Modern Art
63. An example from a science textbook of the phenomenon the author
describes in the third paragraph could be
A. A genetic tree that coincides with the discussion of specific mammal classes
in the text
B. A diagram of a specific chemical reaction that is used to explain a broad
definition in the text
C. An illustration of a plant cycle that accompanies a chapter on photosynthesis
D. A cartoon that references the same methods discussed in the text about
laboratory safety
64. What is an example of a "multimodal” text?
A. A dictionary
B. A movie script
C. A photo album
D. An art book that describes the art as well as reproduces images of the
original prints
65. The idiom in the sixth paragraph, "read against the grain of the text" is
closest in meaning to
A. Reading to understand the underlying meanings and themes of the author's
words-not just a literal interpretation
B. Reading text that defines different types of wheat and grains
C. To read the text from right to left rather than left to right
D. To read books that use recycled paper and other green alternatives
66. In the seventh paragraph, the author suggests that literacy is multiple,
meaning that
A. To be "literate" can mean participating in any form of expression
B. One's literacy increases exponentially as greater mastery of reading and
writing is achieved
C. Different genres and modes of expression require different background
knowledge and perspectives to understand them
D. Literacy can only be gained by exploring every type of media and expression
67. Why does the author give the example of superhero comics to explain
multiple literacies?
A. To explain that comic books are written for children and purely for
entertainment. They require only a basic knowledge of the action that occurs in
the story
B. To once again refer to his earlier points about "multimodal” texts
C. To insist that even when an author may intend multiple meanings and
interpretations, they are rarely successful in conveying those to readers
D. Things that may seem on the surface to be only meant for a particular group
of people can actually have very profound meanings to those who possess other
types of literacy
68. The author suggests that all of the following require different types of
literacy and the ability to decode meaning EXCEPT
A. Rap music
B. Comic books
C. Academic papers
D. Symphonies
69. The author says that video games
A. Are not yet entirely understood in terms of literacy, but are already impacting
other forms of expression such as filmmaking
B. Are unrealistic and should not fall into the same categories as the other texts
he describes
C. Are too violent to risk experimenting with for the purposes of understanding
D. Are irrelevant in academic discussion because no one has yet determined
how to explain the ways that people understand them
70. What would be the most logical information for the next paragraph to
contain if the article continued?
A. A technological definition of video games, how they are made, and how they
are played
B. A historical explanation of the very first video game and its evolution
C. Examples of the way that some people currently interpret video games and
what they mean to them
D. A price comparison of video game consoles and whether or not quality has a
direct impact on literacy
literacy (n) /ˈlɪtərəsi/: the ability to read and write ≠ illiteracy
Eg. basic/adult/mass literacy
achieve/acquire/develop literacy
literacy campaign/initiative/programme
Eg. Most of the students here need help with literacy and numeracy.
broadly (adv) /ˈbrɔːdli/: generally, without considering details
Eg. broadly similar/comparable/equivalent/consistent
—> broad (a)
—> broaden (v)
—> breadth (n)
align (v) /əˈlaɪn/ sth with sth: to arrange something in the correct position, or to
be in the correct position, in relation to something else, especially in a straight
Eg. Make sure the shelf is aligned with the top of the cupboard.
juxtapose (v) /ˌdʒʌkstəˈpəʊz/ A and/with B: to put people or things together,
especially in order to show a contrast or a new relationship between them
Eg. In the exhibition, abstract paintings are juxtaposed with shocking
—> juxtaposition (n)
awash (a, not before N) /əˈwɔːʃ/ with sth: having something in large quantities
Eg. The city is awash with drugs.
replete (a) /rɪˈpliːt/ with sth: filled with something; with a full supply of
Eg. literature replete with drama and excitement
irony (n) /ˈaɪrəni/: the funny or strange aspect of a situation that is very
different from what you expect; a situation like this
Eg. great/heavy/gentle irony
hint/touch/trace of irony
a certain irony
domain (n) /dəʊˈmeɪn/: an area of knowledge or activity; especially one that
somebody is responsible for
Eg. Financial matters are her domain.
decode (v) /diːˈkəʊd/: to convert something written in code into normal
language = decipher
Eg. I was involved in decoding enemy documents.
Read the text below and choose the best answer to each question.
1. The craft of perfumery has an ancient and global heritage. (71) The art
flourished in Ancient Rome, where the emperors were said to bathe in scent.
After the fall of Rome, much of the knowledge was lost, but survived in Islamic
civilizations in the Middle Ages. Arab and Persian pharmacists developed
essential oils from the aromatic plants of the Indian peninsula. They developed
the processes of distillation and suspension in alcohol, which allowed for
smaller amounts of raw materials (72) to be used than in the ancient process, by
which flower petals were soaked in warm oil. (72) This knowledge was carried
back to European monasteries during the Crusades.
2. At first, the use of fragrances was primarily associated with healing.
Aromatic alcoholic waters were ingested as well as used externally. Fragrances
were used to purify the air, both for spiritual and health purposes. During the
Black Death, the bubonic plague was thought to have resulted from a bad odour
which could be averted by inhaling pleasant fragrances such as cinnamon. The
Black Death led to an aversion to using water for washing, and so perfume was
commonly used as a cleaning agent.
3. Later on, the craft of perfume re-entered Europe, and was centred in Venice,
chiefly because it was an important trade route and a centre for glass-making.
Having such materials at hand was essential for the distillation process. (80) In
the late seventeenth century, trade soared in France, when Louis XIV brought in
policies of protectionism and patronage which stimulated the purchase of luxury
goods. Here, perfumery was the preserve of glove-makers. (74)The link
arose since the tanning of leather required putrid substances. Consequently, the
gloves were scented before they were sold and worn. A glove and perfume
makers’ guild had existed here since 1190. Entering it required 7
years of formal training under a master perfumer.
4. The trade in perfume flourished during the reign of Louis XV, as the master
glove-and-perfume makers, particularly those trading in Paris, received
patronage from the royal court, where it is said that a different perfume was
used each week. (75) The perfumers diversified into other cosmetics including
soaps, powders, white face paints and hair dyes. They were not the sole sellers
of beauty products. Mercers, Spicers, vinegar-makers and wig-makers
were all cashing in on the popularity of perfumed products. Even simple
shopkeepers were coming up with their own concoctions to sell.
5. During the eighteenth century, more modern, capitalist perfume industry
began to emerge, particularly in Britain where there was a flourishing consumer
society. In France, the-revolution initially disrupted the perfume trade due to its
association with aristocracy, however, it regained momentum later as a wider
range of markets were sought both in the domestic and overseas markets. (76)
The guild system was abolished in 1791, allowing new high-end perfumery
shops to open in Paris.
6. Perfume became less associated with health in 1810 with a Napoleonic
ordinance which required perfumers to declare the ingredients of all products
for internal consumption. Unwilling to divulge their secrets, traders
concentrated on products for external use. Napoleon affected the industry in
other ways too. With French ports blockaded by the British during the
Napoleonic wars, the London perfumers were able to dominate the markets for
some time. (77)
7. One of the significant changes in the nineteenth century was the idea of
branding. Until then, trademarks had had little significance in the perfumery
where goods were consumed locally, although they had a long history in other
industries. One of the pioneers in this field was Rimme! (78) who was
nationalized as a British citizen in 1857. He took advantage of the spread of
railroads to reach customers in wider markets.(78) To do this, he built a brand
which conveyed prestige and quality, and were worth paying a premium for. He
recognised the role of design in enhancing the value of his products, (78)hiring
a French lithographer to create the labels for his perfume bottles.
8. Luxury fragrances were strongly associated with the affluent and prestigious
cities of London and Paris. Perfumers elsewhere tended to supply cheaper
products and knock-offs of the London and Paris brands. The United States
perfume industry, which developed around the docks in New York where
French oils were being imported, began in this way. Many American firms were
founded by immigrants, such as William Colgate, who arrived in 1806. At this
time, Colgate was chiefly known as a perfumery. Its Cashmere Bouquet brand
had 625 perfume varieties in the early 20th century.

71. The purpose of the text is to

A. compare the perfumes from different countries
B. describe the history of perfume making
c. describe the problems faced by perfumers
D. explain the different uses of perfume over time

72. Which of the following is NOT true about perfume making in Islamic
A. They created perfume by soaking flower petals in oil.
B. They dominated perfume making after the fall of the Roman Empire,
c. They took raw materials for their perfumes from India.
D. They created à technique which required fewer plant materials.
73. Why does the writer include this sentence in paragraph 2?
During the Black Death, the bubonic plague was thought to have resulted from a
bad odour which could be averted by inhaling pleasant fragrances
such as cinnamon
A. To explain why washing was not popular during the Black Death
B. To show how improper use of perfume caused widespread disease
c. To illustrate how perfumes used to be ingested to treat disease
D. To give an example of how fragrances were used for health purposes

74. Why did the perfume industry develop in Paris?

A. Because it was an important trade route
B. Because of the rise in the glove-making industry
c. Because of the introduction of new trade laws
D. Because of a new fashion in scented gloves

75. In paragraph 4, it is implied that...

A. Master glove and perfume makers created a new perfume each week.
B. Mercers, spicers and other traders began to call themselves masters,
c. The Royal Court only bought perfume from masters.
D. Cosmetics were still only popular within the Royal Courts.

76. How did the French Revolution affect the Parisian perfume industry?
A. The industry declined then rose again.
B. The industry collapsed and took a long time to recover,
c. The industry was greatly boosted.
D. The industry lost most of its overseas customers.

77. London came to lead tile perfume industry because...
A. the French Revolution meant that there were fewer customers in France.
B. Napoleon's new laws affected the profitability of perfume-making,
c. the production of perfume ceased during the Napoleonic wars.
D. the French were unanle to export perfumes for a period of time.

78. Which of the following is NOT true of Rimmel?

A. He was one of the first people to utilise trademarks.
B. He created attractive packaging for his products.
c. His products were more expensive than other brands.
D. He transported his goods to potential customers by train.

79. What is implied about the New York perfume industry?

A. It was the fastest-growing perfume industry in the world at that time. B. It
was primarily developed by immigrants arriving from France,
c. It copied luxury fragrances and sold them cheaply.
D. There was a wider range of fragrances available here than elsewhere.

80. Which city is being described in this sentence?

‘The perfume industry developed here because the city produced materials and
equipment necessary for perfume production
A. Paris B. London c. Venice D. New York

I. CLOZE TEST (20 PTS): Read the text below and think of the word which
best fits each space. Use only ONE WORD for each space.
Sir Alexander Fleming (1881 - 1955) is (1 ) ___credited_______ with leading
the way in the use of antibiotics to treat bacterial infections. His discovery of
penicillin in 1928 came at a time when many people died of tuberculosis,
diphtheria and other infectious diseases which made such a cure highly sought
After obtaining his medical degree in 1906 at St Mary's Hospital Medical
School in London. Fleming began to work (2) on_____ antibacterial
substances which could be used with humans. He was in the middle of his
career when the First World War began, but was fortunate to be able to continue
his research while serving in the Royal Army Medical Corps. He made his first
major discovery in 1921, when he identified and isolated lysozyme, an enzyme
found in human tears and saliva. (3) _________Its _ antibiotic activity helps to
prevent infections.
It was not until seven years later, however, that Fleming became internationally
famous. He was working with the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus (4
)when_______ he noticed that it was killed off by a green fungus, Penicillium
notatum, which has contaminated the culture. Further investigation showed that
there was a substance in the fungus which prevented.the growth of the bacteria,
even when the substance was diluted 800 times.
The development of penicillin, which derives its name (5 ) _____from_____ the
fungus, must also be (6 )____attributed______ to Ernst Chain and Howard
Florey. The work of these two men revolved (7) ___around_______ isolating
the active ingredient in the fungus so that it could safely be administered to
humans. They finally achieved this, and in 1945 Chain, Florey and Fleming
were jointly ( 8)___awarded_____ the Nobel Prize.
Since this ground-breaking work, scientists have discovered numerous further
antibiotics to treat a variety of bacterial diseases. All of these discoveries,
however, are grounded in the work of Fleming, and even today he is (9
)___looked____ up to as a leading figure in the treatment of infectious diseases.
Indeed, a museum has now been opened at the (10)___site_______ of his old
laboratory at St Mary’s in Paddington, London.
Volcanic eruption has been a constant threat to our natural environment for
millions of years, but seldom in recent times (11)___has_______ a volcano
erupted with the ferocity of Krakatoa. Krakatoa. (1 2)____which______ is a
volcanic island group in Indonesia, erupted on 27th August 1883.
(13)___Not_______ only was the explosion (14)____so_______ loud that it
was heard as far away (more than 3,000 km) as Perth in Australia, but it is also
recognised as (15)____being______ the loudest sound (16)_____ever______
recorded. Tens of thousands of people in the region were killed many
(17)____dying______ in the enormous tsunamis which the eruption produced -
tsunamis which eventually reached South Africa and the English Channel.
The explosion also had a major effect on the (18) _____entire_____ world's
weather system. The volcanic dust in the atmosphere reduced the
(19)____amount____ of sunlight reaching the earth’s surface, reducing global
temperatures by more than one degree centigrade. Only after five years had
passed (2 0)____did______ global temperatures begin to return to normal.


PART 1: Complete each sentence, using the correct form of the word in
1. She also points out that mandatory .........full-
service........................................................ fuel pumping creates jobs for all the
people who pump the fuel. (SERVICE)
2. There is concern that the judges might
................misuse............................................. their power. (USE)
3. Constant correction by a teacher is often the student may become afraid
to speak at all. (PRODUCE)
4. It sees restructuring of Urenco as the means to convert a ..............loss- into one with potential for growth and profit.
5. Like all tyrannical leaders, he demanded
..........unquestioning...............................................obedience from his followers.
6. She's such a .........perfectionist............................................................. that she
notices even the tiniest mistakes. (PERFECT)
7. Workers are fully exposed to chemical toxins and hazardous machines, and
suffer sickness, ......................disfiguration.................................... and death at
the highest rates in world history. (FIGURE)
8. By sheer luck, the gas released in Oklahoma City was blown into a mostly
.....................uninhabited..............................area. (HABITAT)
9. His methodical .................painstakingness.............................................. was
another point of divergence from the Impressionists and he devoted many
studies to creating the composition. (PAIN)
10. Hundreds of sailors and Marines yesterday loaded supplies and equipment
aboard the..........................amphibious.......................ships. (AMPHIBIAN)
PART 2: Complete the passage with appropriate forms from the words given in
the box.

absent observe variable describe opinion fa ir predict alternate enthuse regular

A live broadcast of any public event, such as a space flight or sporting occasion,
is almost (11) ....invariably........... accompanied by the thoughts of a
commentator. This may be on television, along with the relevant pictures, or
(12)....alternatively...........on radio. The technique involved differs between the
two media, with radio broadcasters needing to be more explicit and
(13).descriptive.............. . because of the (14)..absence............. of visual
information. TV commentators do not need to paint a picture for their audience;
instead their various (15)........... observations...........should add to the images that
are already there. There will sometimes be silences and pauses in TV
commentary, although these are becoming increasingly rare. Both types of
commentator should try to be informative, but should avoid sounding (16)
........opinioanted....... In sports commentary, (17) ....fairness.............. and
impartiality to both sides is vital, but spontaneity and (18)......enthusiasm.........
are valued by those watching or listening. Sports commentators usually broadcast
live in an essentially unscripted way, although they may refer to previously
prepared materials such as sports statistics. Because of the
(19).......unpredictable............ nature of live events, thorough preparation in
advance is vital. The internet has helped enormously with this aspect of the job.
Anyone interested in becoming a commentator should have excellent
organisational skills, the willingness to work (20).....irregular.............. hours and
a strong voice. .


The following passage contains 10 errors. Identify and correct them.
1 Most astronomical events that influence the Earth, apart from the
2 occasional asteroid impact, do so in aregular fashion, such as day and
3 night, the tides and the seasons. There is, therefore, one event that has a
4 tremendous impact on the Earth - those of the total eclipse. For a few
5 minutes, broad daylight changes to complete darkness as the Moon
6 totally hide the Sun. This darkness is accompanied by many spectacular
7 effects, and it also provides a rare opportunity to physicists to make
8 observations that are impossible at any other time. However, as a total
9 solar eclipse is a sudden interruption of the day, it can also have an effect
10 on plants and animals that are used to the regular circle of day and night.
11 As total eclipses occur in average once every 360-years at any particular
12 location, there is little chance of any living thing becoming accustomed
13 to them. In fact, there are some amazing stories of the unusual behaviour
14 of animals as a total eclipse approaches. In Australia, for example, one
15 observer said, ‘I found myself have to calm a distressed parrot, which
16 fell to the ground a moment or so before the total eclipse’. Joanna Kale,
17 other observer, found her head surrounded by a cloud of insects that
18 dispersed when the Sun finally emerged from the eclipse. So, as these
19 examples show the Suns presence has an astonishing influence on life on
1. Line 3: therefore -> however
2. Line 4: those -> that
3. Line 6: hide -> hides
4. Line 7: to -> for
5. Line 10: circle -> cycle
6. Line 11: in -> on
7. Line 11: 360-years -> 360 years
8. Line 15: have -> having
9. Line 16: other -> another
10. Line 18: Suns -> Sun’s


Rewrite the following sentences using the words given.
1. It was not until five years had elapsed that the whole truth about the murder
came out.
-> Not for another five years did the whole truth about the murder come out.
2. I have frequently made stupid mistakes like that.
—» Many's the time that I have made stupid mistakes like that.
many’s the (idiom): used to show something has happened many times or for
long periods of time
3. Don’t tell the boss anything about this. (BREATHE)
-> Don’t breathe a word of/about this to the boss.
breathe a word : to tell a secret:
Eg. Don’t breathe a word of this to anyone.
4. It seemed the young man was feeling bitter about his family background.
—» The young man appeared to be having a chip on his shoulder about his
family background.
have a chip on your shoulder: to seem angry all the time because you think
you have been treated unfairly or feel you are not as good as other people
Eg. He's got a chip on his shoulder about not having been to university.
5. He has an obsession about the dishonesty of lawyers. (BEE)
—>He has a bee on his bonnet about the dishonesty of lawyers.
have a bee in your bonnet: to keep talking about something again and again
because you think it is very important
Eg. She never stops talking about healthy eating - she's got a real bee in her
bonnet about it.
6. He was exasperated with being criticized in public all the time. (TEETH)
-> He was fed up to the back teeth with being criticized in public all the time.
be fed up to the back teeth with Ving: be very bored
7. It’s possible the looming crisis won’t ever actually materialize.
-» It’s not beyond the bounds of possibility that the looming crisis will never/
not actually materialize.
8. I don't remember much about my mother, but I do remember she was very
kind and loving towards US.
—> What little I remember about my mother is that she was very kind and
loving towards US.
9. You have said exactly the right thing. (NAIL)
-> You have hit the nail on the head.
hit the nail on the head: to describe exactly what is causing a situation or
10. They designed the stadium to make hooliganism impossible. (SUCH)
—> The stadium was designed in such a way (as) to / that it could/would stamp/
rule/iron out hooliganism. was designed in such a way (as) to / that it
could/would stamp/ rule/iron out hooliganism.

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