Tomb of Otamyaco

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DND 1-shot (3 players)


Scene opens with our three adventerurs walking through the thick undergowth of the Markesian jungle. Its hot and
there is life and sound everything where. Leading the way is: NAME 1, (please describe yourself). Next we have:
NAME 2 (please describe what the others see), and finally we have: NAME 3 (please describe yourself).

As you think back over the last 24hrs, you consider how different things were…

Flashback sequence

BARBARIAN/FIGHTER/MONK facing off in front of 3 unarmed brawlers (Gary, Barry, Harry). The surrounding crowd
jeering for a fight. You are familiar with bar fights, and this tavern was no different. You had been invited by
mysterious letter to this place, called ‘The Dunce Floor’. You had been minding your own when these 4 scrappers
started at you. What do you do? (Roll for Initiative).

After a round of fighting (unarmed), introduce ROGUE/RANGER/MONK/BARD. They had also received a mysterious
letter, and had arrived to watch what might unfold. Seeing the fist fight begin, how do you act within the crowd and

After a third round, introduce the third member (ROGUE/DRUID/WARLOCK/WIZARD/ARTIFICER). One of the battered
fighters stumbles into your booth. They seem to want to continue the fight with anyone, what do you do?

Brawler stats:

AC 12, 10hp, 30ft

Unarmed attack: (d20+profi+str mod) +5 to hit, 1d4 bludgeoning damage

If hit, then grapple as an option (speed=0, contested strength check)

After all fighters have been subdued OR after 4 turns of combat…

A loud voice is heard across the bar. “Enough! I have seen enough!” The fight stops. “Leave us!” The fighters scarper,
leaving the three adventurers alone with the owner of the voice.
Out steps a tall pale elf, and a short portly human.

(Mr Pale) “I told you Dr Tund, I think we’ve found our helpers! Allow me to introduce ourselves, I am Mr Pale, and…”

(Mr Tund) “and I am Dr Rowan Tund PhD, nice to meet you. Roe to my friends”

Mr Pale rolls his eyes and continues, “I am from the Markesian museum of relics and archaeology and Dr Tund is
from the university. He specialises in Jungle fauna and flora.”

The night continues and the two gentlemen explain that they had sent you the letters, that the lush rich jungle
surrounding the city of Markett was seemingly dying for an unknown reason. Around the same time that a new tomb
entrance of the Otamacyo people had recently been discovered, believed to be that of the High Prince Miyacarta
(My-yuh-car-ta) himself. A fellow alchemist and explorer Dr Jon Stand had claimed to have discovered the tomb and
its secrets, but had never returned.

In the 24hrs that followed, a reward had been arranged (300gp split evenly) and you had been transported into the
depths of the Markesian jungle, following the map provided to you, to find the entrance of this so-called tomb.
Otamacyo tomb

Set deep in the jungle, surrounded by vegetation, and wildlife sounds. Life is all around as they walk through.

As they reach the door, they enter a clearing surrounding the door, cut into the side of a mound. Bare ground in 20m
diameter around the door. No life now!

Silence spell around entrance door.

If the door is investigated:

Dwarven graffiti on door. (Int <20 gives ‘Aband…hope all who enter here’. Int 20+: ‘Abandage hope all who enter

Door requires Str 15 to break, or Lock pick Int 12. It can be opened easily from within.

A pile of large boulders to one side also block a hidden entrance (tiny creature or str 15 to move the boulders and
scramble inside)

‘The first thing to hit you is… cold and damp air rushes out, as if trying to escape.’

Short set of stairs down to main ante-chamber. Torches give dim glow light to surrounding chamber.

Corpse of previous adventurer at the base of the stairs, collapsed over an unlit brazier filled with oil. A wand-like stick
is clutched in its hand.

If the corpse is investigated:

Investigation score Item(s) (lower score +)

<12 Old clothes, coin pouch (15c, 20s), small empty bottle
12– 15 As above, signet ring with ‘S’, old letter
15+ As above, second bottle with red liquid (health potion, +1d10 +7
health)* if taken slowly, all hp available (+17), if taken quickly roll for hp

Letter to adventurers reads: ‘To whoever comes next, I have tried to help. I have brewed what I could. It comes for
me now…’ The ink trials off. Upon reading the letter, the adventurers realise the corpse only has one arm, the other
seemingly missing or removed.

If the stick is investigated:

Inv <15: Ornate carved wooden stick, similar to a wand. The substance at the end is sticky and smells sweet (almost
floral), and familiar.

Inv 15+: All the above, but you recognise the substance – its soap! But when you try to wipe it off, it remains.

The ante-chamber

Large rectangular room, lit by torches. 10ft by 30ft. Two doors on either side with plaques above the top. Once the
players move further in, a final large arched door at the far end. All side doors appear to have a magical darkness that
prevents the players from seeing inside until you step through them.

Nearest doors: symbol of wings and symbol of foot. Further doors: symbol of herringbone pattern and symbol of
bowl and stick.
If the far door is investigated:

Inv 10: Four key holes for four keys. One key is already in the lock and turned. The key is made of Iron.

Inv 16 (adv with scroll), 4 torch slots are seen above the door. If four lit torches are placed in these brackets, the
following words appear above the door: “Light them all”

Wings room

A large circular room (30ft diameter and 100ft high). A single brazier filled with oil sits in the centre of the room. It
feels easier to breath for some reason. The air is fresh and thick, perhaps even a bit too thick. Hanging from a centre
of the semicircle floor at the top of the tower is a chain, hanging about 30% down. Hanging from a grate in the centre
of the roof is a bronze key (AC 20), a scroll (AC 18) and a wispy spirit.

Inv: 10+ shows stone ledges (every 10ft) protruding from the walls, ascending to the top.

Climbing the room:

Phase 1 Acrobatics / Athletics check

<15: climb around 40% up the wall (wisp is active)

15+: climb 60% height.

Once a player succeeds in first check reaches first ledge or above, the wisp is alerted.

Phase 2 - A broken ledge prevents further access. It is possible to try to jump to the broken ledge and continue up
another 30% (Acro/Athle 15). Investigation check 15 shows handholds to Phase 3 as well to bypass. The chain is also
possible to climb (Acro/Athle 15). The chain bypasses phase 3.

Phase 3 – 3 specific ledges (15ft long). Each ledge requires Acro/Athle 12 to move up. Wisp’s shove action can drop
players back onto ledge before.

If these checks fail or the wisp successfully pushes them off the bottom ledge, the players drop to the bottom floor,
but the air cushion breaks their fall. 1d6 psychic damage taken for the fear of falling. Returning to the top takes 1
round of movement, arriving at the first Phase 3 ledge.

Phase 4 – at the top of the tower appears to be a semicircle floor. The grate that the items are attached to is in the
middle of this floor. The chain is attached to the centre edge of this floor. No more checks are needed when this
ledge is reached, apart from checks against the Wisp’s shove action and when a character is potentially pushed from
the ledge. If the check fails, the players fall to the very bottom, and suffer 1d6 physic damage for the fall.
Wisp stats

Alerted within 30ft diameter to any character.

AC 18, 25 hp, 30ft movement.


Ethereal frostbite – The wisp passes through a character, chilling them in the process.

+4 to hit. 2d6 cold damage.

If character is in Phase 3 on the tower, the attack also has the chance to push characters off the ledge they are
currently on. Str saving throw 12 to maintain purchase. If fail, player is pushed back 5 ft. If at the edge of a ledge, dex
saving throw 12 to maintain footing. Otherwise they fall to the ledge or floor below.

If the items are retrieved before the wisp is destroyed, the wisp will become frenzied (red).

Multi attacks are now possible with frostbite attack (2d6 cold) and frenzy attack (+5 hit, 1d6 bludgeoning). Attacking
whoever has the (1) key, then (2) scroll, then (3) closest. It will not follow out the door, but will already be waiting if a
player re-enters the room, in frenzy mode.

Upon defeat, wisp disappears. Players can retrieve the key and scroll.

If the scroll is investigated:

Inv 12+ = An old scroll saying, “All is revealed as temperatures rise.”

Upon holding the scroll up to a heat source (torch), the following text appears: “Heed the writing on the wall, or all
shall be for ruin.”
Herringbone room

A red rectangular room (20ft x 15ft) a single chest at the end of it. A brazier filled with oil sits in far corner of the

Perc <14 = the same pattern can be seen on the walls.

Perc 15+ = room smells like fish

The chest is unlocked and contains a fish. Nature 12+ check confirms this is a Herring. There is nothing else to find in
this room.

Foot room

A large rectangular room (30ft x 50ft) lit by torches around the edges. In the centre of the room is a troll sat, facing
away from the door. The troll stands at 10ft tall, heavy set and club in one hand. A heavy silver key swings on a string
around its neck. A single brazier filled with oil sits on the nearside corner of the room.

Troll stats

AC 15, 80 hp, 25 ft movement.

Keen Smell: The troll has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Regeneration: The troll regains 10 hit points at the start of its turn. If the troll takes acid or fire damage, this trait
doesn't function at the start of the troll's next turn. The troll dies only if it starts its turn with 0 hit points and doesn't


Multiattack: The troll makes two attacks: one with its club and two with its claws.

Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.

Club attack - Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage.

Troll Loot

Without an investigation check, the players can find the Great Club that the troll was using along with the heavy
silver key.

Investigation score Item(s) (lower scores + )

<10 Old leather clothing, fish bones
10-15 As above, coins pouch (20s / 15g)
15-20 As above, ring of greater protection (worn, +2 AC and
STs, attunement not required)
20+ As above, single clear diamond (300gp)
Bowl and stick room

This nearly perfectly square room contains a chequerboard pattern (each square 3ft x 3ft) in the middle.

At the far end in a plinth with a bowl carved into the stonework. A single brazier filled with oil sits next to the plinth.
There is no space either side of the pattern to cross. C2 and C3 are already obscured with a wooden plank that has
fallen from the ceiling. On the walls is written in Bowl and Plinth here
common: “To pass freely, speak the school. Hold your
(8) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1
tongue and be shown to be a fool”. There are also a
number of runes arching over the walls and ceiling.
(7) 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2
Arcane runes
(6) 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3
Arcana check 15 identifies these are runes for magical
traps. Its clear that entering the area above the floor (5) 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4
will likely set off the traps. Arc 18 required to disrupt
the runes (4) 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5

(3) 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6
Alternative routes
(2) 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
If items are placed on the floor and stepped on,
athletics 18 check needed to traverse, with advantage
(1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
if items are grid squares are within touching. If the
checks fail, the players land on the upper most square
and cause the spell effect. x (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H)
Players start here
To throw items accurately, make an unarmed ranged
weapon attack. D20 + PB + either acrobatics (dex) or athletics (str) modifier. Ask player where they would like to
throw the items. No more than 3 in a row can be placed together. DC for Near (10) / Medium (12) / Far (15). If met,
players can place exactly on spot. If failed, 20% to place on square or nearby (D100: 00-20 (on space), 21-40 (up), 41-
60 (left), 61-80 (behind), 81-99 (right)).

If the players try to fly over the pattern without disrupting the magic trap runes (Arc 18), Magic missiles (1d4 +
number of squares) are cast for each 2 squares covered (1d4 + 2, +4, +6, +8).

Investigating the room:

Investigation Effect
10 - 14 3 wooden shields and spears on the nearside wall, a large pile of boulders in the corner.
14+ The ceiling is covered in wooden planks. If these were dislodged, they could be used to
traverse the floor.

To interact with the room…

Players roll for initiative. As soon as they step onto the grid, a magic keeps them in place. They are unable to move
more than 1 grid at a time, unless compelled by a room effect.

If they are stepping onto the grid, they declare the grid code (A1 / E6).

‘Do you say or do anything else as you step forward?’

If the player declares the type of magic as they step on, nothing else occurs. Any current effects from the square stop.

Once the correct magic type is determined and stepped on, ALL THAT NUMBER IS DEACTIVATED.
Apart from Dissonant Whispers spell (Type 5), the players remain where they are after each effect.
Magic Magic Name Spell option 1 (1-10 d20) Spell Option 2 (11-20 (d20)
1 Abjuration Alarm Snare – Dex 14 Saving throw to escape
2 Transmutatio Create Water – character is soaked. Any Magnify Gravity – (1d8 force damage, halved
n flammable items require 12DC check to movement. Con 14 saving throw to take half
ignite. damage)
3 Conjuration Acid splash – (1d6, Dex 14 saving throw Fog cloud – (thick fog is emitted from the
to take half damage) square, covering all adjacent squares. D20
determines direction (1-5B, 6-10Left, 11-
15Right, 16-20F)
4 Divination Find traps – (all active traps in the room Detect Magic – (faint aura around the bowl
are revealed) (and stick) along with any magical items the
characters have on them)
5 Enchantment Vicious Mockery – (2d4 psychic Dissonant Whispers –(3d6 psychic damage,
damage, disadv on next attack before character immediately moves away 1d4
end of its next turn) squares and starts from there (no effect until
they move again) Wis saving throw 14 to take
half damage and no movement)
6 Illusion Disguise Self – (to other characters, Silence – (the character can make no noise,
player appears different) nor can they hear anything while they are on
that square. The spell ends when the character
moves off that square)
7 Evocation Eldrich Blast – (1d10 force damage, +7 Cure Wounds – player receives 1d8 + 7 hp
to hit)
8 Necromancy Toll the Dead – (Wis 14 Saving throw, or Chill touch – (1d8 necrotic damage, +7 to hit)
character takes 1d12 necrotic damage
(if injured) or 1d8 necrotic damage)
Once crossed, the traps are deactivated. Crossing back over the squares does not activate the traps again.

The bowl and plinth

The bowl is full of a rheoscopic liquid, that moves on its own. Players can interact with the liquid with no effect. It
drips off their hands. Any attempt to remove the liquid seems to return it back to the bowl. When moving it, a golden
key is visible on the bottom of the bowl, but it is unreachable.

If the sticky substance of the stick is introduced to the bowl, the rheoscopic liquid immediately moves to the outside
of the bowl (pepper and dish soap). At this point, a golden key is revealed, and can be taken by the players.
Completion of the 4 rooms

Upon placing the 3 other keys (bronze, silver and gold) into the locks in the main door and turning them, the great
door swings open slowly. Behind the door, is a small chamber with steps leading down. A small chest is seen in an
alcove with the symbol ‘S’. If opened, it contains space for 4 small bottles. 2 bottles remain with red liquid (+1d10 +7
health)* if taken slowly, all hp is available (+17), if taken quickly, roll for hp.

The stairs lead down through the same magical darkness at the other doors, in the burial chamber.

Burial chamber

The stairs lead into a large pentagonal chamber (60ft wide, each wall 20ft). Littered around are piles of bones, gold
and coins. Four unlit braziers can be seen at each corner of the room, and one behind the alter/sarcophagus.

Upon lighting one of the braziers or stepping onto the alter, the High Prince Miyacata is awoken.


AC 13 (armour scraps), 13 hp, 30ft speed

Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha

10 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) 5 (-3)

Damage Vulnerabilities: Bludgeoning (x2)

Damage Immunities: Poison

Condition Immunities: Exhaustion, Poisoned

Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 9

Proficiency Bonus +2


Shortsword: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
High Prince Miyacata (My-yuh-car-ta) (Adjusted Mummy Lord)

AC 17, 100hp, 20ft speed

Saving Throws: Con +8, Int +5, Wis +9, Cha +8

Skills: History +5, Religion +5

Vulnerabilities: Fire

Damage Immunities: Necrotic, Poison; Bludgeoning, Piercing, And Slashing From Nonmagical Attacks

Condition Immunities: Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Poisoned

Senses Darkvision 60 Ft., passive Perception 14

Magic Resistance. The mummy lord has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Rejuvenation. A destroyed mummy lord gains a new body in 24 hours if its heart is intact, regaining all its hit points
and becoming active again. The new body appears within 5 feet of the mummy lord's heart.

Spellcasting. The mummy lord is an 8th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit
with spell attacks). The mummy lord has the following cleric spells prepared:

Spell level Spell name Saving throw (15+) Spell description

60ft range, Dex 15 saving throw, 2d8 radiance
Sacred Flame Dex
0 (cantrip) damage
Thaumaturgy - Sound/appearance alteration.
Single word command. Wis 15 saving throw. Target
completes command at the beginning of its next
Command Wis
turn, and then ends its turn.
Eg: Approach, Drop, Flee, Grovel (lie prone), Halt.
1st o o o o Ranged Spell attack (+7 to hit). On hit, 4d6 radiant
Guiding Bolt Ranged Spell attack (+7) damage. Adv on attack roll against that creature
before end of your next turn.
Shield of Faith +2 AC to creature of choice, 10min duration.
(Bonus Action) Concentration.
Paralysed for duration of spell. 1 min duration
Hold Person Wis Concentration. At the end of each of the character’s
turns, it can attempt another Wis saving throw
20ft radius sphere of silence. 10 min duration.
2nd o o o
Silence - Concentration. No verbal components of spells
within this area
Spiritual Weapon Bonus Action to move (20ft) and hit. On hit (+7 to
Ranged spell attack (+7)
(Bonus Action) hit), 1d8 + 7 force damage. 1 min duration.
120ft range, 3rd level spell or lower ends. Ability
1 target (creature, check (DC: 10+spell’s level) to stop spells of higher
3rd o o o Dispel Magic
object or magical effect) levels. (If cast at 4th level, all 4th level spells or lower
are ended).
Radiant guardian appears in an unoccupied space
within 30ft. When a creature enters within 10ft, Dex
4th o o o Guardian of Faith Dex 15 saving throw is required. On fail: 20 radiant
damage, 10 on save. The guardian vanishes when it
can dealt a total of 60 damage

Multi-attack: The mummy can use its Dreadful Glare and makes one attack with its rotting fist.

Rotting Fist: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (3d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 12
(4d6) necrotic damage.

Dreadful Glare: The mummy lord targets one creature it can see within 60 feet of it. If the target can see the Mummy
Lord, it must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw against this magic or become frightened until the end of the
mummy's next turn. If the target fails the saving throw by 5 or more, it is also paralyzed for the same duration. A
target that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to the Dreadful Glare of all mummies and mummy lords for the
next 24 hours.

Legendary Actions

Can take 3 Legendary Actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time,
and only at the end of another creature's turn. Spent legendary actions are regained at the start of each turn.

Attack (1): The mummy lord makes one attack with its rotting fist or uses its Dreadful Glare.

Summon Ancestors (1): At the end of the round, High Prince Miyacata calls upon his Otamacyo ancestors and
summons his servants. 1d4 skeletons are resurrected and serve him.

Channel Negative Energy (Costs 2 Actions): The mummy lord magically unleashes negative energy. Creatures within
60 feet of the mummy lord, including ones behind barriers and around corners, can't regain hit points until the end of
the mummy lord's next turn.

Whirlwind of Sand (Costs 2 Actions): The mummy lord magically transforms into a whirlwind of sand, moves up to
60 feet, and reverts to its normal form. While in whirlwind form, the mummy lord is immune to all damage, and it
can't be grappled, petrified, knocked prone, restrained, or stunned. Equipment worn or carried by the mummy lord
remain in its possession.

Lighting the braziers

At the start of the combat, the Mummy starts with 3 max LA points.

If 2 braziers are lit, the Mummy loses one of its Legendary action points.

If 4 braziers are lit, a second legendary action is lost.

If all 5 braziers are lit, the Mummy loses all of its Legendary actions (it can still cast spells as actions on its go)

Upon defeating High Prince Miyacata

The last wisps of haunted cloth and paper fall. Any remaining servant skeletons immediately turn to dust. The curse
holding this place together has been lifted. But that includes the tomb itself.

Perception/History/Religion/Intelligence 14 check reveals a secret entrance up or out. The tomb begins collapsing
around them.

Group skill proficiency check required (DC 14) for athletics/acro/something that allows them to escape

If the braziers are all set alight, the tomb continues to burn, and the life returns to the forest. If not all 10 braziers are
lit (1 in each room (4), antechamber (1) and 5 in tomb), the curse appears to remain, and the sense of unease
remains. Perhaps the jobs not as complete as they think?

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