B Inggris

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Description of My House

Home is the most comfortable place for many people, home is a place
for everyone to come home to when they are tired of work or activities. I
will tell you how my best house is.
My house is in Tumatangtang sub-district, Jalan Tula’u, precisely next to
SD Inpres Tumatangtang, this house is my little mada’s house, I lived
here from baby until now I was raised and grew up in this house. My
house can be said to be quite far away. Due to the dense urban area,
near my house there are still many residents’ gardens which are planted
with various kinds of plants from corn, cassava and so on, right next to
my house there is a river that used to be a playground for me as a
resident here when I was little. I often say “Sapa” and behind my house
there is a rice field that can no longer be used
My house can be said to be simple, not too big and luxurious but simple
and comfortable to live in, my house has 1 terrace, 1 living room, 3
bedrooms, 1 kitchen and 1 bathroom, my house has all white walls from
Outside, inside, the rooms have white walls. Around my house there are
lots of flowers of various kinds, because my mother is very happy with
flowers so my house is surrounded by flowers. That’s a little story about
the condition of my house, and I will close with the words
“Wherever and how far we go, home will be the place we return to,
because home is the place where we start and prepare everything.”

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