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(princess)H: Help!Help!(A beautiful princess is

running in the forest, she seems to be
escaping from someone.)

She tripped over a rock, and when she was

about to fall, she felt a strong hand holding
her and preventing her from falling.

She looked up to say thank you to this

stranger, but got scared and screamed.

(Shrek)L: (covering ears until the screaming

stopped.) Why are you, a delicate princess in
this dangerous woods? And by the way,
maybe you didn’t notice, I just saved you from
getting your ‘luxurious’ dress dirty. Why are
you screaming at me? Am I ‘too scary’ to you
too? Please, I take a shower everyday, OK?

H:(sniff sniff)With what?

L: with mud of course!

P:(giggle)OK fine. Well, sorry for the scream. are just...


H: Too green?

L: ....Yeah you’re right about this. Hi, I’m

Shrek the ogre.

H:(Pounced on the ashes on her dress and

saluted) Hello, I’m Serena. I’m the princess of
this Kingdom. I will take over this kingdom in
the future but they never let me out of the
castle. So I ran out.

L:....WOW. And why were you running?

H: Well, I saw something in the woods with

scary teeth and a sharp voice. It was singing a
weird song to me and I got scared and ran
L: What? What did you see?

P: (suddenly appear)Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

H:Ahh!(hide from the back of Shrek)That’s

the singing horrifying creature!

L: What! HaHaHa! That’s just donkey. He’s

kind of my friend or something.

P:(singing) I’m the donkey~I’m the donkey~

You might heard of me! Hey! I love singing, it
makes happy! Sorry if I scared you. And Shrek,
what do you mean I ‘kind of’ your friend? We
went adventuring and stuff! That makes us
the best of friends!

L: Yeah yeah yeah...Alright alright. Stop

bothering this future queen. Let’s go.

H: No no,. Actually, can you guys show me

around in the forest? The future queen needs
to know her people!
P: OK no problem my queen, let’s go.

(left togther)

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