(Beattie and Byrne 1972) A Monte Carlo Program For Evaluating The Response To Monoenergetic Gamma Rays

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R. J. D. B E A T T I E and J. B Y R N E

School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, Sussex, England

Received 15 M a y 1972

A simple technique is described for calculating the response o f a N a l scintillation counter to monoenergetic 7-rays. The m e t h o d
employs empirically determined counter parameters a n d ?,-ray cross-sections in a M o n t o Carlo routine a n d has been successfully
applied in the analysis o f internal b r e m s s t r a h l u n g spectra.

1. Introduction cross section for pair production in the crystal was

One of the main problems encountered when a scintil- always very much less than that for other competing
lation spectrometer is used to measure g a m m a ray processes. The results given later in this paper do not
yields is to find a suitable means of evaluating the include treatment of pair production, but an indication
response of the counter to a monoenergetic g a m m a ray. is given in the flow diagram of the program where such
The observed spectrum consists of the photopeak, the effects could be included. The treatment of the escape
continuous Compton distribution, the backscatter of annihilation quanta is relatively complicated, and
peak, and possibly also annihilation g a m m a ray adds considerably to the run time of the program. It is
escape peaks. The problem becomes even more acute therefore probably not worth including until the pair
when the g a m m a ray spectrum under investigation is production cross section reaches about 5% of the total
continuous rather than being made up from discrete at least.
lines. In this case each energy cell in the observed When a gamma ray enters a N a I crystal the secondary
spectrum contains contributions from all g a m m a rays electrons produced in the various interactions are the
of energy higher than that of the cell, and some contri- particles which are directly detected. The photopeak
bution from those of lower energy. corresponds to the detection of photoelectrons which
The method described below was evolved to correct absorb the full energy of the incident g a m m a ray, and
for detector response in the measurement of internal are detected with that energy decremented by the
bremsstrahlung energy spectral). Once the response of binding energy of the electron which itself is usually
the counter to a monoenergetic g a m m a ray can be absorbed in the crystal following the emission of one
predicted it is an easy matter to extend the treatment or more low energy X-rays and Auger electrons. The
to a continuous spectrum. This paper is concerned Compton background observed corresponds to the
mainly with the response of a given counter to an electron spectrum which results when the incoming
incident g a m m a ray of known energy. gamma ray is inelastically scattered by electrons in the
It is not practicable to use an analytic expression for absorber (usually considered as being free electrons).
the response function, since in general the extremely The kinematics of the problem show that this Compton
complicated analytic expressions which exist are electron energy spectrum extends from zero energy up
approximations not easily related to practical counter to a maximum of 2E2/(2Eo+l), where E o is the
configurations. The empirical method described below primary g a m m a ray energy in units of m 0 c 2.
has the advantage that it is tailored to give results for Compton scattering and photoelectric absorption
an arbitrary system. This means for example that if are the only two interaction processes which are
some special shielding is being used, the backscatter considered in this treatment. However, multiple
contribution from this shielding can be estimated with scattering processes in the crystal, whether leading to
fair accuracy.
total absorption or escape of the gamma ray, are
included. Also some allowance is made for backscat-
2,. Physical assumptions tering from materials in the vicinity of the crystal.
In the work for which this method was evolved, the Another assumption which is made is that a secondary
g a m m a ray energy was small ( < 1.5 MeV) and so the electron once produced is always detected i.e. no
164 R. J. D. B E A T T I E A N D J. B Y R N E

account is taken of escape of secondary electrons. This TABLE 1

is likely to occur only in the outermost regions of the Details of calibration sources used to determine the response
crystal and to allow for it would be very difficult and o f the Nal crystal to monoenergetic electrons released within
time consuming. the crystal.
Having made these assumptions it is necessary to
know the response of the system to a monoenergetic Source Energy (mo c e) Resolution
electron. This can be measured experimentally since the
photoelectrons produced are essentially monoenergetic
137Cs [ .296 0. 124
and give rise to photopeaks which can be shown to be
SSy 1.768 0.115
Gaussian to a high degree of accuracy. This is to be 6°Co 3.62 0.079
expected from the statistical nature of the production 6°Co 2.29 0.101
of photoelectrons in the photocathode of the photo- 2.60 0.089
22Na 1.00 0.138
multiplier tube. Knowing that the response is Gaussian,
2.485 0.089
we require a relationship between the energy of the ~°3Hg 0.133 0.324
electron and the full width at half maximum of the 0.546 0.180
response peak. 9~Nb 1.507 0.126
Several monoenergetic gamma ray sources can be (~aZn 2.172 0.096
S4Mn 1.635 0.106
used, with energies in the range 0.068 MeV-1.85 MeV.
In each case the resolution of the photopeak, defined as

Full width at half maximum

R= , (l) Since the photopeak response is Gaussian, the
Energy at maximum following relationship holds:

is measured. Table 1 gives a list of suitable calibration 2.354a

R - - - , (2)
sources, with their photopeak energies. Fig. 1 shows a E
graph of log R plotted against log E 0. The straight line
shown is a least squares fit to the experimentally where a is the standard deviation of the Gaussian
observed points. response at energy E. R is known as a function of E
from an experimental graph such as that shown in
fig. 1, and so an empirical relation between E and
Log R may be established.
When an electron of any energy is produced in the
Nal crystal, the response of the detector to that
electron can be calculated. If the energy distribution
- 1.'6
~ 203Hg
under investigation is split up into elementary energy
,~, cells, and it is established in which cell Eo the energy
\ of the secondary electron falls, the smearing effect of
\, the detector response can be calculated from the
Na equation

137 " > , ~

\\ (if/
88, Ye - dE
O-o</2 7c
exp ~ - ( E - E o ) Z ~ ,

20-2o J

,,,,Y ",,f 60Co
where dE is the width of the energy cell and }rE is the
,e \ Co relative count at energy E.
-2.L 65 / . ~ ,
Each time the detection of a gamma ray produces an
electron in the NaI crystal, the electron energy is
-2.5 I I I I ~,
calculated, and the smearing process described above
1.5 1.o o .5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
is carried out. The subroutine called P H O T O performs
Log E [moc2) this operation and determines how many cells on either
Fig. 1. Empirically determined photo-peak resolutions observed side of the central one have non-negligible contri-
for the various calibration sources listed in table 1. butions.

3. Description of the program where lc and 2 are the gamma-ray path length and
A description of the Monte Carlo method may be mean free path respectively in the crystal.
found in refs. 2 and 3. Information on photo-electric When the first collision within the crystal has been
and Compton cross sections for g a m m a rays in Nal forced, the (x,y,z) coordinates of the collision point
and glass is given in ref. 4. Since the cross sections are are calculated. Also the decision is made as to whether
given in tabular form it is necessary to set up inter- the interaction is by photoelectric absorption or
polation routines to give the cross sections at any Compton scattering. This is done by comparing the
required energy. Since the cross sections vary rapidly cross-section ratio O'p.E./O'tota 1 with the next random
with energy, the logarithms of the energies and cross number r in the series. If r is greater than this ratio, the
sections are used as input values for the cubic spline event is a Compton scattering; if r is less, the photon
interpolation routine employed. In this way the inter- has been absorbed in a photoelectric event.
polation can be made more accurate. If the event is photo-electric absorption, a count is
A diagram of the source-detector geometry is given registered in the energy cell which includes energy E o.
in fig. 2. The source is taken to be isotropic, and so a The history of this particular g a m m a ray is now
direct application of the Monte Carlo technique would complete, and a j u m p is made back to the start of the
be very wasteful of computer time since only a small routine to follow another simulated g a m m a ray. If the
percentage of the simulated gamma rays created at the event is a Compton scattering, the Monte Carlo
source would actually hit the crystal. To avoid this principle has to be used to find the scattered electron
difficulty, the direction cosines of the trajectory of the energy i.e. the equation
g a m m a ray are chosen so that the trajectory lies within
r = e(eo) (5)
a cone whose apex is at the source and whose base is
the front face of the N a I crystal. The initial gamma is solved for Ec, where P(Ee) is the probability distri-
rays are confined to the cone by placing a geometrical bution function for electron energy E,. This is a very
constraint on the expression choosing the direction complicated expression (given by the Klein-Nishina
cosine with respect to the z-axis. formula) and would be very time consuming in a
The transmission of the NaI crystal can be quite calculation of the present type. Fortunately, Cashwell
high i.e. a large proportion of g a m m a rays incident and Everett 2) give an approximation to the inverse
upon the crystal passes through it without interaction. function which is valid for g a m m a ray energies
This is undesirable in the present program, and so the < 4 mo c2.
technique is used of forcing the first collision in the
crystal. This involves no loss of generality since the Eo
Ee = E0 (6)
program builds up a qualitative response function 1 + Sr + ( 2 E o - S ) r 3'
which can later be quantified by suitable normalisation.
These two procedures noted above are necessary in where S = Eo/(1.05625 E0). This makes the determi-
order to keep the computing time of the program down nation of the Compton electron energy very much
to a reasonable minimum. simpler and quicker.
Account is taken of the transmission of the crystal Once the energy of the scattered electron has been
by weighting each g a m m a ray appropriately. The found, the angle of scatter can be calculated, and hence
weighting factor is proportional to the probability p the direction cosines of the trajectory of the scattered
that the g a m m a ray will be absorbed in its passage g a m m a ray may be determined. The point at which the
through the crystal. This probability is given by next collision within the crystal medium occurs is
calculated, and checked to see whether or not it lies
p = l - e x p ( - IJ2), (4) within the physical dimensions of the N a I crystal. I f
it does not, the gamma ray is considered as having
escaped from the crystal and a count is registered in the
No.I crystol Gloss appropriate cell for an energy equal to the incident
rf h hg
so~ g a m m a ray energy minus the energy of the escape
~:/Y ,,~. gamma ray.
If the scattered gamma ray does not escape, exactly
the same procedure as outlined above is followed to
determine whether or not this second collision is
Fig. 2. G e o m e t r y o f source a n d c o u n t e r c o m b i n a t i o n . photo-electric absorption or Compton scattering. At
166 R. J. D. B E A T T I E A N D J. B Y R N E

this stage the gamma ray being followed does not have direct from the source, or those which have already
the primary g a m m a ray energy, but that retained by the been Compton scattered in the Nal crystal. When one
gamma ray after the original Compton scattering. If at of these gamma rays interacts in the scattering medium,
any stage the gamma ray is completely absorbed in the the decision is made as to whether the event is a
crystal, the total energy transfer to the crystal is the Compton scattering or a photoelectric absorption. If it
same as if the photon had been photo-electrically is the latter, it is of no further interest. If the former the
absorbed at the first collision. angle of scatter is then calculated, and if the scattered
A check is kept in the program to see that the g a m m a ray would enter the NaI crystal, the point at
number of multiple scatterings does not become which it suffers its next interaction is calculated. If this
improbably high. If the energy of a scattered gamma interaction is within the Na[ crystal, there is a back-
ray falls below 10 keV it is assumed that the gamma scatter contribution to be added to the spectrum. Such
ray is totally absorbed. This is a very small source of a gamma ray entering the crystal is followed as
error in the program. If the scattered gamma energy described above until it finishes in one of the terminal
falls below the energy of the KX-ray in iodine, another categories.
set of absorption coefficients must be used because of One factor which complicates such a treatment is the
the discontinuity in the total absorption coefficient different absorption coefficient of each material,
occurring at that energy. necessitating the splitting up of the trajectory of a
The response spectrum is built up by following many g a m m a ray into different zones, in each of which the
simulated gamma rays until they are totally absorbed mean free path of the gamma ray is different. Thus if a
or lost from the crystal. This gives a spectrum as would g a m m a ray is backscattered in the glass windows, its
be observed if there were no 'smearing' of the distri- path length to its next collision must be calculated
bution by the counter. The observed distribution is allowing for the fact that there is a boundary between
calculated from this spectrum by taking the number of media at the crystal-glass interface. Another compli-
counts in each cell and applying the Gaussian formula cation is that absorption coefficients must be known,
(3) for the appropriate values of E o and a0- and it is next to impossible to treat a composite
An important factor which has not been discussed physical object such as, for example, another photo-
above is backscattering into the N a I crystal from multiplier tube because
surrounding materials. A gamma ray from the source a) its exact chemical constitution is unknown and
can Compton scatter in some material other than the so absorption coefficients are not available,
crystal, and then enter the crystal with a degraded b) it cannot be zoned into simple geometrical regions.
energy, thus distorting the spectrum of gamma rays The flow diagram for the main part of the programme
from the source. G a m m a rays scattered through angles is illustrated in figs. 3a and 3b; the backscatter section
of over 90 ° have a fairly narrow energy spread as can
be seen from a graph of scattered gamma ray energy
against angle of scatter. This means that truly back-
scattered gamma rays which enter the crystal are
almost monoenergetic and tend to give a peak in the
crystal response around the energy Eo/(l+2Eo) (in
units of mo c2).
absorption eoeffs.
and energies

I Call
In principle it is relatively easy to allow for back- routines
scattering, but a truly representative treatment would Read geometrical
be prohibitive as regards computer time. In the present eonsts., primary I
enel-gy nun~hel"of
scheme scattering material is treated as an absorber of itcrat ons.
gamma rays exactly as is the N a I crystal, but the +
I Initialise I
interest lies in the scattered g a m m a rays rather than the randorn number
electrons from which they scatter. In this program the
main source of scattered g a m m a rays was taken to be

the glass windows in the container of the crystal and
on the photomultiplier tube. These were treated
together as a slab of glass, of the same diameter as the
crystal and of depth as shown in fig. 2. Two classes of
gamma ray may enter the glass; scattered gamma rays Fig. 3a. Initiation procedures for main program.

Calculate ]
initial d.c. 's

Calculate ]
trajectory length
in Xtal + absorber
Calculate" path
length to 1st [ [11pdat . . . . . ning ]
~ - ~ t o t a l of fraction ]
,ollJsion(using ] It........ itted ]
we ighting

; .
coordinates .
of flrst

)ton Yes
channel P
( ~ Tally in Ep

Get appropriate
(~----~ total absorption
~" ~ coefficient

c(mrrtinates of ~,o-----~length to next

pt. of collision. ] [collision

~ Tally in E - E [
channel P 3'

Calculate E~2 ]
scattered energy ]

~ .~ Tally in Ep No Yes Tally no. of

e ° * eT1
eT1 ey2
xI ) x2
YI "* Y2
z 1 ~ z2
u 1 ~ II2
v 1 ~ v2
Ep Primary T Ray Energy Wl , '~2
E° Energy of 3~ Ray before a scattering |

~'T = Energy of T Ray after a scattering

Fig. 3b. F l o w diagram for main program.


scattered back into it as it may be estimated that such

events make a negligible contribution. When all
iterations have been completed subroutine P H O T O is
called for each energy channel and the events in that
channel 'smeared out' in accordance with the Gaussian
response. When all channels have been processed in
this way the final result is the calculated spectrum for
B )ray
y bnerg3'. the particular experimental arrangement which is being

4. Conclusions
I' Calculate I ~e
No x V z - Get appropriate [ A Monte Carlo program has been described which
~ ? r y ~ a l ~ eoo3dl~nat3s of n e x t ' t o t a l absorption
~ I ~'°fc°l'isi°n" it oo~ff..... t. I computes the response of a NaI crystal to mono-
I I energetic 7-rays. The method makes use of empirically
variables determined photo-peak distributions and tabulated
e° -~ eTB
absorption coefficients and cross sections. It may be
x1 ~ x3
applied for arbitrary counter sizes and experimental
Yl ~ Y3
z1 ~ z3 arrangements. The accuracy of the procedure has been
u 1 -* u 3
checked by comparing experimental and predicted
v I -~ v 3 spectra for the 667 keV 7-ray from a source of 137Cs.
w1 -* w 3 The agreement is very close and indicates that the
method is a useful one for application in nuclear
physics experiments.

Fig. 4. Flow diagram for computing the contribution of back- References

scattering. 1) R. J. D. Beattie and J. Byrne, Nucl. Phys. A160 (1971) 225.
2) E. D. Cashwell and C. J. Everett, .4 practical manual on the
Monte Carlo method .for random walk problems (Pergamon,
is shown in fig. 4. It will be noticed that only scattering London, 1959).
3) j.M. Hammersley and D.C. Handscomb, Monte Carlo
o f a primary y-ray into the N a I crystal is taken into methods (Metbuen, London, 1964).
consideration. N o account is taken of C o m p t o n 4) K. Siegbahn, Alpha-, beta-, and gamma-ray spectroscopy, vol. l
scattered y-rays which leave the crystal and are then (North-Holland Publ. Co., Amsterdam, 1965) p. 827.

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