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Write a critical note on the powers and limitations of a natural guardian under the
Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956 with the help of decided cases by Apex
court, illustrations and examples and with special reference of the Guardian and
Wards Act, 1890.? (Module 2) ~~~
2. Discuss in detail the requirements of valid adoption under the Hindu Minority and
Guardianship, Act 1956 with decided case laws. (Module 2)
3. “Uniform Civil Code is the solution to the problems faced by the Indian Legal System
to resolve the conflict between personal law and general laws.” Comment on the
statement critically with the help of cases decided by the Apex court. (Module 9) ~~~
4. Critically discuss the provisions of Christian Succession with the help of illustrations.
Suggest changes to improve this personal law with reasoning. (Module 6) ~~
Critically discuss provisions of Indian Succession Act applicable to Christians in the
light of Law Commission Consultation Paper on Reform in Family Law (August
5. “Once adopted is always adopted” Discuss the provisions of Hindu Adoption and
Maintenance Act, 1956 to make adoption a valid adoption in the light of the above
statement. (Module 1)
Discuss in detail Capacities to take a child into the adoption under Hindu Adoption
and Maintenance Act, 1956.
6. Critically discuss the provisions of Parsi Succession with the help of illustrations.
Suggest changes to improve this personal law with reasoning. (Module 6) ~~~
Solve the following problem on the Parsi Succession and distribute final shares of
property among the surviving heirs. Also mention the provisions, reason or reasons
for distributing the said share. Mr. Malti dies leaving behind following relatives 1. a
widow 2. a daughter 3. a son
Mr. Boman a Parsi lady died leaving behind following relatives a widow, a daughter,
a son. Distribute the property of Mr Boman as per Parsi Law for inheritance.
7. Explain the definitions of a will and a codicil as per the Indian Succession Act.
Describe the provisions regarding the execution of an unprivileged will. (Module 7)
8. Explain the general principles of Hanafi Law of succession. Support your answer with
examples. (Module 5)
9. Explain the features of Mitakshara Hindu coparcenary. Discuss the rights and
liabilities of the Karta. (Module 4)
10. Mrs. Salma a Sunni Muslim died leaving behind her husband, 2 uterine brothers, 3
uterine sisters, mother, 2 full sisters. Distribute final shares of property among the
surviving heirs. (Module 5) ~~
11. Mr. Abdul, a Sunni Muslim died leaving behind his wife, 5 sons, and 3 daughters.
Distribute final shares of property among the surviving heirs. (Module 5)
12. Write a comparative note on Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA)
guidelines and Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956. ~~
13. Discuss the concept of Stridhana under Hindu Law? State the rules
regardingsuccession to the Stridhana of a maiden.
14. Discuss in detail the disqualifications under Hindu Succession Act, 1955 ~~
15. Critically discuss the general principles of Muslim Succession with examples and
Critically evaluate the principles of Muslim Inheritance with special reference to
share of females under Muslim Law pre and post Quranic period.
16. Sushant the Karta of a Mitakshara Hindu coparcenary died. Thereafter his nephew
Yash assumed the role of Karta. Anita the married daughter of Sushant filed a
litigation claiming that as the senior most person in the family after Sushant she was
entitled to be the Karta. Yash claimed that Anita being a female had no such right.
What is the legal position?
17. Manoj a Mitakshara Hindu coparcener died in 2008. He was survived by his mother,
his widow, a son and a daughter. Decide the shares of all the heirs in the coparcenery
property. Manoj also had his separate property. Decide the shares in this property
18. A Hindu family comprising of husband, wife and son were travelling in a car. In an
accident all the three died. Their inheritance is claimed by the wife's mother and the
nephew of the husband. Decide the claim.
19. Mr. Arman, a Sunni Muslim, died leaving behind 4 widows, daughter, father and
father’s father. Distribute final shares of property among the surviving heirs.
20. Mrs. Salma, a Sunni Muslim, died leaving behind husband, 2uterian brothers, 3
uterine sisters, mother, 2 full sisters. Distribute final shares of property among the
surviving heirs.
21. Mr. Daniyal, a Chrisitian, died leaving behind no child but 5 grandchildren and two
children of deceased grandchild. Distribute the property between the legal heirs.
Support your answer with appropriate section applicable to above example.
22. Mr. Abdul dies leaving behind father, mother, father’s father, mother’s mother,
daughter, 4 widows, 2 full sisters, full brother and son. Distribute the property to the
legal heirs of Abdul as per Quranic principles along with doctrine of rudd and aul
23. Sushant who is aged 30 years adopted a Hindu girl child aged 11 years with the
consent of his wife (same aged as Sushant) under the Hindu Adoption and
Maintenance Act, 1956 (HAMA). Discuss the effects of this adoption under HAMA
with the help of decided case by Higher Judiciary.
24. Critically explain the concept of Hizanat and Jabbar with help of landmark case laws.
25. “The general scope and purview of the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act of 2006
is to make all daughters coparceners so as to devolve upon them the share in
coparcenery property along with and as much as all sons. The remedy that it seeks to
apply is to remove gender discrimination in such devolution of interest. Further it
makes every daughter by birth a coparcener. The former law was that the daughter
was not by birth a coparcener and no interest in a coparcenery devolved upon her by
succession, intestate or testamentary.” In the light of above statement critically
evaluate the provisions of Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act of 2006.
26. “Muslim law of inheritance and succession can be traced to rules of succession found
in the Holy Quran or in the traditions, pre-Islamic customs which received approval of
the Prophet. The Mohammedan law of succession is based on Pre-Islamic customary
law of succession and on the patriarchal form of family.” In the light of above
statement critically examine general principles relating to Muslim inheritance.


a. Guardianship of property under Muslim Law

b. Surrogacy vs adoption
c. Doctrine of representation and notional partition
d. Doctrine of Rudd ~~~
e. Illegitimate child and succession under Hindu Law
f. Doctrine of Aul ~~~
g. Surrogacy law in India
h. Doctrine of Arm Chair.
i. Jabbar.
j. Doctrine of exclusion
k. Doctrine of escheat
l. Types of will

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