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Ballads – narrative poem, folk origin

Meter quatrains (4 lines)

Get up and bar the door

Goodman and goodwife, she is busy – they argue on who will bar the door – then makes a deal
that whoever spoke first will bar the door – midnight came and two gentlemen robbed their house – they
threatened to kiss the wife and kill her – goodman got angry and spoke – he lost and barred the door.
Martinmas – mass on the feast
Pudding – sausages
Hussyfskap – housewife work
Pudding ‘bree – hot broth
Scad – large no. or quantity

Rhyme scheme

St. Agustine of Hippo, Italy
A routine of praying then committing sins.
16 – stole a pear for the pleasure of the act
17 – father died
19 – found a philosophy book, though became obsessed.
Hortensius, Cicero
Prodigality – oa spending
Covetousness – oa desire of wealth and assets
Autobiography – self written
Biography – someone else wrote

Perfect tenses
Past perfect – had, past participle
Present perfect – has(she/he/they), have(I), past participle
Future perfect – will/shall(I), have, past participle
Direct and Indirect speech
- basically just narrate the chismis.

Cristopher Marlowe – fav poet of the Queen Elizabeth

“The passionate shepherd to his love” – last poem 6 years after he died. Earliest sample of British poetry
in the late renaissance period.

The passionate shepherd to his love

A dude conveying his love for a maiden. Bcoz he maidenless

Pastoral poetry
Pastoral poem – “pasture” extreme happiness, associated with shepherds writing music to their flocks
Carpe diem – seize all opportunity
Dimeter (2)
Tri meter (3)
Tetrameter (4)
Pentameter (5)
Octameter (8)

Iamb – v /
Troche – / v

The nymph’s reply to the shepherd

Sir Walter Raleigh, 1554 – 1618

Parody – oa literary text for comic purposes.


Technical and operational definition

Technical – internet detailed defined description, term, process
Operational – own, that explains the process or procedure (how it is measured)

Argumentative essay
argue with facts and counter facts then convince readers to agree to you.
Introduction – background or definition
Thesis statement – author’s stand
Body – evidences
Counter argument – opposing argument
Refutation – dissing the counter
Conclusion – summary

A modest proposal
Jonathan Swift, Ireland
-120,000 constant breeders

 Addresses poverty and overpopulation, mainly caused my Catholics.

 Popish/papist – roman catholics
 Swift proposes a solution. Undernourished children under the age of one should be fattened up
and sold as a food source to Ireland’s wealthy landowners.
 Lessen the number of papists who continuously makes children
 It would spare the cost of raising the child and become a source of income to families
 The nation’s overall economic well-being would benefit
 Half of the children would be turned into food and the other half would live
 Husbands who abuse their wives would change and treat them with respect and care, since the
child that they are bearing would have value.

 Landlords should have mercy on tenants

 Learn to love our country
 Curing the expensiveness of pride, vanity, idleness, and gaming in our women
 Don’t kill Jews
 Rejecting materials and instruments that promote foreign luxury

Satire – technique to expose, criticize foolishness and corruption by using humor, irony, exaggeration.
Irony – Discrepancies between what is said or seen

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