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The Impacts of

Community Engagement
Strategies on Enhancing
Peace and Order
Chapter I
The essence of community engagement lies in its democratic
principle, ensuring all affected individuals have a voice in decisions. It's
increasingly crucial for modern democracies, fostering constructive
relationships between communities and government institutions. By
seeking out and incorporating community aspirations, concerns, and
values into decision-making processes, governments can better
address community needs and improve outcomes. In the Philippines,
local governance, particularly through Barangay and Sangguniang
Kabataan elections, plays a vital role in shaping communities.
Participation in these elections directly impacts the socio-political
landscape and influences day-to-day life, from infrastructure to public
services, enhancing peace and order within communities.
• To determine the impacts of community engagement
strategies on enhancing peace and order at Barangay
149 Zone 13, district II.

•To find out the consequences of implementing these

strategies to the community.

•To distinguish the benefits of community engagement

strategies on enhancing peace and order.
Statement of the Problem
1. What are the impacts of community engagement
strategies on enhancing peace and order at Barangay
149 Zone 13, district II?

2. What are the consequences of implementing these

strategies to the community?

3. Are there any benefits of community engagement

strategies on enhancing peace and order?
Theoretical Framework

Community engagement is crucial for nonprofit leadership,

fostering trust and collaboration with stakeholders. However, it
requires tailored strategies considering various theories and
frameworks. Social capital theory highlights networks, norms,
and values enabling collective action, enhancing trust and
cooperation within communities. It includes bonding (within-
group), bridging (across diverse groups), and linking (external
institutions) social capital.
Research Paradigm

Null: There are no significant impacts
that may help in enhancing the peace
and order at Barangay 149 Zone 13, II.

Alternative: There are significant impacts
that may help in enhancing the peace and
order at Barangay 149 Zone 13, II .
Scope and Delimitation
The study will focus exclusively on Barangay 149 Zone 13, II and its immediate
surroundings. The research will cover a specific time period, typically within the
last five years ‘till now, to ensure relevance and recent developments in
community engagement strategies. The primary participants include residents
of Barangay 149 Zone 13, II. The respondents will be limited to fifty (50)
residents. Furthermore, a survey will be used to specifically choose the
participants. Findings and conclusions drawn from this study will be specific to
Barangay 149 Zone 13, II and may not be applicable and valid to other
barangays or communities.
Significance of the Study

• Residents of Barangay 149

• Barangay Officials

• Local Authorities

• Government
• Future Researchers
Definition of Terms
Chapter II
Review of Related
Literature and
Civic engagement is crucial for individual and community well-being, with participation in civic activities
linked to better health outcomes (National Survey of Health Attitudes, 2019). Social cohesion, defined by
multiple dimensions, addresses societal challenges and impacts society significantly (Journal of Social
Issues, 2021). The perception of safety is influenced by various perceptions, including trust and efficacy,
which have positive effects on public health safety (Public Health Journal, 2020).

Conflict prevention is both a moral imperative and a development strategy, as violence exacerbates
poverty (International Development Journal, 2019). Community participation positively impacts health,
especially when supported by strong organizational and community processes (Community Health Journal,
2021). Civic education is vital for sustaining democracy, fostering habits that inform the democratic ethos
(Civic Education Journal, 2020).

Social connections are fundamental to health and well-being, with decades of research underscoring
their importance (Social Science & Medicine, 2019). Community involvement in education has evolved
during the pandemic, with communities supporting children’s education in innovative ways (Education
Today, 20
Chapter III

Research Design
This study is a qualitative approach using a descriptive design. It is the most
appropriate technique since it is aimed at experiences and events which regard the
external and physical reality. According to Regoniel (2023), descriptive qualitative
research is a method of research that is focused on understanding a phenomenon by
examining its characteristics and qualities. We use this type of research when we want
to explore a topic that has not been studied in depth before, or when we want to gain
a better understanding of a previously studied topic but using a different perspective
and gain valuable insights in the process. To achieve a more comprehensive
understanding of the research, the researchers will analyze each response received
from the survey questionnaires.
The researchers will distribute actual survey forms
to fifty (50) residents of Barangay 149 Zone 13, II.
Participation will be limited to residents who are aged 18
and above and are registered voters. This study focuses on
gathering valid and reliable data from the residents to
understand their perspectives and behaviors. The findings
will provide insights into the contributions and
characteristics of Barangay 149 Zone 13, II .
Data Collection Tools
The researchers developed a comprehensive survey instrument
aligned with the research study's goals and objectives, designed to
address the identified research problems. The formulation of
questions was strategically undertaken to effectively respond to
the specific inquiries outlined in the statement of the problem. The
survey questions underwent rigorous scrutiny to assess their
correlation and pertinence to the identified problem statements.
All survey questionnaires were formulated in the English language.
To uphold data validity, responses from participants utilizing
distinct dialects or languages were translated accordingly.
Data Gathering Procedure

In the year 2024, the questionnaires that have been meticulously

constructed will be disseminated to the chosen respondents,
composed solely of the residents of Barangay 149 Zone 13, II,
through the distribution of printed surveys. The researchers will
employ a random sampling method/procedure to ensure that
every individual's input is obtained without the introduction of any
bias or favoritism throughout the entirety of the process.
Data Analysis

The researchers collected fifty (50) respondents through an actual

survey questionnaire form handed out in Barangay 149 Zone 13, II .
The information gathered from each respondent was utilized to
summarize the raw data collected from the online survey. The
formula used to evaluate the gathered raw data is: P = F/T x 100
P = Percentage
F = Frequency
T = Total of respondent
Ethical Consideration
To preserve the integrity and wellbeing of all participants, a number of
ethical issues will be given top priority during the research process. Every
participant will be asked for their informed consent, which will include a detailed
explanation of the study's objectives, the voluntary nature of their involvement,
and a guarantee of anonymity. Strict measures will be taken to safeguard
privacy, making sure that all information gathered is anonymous and kept safe.
In addition, the research team is dedicated to protecting study participants from
any possible danger and will quickly handle any worries or discomfort that may
surface. The results will be appropriately disseminated, with no personal
information or sensitive data being released.
Chapter IV

Presentation, Analysis
and Interpretation of

Summary of Findings, Conclusion

and Recommendations
Summary of Findings
In barangay 149, zone 13 district II, community engagement
strategies have led to significant improvements according to 84%
to 98% of respondents. Benefits include increased cooperation,
reduced crime rates, greater participation in peace activities, and
decreased conflicts. While some suggested improvements in
infrastructure and community concerns, overall consensus
supports the effectiveness of these initiatives in creating a safer
and more harmonious environment within the barangay.
The researchers found that the majority of respondents noted
improvements in their barangay after implementing community
engagement strategies. These strategies were widely accepted,
with 92%-98% agreement, but there were still some expressing
disagreement, indicating areas for improvement. Effective
communication between barangay officials and residents was
highlighted as crucial, allowing for better understanding and
tailored strategies to enhance community cohesion and safety.

• Residents • Local Authorities

• Barangay Officials • Government

• Future Researchers

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