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| Digital Edition UME SS UU a Le Tae (UN sa AWESOME INSIDE! eg f EXPLORE THE RICH < : HISTORY OF MANGA 5 FOLLOW THE ART WAVE BLEND GENRES ; ito GENZOMAN COMBINES TWO DISTINCT GENRES .. TOP TIPS FROM ROSS TRAN TO CREATE A DYNAMIC MANGA COMPOSITION ~ ~~ e AND ILYA KUVSHINOV had dAdaAdadadaddaddAdddsaddadaaa. WELCOME TO ‘We ll know that manga’ terally translates as ‘comics; but there's more tot in the Imagine universe. There's te tractional flat comic style, end there's the slighty more detalles, shaded and worked-up syle. Then there's the highly textured, polished and painterly styles. No matter how broad the styles that fall under the term theres one thing that unites al the atin this "Ms-page special. The majority of thi volume s workshop based, and you ‘can follow along on your own computer re-creating the amazing artwork ‘with the help of our videos, but thore are aso features and intavows, sketchbooks and galleries galore, all to get you fied up to start making your ‘oon manga art. Weaim to inspire you and help enhance your artistic arsenal ‘by whatever means necessary (okay, maybe not whatever means). You can ‘50 final the files you need to get re-creating the atin tis book, jgrabbable from the lmagineFX blog. And utimately thats the purpose ofthis 'bookc toh you start creating your own manga masterpieces. Nomatter what they look ie, the most impertant thing i that you have a blast creating ‘them, Good luck 4 L FUTURE 4 r es Beis SEX sate CONTENTS Le susesveury 12u cartare Sas 180 seseaite 13M) Greets manse Paint a heroine 1m Fallout 4 Zesheu Chen pitts believable character she Fallout ge unierse oly eee for detail and polish, ‘which combined with eats htc ois Ren eec esa red eens ron en ss The muted value range Pere eu caieeeS oa Hi Br ee Rae aS eee! Pentel eoteten seuss Percents fererertiad mee OF | ; sansa “Nadia has a distinctive style and an eye for intriguing and unique characters ~ from heroes to robots! Her designs lend themselves to everything from animation to game conceptart. She’ certainly fone to watch.” mmvexaarist @ 's handling of is exquisite, and ie achieves the delicate balance between cartoon and realism. Her colours and softly rendered images are rich in atmosphere.” 6 TARA Seren topplace her characters Pomme rtrd colours and lighting. pec eS tis flying shards of glass in Deo eae thatwas time well spent!" == Symi tren ‘myn ert “Michelle long-term devotion to video game artis clear in these savvy, accomplished images. ‘There's areal boldness and confidence to her ‘work that demands the viewer’ attention.” eee Staite lon tetaten| ftom teegueofsgenas wore Srphace totaal 20m Chins ‘ules China na forgotten fay te, ne ‘Tyo trans hoonr © wncnamnst Locamon Pitpoines wenmean/anotoncer FeDIA Photos, cp sus Part “Elvin's work has all the bright cheerfulness of the classic manga style combined with a richness of detail that really draws the viewer's eye into his. paintings and mal them come alive.” ints armenia Staion, by wing tne backround @ wocnmnst PUVA TRUNG LE BT Wrettees a F a | 4 q Pl Ets cee Gye It's being scared of not understanding what other people gp are thinkin; Sut sural fan Svankmae One sage tattle pliyedoutin baka els like an homage though ilentone =o the male animation once Late einige. "Weboth had set eyeson Russian and Conch animation sex” ‘explain the do "Ratherthan woking ith ec inanorchestra we Tandseapesthatcanbe secorapibl bywenking, individually” Madoka agai disturbing but thedoninant anime hore 7 spocalypse drama The twist VM 6 tresezombiesare Goda sized giants besieging the as hmansin {sone cy. Poder Geonge Wil anges that Tian tape the eno he Other "is being seated of not ‘thinking, The Titans ook ike theyre sniling sd, but the fear ‘undertandng what those Tianisa gis, moxbid ‘endef Ramer, Lovecraft Magia was base Some new anime has gone back to one of the : Starting life as a local artist group, this Singapore studio is now a global player, as we discover Bet gdh (EE TAN HUI TIAN ‘The CDS seniorillustrator on theindustry and success Hello, HubTinn what aid you {do beforcomingto colateral Damage stuson? etna fanend eats) they econen to wiser Sutton torte st coro Ws atime of great change the Inaustry, But whore In your view, tas when couple ofthe cies star widening scope beyond anim, cided otal the lap ofa sech asthe company’s cllabaraton with aandeet up the sda” remember Ng. boardgame publisher Mage Company “Working closely withthe Internet Explore fn asteampunk themed game featuring marketing managerin Singapore, Collateral aisips called Aether Capains Damage Suis ought oethera tam to “An animated musi video produced for produce an animated shor. twent vil 5020, the organise of Ania Festival Anditheretishistory” Asia (AFA). to promote its Anion [anime ‘Since then, CDS has worked with sen] concer another big recent projec, Ingermatinal clients such at Wacom, Faber ‘Castel ana Sed Pop Miniatures 1 crete numberof anime naire vial ad marketing campaigns Recently itSeven reveals KC, ‘We dhe soryboardingand the canceptar hesays “Our resdent ered tbitofthe hey animation. 00" Asetrined ilstetorand animator, Leis onc ofthe t's best known aris having created both Ino za and SEKA, the official character for Anime Festal Asia, Twothings st Collateral Damage Stulon eves: "Wee geared more Jnalapanexe syle of awoke cretion, And wee also willing take on accept all kinds of challenges. Passion is crucial ferent gente ar atthe request of ur liens Low’ highlight a CDSs far as teen “being abl to involve mysein ull 2D animation projects, which rae inthe Singapore scene he ays stator Ricky Lea more recent recruit the company a i charge ffevcopingintllecal property sich as ONGIRL an adulecomiestp forthe Level Gamer website, and clinating the stad’ anus diety trough creative mentor site Patron, was fit introduced ‘othe doin cilebya friend ofmine*Rekysays “After raduated, joined he sto fallsime’ Workingon client projetssuchasMy Lite 3 (ee : | a) o ce —Nohiddencosts _Shippingincludedin allprces _Wedelverto over oo countries Secure online payment 4 “ FUTURE oT r Official Magazine Subscription Store How can I show a small group of people in different states of emotional distress? Fi siesta ‘ self ough ring Other body language forandoess ney acladesboped shouldent, ed inn themsehes,acurved ad. Simi the fil ownwants people fice their postures nd to producea eile pining Thwoul alo nggest keeping miro lose o your painting workstation, so that youcan watch youself acting out diferent ‘roti Beier il, you ean tach our facet fel yourfail males a they Became contracted i you acting ut ange fearor despair orbecamereaxedi by sin yousctoutjoyorarcaselstate find, atmosphere to emphasise. theme hand the comer of the eons cal droop, fr camp ut how w represent the canada drama @ wocnmnst YOUR QUESTIONS | STEP-BY-STEP: Portraying different upset emotions Question I'm keen to realistically depict repeated elements in a scene. What's a good technique to use? Sometimes, when working ona ating in Phctoshop we eed to have several copes ofthesame object | inascene. Yet painting each and ‘everyone would ake upto ime | Ives dec igh source lectin do wey ‘tem wl be duplicated on wa ne ayer Rept thisproces as fen you need, You ean ao fain couple layers at ome point nd we thesametricktorepeatthe object even ate ‘hile doing this be mindl ofthe layer onder andoetheiaafnia Talo change eines Sand direction of youritem, ‘When youredone withthe pesting proces, | Jock the transparent pivels ofthe ayer your objec ae on (on your Layer panel lick the uate icon that comes irety afr Lock) {and paincin hele ight Ifyou want more “arity inthe way the items look you can now {ilerent from one anaher mavexaarist @) Live ty wt 4 Question Do you have any tips for painting a still life practice piece? Answer {dalays recommend setting sometime aside fora til ie printing session. You earn realisticrendering techniques, tmemning you can punt cree detalls aed ‘estea more intricate ilinstration, Kao ‘seul to heepyoureye tained capture ‘coluss, shades, peoporens and vlearn how to pain inanimate objec like fut, cloth, and plas and metal objects Forthisarice! puttogetiera ‘source of natural light, so that the way the TeSencomsnyourgn ures Tight interacts withthe ls obvious. tetra efor starting the pang take photo sunlight changes itspositon and colour ‘uring diferent ies of the days ederto ep reference image because the ‘worcan tae along time ‘Sie my pumpooe sto pte ii Mot layers for that want to blur with the Polygon Lasso tool and go ta Filter > Blur Blur. Then choose the anale and in the lighting and rendering on each layer, amount, and ele OK YOUR QUESTIONS | Question Can you help me apply manga styling to an everyday motor vehicle? Answer Skis tml cn ob ‘hed on ce andceab pen avg et ‘eel wa det fakes tenho, nd mang veins th cea thermore eee hing he She sae! abs inka ‘Ton an user eve hen wralachingaioe ani etre marge ‘gst occa ni en per net he he it tuners phoned > me ‘Sethian engin vate andvi oct ae, en {Peiteemctrexpaaions ee ho eninge pes ccbusandluusene ha eo txt yp og gran Sects wi ei “tedden Sgn cobustrbe whi ine tan i Thea deg singe nd 0 potcrand maa STEP-BY-STEP Concept a vehicle that’s manga through and through égecésoodasee @ Artist's secret EXTRA THEME REFERENCES Next, sketch out the 7 = fist set of different ideas About many different kinds of 3 * eas during this ret phase of erences for Inspiration, IReration, 1 also work in back ink about what direction | ‘ang-white ang think only want fo take the des . about value, shape. and manga vehicle in. and consider iconic sihouette at this stage tao the driver or rider will be (Once Ihave sketched out the ofthis type of shoul manga diferent ideas thet | want, \ebiele, whieh should appeal to a | ehoose the fina idea that a teenage oir audience | want t explore further Next, Ido more blacke Once Ive finalised the ande-wnite value concent bunny motorcyeie design, iterations ofthe chosen i | produce different colour I put together elements that sehomes forthe design using lke from some of te otner bright shou colours. then concept sketches and uni settle ona final colour scheme them into new varations ang render, ight and reine Dodge mode and start painting fon that layer with alight colour toda in quick lighting ana versions of the bunny bike, metalic ighlaht mex aarist Q) MANGA ARTIST | WORKSHOPS 94 fer Paint a manga figure on LOO fate 2he' Smance! isos how eles Uight LOG cictring tte” opelurne and 1G Bsecretstoset ri Lcong resect athe man. pcre Lee (iim ry tle ution io From Fae =" GET YOUR piety rae Tet more! See page 146 ON) 2 Bod Cael) S Cu) od PAINT A MANGA mee Ct he) ee acl nomi tenement cter illustration idea as it's being painted Pe eee eet erent Ses Serre tie marron i poreer reer ean rene eer es : Perens Sones Pree oe ner tat £5 = i) There's more to media than music... The next ide hatcomes to ming isthe nature of modern could be lms Miceaes ene ere eeeer eect ttn rahe aat oe eect aay iors comers f errr ernst Getting to Tag 1 se this or fat celour ‘andtone conection on youriayer Fe Pere Celt neon Eeer ately Rete er et ee ee en ne eee Mareen Me ene conte Seren ter Tee er eee ERerereerrce ee mayer te Pane Terie oe arena eneT i nr ee I Se ott nee en ee aOR Teenie ee Se nit |

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