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In 2 Samuel 10, we see different characters demonstrating gentleness in various ways:

1. David: David displays gentleness by sending messengers to express condolences to Hanun, the king
of the Ammonites, upon the death of his father, King Nahash. This gesture shows David's desire for
peace and his willingness to extend kindness even to neighboring kingdoms.
2. Hanun: While Hanun's response ultimately leads to conflict, initially, he does show a form of
gentleness by allowing David's messengers to stay in the land without hostility. However, influenced
by his advisors, he misinterprets their intentions, leading to a breakdown of relations.
3. The Ammonites and Syrians: Despite their eventual hostile actions, the Ammonites and Syrians
initially show a form of gentleness by seeking alliances and preparing for defense rather than
immediately launching an offensive against David's forces. This indicates a desire to handle the
situation diplomatically before resorting to aggression.

These instances illustrate how gentleness, whether in communication, initial responses, or strategic
considerations, can play a role in shaping interactions and outcomes, even in the midst of potential

describe how each person show gentleness in 2 samuel 10:1-5
In 2 Samuel 10:1-5, gentleness is demonstrated through various actions and responses:

1. David's Messengers (Verses 2-4): David sends messengers to express condolences to Hanun, the
king of the Ammonites, upon the death of his father, King Nahash. The messengers' mission is to
comfort Hanun in his time of mourning. This act shows David's desire for peaceful relations and his
willingness to extend kindness and empathy to neighboring kingdoms, even in moments of loss.
2. Hanun's Initial Response (Verses 3-4): Initially, Hanun receives David's messengers with what
seems like a gentle response. He believes they have come to show sympathy and comfort, so he
allows them to stay in the land without hostility. This initial reception indicates a level of gentleness
and hospitality in Hanun's approach.
3. Misinterpretation and Aggression (Verses 5-6): Despite the initial gentleness, Hanun's advisors
misinterpret David's motives and convince Hanun that the messengers are spies sent to gather
intelligence for an attack. This misinterpretation leads to a sharp turn in behavior, as Hanun shaves
off half of the messengers' beards and cuts their garments at the hips, a profound insult in that
cultural context. This sudden shift from hospitality to aggression demonstrates how
misunderstandings can escalate tensions and lead to harsh actions.

Overall, these verses highlight the delicate nature of communication and the importance of clarity
and understanding in maintaining gentleness and avoiding unnecessary conflicts.
In Psalm 18:35, the verse reads: "You have given me the shield of your salvation, and
your right hand supported me, and your gentleness made me great." This verse is
attributed to David, and it reflects on how God's gentleness played a role in David's life
and achievements. Let's break down how gentleness is portrayed here:

1. God: The primary figure of gentleness in this verse is God. David acknowledges God's
gentleness as a significant factor in his success and elevation. God's gentleness is
symbolized by providing David with the shield of salvation and supporting him with His
right hand. These actions represent God's protection, guidance, and care for David, all
delivered with a gentle touch rather than harshness or severity.
2. David: David's response to God's gentleness is gratitude and recognition of how it
contributed to his greatness. Instead of attributing his accomplishments solely to his
own strength or skills, David acknowledges God's gentle yet powerful influence in
shaping his life and enabling him to achieve greatness.

This verse beautifully illustrates the concept of divine gentleness as a force that
empowers, supports, and uplifts individuals, leading them to success and greatness. It
emphasizes the idea that gentleness, far from being weak or ineffective, can be a potent
and transformative force in shaping lives and relationships.

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