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Prepared by: Adventist Elementary School–LLC

In this section, the learners are guided to known the source of true
knowledge. “If the child is not instructed aright here, Satan will educate
him through agencies of his choosing” Child Guidance, p. 17.

In this section, the main lesson is introduced to the learners in a plain

language. “The lessons that you learned from the Word you are to present
to the young minds so plainly that they cannot fail to understand” Counsel
to Parents, Teachers, and Students, p. 109.

in this section, the learners are assessed how they lesson changed their
worldview. “By simple lessons drawn from the word of God and their own
experience, you may teach them how to conform their lives to the highest
standard” Counsel to Parents, Teachers, and Students, p. 109.

in this section, the learners demonstrate practical application of the

knowledge learned. “For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God
our Savour. Who will have all men to be saved, and come to the
knowledge of truth” 1Timothy 2:3-4.


The Bible has cluster of words that cover the meaning similar to “GENTLENESS.” These words
include lowliness, meekness, patience, and forbearance. All of these words, along with gentleness, signify
someone who is so strong that he need not prove his strength. In this lesson every learner will appreciate
the beauty of gentleness and live by it.

Gentleness in Jesus
John 8:1-11

One day, Jesus was sitting in the temple courtyard teaching a group of people. Some Pharisees and
other leaders marched in with a woman who had been caught sinning. The leaders did not care about the
woman. They were testing Jesus to see if he would follow the Law. The law said that they were allowed
to throw stones at the woman to punish her. “What do you say” they asked Jesus.
But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with His finger.
They kept asking Him questions. So He stood up and said to them, “Has any one of you not
sinned?” Then you be the first one to throw a stone at her.
He bent down again and wrote on the ground.
Those who heard what He had said began to go away. They left one at a time, the older one first.
Soon only Jesus was left. The woman was still standing there.
Jesus stood up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Hasn’t anyone found you guilty?”
“No one Sir,” she said.
“Then I don’t find you guilty either,” Jesus said. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”
Wasn’t that a beautiful gentle answer? Jesus didn’t scold the Pharisee. He didn’t yell at the woman
because of her sin. He was gentle with both. We could say that Jesus had the right to be harsh with both
the Pharisee and the woman. But He gave a gentle answer, and His gentle answer changed all of their

Heavenly Father, teach us how to treat one another with gentleness. Help us to extend our
hand those who have fallen, to help them up rather than setting in judgement. In Jesus name

“Who among you is wise and understanding? Let him show by his good behaviour his deeds in
the gentleness of wisdom” James 3:13

After going through this lesson the learners will demonstrate attributes of consideration,
sensitivity, kindness, and tenderness toward others.

Learning Targets (LT):

1. I can share some ways to be gentle in simple sentences based on the details of the story.
2. I can make a collage with picture of gentleness.

Performance Task:
1. I can develop family rules that encourage gentleness while protecting personal freedom.

“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and
you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:29).

Gentleness is the quality of being kind, tender, mild mannered; it is softness of action
or effect. We think of phrases like a gentle reminder, a gentle stream or a gentle breeze.”

Warming Activity

Direction: Answer the following questions base on biblical facts.

1. What did David want? (1 Samuel 25:4-12).

Answer: _________________________________________________________________

2. What did Nabal say (1 Samuel 25:4-12).

Answer: _________________________________________________________________

3. How did Nabal’s answer make David feel? (1 Samuel 25:13-35).
Answer: _________________________________________________________________

4. Who showed gentleness to David? (1 Samuel 25:13-35).

Answer: _________________________________________________________________

5. What was Peter doing when Jesus appeared? (Luke 5:1-11).

Answer: _________________________________________________________________

6. How did Jesus question Peter? (Luke 5:1-11).

Answer: _________________________________________________________________

7. What did Peter do as a result of Jesus’ gentleness? (Luke 5:1-11).

Answer: _________________________________________________________________

I can share some ways to be gentle in simple sentences based on the details of the


The steady thump of the basketball stopped, replaced by the squeak of an athletic shoe, as
Chen clutched the ball and pivoted on one foot. Hunched protectively over the ball, he shook
sweat out of his eyes and looked for an opening. There! Pass to Mark! In one fluid motion, the
ball was away, evading the grasp of several long arms. The slap of dribbling began again but
stopped as Mark passed back to Chen, who sprang into the air and made his shot. Swish! The
ball dropped neatly through the hoop and Chen’s team shouted.
Chen was surrounded by his teammates, pounding on his back, yelling in his ear, hugging
“We won! We won!” The walls of the recreation center rang.
Chen felt great. The two teams converged, shaking hands, slapping each others’ backs,
congratulating and commiserating.

“Hey,” said Chen to Manny, the opposing center, “You guys gave us a real fight!”
Manny grinned back. “Thought for sure we had you for a few minutes there! Next time!”
Chen laughed, “You can try!’
Another boy sneered. “Yeah, right! Must be great to have your own buddy refereeing the
game!” He turned away.
Chen’s grin slipped. Jake, the high-school boy who often refereed the neighborhood games
heard the exchange and came over. “Come on, Brian,” he said. “You know I don’t favour any
one of you guys over another.”
“Yeah, sure!” growled Brian. “I’m going home!”
“Hey, don’t take Brian seriously,” said Manny. “He thinks basketball is all there is to life.
It makes him miserable to lose, so he tries to make everybody else miserable, too. Come on,
everyone, let’s get ice cream. Don’t leave yet. Brian, don’t you want ice cream?”
Brian shrugged a shoulder and Chen said quickly, “I have an idea! How about the winning
team buying today?”
Chen’s teammates groaned protests, but then good-naturedly agreed. “Why not? We’re
rich” joked Mark.
Brian turned back. He didn’t say anything, but joined the crowd of boys who were moving
toward the gymnasium doors.
When they walked into the ice-cream store, Jake said, “You are buying for the old ref, too,
aren’t you? I want a giant sundae with chocolate, nuts, whipped cream–the works!” He was
greeted by more groans.
Soon they were horsing around and making noise, which didn’t stop them from wolfing
down all the ice cream they could afford.
“Look out! Called Chen. A little girls was turning away from the counter, clutching a cone
in her small hands. Just then Brian and Manny, wrestling for possession of an imaginary
basketball, crashed right into her, knocking her and her ice cone to the floor. A wail arose, and
the two boys let go of each other.
“Whoa, sorry kid!”
Chen helped the little girl up. “Are you OK? He asked her. “Where’s your mom?”
The little girl wailed anew and held up her arms to a concerned woman approaching the
child. Chen turned and spoke to the woman. “We’re sorry, ma’am. I hope she’s not hurt.
We’ll buy her another cone, if that’s OK?” He turned to his friends as the mother comforted her
Manny and Brian shrugged sheepishly. “We didn’t mean to. I don’t think we have enough
money left.”
Chen pulled out his last bit of change and between the two teams, the boys had enough
money to buy the little girl another ice-cream cone.
“That’s OK, really,” said the mother. “She’s all right.”
“Oh no, ma’am, it’s our fault. We shouldn’t have been messing around,” said Brian.
“Here you go–buy yourself a new cone.” He smiled at the little girl, who stopped crying.
“Thank you,” the mother said. “And I must say, it’s refreshing to meet real gentlemen!”
Her smile included them all.
They all turned away, and after an awkward moment Brian said, “I don’t think there’s
anything gentle about me!”
“Everybody knows you didn’t mean to do it,” Jake pointed out. Even her mom didn’t
blame you.”

“I felt bad, but I didn’t know what to do,” said Manny.
“Hey, Chen, how come you know so much about kids?” asked Brian.
“He ought to know about kids,” said Mark with a laugh. “His mom has a daycare center.”
Brian looked at Chen. “I would have felt silly fussing over a kid like that.”
Chen thought for a minute. He knew his friends thought it wasn’t manly to be gentle. How
could he explain in a way that his friends would understand? He breathed a silent prayer and
asked, “Who do you think was the toughest man that ever lived?”
Several names of football players, wrestlers, and hockey players came out at once, but
Chen shook his head. “No, I mean that ever lived, in the whole history of the world.”
The others were silent. “How about that guy, what his name? He can lift a thousand pounds
or something!”
“Atlas! He holds up the world!”Everyone laughed.
“How about Jesus?” asked Chen. There was an immediate silence. “I don’t mean because
He is God. He is human, too, right?”
“Guess so.”
“And was killed by crucifixion?”
“Well, are you strong enough to stretch out and let them put nails through your hands and
feet without fighting?” Chen looked from face to face, but most of them didn’t meet his eyes.
“Do you have what it takes to go to court on false, trumped-up charges, and not even defend
yourself? Could you ask God to forgive the ones who just whipped you?”
Chen waited, but nobody said anything. “Could walk into the biggest church in the city and
throw out people who are corrupting religion? Are you strong enough to help someone with
leprosy – or AIDS? Are you strong enough to be gentle?”
Chen looked down in silence. “Neither can I,” he said quietly. “But I wish I could.”
He looked up again and smiled around the circle of his friends. “I think Jesus is “THE
TOUGHEST MAN WHO EVER LIVED.” He’s my hero, and I want to try to be just like Him.
How about you?”
Brian pushed his hands into his pockets. “Actually,” he said, then cleared his throat and
tried again. “Actually, that would be OK, I think I might like to know more about Him.”
Hesitantly, he met Chen’s eyes. Chen smiled at him. As they left the ice-cream shop, Mark, Jake,
and Chen gave Brian a slap on the back.
The noise level rose as the group made their way down the street. Chen had a great feeling.
This was better than winning a championship.

Learning Activity 1: Tell some ways to be gentle in simple sentences based on the details of the
Details of the story Ways to be gentle

1. Chen helped the little girl up. 1. Gentleness is putting others first.

2. It is refreshing to meet real gentlemen. 2. Gentleness doesn’t hate or throw insults.

3. Gentleness remembers that we are all

3. It’s our fault.

4. Chen pulled out his last bit of change. 4. Gentleness extends grace.

5. Chen turned and spoke to the woman.

5. Gentleness is a soft answer.
“We’re sorry, ma’am. I hope she’s not hurt.

I can make a collage with picture of gentleness.

Learning Activity 2: Collect pictures that portray gentleness. Create a collage of the picture
you’ve collected. Either write attractively, or use a special font on your computer to copy Bible
verses and add them to the collage.
Bible Texts

Philippians 4:5 “Let everyone see that you are considerate.”

Proverbs 15:1 “A gentle answer deflects anger.”

Philippians 4 10 “You are concern about me.”

Matthew 11:29 “Jesus is humble and gentle.”

Ephesians 4:1-2 “Paul tells people to be humble and gentle.”

1 Peter 3:4 “Be meek and quiet”

Psalm 18:35 “God’s gentleness made us great.”

Colossians 3:12 “Put on bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, and long-

“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who
belong to the family of believers” (Galatians 6:10)


Do It

Direction: Read and understand each statement carefully and choose the best answer.

1. How to react when someone puts you down?

a. Fight back.
b. Ignore them.
c. Keep calm.

2. Why it is difficult to show gentleness?

a. Because of our pride.
b. Because we are sinners.
c. Because of little faith.

3. What are some other things that show Jesus’ strength and gentleness?
a. Strong enough to condemn sins yet with gentleness saved sinners.
b. Strong enough to suffer tortures yet gentle and willing to forgive .
c. Strong enough in words of rebuke yet too gentle in heart and love.

4. Which one showed that Chen was gentle in heart?

a. Chen left every time his friends do bad things.
b. Chen felt sorry for what his friends have done.
c. Chen told his friends that he was a gentle man.

5. What does “gentleness” means in the story?

a. Willingness to make things right.
b. Winning the game with honesty.
c. Forgiving every wrong actions.

6. Who was the toughest man ever lived Chen referred to?
a. The Father.
b. Holy Spirit.
c. Jesus Christ.

7. Who wished to be gentle like Jesus?

a. Chen.
b. Brian.
c. Manny.

8. How did Brian look at himself?

a. Sometimes acts gentle.
b. Nothing is gentle in him.
c. Content of being gentle.

9. What is the mark of a very strong person?

a. Leadership.
b. Christianity.
c. Gentleness.

10. Why does gentleness is good?

a. Because it can state people and decrease chaos.
b. Because it is lessen stress to every group of people.
c. Because it’s a fruit of the Spirit according to the Bible.

Do More

Direction: Explain your answer.

1. Why do you think people sometimes assume that gentle person is also a weak person?


2. Give examples from the Bible that prove a gentle person is not weak but exhibits true



3. During which events, other than on the cross, did Jesus exhibit strength through
a. (John 8:1-11)

b. (Luke 22:47-53)

Do Better

Direction: Explain your answer.

1. How much strength does it take to call people bad names?

2. Who is the best judge of fairness? Why?

3. Why it is hard to apologize when you have made a mistake?

4. When is an apology insincere?

“Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the souls and healing to the bones”
(Proverbs 14:24).

Performance Task: I can develop family rules that encourage

gentleness while protecting personal freedom.

Write at least five family rules that encourage gentleness while protecting personal
freedom of every family member.

Criteria Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Topic has a clear Topic is mostly Topic focus is

Subject Matter No topic focus.
focus. focused. vague.

Mostly accurate Partially accurate

Accurate and Inaccurate and
Content and mostly and partially
organized. unorganized.
organized. organized.

Mostly supported Partially Not supported

Supported with
Spirituality with Bible supported with with Bible
Bible verses.
verses. Bible verses. verses.

“A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stir up anger” (Proverbs 15:1).


Web Page

Bible Baptist Church. (2021). Let Your Gentleness be Known to Everyone.

Gleddiesmith, Tracy. (2014, April 2). The Fruit of the Spirit.


Journal Article

Drawer, Lumina. Gentleness in Jesus.

Maydwell, Rhonda. What is Gentleness as a Fruit of the Spirit?


Johnson, Julie A. (2018, January 1). What is the Gift of Gentleness and Learning to be a Gentle Person.


North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventists. (2006). Fruit of the Spirit. Pacific Press Publishing
Association, Nampa, Idaho


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