1 Winter Writing Prompts For Middle School

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Name:__________________________________________________ Date:_______________ Class: ___________


Directions: Using your 5 senses (sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch),
write about the photo displayed. You’ll have five minutes per photo. Do your
best to avoid putting your pen or pencil down. Write as much detail as possible!

Photo Sensory Writing

QUICK WRITE expansion
Directions: Review the four photos and your sensory writing on the previous page.
Which prompt is most intriguing to you? This prompt will be developed into a short
story. Complete the story elements graphic organizer below.
What is the title of your short story? Why?
Cut + paste the selected photo here
Where will your story be set?

Story Element Response


Describe the setting

of your short story.


Describe the main characters

and supporting characters of
your short story.

Describe the dialogue that

will take place in your story.


Describe the conflict(s) that

will take place in your story.

Point of View

From what point of view will

your story be told? Why?


What theme do you want

your readers to take away?
Directions: Now, it’s time to develop the plot of your short story. Using the plot
diagram below, develop the sequence of events that will happen in your story. The
more detailed you are here, the easier it will be to write your story.

2. Rising Action 4. Falling Action

1. Exposition 3. Climax

5. Resolution
drafting THE STORY
Directions: Using the spaces below, begin writing your short story based on the plot
structure you designed. Be sure to include dialogue, characterization and details!


Rising Action

Falling Action

Directions: After you complete your first draft, exchange your story with a peer and
provide feedback for each other. Focus your feedback on the plot– what needs
developed/changed in order to enhance the story?

Writing Process Student devotes a lot of Student devotes Student devotes some Student devotes little
time and effort to the sufficient time and effort time and effort to the time and effort to the
writing process to the writing process writing process but was writing process. Doesn't
(prewriting, drafting, (prewriting, drafting, not very thorough. Does seem to care.
reviewing, and editing). reviewing, and editing). enough to get by.
Works hard to make the Works and gets the job
story wonderful. done.
Focus on Assigned Topic The entire story is related Most of the story is Some of the story is No attempt has been
to the assigned topic related to the assigned related to the assigned made to relate the story
and allows the reader to topic. The story wanders topic, but a reader does to the assigned topic.
understand much more off at one point, but the not learn much about
about the topic. reader can still learn the topic.
something about the
Organization The story is very well The story is pretty well The story is a little hard to Ideas and scenes seem
organized. One idea or organized. One idea or follow. The transitions are to be randomly
scene follows another in scene may seem out of sometimes not clear. arranged.
a logical sequence with place. Clear transitions
clear transitions. are used.
Spelling and PunctuationThere are no spelling or There is one spelling or There are 2-3 spelling The final draft has more
punctuation errors in the punctuation error in the and punctuation errors than 3 spelling and
final draft. Character final draft. in the final draft. punctuation errors.
and place names that
the author invented are
spelled consistently
Solution/Resolution The solution to the The solution to the The solution to the No solution is attempted
character's problem is character's problem is character's problem is a or it is impossible to
easy to understand, and easy to understand, and little hard to understand. understand.
is logical. There are no is somewhat logical.
loose ends.
Creativity The story contains many The story contains a few The story contains a few There is little evidence of
creative details and/or creative details and/or creative details and/or creativity in the story.
descriptions that descriptions that descriptions, but they The author does not
contribute to the contribute to the distract from the story. seem to have used
reader\'s enjoyment. reader\'s enjoyment. The author has tried to much imagination.
The author has really The author has used his use his imagination.
used his imagination. imagination.
Characters The main characters are The main characters are The main characters are It is hard to tell who the
named and clearly named and described. named. The reader main characters are.
described in text as well Most readers would knows very little about
as pictures. Most readers have some idea of what the characters.
could describe the the characters looked
characters accurately. like.
Problem/Conflict It is very easy for the It is fairly easy for the It is fairly easy for the It is not clear what
reader to understand reader to understand reader to understand problem the main
the problem the main the problem the main the problem the main characters face.
characters face and characters face and characters face but it is
why it is a problem. why it is a problem. not clear why it is a
Requirements All of the written Almost all (about 90%) Most (about 75%) of the Many requirements were
requirements (# of the written requirements written requirements not met.
pages, # of graphics, were met. were met, but several
type of graphics, etc.) were not.
were met.

Teacher comments:
___________________________________________________________________ Total: _______________________

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