Vital Statistics

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The mortality indicator which measures the risk of dying among persons with a
particular disease is: case fatality rate
2. The health indicator that measures the percentage of both old and new cases of a
disease over the number of people examined at one point in time is: prevalence
3. Many of the students at the boarding school, including 6 just coming down with
varicella, went home during the Thanksgiving break. About 2 weeks later, 4 siblings
of these 6 students (out of a total of 10 siblings) developed varicella. The secondary
attack rate among sibling was, therefore: 4/10
4. Investigators enrolled 100 diabetics without eye disease in a cohort (follow-up) study.
The results of the first 3 years were as follows:
Year 1: 0 cases of eye disease detected out of 92; 8 lost to follow-up
Year 2: 2 new cases of eye disease detected out of 80; 2 had died; 10 lost to
Year 3: 3 new cases of eye disease detected out of 63; 2 more had died; 13 more
lost to follow-up

The person-time incidence rate is calculated as: 5/250

5. The units for the quantity you calculated in Question 8 could be expressed as: cases
per person-year or cases per person per year
6. Use the following choices for the characteristics or features listed below:
Measure of risk: Incidence
Generally preferred for chronic diseases without clear date of onset: Prevalence
Used in calculation of risk ratio: Incidence
Affected by duration of illness: Prevalence
7. In 2001, a total of 15,555 homicide deaths occurred among males and 4,753
homicide deaths occurred among females. The estimated 2001 midyear populations
for males were 139,813,000 and 144,984,000, respectively.
a. Calculate the homicide-related death rates for male and for females. Males:
11.1/100,000 population; Females: 3.3/100,000
b. What type(s) of mortality rates did you calculate in Question 1: cause and
sex specific mortality rate
c. Calculate the ratio of homicide-mortality rates for males compared to females:
11.1/32.7 = 3.4
d. Interpret the rate you calculated in Question 3 as if you were a policymaker.
8. In the study of diabetics, 100 of the 189 diabetic men during the 13-year follow-up period.
Calculate the risk of death for these men.
10 squared = 100
Risk = (100/189) x 100 = 52.9%
9. In an outbreak of gastroenteritis among attendees of a corporate picnic, 99 persons ate
potato salad, 30 of whom developed gastroenteritis. Calculate the risk of illness among
persons who ate potato salad: 30/99
10. In 2003, 44,232 new cases of AIDS were reported in the US. The estimated mid-year
population of the U.S. in 2003 was approximately 290,809,777. Calculate the incidence rate
of AIDS in 2003.
44,232/290,809,777 x 100,000 = 15.21 new cases of AIDS per 100,000 population

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