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A study of –

“Decathlon’s Brand Management”

Course name: Brand Management

Course code: (MKT4203)

Submitted To:
Barnali Nandi
Assistant Professor
Department of Marketing
Faculty of Business Studies
Bangladesh University of Professionals

Submitted By:
Abu Ali Shakik
Section: B
Batch: 2020
Department of Marketing
Bangladesh University of Professionals

Submission Date: October 31st, 2023

Table of Contents

Abstract 3

Introduction 4

About Decathlon 4

Chapter 2 5

Chapter 3 9

Chapter 4 10

Chapter 5 11

Chapter 7 14

Conclusion 15

References 16

Decathlon, the global sporting goods retailer, has forged a path to success by offering high-quality
sports and outdoor products at affordable prices, thereby making sports accessible to a wide and
diverse customer base. This analysis explores Decathlon's brand equity, resonance, and marketing
strategies in response to changing market dynamics. Decathlon's strong customer base is attributed
to factors like its wide product range, good quality offerings, convenient locations, and a positive
brand image.

Decathlon's brand positioning is built on principles of accessibility, inclusivity, innovation, and

sustainability. They employ a cost leadership pricing strategy, aiming to offer value for money.
Their multi-channel distribution strategy includes physical retail stores and a well-designed e-
commerce platform. The report also highlights how Decathlon has responded to market shifts,
such as technological advancements and increased customer empowerment, demonstrating their
commitment to innovation, sustainability, and community engagement.

Decathlon, a global sporting goods retailer, has firmly established itself as the world's largest in
its industry, with a presence in 56 countries and regions as of 2023. Founded in 1976 by Michel
Leclercq in Lille, France, the company has grown from a single store into a global powerhouse,
now boasting over 2,080 stores. Decathlon's mission revolves around making sport accessible for
a broad audience, underpinned by its commitment to offering a wide range of sports products and
services across 70 different sports at affordable prices. This commitment is not just lip service; it's
evident in their focus on quality, convenience, and sustainability, underlining their appeal to a
diverse customer base.

This analysis delves into Decathlon's brand equity, brand resonance, and marketing strategies in
response to evolving market perspectives. It outlines the various factors contributing to
Decathlon's strong customer base and brand equity, as well as the company's positioning and the
brand elements that set it apart in the highly competitive sporting goods industry. Furthermore, the
report discusses Decathlon's pricing and distribution strategies, emphasizing their cost leadership
and multi-channel distribution approach.


With over 2080 stores in 56 countries and regions (2023), it is the largest sporting goods retailer
in the world. Decathlon. Decathlon is a French sporting goods retailer founded in 1976 by Michel
Leclercq. The company started with a single store in Lille, France, and has since grown to over
1,700 stores in over 65 countries. Decathlon is now one of the largest sporting goods retailers in
the world.

Decathlon's mission is to "make sport accessible for the greatest number". The company offers a
wide range of products and services for over 70 different sports, at affordable prices. Decathlon
also has a strong focus on customer experience, with well-organized and easy-to-navigate stores,
knowledgeable and helpful staff, and a variety of services to make shopping easier for customers.

Decathlon is a privately owned company, and is headquartered in Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France. The

company is managed by a board of directors, led by CEO Michel Aballea.

Decathlon has a strong commitment to sustainability. The company uses sustainable materials in
its products, and has a number of initiatives in place to reduce its environmental impact. Decathlon
is also a member of the Fair Labor Association, and is committed to ensuring fair working
conditions for its suppliers.

Decathlon is a popular brand among athletes and sports enthusiasts of all levels. The company is
known for its affordable prices, wide range of products and services, and focus on customer
experience. Decathlon is also committed to sustainability and fair labor practices.


Customer based brand equity

Decathlon has a strong customer base with high brand equity. This means that Decathlon
customers are loyal to the brand and have a positive perception of it.

There are a number of factors that contribute to Decathlon's strong customer base and brand equity.
These include:

 Wide range of products: Decathlon offers a wide range of sports and outdoor products at
affordable prices. This makes Decathlon a one-stop shop for many sports enthusiasts.

 Good quality products: Decathlon's products are known for their good quality and value
for money. This keeps customers coming back for more.

 Convenient locations: Decathlon stores are located in convenient locations, making them
easy for customers to access.

 Strong brand image: Decathlon has a strong brand image that is associated with
quality, affordability, and convenience. This attracts new customers and encourages
existing customers to keep shopping at Decathlon.

Decathlon's customer base is also diverse. The company's products appeal to a wide range of
people, regardless of their age, income level, or fitness level. This diversity is one of Decathlon's
strengths, as it allows the company to reach a large audience.

Decathlon's brand equity is also strong. Customers perceive Decathlon as a reliable and
trustworthy brand. They know that they can expect to find high-quality products at affordable
prices at Decathlon stores. This positive perception of the brand helps to attract new customers
and encourage existing customers to keep shopping at Decathlon.

Brand Image

Decathlon created its brand image by focusing on three key things:

1. Quality and value for money: Decathlon is known for its high-quality products at
affordable prices. This is one of the main reasons why customers choose to shop at

2. Wide range of products: Decathlon offers a wide range of sports and outdoor
products, from beginner to expert level. This makes Decathlon a one-stop shop for many
sports enthusiasts.

3. Convenience: Decathlon stores are located in convenient locations and have a large
selection of products in stock. This makes it easy for customers to find what they need and
buy it quickly.

Brand Positioning

Decathlon has positioned its brand as a one-stop shop for affordable, high-quality sports and
outdoor products for everyone. The company's brand positioning is based on four key pillars:
 Decathlon wants to make sports and outdoor activities accessible to everyone, regardless
of their budget or fitness level. This is reflected in its wide range of products, affordable
prices, and convenient locations.
 Decathlon believes that everyone should have the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of sport
and outdoor activities. The company's products are designed to be used by people of all
ages, genders, and abilities.
 Decathlon is constantly innovating to develop new products and services that make it easier
and more enjoyable for people to participate in sports and outdoor activities.
 Decathlon is committed to sustainability and reducing its environmental impact. The
company uses sustainable materials in its products and packaging, and it is working to
reduce its energy consumption and waste production.

Decathlon's brand positioning has been successful in resonating with consumers around the world.
The company has become one of the world's leading sporting goods retailers, with over 1,700
stores in over 60 countries.

Points of Parity (POP) and Points of Differences (POD) for Deacthlon:

Points of parity (POP) are the characteristics that a brand shares with its competitors. Points of
difference (POD) are the characteristics that make a brand unique.

Points of parity:

 Affordable prices

 Wide range of products

 Convenient locations

 Global presence

Points of difference:

 Focus on innovation

 Commitment to sustainability

 Sponsorship of athletes and teams

 Community engagement initiatives

Decathlon's points of difference help it to stand out from its competitors and to attract and retain
customers. For example, the company's focus on innovation allows it to offer customers the latest
products and technologies. Its commitment to sustainability appeals to consumers who are looking
for brands that are environmentally responsible. And its sponsorship of athletes and teams and
community engagement initiatives help to build relationships with customers and create a positive
association with the brand.

Brand Mantra

Decathlon's brand mantra is "Make sports accessible for the many." This mantra captures the
company's commitment to providing high-quality, affordable sports and outdoor products to
everyone, regardless of their budget or fitness level.

Decathlon's brand mantra is evident in everything the company does. From its wide range of
products and affordable prices to its convenient locations and commitment to sustainability,
Decathlon is focused on making sports and outdoor activities accessible to everyone.

Decathlon's brand mantra is a key part of its success. The company's focus on making sports and
outdoor activities accessible to everyone has resonated with consumers around the world. As a
result, Decathlon has become one of the world's leading sporting goods retailers.

Here is a quote from Decathlon's CEO, Michel Aballea, which highlights the company's
commitment to its brand mantra:

"Our mission is to make sports accessible for the many. We believe that everyone should have the
opportunity to enjoy the benefits of sport and outdoor activities, regardless of their budget or fitness
level. We offer a wide range of high-quality, affordable products, and we are constantly innovating
to develop new products and services that make it easier and more enjoyable for people to
participate in sports and outdoor activities."


Brand Resonance Pyramid

 Brand salience: Decathlon is a well-known brand with a strong presence in the global
sporting goods market. The company has over 1,700 stores in over 60 countries.

 Imagery: Decathlon's brand imagery is positive and aspirational. The brand is associated
with quality, affordability, convenience, and a commitment to sport and fitness. This is
evident in the company's marketing materials, its stores, and its products.

 Brand performance: Decathlon's products are known for their high quality and
affordability. The company also offers a wide range of products and convenient
locations. This helps Decathlon to meet the expectations of its customers and build strong
relationships with them.

 Brand feelings: Decathlon customers typically feel positive about the brand. They
associate Decathlon with positive experiences such as getting a good deal on a high-quality
product or finding the perfect equipment for their favorite sport. This is due to Decathlon's
focus on providing its customers with a positive experience at every stage of the buying

 Brand judgments: Decathlon customers typically judge the brand favorably. They believe
that Decathlon offers good value for money and that the company is committed to
providing its customers with a positive experience. This is supported by Decathlon's strong
brand performance and positive brand imagery.

 Brand resonance: Decathlon customers who experience brand resonance feel a sense of
loyalty to the brand and are more likely to recommend it to others. This is due to the
combination of Decathlon's strong brand performance, positive brand imagery, and
customer-centric approach.

Decathlon's strong brand resonance pyramid is a key part of its success. The company's ability to
build strong relationships with customers has helped it to become one of the world's leading
sporting goods retailers.


Brand Elements

Brand name: “Decathlon”. The brand name "Decathlon" is derived from the Olympic decathlon,
which is a ten-event competition that showcases a wide range of athletic skills. This is reflective
of Decathlon's commitment to offering a wide range of products for a variety of sports and

URL: “” Decathlon's website URL is This URL is short, easy to
remember, and relevant to the company's brand.

Logo & Symbol: Decathlon's logo is a stylized image of a runner, which symbolizes the
company's focus on sport and fitness. The logo is also designed to evoke a sense of speed, power,
and agility.

Characters: Decathlon does not have any specific brand characters. However, the company's
marketing materials often feature people of all ages, genders, and abilities enjoying sports and
outdoor activities. This helps to reinforce Decathlon's commitment to making sports and outdoor
activities accessible to everyone.

Slogan: Decathlon's slogan is "Make sports accessible for the many." This slogan clearly
articulates the company's mission and values. Decathlon believes that everyone should have the
opportunity to enjoy the benefits of sport and fitness, regardless of their budget or fitness level.

Jingle: Decathlon does not have a jingle.

Decathlon's packaging is designed to be sustainable, accessible, and effective. The company has a
goal of becoming plastic-free by 2026, and it is working towards this by using recycled materials
and designing single-material packaging whenever possible.

Sustainable: Decathlon uses a variety of sustainable materials in its packaging, including recycled
cardboard, recycled paper, and compostable materials. The company also avoids using single-use
plastics whenever possible. For example, Decathlon's shoes are not packaged in boxes, and its
bikes are shipped in custom-designed boxes that protect them from damage without using plastic.

Accessible: Decathlon's packaging is designed to be accessible to people of all abilities. The boxes
are easy to open and close, and they are labeled in a clear and concise way. Decathlon also offers
a variety of packaging options for people who have different needs. For example, the company
offers smaller boxes for people who live in small spaces, and it offers special packaging for people
who need to ship their sporting goods.

Effective: Decathlon's packaging is also designed to be effective. The boxes are sturdy and well-
designed to protect the products inside from damage. Decathlon also uses a variety of packing
materials to ensure that the products are secure and do not shift around inside the boxes.


New Perspectives in Marketing

Let’s see some real examples of how Decathlon has responded to the changes in the marketing

 Rapid Technological Developments: Decathlon has incorporated technology into its

products. For instance, they offer smart fitness wearables, like the "Kalenji OnMove 220
GPS Watch," which provides tracking capabilities for runners and athletes.

 Greater Customer Empowerment: Decathlon has a strong online presence and engages
customers through online reviews, Q&A sections, and active social media communities.
They also encourage customer feedback and use it to improve product design and features.

 Growth of Interactive and Mobile Marketing Options: Decathlon has developed a

mobile app that allows customers to browse products, check stock availability in nearby
stores, and make purchases through their smartphones. This provides an interactive and
convenient shopping experience.

 Globalization and Growth of Developing Markets: Decathlon has expanded into
numerous countries, including India, China, and Brazil, capitalizing on the growth of
developing markets. They have tailored their product offerings to suit local preferences and

 Heightened Environmental, Community, and Social Concerns: Decathlon has

launched sustainability initiatives, such as their "Eco-Design" program, which focuses on
reducing the environmental impact of their products. They also engage in community
projects and promote sports for all, aligning with social concerns.

 Severe Economic Recession: During economic downturns, Decathlon often emphasizes

its affordable and value-for-money product lines, making sporting goods accessible to a
broader range of consumers. They also offer discounts and promotions to attract cost-
conscious shoppers.

Product Strategy

Decathlon's product strategy is focused on offering a wide range of high-quality sports and outdoor
products at affordable prices. The company designs and develops its own products in collaboration
with athletes and sports enthusiasts, ensuring that they meet the needs and demands of different
levels of athletes, from beginners to professionals.

Decathlon's product range covers over 70 sports and activities, including football, basketball,
tennis, cycling, hiking, swimming, and camping. The company also offers a wide range of products
for children and seniors.

Decathlon's product strategy is based on the following principles:

 Innovation: Decathlon is constantly innovating to develop new products and services that
make it easier and more enjoyable for people to participate in sports and outdoor
activities. The company invests heavily in research and development, and it has a team of
over 1,000 engineers and designers working on new products.

 Quality: Decathlon is committed to providing high-quality products at affordable
prices. The company sources its products directly from manufacturers and sells its own
branded products, which allows it to keep costs down. Decathlon also has a rigorous quality
control process in place to ensure that its products meet its high standards.

 Affordability: Decathlon's products are known for their affordability. The company is able
to offer low prices by sourcing its products directly from manufacturers and by selling its
own branded products. Decathlon also has a number of cost-saving measures in place, such
as using simple packaging and efficient store layouts.

Pricing Strategy

Decathlon uses a cost leadership pricing strategy. This means that the company focuses on
keeping its costs as low as possible, which allows it to offer competitive prices to its customers.
Decathlon is able to keep its costs down through its integrated business model and vertical

Decathlon's pricing strategy is based on the following principles:

 Value for money: Decathlon is committed to providing its customers with value for
money. The company offers high-quality products at affordable prices.

 Competitive pricing: Decathlon's prices are competitive with other sporting goods
retailers. The company tracks the prices of its competitors and makes sure that its prices
are always competitive.

 Dynamic pricing: Decathlon uses dynamic pricing to adjust its prices based on demand
and competition. The company also offers discounts and promotions throughout the year.

Channel Strategy

Decathlon employs a multi-channel distribution strategy, ensuring convenient access to its

products. The company operates over 1,700 stores in over 60 countries. Decathlon also has a strong
online presence, and its products are available for purchase on its website and through a number
of online retailers.

Decathlon's multi-channel distribution strategy allows customers to shop where and when it is
most convenient for them. The company also offers a number of services that make it easy for
customers to shop with them, such as free shipping and returns.


Leveraging Secondary Brand Associations to Build Brand Equity

Distribution Channel

Decathlon uses a multi-channel distribution strategy to make its sports products available to
customers. They employ both physical retail stores and e-commerce channels. Here are the
channels of distribution used by Decathlon:

Brick-and-Mortar Stores: Decathlon operates a network of physical retail stores in various

countries. These stores serve as a crucial part of their distribution strategy, allowing customers to
experience and purchase their products in person. Example: Decathlon's stores can be found
worldwide. For instance, in the United States, they have stores in locations like Emeryville,
California, and they provide a wide range of sports equipment and apparel in a traditional retail

Decathlon Website: The Company maintains an official website with an e-commerce platform
that allows customers to browse, order, and purchase products online. This channel offers
convenience for customers who prefer to shop from home. Example: Customers can visit
Decathlon's official website for online shopping. For example, in the UK, Decathlon offers a
comprehensive online shopping experience where customers can explore their product catalog,
check prices, and make purchases.

Mobile Apps: Decathlon has developed mobile applications for smartphones, providing an
additional channel for customers to browse products, check stock availability, and make purchases
on their mobile devices. Example: Decathlon's mobile app is available in various countries. For

instance, in France, their mobile app allows customers to access their entire product range and
make purchases with ease, making it convenient for on-the-go shoppers.

Online Marketplaces: Decathlon partners with online marketplaces like Amazon to expand its
reach. This allows Decathlon to leverage the existing customer base of these marketplaces.
Example: You can find Decathlon products listed on platforms like Amazon, where customers can
order items from Decathlon through the marketplace, providing an alternative channel for online

In-Store Pickup: Decathlon often offers a "click and collect" service, allowing customers to order
products online and then pick them up at a nearby physical store. This service bridges the gap
between online and in-store shopping. Example: Customers in various regions can order products
online and choose a nearby Decathlon store for pick-up. This service is especially convenient for
customers who want to ensure product availability before visiting the store.


Decathlon's journey from a single store in France to a global sporting goods giant with over 2,080
stores in 56 countries is a testament to its unwavering commitment to its mission of making sport
accessible to the many. The company's brand equity is rooted in its reputation for quality,
affordability, and convenience, catering to customers across different sports and abilities.

Decathlon's strategic approach to brand positioning, pricing, and distribution has propelled it to
the forefront of the industry. The company's rapid response to evolving market perspectives,
including technological advancements and sustainability concerns, underscores its agility and

As Decathlon continues to grow, maintaining its focus on innovation, sustainability, and a

customer-centric approach will be vital to sustaining its position as the world's largest sporting
goods retailer and to further expanding its global reach while making sport accessible to people


 Keller, K. L. (1997). Strategic Brand Management: building, measuring, and managing

brand equity.


 Wikipedia contributors. (2023, October 27). Decathlon (retailer). Wikipedia.

 Decathlon | Move people through the wonders of sport. (n.d.-b). Decathlon.

 Decathlon Design System. (n.d.-b).



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