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How to Find a Stock

That Pays a Dividend

As an investor, one of the best skills you can have is the ability
to find and analyze dividend paying investments. Dividends are
payments made to shareholders on a quarterly or monthly basis,
and as you grow your passive income, finding players to add to
your team is important.

These payments act as a real income incentive for investors, and

you can definitely take advantage of the consistent cash that is paid
to shareholders. Dividends are the foundation to earning passive income from stock market investments.
In this guide, you’ll learn how to identify and find detailed information related to a company’s dividend.

1 Confirm if a Company Pays a Dividend

Google is your best friend when determining whether or not a company pays a dividend. It’s a search
tool that you’re familiar with, and it can produce the answers you need within seconds. In order to begin
a search to find out if a company pays dividends you can enter the [Company’s name] along with the
word [stock]
Ex. Target Stock

If the company is a publicly traded company, a stock chart should appear at the top of the screen. This
chart will show the recent performance of the stock’s price. Scroll to the bottom of the chart, and pay
close attention to the various figures and terms that highlight the stock’s top data points. In the middle
column of data, you will see “div yield” which is the shortened version of dividend yield. On other stock
charts this can also appear as “Yield,” or simply just a % sign. When this particular field has a numerical
figure, that is an indicator that the company pays a dividend to its shareholders

Confirm the Dividend Details Using
Nasdaq Dividend History
Nasdaq Dividend History is one of the best resources for all things dividend related. It acts as a database
for all dividend paying companies, and it includes historical data as well as real-time information like
earnings and press releases. When you arrive at the site you can find more information about a specific
company using the search bar.

3 Review the Dividend History Details

Click the “Dividend History” option on the left side of the screen, and you will find basic statistics along
with a chart showing the historical payout information for the last several years. In the example below,
you will see how Target’s dividend payout is displayed (annual dividend).

When researching a stock, it is important to know if they pay dividends. This allows you to set expectations
for what your return on investment will look like.

Please Note: All companies do not pay dividends (there will not be a % under the company’s stock chart
if it does not pay a dividend). However, when you find a company that does provide this added dividend
bonus, you can create an infinite amount of passive income. Dividends can replace your working
income, or it can provide an additional stream of income that helps you obtain a desired lifestyle. The
more shares you own, the higher your passive income will be.

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