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DETAILED LESSON School Osmeña Colleges Grade Level 7

PLAN Teacher Rhea Mae Q. Ombajin Learning Area English

Teaching Dates and Time May, , 2024 (week 4) Quarter 2nd

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of various learning styles and ways of determining word meaning.
B. Performance Standard The learner transfers learning by comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles and participating in
conversations using appropriate context-dependent expressions.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives EN7LT-I-c-2.2.1. Express appreciation to the sensory images used.
At the end of this lesson the student should be able to:
a. Define sensory imagery;
b. Identify the types of sensory images used in a sentence; and
c. Create a poem using the different types of sensory imagery.


II. CONTENT Sensory Imagery

 Teacher’s Guide N/A
 Learner’s Materials K-12 Basic Education Curriculum English 7 module: week 8 pp.1-4
 Textbook Pages 2020 pp. 120-125
 Additional Materials from Learning
Resources (LR) portal
B. OTHER LEARNING RESOURCES PowerPoint Presentation, visual aids, pictures, IMs
A. Reviewing previous lessons or presenting The teacher will: The student will:
the new lesson  Good morning class!  Good morning sir!
 Let us all stand for the prayer

 Who can lead the prayer? Okay, Angelo please lead (Angelo leads the prayer)
the prayer
 Before we start, please pick up all the piece of  Yes sir (the students arranged their chairs)
paper, garbage and unnecessary things under your
chair. And arrange your chairs properly

 Okay since everything is clear, you may now take

your seats  Thank you sir!

 Okay please be reminded our class rules. Our so

called MATH classroom Rules

M- Maintain focus and participate actively

1. Ask questions and seek clarification when
T- Take responsibility for your learning and progess
H- Handle challenges with a positive attitude and
 Understand?
 Yes Sir, we understand!
 Now we will proceed on checking your attendance.
Group leaders, kindly check the attendance of your  Okay sir! (Group leader will get their index cards to
member. And after checking it, pass it to me check the attendance of their members)
because I will sign it

 Okay since we are done with your attendance, I will

just ask you some questions. How was your  Okay man po sir!
 Okay man po sir, though grabi ang init , here we
are sir lumalaban.
 Wow, that was a nice trip with this kind of season. I
 Sir happy po kay naka kararigo kami sa suba, naka
am happy for your well time spent during those
unwind kag naka palamig hehe.
days of weekend. And for that I am excited to meet
you all and discuss our new lesson. Are you excited
 Before we begin to our new topic, I want you to
refresh your mind by recalling our previous lesson
that we have discussed at our last meeting

 So, what is the topic that we have discussed at our

last meeting?  (students raised their hands)

 Yes, Albert?  Sir, the title of our last topic that we have discussed
is about the Breakdown of
Communication/Communication breakdown.
 Okay, very good!

 When we say communication breakdown, it is


 Yes, Aira?
 Sir, when we say communication breakdown it
means failure to exchange information, resulting in
 Very good Aira! lack of communication.

 Okay, who is this person who defined that

communication is a failure to exchange information  (Students raised their hands)
resulting in lack of communication?

 Yes Myla?

 It’s Emily Rogers Sir!

 Very good! It’s Emily Rogers

 Very good everyone!

B. Establishing purpose of the lesson  Okay, before we head to our lesson. Let’s warm up!
Let us play a game. This game is called “My Pics
Your Words”! The mechanics is I will group you into
4 groups, then I will show you a picture with some
letters that will serve a hint for guessing the main
thoughts of the pictures you will write your answer
in ½ crosswise. The first group who will going to
present will receive additional points, to be added
for tallying the score of the group, if all of the
groups are done writing the answer, we will going
to check it. The group that got the highest score will
receive a special reward.

 Did you understand class?  Yes Sir!

 Okay let’s start, the First row will be group 1,
second row will be group 2, third row will be group
3 and last row will be the group 4. I will only give
you 3 minutes to answer.

 Are you ready class?  Yes Sir, ready na!

 Okay, your timer starts now!  (The students will start answering)





 Are you done?  Di pa po Sir!

 1 minute left  (some groups passed their paper while others are
still answering)
 Okay, time’s up, pass your paper, at the count of  Passed their papers
5,4,3,2,1 pass your paper

 Okay the first group who submit their paper is  Students from group 3 ( yehey!)
group 2, they will receive additional 1 point.

 Okay let us answer the activity!

Group No. 3 What is your answer in picture no.1?
 Sir the answer for picture no. 1 is JARGON.
 Okay very good Group 3! for no.2 what is the
 Correct! The answer is Barrier. For picture no. 3  Students: “BARRIER” sir
what is the answer?
 Okay Very good, the answer is language. For no. 4  Student raised their hands. Student: “Language sir”
what is the answer?  Student from other group: “PHYSICAL sir”
 Correct! the answer in no. 4 is Physical. And for the
last no. what is the answer? Okay group____?  Psychological sir!
 Okay very good!

 The group that got the highest score is group_____

 Very good class, Group_____ here is your reward
 Yehey! Thank you sir!

C. Presenting examples/instances of the new  Alright, let us now connect our topic to the game
lesson we played.
 What have you noticed about the words that come
up to those pictures?
 Uhmm,Yes Language.  Sir based sa mga answers sa picture, related po I
think sa language
 What about the others?
 Yes, communication. .
 In number 2, what is your idea why the word barrier  Sir I think yung mga answers sa bawat pictures is
is included? parang all about communication.
 Physical barrier, okay.  Physical barrier sir?
 Yes language barrier.  Language barrier.

 Yes, very good! Communication barrier or barrier of  Ay okay! Communication Barrier sir!
communication is the main thought of the answers
that come up to the game we played.

 Excellent________(points a name).
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new  Alright, let’s proceed to the objectives of our lesson.
skills #1
At the end of the discussion, the students will be
able to:
(please read everyone)  (students starts reading)

 Define communication breakdown/barrier  Define communication breakdown/barrier

 Explains why there is a breakdown/barriers  Explains why there is a breakdown/barriers
of communication of communication
 Identify the common types of barriers to  Identify the common types of barriers to
effective communication effective communication

 Thank you class, okay what is barriers to (students raised their hands)
communication? Who wants to read? Yes Abegail?  Reads the definition of barriers of communication
 Okay Abegael, thank you, now take your seat. It
says here that barriers of communication are any
factors that prevent us from effectively exchanging
and understanding messages. Meaning when we
are having conversation with someone those
factors are the reasons why we could not properly
understand and communicate nor deliver our main
thoughts to the person we are talking to. Factors!
The word itself “factors”, says compose of any or
more than one reason that affects of breaking or
preventing us from effectively exchanging our
message to whom we talk to. Those factors are the
barriers to our communication

 So why should we care? How this barrier affect or  (thinks deeply)

communication? Communication barriers can lead
to missed opportunities, if you don’t understand
what someone is trying to say, then you might miss
out on valuable information you needed the most.

 Communication barriers can also lead to  Yes sir!

misunderstandings and conflict. If you don’t take
the time to understand someone point of view or if
you don’t communicate clearly then it can lead to
disagreements and hurt feelings. Right? Am I right

 Communication Barriers can lead to conflicts, do  Yes sir

you agree with this everyone?

 Yes of course! Communication barriers can create

negative impacts on relationships, both personal
and professional, and this can lead to strained
relationships and can even cause conflicts.

 Alright those are the effects of barriers of

 Yes Sir!
communication understand everyone?
 Now let us proceed to the types of communication (student’s reads the types of communication
barriers. Please read the different types of barrier)
communication barriers!

Barriers to Communication

1. Language Barriers
2. Jargon
3. Psychological Barriers
4. Physiological Barriers
5. Physical Barriers
6. Attitudinal Barriers
7. Using Generalization and Stereotypes
8. Jumping to an immediate conclusion
9. Dysfunctional Feedbacks
10. Lacking of Confidence

 Okay thank you, so these are the different types of

(Nica stands up and start reading)
barriers of communication. First in the list is the
language barriers. Nica please read the definition
language barriers

Language Barriers: language barrier in

communication is a difficulty or obstacle
that arises when people who speaks
different language attempt to interact. This
can prevent people from understanding
each other and lead to misunderstandings,
frustrations and even conflict.

The language barrier can be caused by a lack

of knowledge of other of the other person’s
language or a lack proficiency of both
 Thank you Nica, you may now take your seat. So
when we say Language barriers . It talks about the ( Nica sits down)
language that the two or more person who are
communicating are different, meaning there maybe  Yes Sir, dahil sir sa magkakaiba an language waay
no understanding on both side because they don’t nagkasabutan kun nanon ina istorya.
know the language of each other, and this could
result in misunderstanding . Did you get it?
 Yes exactly!
 For example I went to Korea and some people at
the market there keep talking to me but it’s me who  Yes sir, basic
doesn’t understand what they have been talking to
me, resulting for us to be confused. Right? Did you
 Okay since everything is clear let us proceed to the
Barrier of communication number 2. Everyone
please read:

Jargon: Jargon barriers to communication

occur when specialized terminology or
technical language is used, hindering
understanding among individuals who are
not familiar with the terminology or field-
specific vocabulary.
 Are you familiar with the jargon term?
 No sir!
 Okay when we say Jargon Barriers to
communication, this is the specific term used by
individuals who might others don’t understand, For
example when a police and a barber attends in
meeting the barber hears the police saying “Roger  Yes sir!
that!” the barbers end up confused about the term
Roger that when in fact the term Roger that is a
slang term that is often used in a military or aviation
context that means to acknowledge receipt or
understanding of a message or request. In short
Roger that is the military term of Copy that. Did you

 Okay as you said that you understand, what are the  Sir for example. Sa gay language, ang mga gays sir
example of jargon or slang term that you know? may mga word sinda na ina gamit na minsan snda
lang an naka aram, though an iba na aadapt man
san iba.
 Yes Jeo?
 Yes very good. As what Jeo says , gays have their
own slang term. For example the word “chaka” is
gay term of ugly. This is an example of jargon
barriers of communication. (students applauses for Jeo)
 Clap your hands for Jeo!

 Okay, for barriers of communication number 3,

everyone please read.

(students read)
Psychological barriers: the psychological
condition of the receiver affects his/her
message reception of the message . For
example, someone who is stressed or anxious
will not be as receptive to message as
compared to the one who is not stressed.
 Sir, may I go out? Ma CR lang sir
 Okay
 When we say Psychological barrier it talks about
the influence of psychological state of the
communicators ,sender or receiver which can  Yes Sir.
creates an obstacle for effective communication.
Another example is when we have not enough sleep
our mind is not responsive as when we have better
sleep, thus affecting our way of communicating. Do
you understand?
 Sir example is ang baliw sir, is it included sir since
 If that so can you give another example of isip ang ina pag usapan, ang baliw diba sir iba ang
psychological barrier, who can give? Yes Jeryl? way ninda depends sa takbo minsan san utak, so
 Yes! Exactly, what a very good answer. Yes the edto siya maga cause san barrier sa communication
communicator can be confused if he or she talks .
with someone who are not good psychologically, (students applauses)
magkakaroon ng confusion. Clap your hands for

2. Discussing new concepts and practicing  

new skills #2
3. Developing Mastery (Leads to formative  
4. Finding practical application of concepts  
and skills in daily living
5. Making generalizations and abstractions  
about the lesson
6. Evaluating learning  
7. Additional activities for application or  

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the

B. No. of students who require additional

activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the 
D. No. of learners who continue to require

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked

well? Why did these work?”
F. Which difficulty did I encounter that my

principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did 
I use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:

SHS Teacher

Approved by:


Senior High School Headmaster

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