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Almudena Sanz, Celia Hernández & Maya Salvador

Communication 6 Public Opinion

Public Opinion Celia Hernandez, Maya Salvador, Almudena Sanz

1. Introduction 2
2. Historical Evolution of Video Games 3
2.1 Origins and early developments 3
2.2 Impact of gaming evolution on culture and entertainment 5
3. Positive Impacts of Video Games 7
3.1 Cognitive benefits 7
3.2. Social aspects 10
3.3. Educational potential 11
4. Negative Perceptions and Controversies 14
4.1 Violence and aggression: exploring the debate. 14
4.2 Addiction and excessive gaming: psychological implications 14
5. Balancing Perspectives 16
5.1 Research findings on the positive and negative impacts 16
5.2 Case studies showcasing both beneficial and detrimental effects 16
5.3 Analysis of conflicting viewpoints within academia 16
6. Regulation and Ethical Considerations 18
6.1 Government regulations and age ratings 18
6.2 Ethical implications: microtransactions, loot boxes, privacy concerns 19
7. Future Trends and Innovations 21
7.1. Emerging technology 21
7.2. How do experts and players think the emerging technologies will change the video game
industry? 23
8. Conclussion 24
9. References 25

Public Opinion Celia Hernandez, Maya Salvador, Almudena Sanz

1. Introduction
In the scope of digital entertainment, video games have become a cultural phenomenon that
influences, reflects, and shapes the part of contemporary society. This project analyzes the key aspects
of the video game industry, diving into its historical evolution, exploring the brench between positive
impacts and controversies, and navigating the complex web of public perception.

Public opinion works as a dual role in the gaming sector, functioning as a reflective surface and a
driving force for transformation. It reflects social values, expectations, and concerns, while also
influencing game developers, publishers and policymakers. From celebrating the positive impacts of
video games to voicing apprehensions about perceived negatives, public perception leads into a
narrative that echoes in boardrooms, classrooms, and living rooms alike.

Public Opinion Celia Hernandez, Maya Salvador, Almudena Sanz

2. Historical Evolution of Video Games

2.1 Origins and early developments
The history of video games is a captivating journey that spans several decades beginning in the middle
of the 20th century. In the 1940s and 1950s, the idea of electronic interactive entertainment emerged,
with early experiments such as the Cathode-Ray Tube Amusement Device, a rocket simulation game.
In the following decades, rudimentary text-based games were developed on mainframe computers.

The 1960s marked an important step with the development of "Spacewar!" in 1962, which is
considered one of the first interactive computer games. Around the same time, the birth of arcade
games was heralded, for example with the commercial release of "Computer Space" in 1971, the first
arcade video game available to the public.

In the 1970s, arcade games enjoyed great popularity with titles such as Pong (1972), while the
Magnavox Odyssey, launched in 1972, became the first home console. Despite their simplicity, these
early consoles laid the foundations for the future of home gaming.

The late 1970s and early 1980s are often referred to as the golden age of arcade gaming, with iconic
titles such as Space Invaders, Pac-Man and Donkey Kong. At the same time, the introduction of the
Atari 2600 in 1977 revolutionized home gaming with interchangeable game cartridges that expanded
the range of games available.

The late 1980s and early 1990s saw the "console wars" between Nintendo and Sega, which drove
technological progress. The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and Sega Genesis became icons
and paved the way for the transition to 3D graphics in the 1990s. The Sony PlayStation (1994) and
Nintendo 64 (1996) pushed the industry further into a new era of gaming visualisation and experience.

The 2000s saw the rise of online gaming as consoles such as the PlayStation 2 and Xbox offered
multiplayer experiences. At the same time, the advent of smartphones popularized mobile gaming,
with titles such as Angry Birds (2009) and Temple Run (2011). In recent years, virtual reality (VR)
and augmented reality (AR) technologies have gained traction, offering novel and immersive gaming

This evolution is often conceptualized in terms of technological progress, with a focus on hardware
advancements and the development of new gaming platforms and systems.

In the early days, video games were often created by repurposing television technology, as seen with
the first arcade cabinets [15]. The medium has since seen a constant onslaught of new and improved
machines, each promising better graphics, more complex gameplay, and a more immersive
experience. This technological drive has led to a tendency to highlight hardware and games that
represent technological breakthroughs, such as the first game to use ROM chips for graphical storage
or the first to employ a microprocessor [19].

Public Opinion Celia Hernandez, Maya Salvador, Almudena Sanz

The industry has also grown considerably, with major players establishing production molds,
specialized roles, and training. Historical accounts often focus on the development of the industry and
the creation of landmark games, with the Crash of 1983 serving as a significant period marker. The
period before the Crash is often referred to as the Golden Age of video games, with subsequent
periods marked by the industry's recovery and further growth [19].

The ongoing technological evolution has led to a narrative that defines the ideal stage of the medium
in terms of immediacy, with a push towards making video games feel more like virtual reality. This
has influenced the design of games across various genres, with a shift towards first-person
perspectives and 3-D environments, even in genres that traditionally used 2-D or isometric views [21].

However, the focus on technological evolution and the promotion of immediacy as a telos can
potentially distort historical inspections into the early days of the medium. It is important to consider
not just the technological advancements but also the cultural and industrial circuits that have shaped
the evolution of video games. The cultural circuit, where games are created and consumed for the
quality of the experience provided, deserves more attention to understand the medium's history fully

In summary, the historical evolution of video games is characterized by rapid technological

advancements, the growth of the video game industry, and the cultural significance of gaming as a
medium. While technological progress has been a major driving force, it is essential to also consider
the cultural and industrial contexts to gain a comprehensive understanding of the medium's history.
The history and evolution of video games have been marked by several key milestones:
The Birth of Video Games:

● The very first digital video game is often credited to "Spacewar!", developed in 1962 by Steve
Russell and others at MIT. It was a space combat game for the PDP-1 minicomputer. Early
Home Consoles:
● The first home video game console is the Magnavox Odyssey, released in 1972. It was
designed by Ralph Baer, who is often referred to as the "Father of Video Games."
● The late 1970s saw the introduction of consoles like the Atari 2600, which popularized the use
of cartridges containing game code. Arcade Boom:
● The late 1970s and early 1980s were the golden age of arcade games, with titles like
"Pac-Man" and "Space Invaders" becoming cultural phenomena. Home Computer Games:
● The 1980s also saw the rise of home computers, which allowed for more complex games and
the ability to easily share and modify them. The Console Wars:
● The late 1980s and early 1990s were dominated by the "console wars" between Sega and
Nintendo, with Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog and Nintendo's Super Mario Bros. leading the
● The competition led to rapid advancements in technology and game design. The Rise of 3D
● The fifth generation of video games in the mid-1990s introduced 3D gaming, with consoles
like the Sony PlayStation and Nintendo 64 leading the way. Handheld Gaming:
● Handheld gaming devices also became popular, with Nintendo's Game Boy becoming a
massive success, thanks in part to the addictive game "Tetris." The Modern Era:

Public Opinion Celia Hernandez, Maya Salvador, Almudena Sanz

● The late 1990s and 2000s saw the rise of franchises like "Halo" and "Call of Duty," which
pushed forward the first-person shooter genre.
● Online gaming became a significant factor with the advent of high-speed internet connections.
Mobile and Casual Gaming:
● The 2010s saw the explosion of mobile gaming, with games like "Angry Birds" becoming
incredibly popular and profitable.
● Casual and social gaming also became more prevalent, changing the landscape of who is
considered a "gamer." Esports and Streaming:
● Competitive gaming, or esports, has become a significant industry, with large tournaments and
streaming platforms like Twitch gaining popularity. Virtual and Augmented Reality:
● The latest developments in gaming include virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR),
offering immersive and interactive gaming experiences. Throughout its history, the video
game industry has evolved from a niche activity to a major form of entertainment, with a
diverse and growing community of players around the world.

In summary, the historical evolution of video games is characterized by rapid technological

advancements, the growth of the video game industry, and the cultural significance of gaming as a
medium. While technological progress has been a major driving force, it is essential to also consider
the cultural and industrial contexts to gain a comprehensive understanding of the medium's history.
The history and evolution of video games have been marked by several key milestones:

2.2 Impact of gaming evolution on culture and entertainment

The evolution of gaming has had a significant impact on culture and entertainment, transforming it
from a niche entertainment to a mainstream cultural phenomenon. Video games were once associated
primarily with a younger demographic. Today, they are accepted and enjoyed by people of all ages,
breaking down stereotypes and contributing to a more inclusive cultural landscape.

One of the most important changes that the development of gaming has brought is the change in social
interactions. Online multiplayer gaming have created virtual communities that allow players from all
over the world to connect and collaborate with each other. Massive multiplayer online games (MMOs)
and esports have become an integral part of this social connectivity, fostering friendships and social
bonds that extend beyond the gaming world.

The narrative complexity of modern video games has elevated storytelling to an art form. Games now
offer intricate plots, character development and emotional narratives comparable to other forms of
entertainment such as movies and literature. This has increased the appeal of gaming to a wider
audience and contributed to a richer cultural narrative.

Technological advances in the gaming industry have not only improved the gaming experience, but
have also influenced other areas. Innovations in graphics, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality
(AR) are being applied to education, healthcare and simulation, demonstrating the industry's
far-reaching influence on technological development.

In economic terms, the gaming industry has become a major force. The release of blockbuster games,
esports tournaments and a thriving market for gaming-related goods contribute significantly to the

Public Opinion Celia Hernandez, Maya Salvador, Almudena Sanz

global economy. Gaming conventions and events attract large audiences and generate significant
revenue, cementing the gaming industry's position as a major player in the entertainment industry.

The evolution of gaming has also led to a greater emphasis on cultural representation and diversity
within the industry. Video games now strive to include different characters and perspectives,
contributing to a more inclusive gaming culture. This shift reflects a growing awareness of the
importance of representation among both the characters and the development teams creating the

Some gaming have been developed to encourage problem-solving skills, strategic thinking and
creativity. Gamified learning platforms are being used in education to make learning more engaging
and interactive, highlighting the potential positive impact of gaming on cognitive development.

However, the evolution of gaming has not been without challenges and controversy. Issues such as
video game addiction, concerns about violence in games and debates about loot boxes and
microtransactions have sparked discussions about the impact of gaming on mental health, behavior
and ethical consideration.

Public Opinion Celia Hernandez, Maya Salvador, Almudena Sanz

3. Positive Impacts of Video Games

The video game industry has long lost its innocence. Nowadays it is a mature sector, admired for its
innovative capacity, its technological muscle and its well-developed entrepreneurial vision. The
sector's financial success in 2022 surpassed $180 billion, and it's expected to exceed $320 billion by
2026, as reported by Newzoo, a market intelligence company. Video games reign supreme in the
audio-visual realm, with a staggering 3.2 billion players globally. Games like Fortnite, boasting over
230 million monthly active players, have outpaced music and cinema, putting even Hollywood in the
shade. This gaming fever has become a global phenomenon, posing a significant challenge to
streaming giants like Netflix, more so than Disney and HBO, in their battle for dominance in the
audio-visual content streaming industry. (Benefits of Video Games in Learning, n.d.)

Global gaming industry revenues are expected to exceed $320 billion by 2026. Image: PwC.

3.1 Cognitive benefits

The research conducted over the last fifteen years has been strongly shaped by changes in the video
game industry. As more games were developed, a number of distinct game genres emerged. “One such
genre, the action video game genre (AVG), includes games that rapidly present players with an
ever-changing, complex array of information across a wide visual field. Players usually need to make
quick and accurate decisions or responses in order to stay alive and or reach a mission objective.”
(Kowert & Quandt, 2015) The extreme perceptual, cognitive, and motor demands of this specific
genre have made it the focus of the majority of the work conducted in the field, thus this is why we
will base this chapter’s research in it.

Public Opinion Celia Hernandez, Maya Salvador, Almudena Sanz

The research conducted by Adam Eichenbaum, Daphne Bavelier, and C. Shawn Green in 20214 is one
of the many examples where long-lasting positive effects of video games on basic mental
processes--such as perception, attention, memory, and decision-making is demonstrated. (Eichenbaum
et al., 2014) Most of the research involves effects of action video games.

Such a research works with two different strategies - correlational and experimental. In the
correlational regular gamers are compared with people who don’t play video games on some
perceptual or cognitive test. The typical outcome that we find is that gamers outperform non-gamers
in whatever they are tested on. However, this only suggests, doesn’t prove, that video games are a
cause of better performance, because there is a possibility that the people who choose to play video
games already possess superior perceptual and cognitive abilities. In the experimental strategy all
participants are initially non-gamers. Then, some of them are asked to play a specific video game for a
certain time range. In these experiments, the typical outcome is that those who were asked to play
video games improve on measures of basic perceptual and cognitive abilities while those in the control
group do not. (Vivier, 2015)

Visual perception
Improved visual contrast sensitivity. “The contrast sensitivity function (CSF) represents the ability
to distinguish between slight differences in contrast, or shading, across a uniform background, and is
commonly regarded as one of the foundational elements of vision.” (Kowert & Quandt, 2015) A study
comparing expert AVG players (AVGPs) who spent at least 5 hours per week gaming for six months
against non-action video game players (NVGPs) was conducted. The AVGPs exhibited significantly
enhanced contrast sensitivity, indicating their heightened capability to discern subtle differences in
gray levels compared to NVGPs. (Li et al., 2009)

To investigate causation, another experiment involved training action game novices on either
action-based games (Unreal Championship and Call of Duty 2) or a control game (The Sims 2) for 50
hours spread over several weeks. This study used a control group to assess potential factors like
test-retest effects1 and participant reactivity2. Impressively, those trained on action games displayed a
substantial improvement in contrast sensitivity, surpassing the gains seen in the control group.

Recent research hints at a possible mechanism behind these improvements, suggesting that the ability
to learn perceptual templates might underlie the enhanced performance across various perceptual
tasks. This suggests that experience with action video games enhances the capacity to detect
discriminative low-level stimulus characteristics, specific features or aspects of sensory information
that are subtle or basic in nature but are crucial for distinguishing one stimulus from another,
subsequently aiding in effective decision-making processes.

The successful treatment of amblyopia, commonly known as “lazy eye,” was explored in
experiments conducted by Li and colleagues in 2011. They worked with adults having this disorder,
where one eye becomes non-functional in early childhood. In their study, some participants played
action video games using the affected eye while the good eye was covered. Others engaged in different
activities with the good eye covered, like knitting or watching TV. The remarkable outcome was that

The change in test scores as a result of retaking the same or alternate cognitive ability test under comparable conditions.
Occurs when individuals know they are in a study or they know they are being watched, and change their behavior or
answers based on what they believe the researcher wants.

Public Opinion Celia Hernandez, Maya Salvador, Almudena Sanz

those who played action video games showed substantial improvement, often reaching normal or
near-normal functioning in the previously affected eye. Abilities like visual attention and stereoscopic
vision (the coordination of input from both eyes for depth perception) were restored to normal levels.
(Levi et al., 2011)

Improved spatial selective attention. Studies using tasks like the Useful Field of View (UFOV)
demonstrate that AVG players exhibit improved performance on the ability to locate, quickly, a target
stimulus in a field of distractors, highlighting enhanced spatial attention. A test that has been found to
be a good predictor of driving ability.

In addition to spatial selection, AVG experience also impacts attention across time. AVG players
exhibit reduced attentional blink3 effects in tasks involving rapid serial visual presentation, indicating
either more available processing resources or quicker processing abilities. This benefit extends to
young children and various other attention-related tasks.

Moreover, AVG players demonstrate enhanced attentional capacity, as observed in tasks like
multiple object tracking (MOT). Children and adults who play AVGs show an increased ability to
track multiple objects, visually identical to other moving objects in the visual field, compared to
non-gamers or players of sports video games. This heightened attentional capacity is also evident in
adult populations, emphasizing the impact of AVG experience on attention-related skills across
different age groups. (Trick et al., 2005)

Finally, AVG players experienced reduced impulsiveness. Action games improved test participants'
ability to suppress reflexive responses to irrelevant stimuli in an environment where most stimuli
demanded action but an occasional stimulus required inaction. (Dye, Green, & Bavelier, 2009)

Action video game players (AVGPs) excel in tasks involving visual short-term memory (VSTM)
and working memory compared to non-video game players (NVGPs). Specifically, AVGPs showed
superior performance in tasks requiring retention and manipulation of information, such as identifying
changes in displayed colored bars (VSTM task) and accurately completing an N-back working
memory task (requires participants to decide whether each stimulus in a sequence matches the one
that appeared n items ago). Allowing them to retain and recall information more effectively than

However, conflicting results exist within these studies. While AVGPs generally performed better,
some findings showed that despite being faster, they were not necessarily more accurate in certain
working memory tasks, indicating that the impact of video games on working memory capacity might
not be straightforward. This discrepancy suggests that further research is needed to thoroughly
understand how video game playing affects different aspects of memory.

The attentional blink (AB) effect is the reduced probability of reporting a second target (T2) that appears shortly after a first
one (T1) within a rapidly presented sequence of distractors. (A Simple Model of the Attentional Blink and Its Modulation by
Mental Training, 2022)

Public Opinion Celia Hernandez, Maya Salvador, Almudena Sanz

Furthermore, the discussion extends to the potential use of video games as a tool for improving
working memory, especially in elderly individuals experiencing memory decline. This emerging area
of study highlights the need for more comprehensive investigations into the potential therapeutic
benefits of video games for cognitive enhancement in aging populations. (Kowert & Quandt, 2015)

Executive functions
“Executive functions” also know as “cognitive control”, “is an umbrella term that describes a
collection of high-level cognitive abilities, all of which are goal oriented, and under top-down,
effortful control” (book). In other word, a person’s ability to allow his or hers mental resources in
ways that permits for rapid, efficient problem-solving or decision making.

Studies revealed that AVGPs demonstrated improved ability to engage in multiple tasks
simultaneously as evidenced by enhanced performance on tasks resembling piloting challenges.
Chiappi and colleagues' research demonstrated that 50 hours of action game experience notably
improved performance on a Multi-Attribute Task Battery, correlating high scores with actual piloting

Moreover, action game experience fosters increased mental flexibility, enabling individuals to switch
rapidly between conflicting tasks without errors. This improvement in cognitive flexibility is
supported by various studies conducted by Anderson, Green, Colzato, and their colleagues. (Anderson
et al, 2010; Green et al, 2012; Colzato et al, 2014)

Additionally, the benefits of video game play extend to combating age-related cognitive decline.
Elderly participants engaging in video games display improvements in cognitive functions like
attention, working memory, abstract reasoning, and cognitive flexibility. Such engagement not only
enhances cognitive abilities but also positively impacts self-concepts and qualities of life among older
individuals, as noted in studies by Basek, Torres, and others. (Torres, 2011)

3.2. Social aspects

The prevailing stereotype of gamers as socially inept loners still persists in certain cultural circles,
downplaying the significance of video games as a platform for social connection. Dr. Rachel Kowert, a
researcher specializing in video game psychology, challenges this perception. She highlights research
revealing the valuable social connections formed through gaming, debunking the notion that online
gaming communities offer inferior substitutes to traditional face-to-face interactions.

Improve mental health

Dr. Rachel Kowert and her collaborators delved into the world of online gaming communities,
specifically massively multiplayer online games (MMOs), and discovered a profound correlation
between MMO engagement and social identity. Their study, encompassing over 700 players, revealed
that active participation in these gaming environments fostered a heightened sense of belonging and
affiliation within these virtual communities. Consequently, individuals exhibited increased self-esteem,
enhanced social competence, and lower levels of loneliness. This profound sense of social identity
showcased the positive impact of gaming on individuals' overall well-being.

Public Opinion Celia Hernandez, Maya Salvador, Almudena Sanz

Moreover, Kowert's comprehensive research collection on video games and well-being emphasizes
gaming's role in mitigating feelings of isolation and depression. These studies provide evidence
supporting the notion that gaming acts as a bridge for individuals facing geographical isolation,
offering a platform for social interaction and emotional support that may not be readily available
offline. (Kowert et al., 2014)

Boost social connection

Dr. Linda Kaye's work in cyberpsychology reinforced the significance of shared interests within
gaming communities. The collaborative nature of online gaming, where individuals interact based on
mutual interests and common goals within the game, acts as a catalyst for forming friendships and
meaningful relationships. These connections, built around a common focus, serve as a foundation for
robust social interactions, highlighting the importance of gaming as a facilitator of social bonding.
(Kowert & Kaye, 2018)

Moreover, recent studies challenge the previous assumption that video games have adverse effects on
mental health. The emerging perspective now suggests that gaming, with its intrinsic design elements
aligned with attributes of well-being, might contribute positively to mental health. Research indicates
that regular gaming might lead to decreased stress levels, improved mood, and changes in brain
activity indicative of reduced avoidant behavior.

Encourage teamwork and improve strategy and leadership

Research conducted by the Institute for the Future (IFTF) in California highlights the significant
impact of multiplayer games on fostering teamwork and problem-solving abilities. Pittsburgh
University's findings delve deeper, asserting that video games not only enhance these skills but also
place players in decision-making roles, refining their capacity to resolve disputes, collaborate
seamlessly with other players, and navigate complex scenarios. (Benefits of Video Games in Learning,

3.3. Educational potential

Today’s gaming experience is much richer than “Pac Man”. Contemporary video games include
simulations, strategy, role playing, sports, puzzles and adventure, immersing users in a rich interactive
digital microworlds. Educators all over the world have started using “edutainment”, as software
companies market title video games with educational potential, in classrooms. (Squire, 2023) Video
games possess significant potential across various domains, serving as powerful tools for learning and
skill development.

Video games as tools for education

Although video games have been around for over 30 years, it has not been so long since they moved
beyond mere entertainment, establishing themselves as educational tools, particularly in childhood
education. This notion grabbed the attention of the Federation of American Scientists (FAS, 2006),
calling them the next great discovery because they offer a way to seduce students to spend time
learning, seamlessly merging entertainment with educational content. (Widitiarsa, 2018, 2)

Public Opinion Celia Hernandez, Maya Salvador, Almudena Sanz

An example of “edu-tainment"4 would be the game

“Immune Attack” ( It was
developed by FAS, Brown University and the
University of Southern California. The game serves as
a first-person5 strategy game designed to educate
students about intricate aspects of biology and
immunology. Players assume the role of a teenage
prodigy with a single immunodeficiency, navigating
the human body to train the immune system against
various infections.
Title screen of the video game
"Immune Attack"

Another example would be "Discover Babylon," a collaboration involving the Cuneiform Digital
Library at the University of California-Los Angeles, the FAS Learning Technologies project, and the
Walters Art Museum, immerses players aged 8 to 14 in historically and scientifically accurate 3D
simulations. This game challenges them to unlock mysteries by understanding ancient Mesopotamian

Video games, especially simulations, offer unique learning avenues. High fidelity simulations
replicate real-world systems intricately, while low fidelity versions simplify to emphasize core
components. These simulations, whether computer-based or not, offer learners diverse advantages:
● They enable variable manipulation in natural systems.
● They provide fresh perspectives, allowing students to simulate roles like a country's president,
learning various disciplines in the process.
● They allow observation of system behavior over extended periods.
● They facilitate asking hypothetical questions in historical simulations.
● They depict three-dimensional systems using specialized tools.
● They enable comparison of different system simulations, reflecting design realities.

Simulations uniquely immerse learners in complex systems, fostering an understanding of system

dynamics. Their educational value lies not just in the program itself but in the overall experience.
Instructors play a pivotal role in facilitating collaboration, reflection, and extension activities for an
enriched learning experience. (Widitiarsa, 2018)

Video games in the classroom

As we already know, video games can enhance skills, knowledge, and attitudes in classrooms
provided the proper environment exists. The selection of games, the learning environment, and the

Edutainment is a form of entertainment designed to educate as well as to amuse. Edutainment typically seeks to instruct its
audience by embedding lessons in some familiar form of entertainment: television programs, computer and video games,
multimedia software, and so forth. (Edutainment, 2023)
First person POV allows the player to perceive the game through the eyes of the character, observing the world around
them up close, giving a clear view of the scenery in front of them. This perspective is believed to provide the most immersive
feel for the player. (Denisova & Cairns, 2015)

Public Opinion Celia Hernandez, Maya Salvador, Almudena Sanz

teacher's role as a moderator significantly impact achieving desired learning outcomes. While video
games can complement traditional learning methods, they are not meant to substitute them. Most
educators today are open to integrating video games into their lesson plans. These games serve as
valuable study tools and aids for individuals facing learning challenges, extending learning
opportunities beyond the classroom. (Wastiau et al., 2009)

Educational impact of using video games

Public Opinion Celia Hernandez, Maya Salvador, Almudena Sanz

4. Negative Perceptions and Controversies

Negative perceptions and controversies regarding video games are usually related with the belief that
they can lead to aggression and violence, particularly with young people. There is a general concern
that exposure to violent video games may incentivize players to be more violent and increase
aggressive behavior. Additionally, video games are sometimes blamed for addiction issues and are
associated with some negative outcomes such as a bad academic performance and mental health
problems. However, research on these topics is mixed, and there is significant debate within the
scholarly community about the validity of these claims. (CJ Ferguson, J Colwell, 2017)

4.1 Violence and aggression: exploring the debate.

The association between video games and real-world aggression has become one of the principal
controversies in the video game scope. Young people are more easily vulnerable to the effects of
media violence. Numerous studies, such as the influential work conducted by Anderson and Bushman
(2016), show the relation between the exposure to violent video games and the increased levels of

Generally, there are two derived conducts related to violence and videogames: the frustration of
players, no matter the type of video game they are playing when they lose or they don't get the
outcome that they expected with the game, that derives in aggression to themselves or to their
surroundings. On the other hand and as the second derived conduct we have the violent behavior
obtained by the influence of videogames that contain explicit content. The notion that video games
directly contribute to real-life violence among youth is a complex and controversial one.
Research indicates that the content and context of video games play a significant role in their potential
impact on players. Teenagers may become more aggressive if they are exposed to high levels of
violence in video games.

In contrast, numerous studies have failed to find a relation between playing violent video games and
real-world aggression. The American Psychological Association, in a 2017 statement, acknowledged
that there is insufficient evidence to support a causal relationship between playing violent video games
and criminal violence or youth aggression.

4.2 Addiction and excessive gaming: psychological implications

Gaming addiction has been recognized by the World Health Organization. International studies have
shown that between 7% and 11% of gamers show some symptoms associated with addiction. (Iowa
State University. "Risks, consequences of video game addiction identified in new study."
ScienceDaily, 19 Jan. 2011. Web. 2 May 2012, n.d.).

Videogames can become very addictive due to several reasons such as the design of the game and the
interaction with other users. Games also offer rewards to players; they can be points, levels,
achievements, items, or coins. These rewards keep players motivated and give them a sense of
accomplishment and satisfaction, which is potentially a reason of addiction. In this line it is important
to mention the intermittent reinforcement which is a psychological concept that plays a significant role
in the mental mechanisms that create adition.

Public Opinion Celia Hernandez, Maya Salvador, Almudena Sanz

Indicators and manifestations of video game addiction:

1. Poor performance in academic, professional, or domestic responsibilities stemming from

prolonged engagement in playing video games.
2. Experiencing withdrawal symptoms, including feelings of sadness, anxiety, or irritability,
when access to games is restricted or gaming opportunities are unavailable.
3. Developing an anxious need to have more time to playing video games.
4. Sacrificing previously enjoyed activities and/or social connections due to prioritizing gaming.
5. Inability to controll the amount of time spent gaming and in addition providing false
information to family members or others regarding the extent of time dedicated.
6. Deterioration in personal hygiene or grooming resulting from excessive involvement in video
7. Turning to video games as a coping mechanism for alleviating negative emotions, such as
guilt or hopelessness.

It's essential for individuals that note these symptoms to look for help, as video game addiction can
have significant impacts on mental health. Treatment may involve psychotherapy, behavioral
interventions, and support from mental health professionals.

Public Opinion Celia Hernandez, Maya Salvador, Almudena Sanz

5. Balancing Perspectives
A balanced assessment recognizes the coexistence of positive and negative effects of video games.
While recognizing the cognitive benefits and educational potential, the potential risks associated with
violent content and addiction must also be considered. The financial success of the industry and its
great popularity demonstrate the cultural importance of video games. A balanced view involves
encouraging responsible gaming habits, considering age-appropriate content and recognizing the
potential of video games for cognitive development, social relationships and education, while
remaining vigilant against potential negative consequences. This approach promotes a nuanced
understanding of video games and emphasizes responsible use and ongoing research to provide a
comprehensive perspective.

5.1 Research findings on the positive and negative impacts

Research points to a variety of positive effects associated with video games. The gaming industry,
which has now become a mature sector whose financial success will exceed $180 billion by 2022, is
admired for its innovation and technological prowess. Cognitive benefits, including improved visual
contrast sensitivity and spatial selective attention, have been observed particularly in action video
games. Studies by Eichenbaum et al. (2014) show long-lasting positive effects on mental processes
such as perception, attention, memory and decision-making. In addition, video games have been
researched as a potential means of treating conditions such as amblyopia or "lazy eye'," with positive
results. Socially, online gaming communities have been associated with a stronger social identity,
higher self-esteem and lower levels of loneliness, disproving the stereotype of socially isolated

5.2 Case studies showcasing both beneficial and detrimental effects

Case studies illustrate the dichotomy of the effects of video games. On the positive side, multiplayer
games have been shown to promote teamwork and problem-solving skills, with players often taking
on the role of decision-makers. Games such as "Immune Attack" and "Discover Babylon" are
designed for educational purposes, providing immersive learning experiences in biology, immunology
and history. In addition, online gaming communities help improve mental health by creating a sense of
belonging and combating feelings of isolation. However, adverse effects include the link between
video games and aggression in the real world. Some studies, such as that by Anderson and Bushman
(2016), suggest a link between exposure to violent video games and increased levels of aggression,
particularly in young people. Gaming addiction, recognized by the World Health Organization, affects
7% to 11% of gamers and leads to symptoms such as poor academic performance, withdrawal and
loss of social relationships.

5.3 Analysis of conflicting viewpoints within academia

In science, there are contradictory points of view on the effects of video games. Positive viewpoints
emphasize the cognitive, social and educational benefits and stress the improvement of attention,
memory and cooperative skills. The Federation of American Scientists recognizes video games as
valuable educational tools that combine entertainment with educational content. However, negative
perceptions relate mainly to the dangers of violence and addiction. Studies by CJ Ferguson and J.
Colwell (2017) outline the debate on the link between video games and aggression in the real world.

Public Opinion Celia Hernandez, Maya Salvador, Almudena Sanz

The American Psychological Association recognizes that there is insufficient evidence of a causal
relationship between violent video games and criminal violence or adolescent aggression. Gaming
addiction, while recognized by some, remains controversial, with differing opinions on its prevalence
and severity. The conflicting viewpoints highlight the need for further research to understand the
nuanced impact of video games on individuals and society.

Public Opinion Celia Hernandez, Maya Salvador, Almudena Sanz

6. Regulation and Ethical Considerations

Exploring the ethical dimensions of video games dives into the conventional concerns linked with
moral ideas. Ethical issues within video games stem from their dual identity as both fictional
narratives and interactive gaming experiences. (Bartel Christohper, 2023)

Regulation and ethical considerations within the scope of video games have become so important as
the industry continues to evolve. Technology, entertainment and user engagement are promoting
discussions and actions aimed at establishing standards, protecting consumers, and bringing an ethical
gaming environment.

6.1 Government regulations and age ratings

The main organism that regulates the age ratings in video games is the ESRB (Entertainment software
rating Board). This system was established in 1994 following consultations with a diverse group of
teenagers and academic experts, examination of existing rating systems, and nationwide research
involving parents. During the process, the ESRB discovered that parents wanted a system that
included age-based categories and clear, impartial information about content. With this guiding
principle, the ESRB currently oversees a three-part system comprising Rating Categories, Content
Descriptors, and Interactive Elements.

Government regulations & age rating in video games

Appart from the ERSB each country has its own regulations and recommendations. For example the
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2020) recommends a screen time plan for
families, encouraging a positive use of it. Although there are no specific regulations for video games
in school-age children, it is suggested that parents and caregivers ensure the suitability of video games
for their children. This includes checking the ESRB rating of the games and watching available
advertising trailers. It is important to note that the trailer rating and the ESRB rating of the game may
differ. Sukhov, A. (2019). Ethical issues of simulation video games.

Public Opinion Celia Hernandez, Maya Salvador, Almudena Sanz

6.2 Ethical implications: microtransactions, loot boxes, privacy concerns

Video games have become a subject of discussion due to several key issues, including
microtransactions, loot boxes, and privacy concerns. Microtransactions are small in-game purchases
that players can make, often involving real money, to acquire virtual items or advantages.

Loot boxes are random virtual boxes that players can purchase and contain a variety of aleatory
in-game items.

Privacy is also an ethical concern in the video game scope because of the collection and use of
personal data. There is a general preoccupation about how gaming companies use information,
especially in online gaming.

These concepts are considered ethical concerns for several reasons, as they raise questions about
fairness, transparency and the responsible treatment of users.

​ Microtransactions:
● Fairness and Competitive Balance: Microtransactions often allow players to gain
advantages in the game by spending real money. This generates drawbacks among
players, as many of them don't have the possibility to invest real money inside the
game. This leads into ethical revolts about fairness and equality among players.
● Exploitative Practices: Experts claim that some microtransaction models are abusive
with players, especially with teens, taking advantage of them because of they
vulnerability and encouraging compulsive spending.
● Integrity of the Gaming Experience: The excessive use of microtransactions can
change the integrity of the gaming experience, changing the key point of the game to
financial investments.

​ Loot Boxes:
● Gambling-Like Mechanics: Due to their nature loot boxes have been compared with
gambling machines because of their similarity. This has raised a big ethical awareness
because of the addictive and impulsive behavior this game mechanism can bring to
● Transparency and Consumer Expectations: More ethical concerns arise when there is
a lack of transparency and credibility about the opportunity of obtaining specific items
from loot boxes. Players may feel misled if the chances of getting desirable items are
low, leading to a loss of trust between players and game developers.

​ Privacy Concerns:
● Data Security: Privacy concerns in video games move around the collection, storage,
and protection of user data. Data breakups or unauthorized access to information can
result in the compromise of sensitive private personal information, leading to identity
theft or other malicious activities.
● Informed Consent: when users are not fully informed about how their personal data is
being used, ethical considerations also arise. Providing clear and understandable

Public Opinion Celia Hernandez, Maya Salvador, Almudena Sanz

privacy policies, obtaining informed consent, and allowing users control over their
data are critical ethical aspects that need to be complied by game developers.
● Respect for User Rights: Respecting the rights of users to control their personal
information is a must. Game developers should ensure that their data practices
comply with legal standards and respect user autonomy.

Public Opinion Celia Hernandez, Maya Salvador, Almudena Sanz

7. Future Trends and Innovations

The gaming industry rapidly expands with new technologies reshaping the market, set to revolutionize
gaming experiences. Verdict Magazine (2020) highlights top gaming software trends. Cloud gaming,
hosting games in the cloud instead of on devices, has the potential to replace traditional gaming. VR
and AR, now gaining mainstream traction, hold immense promise in gaming, with VR becoming more
affordable and AR finding a niche in mobile devices. Mobile gaming's accessibility, coupled with the
advent of 5G, promises further growth. AI aids game developers, assisting in content creation, like
level generation, but creating entire high-quality games autonomously remains a distant future
prospect (Koss, 2020). Beyond tech, community engagement emerges as a key industry trend,
amplified by evolving technologies, fostering eSports, multiplayer experiences, and social gaming.
(Semanová, 2020)

7.1. Emerging technology

The evolution of video game technology continually reshapes the gaming landscape, requiring
adaptation to new hardware for players to keep pace with these advancements. As a result, the gaming
industry experiences significant revolutionary transformations, noticeably enhancing the overall
quality of the gaming experience.

A crucial tool for evaluating emerging technologies is the Gartner Hype Cycle, which identifies
technologies poised for significant impact. The 2019 Hype Cycle depicted 5G technology at the peak
of inflated expectations, signifying its growing adoption and early successes. Within the next 2 to 5
years, 5G is expected to mature and become widely adopted, transforming it from an experimental
technology to a mainstream reality. (Semanová, 2020)

Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies 2019 (adapted from 2019)

Public Opinion Celia Hernandez, Maya Salvador, Almudena Sanz

Artificial Intelligence (AI):

AI encompasses diverse technologies in gaming, influencing NPC creation, analytics, and content
generation. Currently, NPCs heavily rely on programmed behavior influenced by designers. While
complex AI methods are employed, truly autonomous behavior is still a future prospect. No Man’s
Sky exemplifies AI's procedural generation, creating vast game content, yet human input remains
pivotal for high-quality game design. Despite uncertainties, AI's continual evolution introduces
innovative gaming applications, impacting player experiences and development processes.

Virtual Production:
Revolutionizing film and game production, virtual production employs game engines and CGI to craft
digital environments before physical set construction. This real-time scene manipulation significantly
reduces post-production work and spatial limitations. However, its full potential remains largely
unexplored, promising to transform game production methods significantly.

Ray Tracing:
As an advanced 3D rendering technique, ray tracing simulates realistic light interactions with virtual
objects, offering lifelike graphic renderings. Despite its gradual replacement of rasterization, its
widespread implementation in games faces challenges due to resource-intensive rendering demands.
However, its transformative impact on game graphics positions it as an emerging technology with
substantial potential.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR):

VR immerses users in simulated environments using head-mounted displays, while AR overlays
virtual objects onto the real world through devices like smartphones. Despite hurdles such as user
experience design and accessibility, both technologies continue rapid development. Advances in
technologies like 5G promise broader adoption and usability enhancements.

Wearable Gaming:
Blending gaming with wearable technology like motion-tracking gloves or smart shirts, wearable
gaming integrates AI, AR, and VR. While still in its growth phase, it introduces new ways to interact
with games. However, the ultimate impact on gaming experiences remains uncertain.

Cloud Gaming:
Cloud gaming enables remote gaming through internet streaming, eliminating hardware limitations
and offering subscription-based access. Services like PlayStation Now, Project xCloud, and Google
Stadia promise high-quality gaming experiences. This technology's full potential is yet to be fully

The fifth-generation cellular technology, 5G, promises faster data transmission, reduced latency, and
enhanced connectivity for emerging technologies. Positioned at the peak of inflated expectations on
the Gartner Hype Cycle, 5G is projected to reach mainstream feasibility within 2 to 5 years,
supporting technologies like cloud gaming and other emerging trends. Its potential to impact various
industries, including gaming, remains substantial. (Fedin, 2023)

Public Opinion Celia Hernandez, Maya Salvador, Almudena Sanz

7.2. How do experts and players think the emerging technologies will change the video game
The video game industry's future possibilities are divided into two scenarios: the Pragmatic and
Idealistic scenarios, each reflecting expert and player perspectives.

Pragmatic Scenario:
● Experts foresee PC gaming leading due to its hardware superiority over consoles.
● Artificial intelligence will shape game development and user experience, particularly in
procedural content generation and virtual production.
● Graphics advancements, like ray tracing, will enhance immersion.
● Virtual reality (VR) will persist as a leader in immersion, with little change in gaming controls
and sedentary gaming styles.
● Business models will likely remain stable, with no drastic alterations.

Idealistic Scenario:
● Players envision PC gaming overtaking consoles due to frequent hardware advancements.
● Predictions of expansive game environments indicate AI's continued influence on user
● Players expect enhanced AI in NPCs, though this seems less realistic based on expert insights.
● Anticipations of cheaper and lighter VR sets show the demand for more accessible VR, but
this might not fully materialize by 2025.
● VR control predictions, like sensor gloves, are unlikely to become mainstream.
● Gaming styles, controls, and sedentary gameplay will persist.
● 5G technology is expected to significantly impact gaming experiences.
● Predictions of conventional store disappearance and digital distribution dominance,
microtransactions, and one-time payments are foreseen by players. (Semanová, 2020)

Public Opinion Celia Hernandez, Maya Salvador, Almudena Sanz

8. Conclusion
In conclusion, the world of video games embodies a duality of positive and negative impacts. The
industry's exponential growth and financial success underscore its cultural significance, with positive
strides evident in enhancing cognitive abilities, educational potential, and fostering social connections.
Studies highlight improved visual perception, attention, memory, and decision-making skills among
gamers. Additionally, video games have showcased promise in treating conditions like amblyopia and
in fostering a sense of belonging within online communities.

However, amid these positives, concerns linger regarding potential links to aggression, particularly in
young players exposed to violent content. The topic of addiction has also emerged, impacting a
portion of gamers with symptoms affecting academic, social, and emotional aspects of their lives.

The conflicting viewpoints within academia necessitate a balanced approach, advocating responsible
gaming habits while acknowledging the industry's multifaceted impacts. Encouraging age-appropriate
content consumption, fostering awareness of potential risks, and emphasizing ongoing research for a
comprehensive understanding of video games is crucial. Ultimately, this nuanced perspective
recognizes both the merits and pitfalls, advocating for informed, mindful engagement within the
ever-evolving landscape of video gaming.

In a comprehensive understanding of video games, acknowledging both their positive and negative
facets is crucial. This holistic perspective fosters a responsible approach, emphasizing the need for
ongoing research to comprehend the full spectrum of impacts. Additionally, ethical considerations like
age ratings, microtransactions, loot boxes, and privacy concerns are vital. Government regulations,
particularly through organizations like ESRB, play a pivotal role in setting standards and ensuring
consumer protection.

The industry's future trends reflect a diverse array of technological advancements that promise
transformative experiences. Emerging technologies such as AI, virtual and augmented reality, ray
tracing, cloud gaming, and 5G are poised to revolutionize gaming. However, their adoption and
impact will vary based on expert predictions and player expectations, forming pragmatic and idealistic
scenarios. While these technologies offer immense potential, ethical guidelines and responsible
implementation are essential to ensure fairness, transparency, and user safety.

In navigating this landscape, a balanced approach is necessary, embracing the benefits while
remaining vigilant about the potential pitfalls. Encouraging responsible gaming practices, advocating
for ethical standards, and considering age-appropriate content are key in fostering a healthy gaming
environment. This multifaceted approach acknowledges the cultural significance and innovation
within the gaming industry, highlighting the need for continuous exploration, regulation, and ethical

Public Opinion Celia Hernandez, Maya Salvador, Almudena Sanz

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